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Based on the linear wave,solitary wave and fifth order stokes wave derived by use of the Uni-fied Variational Principle of Water Gravity Wave(UVPWGW),this paper derives stream function wavetheory by using UVPWGW.This paper will handle the Kinematic Free Surface Boundary Condition(KFSBC)and Dynamic Free Surface Boundary Condition(DFSBC)directly and give the optimum solu-tion,instead of the conditions ∑(Q_(av)-Q_i)~2=min,and the related equations of stational condition.When the wave height H,period T and water depth D are given,the original stream function wave willbe determined,and can not be adjusted if it does not agree with the real case;in the present method,the ad-justment can be done by adding several constraint conditions,for example,the wave profile can be ad-justed according to the condition of accurate peak position.The examples given in this paper show that forthe original stream function wave,the DFSBC can be fairly well satisfied,but the KFSBC can not;howev-er,the stream function wave derive  相似文献   

水淘选颗粒物分级方法的研究与应用   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
依据斯托克斯原理制作了水淘选颗粒物分级装置,考察了流量对于颗粒物分级的影响,确定了适宜的操作流量。同时在选定的实验条件下对现场悬浮颗粒物进行了分级,并用吸管法对方法的分级效率进行了检验。结果表明,水淘选装置对悬浮颗粒物各粒级颗粒物的分级效率在50%~95%之间,分级效果较好。同时运用建立的方法对在长江、长江口以及黄河获得的悬浮颗粒物进行了现场分级,获得了不同粒级悬浮颗粒物,并进而采用改进的SEDEX方法进行了磷的赋存形态分析,结果表明:有机磷、自生磷灰石磷主要存在于细颗粒物中,而碎屑磷则主要集中粗颗粒物中。  相似文献   

介绍了海面噪声场条件下的声压与质点振速的时空相关函数。论证了海面噪声场垂直与水平方向噪声的各向异性程度。结果表明,在垂直于海平面的方向上,噪声场表现为各向异性;在与海面的水平方向上,噪声场表现为各向同性。结果表明,各向同性噪声场条件下基于矢量水听器被动检测的声纳系统目标水平方位角估计是基本可靠的,但垂直方位角的计算需要修正。  相似文献   

On the basis of the linear model of random sea waves presented by Longuet-Higgins,the statis-tical distribution of the horizontal velocities of water particles at wave surface maxima is derivedtheoretically.The derived distribution is similar to that of wave surface maxima,and a new spectral widthε_u,which is defined as(1-(m_3~2/m_2m_4))~(1/2),is introduced in the distribution.When ε_u tends to zero,the distribu-tion is reduced to Rayleigh distribution and it is reduced to the normal distribution when ε_u tends to unity.For a narrow spectrum,it is proved that ε is equal to 1/2ε,where ε is(1-(m_2~2/m_0m_4))~(1/2)and is the commonlyused spectral width..  相似文献   

波面极大值处水质点水平速度的统计分布   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
基于Longuet-Higgins提出的线性随机海浪模型,导出了波面极大值处水质点水平速度的统计分布。分布的形式类似于波面极大值的统计分布,其中引入了一个新的谱宽度参量εu为1-m23m2m412。当εu趋于零时,导出的分布函数为瑞利分布;当εu趋于1时,则为正态分布。在窄谱情形下εu趋于12ε,其中ε为1-m22m0m412,为常用的谱宽度参量  相似文献   

P-Vector Spirals and Determination of Absolute Velocities   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
A simple method to invert the absolute geostrophic velocity on potential-density surfaces is developed based on McDougall's (1988) conservation statements on potential-density surfaces and Chu's (1995) and McDougall's (1995) P-vector concept. This method has a capability to handle a system with diapycnal velocities and non-coincidence of potential-density and neutral surfaces. The validity of the inversion is the existence of the P-vector spirals instead of the existence of the velocity spirals (usually called the -spirals). We use a climatological T,S dataset for the Atlantic Ocean from the National Oceanographic Data Center (NODC) to show the benefit of using P-vector spirals in inverting the velocity field.  相似文献   

基于广西涠洲岛海洋监测站3个方向的年极值波高观测资料,在假设其服从Weibull分布的基础上,运用最小二乘法,矩估计法和最速下降法对Weibull分布的参数进行估计,同时引入粒子群算法确定Weibull分布的3个参数,对文中4种方法得出的拟合结果及运算效率进行比较分析,说明了粒子群算法在估计极值分布参数中的优势.  相似文献   

The aim of this paper is to present an analytical expression for the streamwise velocity distribution in a non-uniform flow in the presence of waves; the correlation between the horizontal and vertical velocity components has been compreheusively examined. Different from previous researches which attributed the deviation of velocity from the classical log-law to the wave Reynolds stress, i.e. - ρ uv^- only, this study demonstrates that the momentum flux caused by mean velocities, i.e., u^- and v^-, is also responsible for the velocity deviation, and it is found that the streamwise velocity for a flow in the presence of non-zero wall-normal velocity does not follow the classical log-law, but the modified log-law proposed in this study based on simplified mixing-length theorem. The validity of the modified log-law has been verified by use of available experimental data from published sources for combined wave-current flows, and good agreement between the predicted and observed velocity profiles has been achieved.  相似文献   

We have improved the previous model quantifying the bulk relationship between two key geophysical parameters, sea surface temperature (SST) and water vapor (WV) based on 14-year accumulated datasets. This improvement is achieved by the modification of the physical model derived by Stephens in 1990 and Gaffen et al. in 1992. With this improved model, we estimated WV between 2002 and 2004 using historical SST measurements. The estimated WV was compared with those derived from Tropical Rainfall Measuring Mission (TRMM) Microwave Imager (TMI) observation and National Centers for Environmental Predictions (NCEP) reanalysis. Discrepancies of −1.16 mm and 3.19 mm with TMI-and NCEP-derived WV were obtained, respectively, suggesting a reliable retrieval of WV using the improved model. The improved model can potentially be used to calibrate and validate the WV measurements from other observations or model reanalyses, given that the accurate measurement of WV over a wide range of spatial and temporal scales has been a challenging task hitherto. Due to the limited time span of the current data, the temporal variation of WV in parts of the tropical oceans is not captured in this improved model, which we should study further with additional accumulation of SST and WV datasets in the future.  相似文献   

中国黄渤海沉积物声速与物理性质研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
In order to investigate the correlation between a sound velocity and sediment bulk properties and explore the influence of frequency dependence of the sound velocity on the prediction of the sediment properties by the sound velocity,a compressional wave velocity is measured at frequencies of 25–250 k Hz on marine sediment samples collected from the Bohai Sea and the Yellow Sea in laboratory,together with the geotechnical parameters of sediments.The results indicate that the sound velocity ranges from 1.232 to 1.721 km/s for the collected sediment samples with a significant dispersion within the series measuring frequency.Poorly sorted sediments are highly dispersive nearly with a positive linear relationship.The porosity shows a better negative logarithmic correlation with the sound velocity compared with other geotechnical parameters.Generally,the sound velocity increases with the increasing of the average particle size,sand content,wet and dry bulk densities,and decreasing of the clay content,and water content.An important point should be demonstrated that the higher correlation can be obtained when the measuring frequency is low within the frequency ranges from 25 to 250 k Hz since the inhomogeneity of sediment properties has a more remarkably influence on the laboratory sound velocity measurement at the high frequency.  相似文献   

海洋中存在着大量的颗粒,包括大型聚合颗粒(即海雪,粒径>500μm)、小型聚合颗粒(1~500μm)和亚微米颗粒粒径(<1μm)等。颗粒在海水中营造了不同于纯海水的小生境,其中生活着与自然海水中不同的生物。异养细菌、蓝细菌、真核藻类、鞭毛虫、纤毛虫等微食物网生物可以黏附在海洋颗粒上,或生活在颗粒内部,其丰度高于周围水体中的自由生活生物,这可能是由于颗粒提供了更适宜生长的营养环境。本文综述了海洋浮游微食物网生物在海洋颗粒形成和沉降中的作用。微食物网生物在颗粒物的形成过程中起到很重要的作用,它们可以直接促进颗粒形成,也可以彼此结合成颗粒,或微型浮游动物排粪形成颗粒。微食物网生物还可以对颗粒进行转化,影响颗粒的大小、沉降速度、或对颗粒及其黏附生物进行摄食。微食物网生物由于本身较小,沉降较慢,但这些生物和颗粒的结合使得微食物网生物在碳通量中发挥重要的作用。  相似文献   

针对带乘性噪声系统状态转移矩阵未知的情况,提出1种在线性最小方差意义下的系统参数和状态联合滤波算法。以迭代方式获得模型参数和系统状态的递推估计:首先,利用之前时刻的状态估计值,根据投影定理,对系统未知参数即系统状态转移矩阵作出估计;其次,利用已得到的系统参数估计值,获取当前时刻的状态滤波。计算机仿真结果表明了算法的有效性。  相似文献   

1 .IntroductionShipsrestrainedbycablesandfendersinfrontofdocksundergolargeamplitudenon harmonicmotionsinwaves.Forthiskindofnon harmonicproblem ,atime domainmethodmustbeapplied .LinandYue ( 1 990 )usedanintegralequationwiththetime domainGreenfunctionforinfinitewaterdepthtocomputetheshipmotionindeepwater.Butforthepresentproblem ,theintegralequationwiththetime domainGreenfunctionforfinitewaterdepthmustbeapplied .TheGreenfunctionisafieldwithacertainboundaryandinitialconditionsproducedbyasourceat…  相似文献   

陈松  廖文卓 《台湾海峡》1997,16(4):409-414
污水与九龙江河口水混合研究表明,COD的降解符合一级动力学模式,降解速率常数k在0.04-0.11d^-1之间,水体有机物的转移以降解作用为主;两种水体混合时,先产生磷的吸附,后释放,整个过程表现为颗业磷向溶解无机磷的转移。  相似文献   

给出了常用平均海面传递方法的假设条件.以中国沿岸典型验潮站为例,统计不同同步时长下各传递方法的精度.统计分析表明,同步时长在7d内时应慎用回归分析法;最小二乘拟合法的假设条件缺乏相关的理论支持,只适用于潮差变化较小的区域;同步改正法在同步7d时基本能保证极值误差在10cm内,而同步15d与同步30d的精度相当,能达到厘米级.基于分析结果给出了传递方法的选择建议,为提高中短期验潮站的平均海面确定精度提供了依据.  相似文献   

Thirteen vertical profiles of 226Ra and 222Rn in the near-surface water were obtained in the western North Pacific in winter, and the gas transfer velocities across the air-sea interface were estimated. The transfer velocities found by applying a steady state model varied widely from 2.1 to 30.2 m day−1 with a mean of 9.4 m day−1. The mean value is almost 5 times higher than that in summer in other oceans, and the maximum value is a record high for world oceans. This is partly due to the inadequacy of the steady state model, which overestimates when stronger winds blow in more recent days than the 222Rn half-life of about 4 days. In fact, a strong low pressure zone passed through the station about 2 days earlier, which was one of the low pressure zones that with a period of develop once a week or so in the northwestern North Pacific in winter. Instead of steady-state removal, if half of the radon removal occurred sporadically every 7 days, and the last removal took place two days before the observation, the transfer velocity would be 26 m day−1. Our mean transfer velocity, which is less than 20% different from the steady state value including both overestimated and underestimated values, 9.4 ± 4.8 m day−1, seems to represent the mean state of this region in winter. This suggests that the gas exchange fluxes under extremely rough conditions in the open ocean are larger than those estimated by using a transfer velocity equation with a linear or quadratic relationship with wind speed. This revised version was published online in July 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

Modeling of Motion of Particle Clouds Formed by Dumping Dredged Material   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
The motion of particle clouds formed by dumping dredged material into quiescent waters is experimentally and numerically studied. In the numerical model, the particle phase is modeled by the dispersion model, and turbulence is calculated by the large eddy simulation. The governing equations, including the filtered Navier-Stokes equations and mass transport equation, are solved based on the operator-splitting algorithm and an implicit cubic spline interpolation scheme. The eddy viscosity is evaluated by the modified Smagorinsky model including the buoyancy term. Comparisons of main flow characteristics, including shape, size, average density excess, moving speed and the amount of particles deposited on the bed, between experimental and computational results show that the numerical model well predicts the motion of the cloud from the falling to spreading stage. The effects of silt-fence on the motion of the particle cloud are also investigated.  相似文献   

于2011年5月~2012年4月,对正在建设港口及其邻近海域环境进行为期一年的监测,研究港口建设引起的悬浮物变化,及其对海域重金属污染物和生物群落的影响。研究结果表明:(1)海域悬浮物的变化范围为1.2~147.5mg/L,底层悬浮物含量显著高于表层,悬浮物含量受季节自然因素和工程建设人为因素的双重影响;(2)水体中重金属含量呈现升高趋势,与悬浮物含量变化的关系不明显;(3)海域浮游植物密度和群落特征指数均较低,甲藻比例明显增加;浮游动物密度和各群落特征相对正常;底栖生物面临较大压力。  相似文献   

统计分析最近23a资料,得出热带气旋在南海的移动速度平均为3.3纬度,日,其中西太平洋热带气旋较快,达3.9纬度,日,南海热带气旋较慢,仅2.8纬度,日。两类热带气旋都是在7月最快。过去一天移动速度快于平均值,未来一天容易减慢,反之容易加快。西太平洋热带气旋以减慢为主,南海热带气旋以加快为主。天气系统对热带气旋移动速度影响较大。  相似文献   

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