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The Vårdalsneset eclogite situated in the Western Gneiss Region, SW Norway, is a well preserved tectonite giving information about the deformation regimes active in the lower crust during crustal thickening and subsequent exhumation. The eclogite constitutes layers and lenses variably retrograded to amphibolite and is composed of garnet and omphacite with varying amounts of barroisite, actinolite, clinozoisite, kyanite, quartz, paragonite, phengite and rutile. The rocks record a five‐stage evolution connected to Caledonian burial and subsequent exhumation. (1) A prograde evolution through amphibolite facies (T =490±63 °C) is inferred from garnet cores with amphibole inclusions and bell‐shaped Mn profile. (2) Formation of L>S‐tectonite eclogite (T =680±20 °C, P=16±2 kbar) related to the subduction of continental crust during the Caledonian orogeny. Lack of asymmetrical fabrics and orientation of eclogite facies extensional veins indicate that the deformation regime during formation of the L>S fabric was coaxial. (3) Formation of sub‐horizontal eclogite facies foliation in which the finite stretching direction had changed by approximately 90°. Disruption of eclogite lenses and layers between symmetric shear zones characterizes the dominantly coaxial deformation regime of stage 3. Locally occurring mylonitic eclogites (T =690±20 °C, P=15±1.5 kbar) with top‐W kinematics may indicate, however, that non‐coaxial deformation was also active at eclogite facies conditions. (4) Development of a widespread regional amphibolite facies foliation (T =564±44 °C, P<10.3–8.1 kbar), quartz veins and development of conjugate shear zones indicate that coaxial vertical shortening and sub‐horizontal stretching were active during exhumation from eclogite to amphibolite facies conditions. (5) Amphibolite facies mylonites mainly formed under non‐coaxial top‐W movement are related to large‐scale movement on the extensional detachments active during the late‐orogenic extension of the Caledonides. The structural and metamorphic evolution of the Vårdalsneset eclogite and related areas support the exhumation model, including an extensional detachment in the upper crust and overall coaxial deformation in the lower crust.  相似文献   

Contributions to Mineralogy and Petrology - The 1.8–1.7&;nbsp;Ga Eidsfjord Anorthosite Complex on Langøy, Vesterålen, north Norway is thrust over monzonitic gneisses in a...  相似文献   

The Bindal Batholith is the largest granitoid batholith in the Scandinavian Caledonides, emplaced prior to or during the Scandian collision in a complex scenario of Ordovician to Middle Silurian nappe assembly. The Bindal Batholith ranges in compositon from mafic gabbro to leucogranite, but granites and granodiorites are by far the most abundant rock types.

Pb---Pb, Sm---Nd and Rb---Sr isotopic results from plutons of the batholith constrain the origin of the Bindal Batholith magmas. The isotope results suggest the presence of several source reservoirs, giving rise to the granitoid magmas. Both a source relatively depleted in U, Th and Rb and enriched in Sm, a source enriched in U and Rb and depleted in Sm, a source enriched in Th and Rb, but depleted in Sm, and, finally, a source enriched in Th and Sm, but depleted in Rb, is indicated by the initial compositions of the radiogenic isotope ratios. It is suggested that the depleted source reservoirs were contemporaneous depleted mantle and mantle derived rocks in the nappe sequences, that the enriched source reservoir was sediments derived from Proterozoic upper crust of Baltic Shield affinity and that the Th-enriched source reservoir was various Proterozoic rocks, in a lower crustal position, of either Baltic or Laurentian affinity.  相似文献   

Polyphase deformation chronologies established within the mid-crustal portions of orogenic belts have classically been attributed to regional-scale ‘events’ which generate distinct structural sequences that can be directly correlated across large tracts of the orogenic belt. However, concepts of progressive deformation in which minor structures may be continually generated, amplified and redeformed within a unifying kinematic framework suggest that regional correlation of minor structures is both misguided and misleading. Detailed structural analysis of lower amphibolite facies Dalradian metasediments in north-west Ireland does, however, demonstrate that a coherent and meaningful deformation chronology can be established within the framework of individual fold nappes. Protracted deformation has resulted in the generation of a series of overprinting, secondary structures (D4–D9), which are kinematically linked to the continued structural evolution and south-east directed translation of the crustal-scale (D3) Ballybofey (fold) Nappe. Secondary (D4) crenulation axes initiated at an oblique angle to the direction of nappe transport both rotate and amplify into larger scale folds, which are subparallel to transport and demonstrate successive stages of diachronous folding. Continued nappe-related deformation induces southwards verging contractional (D5) folds, which are particularly well developed and focused into reactivated ductile (D3) thrust zones generated during the initial stages of nappe translation. Subsequent to thickening-induced ductile extension and collapse of the nappe, a return to contractional tectonics is marked by major episodes of broad, open buckle folding developed orthogonal to both the overturned limb (D7) and upper limb (D8) of the nappe. Detailed structural analysis and investigation of secondary folds and overprinting fabrics provides a valuable insight into the protracted kinematic evolution of major fold nappes.  相似文献   

Fold-and-thrust belts are prominent structures that occur at the front of compressional orogens. To unravel the tectonic and metamorphic evolution of such complexes, kinematic investigations, quantitative microstructural analysis and geothermometry (calcite–graphite, calcite–dolomite) were performed on carbonate mylonites from thrust faults of the Helvetic nappe stack in Central Switzerland. Paleo-isotherms of peak temperature conditions and cooling stages (fission track) of the nappe pile were reconstructed in a vertical section and linked with the microstructural and kinematic evolution. Mylonitic microstructures suggest that under metamorphic conditions close to peak temperature, strain was highly localized within thrust faults where deformation temperatures spatially continuously increased in both directions, from N to S within each nappe and from top–down in the nappe stack, covering a temperature range of 180–380 °C. Due to the higher metamorphic conditions, thrusting of the lowermost nappe, the Doldenhorn nappe, was accompanied by a much more pronounced nappe internal ductile deformation of carbonaceous rock types than was the case for the overlying Wildhorn- and Gellihorn nappes. Ongoing thrusting brought the Doldenhorn nappe closer to the surface. The associated cooling resulted in a freezing in of the paleo-isotherms of peak metamorphic conditions. Contemporaneous shearing localized in the basal thrust, initially still in the ductile deformation regime and finally as brittle faulting and cataclasis inducing ultimately an inverse metamorphic zonation. With ongoing exhumation and the formation of the Helvetic antiformal nappe stack, a bending of large-scale tectonic structures (thrusts, folds), peak temperature isotherms and cooling isotherms occurred. While this local bending can directly be attributed to active deformation underneath the section investigated up to times of 2–3 ma, a more homogeneous uplift of the entire region is suggested for the very late and still active exhumation stage.  相似文献   

Summary Metamorphic rocks in the pre-Alpine basement of the Getic-Supragetic units (Median Dacides of the Carpathian belt) are spatially related to different lithotectonic units, some of which contain high-pressure relicts reflecting an early stage of oceanic and continental subduction, locally synchronous with mylonitic shear zones. Kyaniteamphibole ± quartz-bearing eclogites preserve a complete metamorphic clockwise loop; the estimated peak conditions within the outer part of the Cumpana unit were at least 20 kb at 780–860 °C. Pre-eclogite-stage magmatic phases occur in some units with true equilibrated eclogites. Clinopyroxene-plagioclase inclusions in garnet of a garnet-clinopyroxene assemblage within a metagabbro indicate a temperature around 760–790 °C at a maximum pressure of about 19 kb. The units finally evolved together during stages of exhumation under metamorphic conditions ranging from the Barrovian-type (minimum age of 330 Ma) to the high-temperature/low-pressure type. The absolute age of the high-pressure stage and the eclogite protoliths is unknown. In comparison with other collision belts, it is likely that the gneiss units of the Median Dacides underwent a complete cycle of underthrusting and exhumation similar to other segments of the European Variscides, and that the formation of the eclogite occurred during the early stages of subduction.
Résumé Les roches métamorphiques du socle pré-alpin des domaines Gétiques et Supragétiques (Dacides médianes de la chaîne des Carpathes) appartiennent à des unités lithotectoniques différentes dont certaines contiennent des reliques de métamorphisme haute pression reflétant un stade précoce de subduction continentale et océanique, localement synchrone de zones de cisaillement mylonitiques. Des éclogites é disthène-amphibole ± quartz permettent de reconstituer un trajet PT horaire complet. Les conditions paroxysmales sont estimées au sein de l'unité de Cumpana é plus de 20 kb pour 780–860 °C. Des phases magmatiques pré-éclogitiques coexistent avec des phases de haute pression dans les éclogites de certaines unités et des inclusions de clinopyroxene-plagioclase dans les grenats d'un métagabbro indiquent une température de 760–790 °C pour une pression maximale de 19 kb. L'ensemble des unités évolue finalement durant les stades d'exhumation sous les mêmes conditions de métamorphisme barrovien (âge minimum de 330 Ma) puis de haute température-basse pression. L'âge du stade de haute pression et des protholithes reste inconnu. En comparaison avec d'autres chaînes de collision, il est vraisemblable que les Dacides médianes ont subi un cycle d'enfouissement et d'exhumation similaire é celui décrit dans d'autres segments de la chaîne varisque européenne, la formation des éclogites étant attribuée aux premiers stades de la subduction.

With 9 Figures  相似文献   

The Helgedal Zone is the Caledonian, heterogeneously deformed base of the Jotun Complex, within the Jotun-Valdres Nappe Complex (Sognefjell, South Norway). It consists of an anastomosing system of shear zones isolating lozengeshaped lenses of less deformed rocks. Structural and geometrical features are described to define the type of deformation and to evaluate the tectonic significance of this zone. Granulitic gabbros and pegmatitic dykes are deformed together in the highly strained mylonitic zones. Microtextural investigations indicate that the quantitative relation between mafic and felsic minerals and the content of quartz determine the different behaviour of the two rock types during deformation.  相似文献   

Five clinopyroxenes can be distinguished on petrographic and chemical grounds in the Hareidland eclogite. Of these, three are omphacites. It is suggested that all three were originally of the same composition and that their present chemical differences are due to differences in their immediate chemical environments during retrograde metamorphism of the eclogite. The other two clinopyroxenes are symplectitic, and chemically vary from sodic augite to jadeite-poor omphacite. They were formed by exsolution of a sodic component (sodic plagioclase) from a parental omphacite.Publication no. 49 in the Norwegian Geotraverse Project.  相似文献   

海南岛燕山期逆冲推覆构造有NE向有军营-红岭构造带、戈枕构造带。两构造带都倾向NW,具有由NW往SE向逆冲推覆的运动学特征。在生成时间上,戈枕构造带略早,而军营-红岭逆冲构造带略晚,属于后从式逆冲推覆构造体系。其生成与印支块体和亚洲板块的相互作用有关。该逆冲推覆构造的厘定,为深入研究海南岛燕山阶段构造环境转化及其控矿作用具有重要的地质意义。  相似文献   

Obduction of the late Ordovician Solund-Stavfjord Ophiolite Complex (443±3 Ma), west Norwegian Caledonides, involved generation and high-level emplacement of granitic and granodioritic dikes and plutons. Initial 87Sr/86Sr ratios in the granites are low (0.7042–0.7059), suggesting either a mantle component or a Rb-poor crustal source. Initial Nd (Nd(t)) ranges from-0.8 to-8.8, indicating that the granites represent recycling of old crustal rocks, which is supported by Precambrian inheritance in zircons from two of the studied granites. I argue that the Rb-Sr and the Sm-Nd isotope systems are decoupled in the sense that the Sr-and the Nd-isotopes derive their dominant signals from two different sources, a mantle source and a crustal source respectively. The granites are metaluminous to peraluminous and typically have high Sr, Ba and Na2O/K2O ratios. SiO2 contents range from 66 to 74 wt%. REE abundances are highly variable; the La contents range from 80 to 200 times chondrite, and are inversely correlated with the contents of SiO2. The concentration of Nd in the granites decreases asymptotically with decreasing Nd(t) suggesting fractional crystallization of accessory phases and assimilation of continental crust. This argument is supported by the presence of partly dismembered xenoliths in the granites with Nd(t)-values that are significantly lower than Nd(t)-values in the host granite. The following models are suggested for the granites. When the ophiolite complex obducted, an outboard subduction zone approached the continental margin, and subduction-related magmas accumulated beneath the continental margin, and probably intruded the overlying eugeosynclinal deposits. The mantle-derived magmas most likely evolved to granitoid composition by assimilation of these eugeosynclinal sediments and by fractional crystallization of amphibole, feldspar, sphene, and allanite. Alternatively, but less likely, the heat content of the mantle-derived magmas caused extensive melting of immature graywackes and calc-alkaline volcaniclastic rocks in the deepest portions of the eugeosyncline. Either way, during ascent, the compositions of the granitic melts were modified by fractional crystallization of LREE-rich phases and by assimilation of continental metasediments.  相似文献   

Pelites, carbonate-silicate rocks and mafic rocks occurring at the base of the Helgeland nappe complex northwest of Grong (N. Norway) were subjected together with the crystalline basement to medium grade metamorphism and threefold deformation during Caledonian times.During the first act of deformation temperature increased and reached a maximum of 600–650°C at 6–7 Kb after the cessation of the first deformation event. At the peak of metamorphism granitic, aplitic and pegmatitic rocks were formed.During the second and third acts of deformation the temperature decreased to 500–400°C. Mylonites, formed during the second act of deformation, indicate that there was nappe movement from NW to SE. Simple shearing with direction of the main elongation parallel to the fold axes was associated with the second deformation. During the third deformation simple shearing also occurred. However, elongation took place oblique to the fold axes and the sense of rotation was opposite to that of the second deformation.
Zusammenfassung An der Basis des Helgeland-Komplexes nordwestlich von Grong (Nord-Norwegen) wurden pelitische, kalksilikatische und basische Gesteine zusammen mit dem Kristallinen Grundgebirge in kaledonischer Zeit von drei aufeinanderfolgenden Faltungsakten erfaßt. Dabei herrschten amphibolitfazielle Temperaturen.Während der ersten Deformation stieg die Temperatur an. Das Maximum von 600–650°C wurde, bei einem Druck von 6–7 Kb, nach der ersten und vor der zweiten Deformation erreicht. Gleichzeitig intrudierten Granite, Aplite und Pegmatite. Während der zweiten und dritten Deformation sank die Temperatur wieder auf 500–400°C. Im Zuge des zweiten Deformationsaktes entstanden stellenweise Mylonite, die auf Deckenbewegungen von NW nach SE hindeuten. Zweite und dritte Deformation sind beide rotational, während der zweiten liegt die Hauptdehnungsrichtung parallel zu den Faltenachsen, während der dritten aber schräg zu ihnen. Der Rotationssinn der dritten Deformation ist dem der zweiten entgegengesetzt.

Résumé En Norvège septentrionale, au NW de Grong, la base du complexe d'Helgeland composée de metapélites, de roches calc-silicatiques et de roches mafiques, et le soubassement cristallin de ce complexe ont subi ensemble trois actes de déformation successifs à des températures du faciès amphibolites, pendant les temps calédoniens.Durant le premier acte la température a monté. Le maximum de 600–650° C, sous une pression de 6–7 kbar, a été atteint après la fin de cette déformation et avant la deuxième; des roches granitiques, aplitiques et pegmatitiques se sont formées au cours de ce stade. Durant le deuxième et le troisième acte de déformation, la température diminuait à 500–400° C. Des mylonites, indiquant un transport des nappes du NW vers le SE, ont été formées au cours de la deuxième phase. Celle-ci est caractérisée par un mouvement rotatoire par cisaillement simple, l'élongation étant parallèle aux axes des plis. La troisième phase était égalément une phase de mouvements rotatoires, mais en sens opposé et avec un élongation oblique aux axes.

( ) , - - , . . . 600– 650° 6 – 7 , . , . 500 – 400°. , . , , — . , .

The recently discovered Hanshan gold deposit in northern Gansu Province, northwestern China, is hosted by a WNW-striking shear zone in Ordovician andesite and basalt. Mineralization consists of surface to near-surface oxidized ore (the yellow sandy gossan type) and three types of primary ore, i.e. early-stage quartz-sericite-pyrite ores in stockworks, early-stage disseminated ore, and the most important late-stage quartz ± calcite-sulfide veins. The ore system is characterized by variable degrees of potassic and silicic alteration. Late-stage gold-related fluid inclusions have homogenization temperatures between 170 to 310 °C, with a peak around 260 °C and low salinities. The ore fluids had high contents of CO2, CH4, and N2. Sulfur isotope measurements of −1.9 to +1.7 per mil for hydrothermal pyrites could be consistent with a hydrothermal fluid source from the mantle, but the oxygen and carbon isotope data from calcite and quartz suggest mixing between mantle and crustal fluid sources. K-Ar ages for hydrothermal sericite from ore zones are 213.9 ± 3.1 and 224.4 ± 3.2 Ma. Due to the arid Cenozoic climate, a yellow gold-bearing gossan developed, which consists of jarosite, gypsum, and relict quartz. It could be a widespread and useful prospecting guide for gold in northwestern China. Received: 1 February 1999 / Accepted: 1 August 1999  相似文献   

Eclogites in the Tromsø area, northern Norway, are intimately associated with meta-supracrustals within the Uppermost Allochthon of the Scandinavian Caledonides (the Tromsø Nappe Complex). The whole sequence, which includes pelitic to semipelitic schists and gneisses, marbles and calc-silicate rocks, quartzofeldspathic gneisses, metabasites and ultramafites, has undergone three main deformational/metamorphic events (D1/M1, D2/M2 and D3/M3). Detailed structural, microtextural and mineral chemical studies have made it possible to construct separate P–T paths for these three events. Chemically zoned late syn- to post-D1 garnets with inclusions of Bt, Pl and Qtz in Ky-bearing metapelites indicate a prograde evolution from 636°C, 12.48 kbar to c. 720°C, 14–15 kbar. This latter result is in agreement with Grt–Cpx geothermometry and Grt–Cpx–Pl–Qtz geobarometry on eclogites and trondhjemitic to dioritic gneisses. Maximum pressures at c. 675°C probably reached 17–18 kbar based on Cpx–Pl–Qtz inclusions in eclogitic garnets, and Grt–Ky–Pl–Qtz and Jd–Ab–Qtz in trondhjemitic gneisses. Post-D1/pre-D2 decompressional breakdown of the high-P assemblages indicates a substantial drop in pressure at this stage. Inclusions and chemical zoning in syn- to post-D2 garnets from metapelites record a second episode of prograde metamorphism, from 552°C, 7.95 kbar, passing through a maximum pressure of 10.64 kbar at 644°C, with final equilibration at c. 665°C, 9–10 kbar. The corresponding apparently co-facial paragenesis Grt + Cpx + Pl + Qtz in metabasites yields c. 635°C, 8–10 kbar. In the metapelites post-D3, Grt in apparent equilibrium with Bt, Phe and Pl yield c. 630°C, 9 kbar. The D1/M1 and D2/M2 episodes are exclusively recorded in the Tromsø Nappe Complex and must thus pre-date the emplacement of this allochthonous unit on top of the underlying Lyngen Nappe, while the D3/M3 episode is common for the two units. A previously published Sm–Nd mineral isochron (Grt–Cpx–Am) on a partly retrograded and recrystallized ecologite of 598 ± 107 Ma represents either the timing of formation of the eclogites or the post-eclogite/pre-D2 decompression stage, while a Rb–Sr whole rock isochron of an apparently post-D1/pre-D2 granite of 433 ± 11 Ma is consistent with a K–Ar age of post-D1/pre-D2 amphiboles from a retrograded eclogite of 437 ± 16 Ma which most likely record cooling below the 475–500°C isotherm after the M3 metamorphism.  相似文献   

Structural and petrographic relationships on east Hinnøy, north Norway, indicate that the Caledonian nappes which are exposed directly to the east were emplaced over an older Precambrian crystalline terrane (Lofoten terrane) while at amphibolite facies metamorphic conditions. Caledonian structural and metamorphic effects disappear structurally downward away from the basal thrust of the nappe stack. The limited involvement of the basement in Caledonian deformation is explained by the limited availability of water which was introduced from external sources. The external water source is hypothetically the autochthonous and allochthonous cover, and the Precambrian Austerfjord Group metasedimentary rocks within the basement, which underwent prograde metamorphic dehydration during Caledonian orogenesis. The mechanisms by which addition of water concentrated strain in the basement probably include reaction-induced ductility-and hydrolytic weakening of the constituent silicate minerals. There are two main tectonic implications: (1) in collisional metamorphic belts, the lithosphere of the underthrusted plate may remain rigid below 15–25 km depth; and (2) the common phenomenon of detachment of crystalline thrust sheets at mid-crustal levels may be controlled in some cases by the limited access of water to pre-existing crystalline rocks, rather than by thermal structure.  相似文献   

The Bidjovagge copper-gold deposits occur in the Svecokarelian Caskias Group. The rocks in the mineralized district consist of greenstones, carbonate rocks, albite felsite and graphite felsite. Four ore bodies are found in albite felsite and graphite felsite over a strike length of 2.5 km. The ore bodies represent remobilizations from syngenetic, stratabound mineralization. Ore minerals of economic significance are chalcopyrite and native gold. An assemblage of gold and tellurides in the country rock occurs as a late stage mobilization product.
Zusammenfassung Das Bidjovagge Kupfer-Gold-Vorkommen liegt in der Svecokarelischen Caskias-Gruppe. Die Gesteine innerhalb des mineralisierten Distriktes bestehen aus Grünsteinen, Karbonatgesteinen, Albitfelsiten und Graphitfelsiten. Vier Erzkörper wurden innerhalb der Albitfelsite und Graphitfeisite über eine streichende Länge von 2,5 km gefunden. Die Erzkörper repräsentieren Remobilisate von syngenetischen, schichtgebundenen Mineralisierungen. Erzmineralien von wirtschaftlicher Bedeutung sind Kupferkies und Gold. Verwachsungen von Gold mit Telluriden findet man in den Nebengesteinen als Mobilisationsprodukte einer späteren Phase.

Résumé Les gisements de cuivre et d'or de Bidjovagge se trouvent dans le groupe svécokarélidien de Caskias. Les roches de ce district minier consistent en roches vertes, roches carbonatées et felsites albitiques et graphitiques. Quatre gisements de minerai ont été trouvés dans les felsites albitiques et graphitiques sur une distance de 2,5 kilomètres. Ces gisements représentent des remobilisations d'une minéralisation syngénétique sédimentaire. La chalcopyrite et l'or sont les seuls minéraux d'importance économique. Des émissions d'or et de tellurures dans les épontes paraissent être le produit d'une phase de mobilisation tardive.

Bidjovagge Caskias. , , - -. 4 - - 2,5 . . . , .

北祁连山加里东期聚敛作用的构造转换及其成矿响应   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
北祁连造山前的构造聚敛样式的诸多争议,主要源于北祁连山东西段的巨大差异。甘肃肃南白泉门以东主要表现为,自北而南发育有弧后、岛弧和洋中脊、洋岛海相火山岩系,产出岛弧裂谷白银厂式(黑矿型)和弧后扩张脊石居里沟式(塞浦路斯型)块状硫化物矿床,少见陆壳基底碎块,花岗岩侵入体不发育;而西段以镜铁山微地块为特点,岛弧钙碱性火山岩系发育,分布有大面积花岗质岩基,产出夕卡岩型钨矿床。这种东西段区域岩石组合和成矿特征上的差异,反映了早古生代北祁连洋盆在中奥陶世-早志留世向北俯冲消减构造聚敛上的不同,东段为洋-洋俯冲的马里亚纳型的沟-弧-盆系大陆边缘,西段则转换为洋-陆俯冲的智利型活动大陆边缘,并由于深部消减物质的差异而形成不同的碰撞岩浆作用形式和相应的成矿组合。  相似文献   

北武夷地区逆冲推覆构造的特征及其控矿作用   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
北武夷地区成矿地质条件优越,矿产资源分布广泛,而广泛发育的推覆构造深刻影响着矿床的成生与保存。区域性推覆构造是成矿前、成矿期还是成矿后的构造,其精细结构特征如何,是否具有控岩控矿作用,如果是破矿作用,是否造成矿体重复增大或者隐伏、缺失等问题,严重影响着地质找矿的效果。建议开展面积性、追索性的路线地质调查,查明逆冲推覆构造的区域分布、不同单元的产状、构造样式,分别采用40Ar-39Ar和Re-Os定年技术测定推覆构造和矿体的形成时代,结合定量化分析及精细构造解析,研究构造与矿床的成生联系,预测隐伏矿体可能的位置,进而为北武夷地区寻找隐伏矿床和扩大矿床远景提供参考。  相似文献   

介绍了挪威埃科菲斯克油田的基本概况及油田勘探历史,描述了该盆地的演化、油气系统、区域地层及沉积相。该油田的构造类型为盐丘构造,主要的储集层为麦斯特里希特统(K2)—下古新统(丹麦阶)托尔组和埃科菲斯克组。埃科菲斯克组以构造裂隙为主,托尔组主要发育与缝合线有关的裂隙。白垩地层主要为生物成因,其成分为分解的贝壳或浮游的Cocccophorid藻颗石、浮游类和海底有孔虫类。  相似文献   


On September 5, 2019, the Veslemannen unstable rock slope (54,000 m3) in Romsdalen, Western Norway, failed catastrophically after 5 years of continuous monitoring. During this period, the rock slope weakened while the precursor movements increased progressively, in particular from 2017. Measured displacement prior to the failure was around 19 m in the upper parts of the instability and 4–5 m in the toe area. The pre-failure movements were usually associated with precipitation events, where peak velocities occurred 2–12 h after maximum precipitation. This indicates that the pore-water pressure in the sliding zones had a large influence on the slope stability. The sensitivity to rainfall increased greatly from spring to autumn suggesting a thermal control on the pore-water pressure. Transient modelling of temperatures suggests near permafrost conditions, and deep seasonal frost was certainly present. We propose that a frozen surface layer prevented water percolation to the sliding zone during spring snowmelt and early summer rainfalls. A transition from possible permafrost to a seasonal frost setting of the landslide body after 2000 was modelled, which may have affected the slope stability. Repeated rapid accelerations during late summers and autumns caused a total of 16 events of the red (high) hazard level and evacuation of the hazard zone. Threshold values for velocity were used in the risk management when increasing or decreasing hazard levels. The inverse velocity method was initially of little value. However, in the final phase before the failure, the inverse velocity method was useful for forecasting the time of failure. Risk communication was important for maintaining public trust in early-warning systems, and especially critical is the communication of the difference between issuing the red hazard level and predicting a landslide.


L. G. Medaris  Jr. 《Lithos》1980,13(4):339-353
Core and rim compositions of minerals in garnet-bearing assemblages in the Lien peridotite define a retrograde metamorphic trend from 820° C, 28.1 kbar, to 645° C, 17.6 kbar. Eclogites in Basal Gneiss near the peridotite contain a record of prograde metamorphism which converges with the retrograde trend of the ultramafic rocks. The Lien peridotite appears to have been derived from the upper mantle under eclogite facies conditions and emplaced into unusually thick continental crust during a Caledonian eclogite facies metamorphic event.  相似文献   

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