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Reports on two optical designs studied in connection with the JNLT project: namely, the primary corrector and the camera for a spectrograph, are presented.Paper presented at the symposium on the JNLT and Related Engineering Developments, Tokyo, November 2–December 2, 1988.  相似文献   

New challenges for adaptive optics: extremely large telescopes   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The performance of an adaptive optics (AO) system on a 100-m diameter ground-based telescope working in the visible range of the spectrum is computed using an analytical approach. The target Strehl ratio of 60 per cent is achieved at 0.5 μm with a limiting magnitude of the AO guide source near R   magnitude~10, at the cost of an extremely low sky coverage. To alleviate this problem, the concept of tomographic wavefront sensing in a wider field of view using either natural guide stars (NGS) or laser guide stars (LGS) is investigated. These methods use three or four reference sources and up to three deformable mirrors, which increase up to 8-fold the corrected field size (up to 60 arcsec at 0.5 μm). Operation with multiple NGS is limited to the infrared (in the J band this approach yields a sky coverage of 50 per cent with a Strehl ratio of 0.2). The option of open-loop wavefront correction in the visible using several bright NGS is discussed. The LGS approach involves the use of a faint ( R ~22) NGS for low-order correction, which results in a sky coverage of 40 per cent at the Galactic poles in the visible.  相似文献   

We introduce a novel concept to sense the wavefront for adaptive optics purposes in astronomy using a conventional laser beacon. The concept we describe involves treating the light scattered in the mesospheric sodium layer as if it comes from multiple rings located at infinity. Such a concept resembles an inverse Bessel beam and is particularly suitable for multi-conjugated adaptive optics on extremely large telescopes. In fact, as the sensing process uses light apparently coming from infinity, some problems linked to the finite distance and vertical extent of the guide source are solved. Since such a technique is able to sense a wavefront solely in the radial direction, we propose furthermore a novel wavefront sensor by combining the inverse Bessel beam approach with the recently introduced z -invariant technique for a pseudo-infinite guide star sensor.  相似文献   

Assuming a large collecting area, a good angular resolution and a large field of view expected for the Japanese National Large Telescope (JNLT), we demonstrate that JNLT will provide a useful means of studying cosmological objects of interest. Among them I discuss how cosmological parameters and evolutionary effects can be obtained from redshift-magnitude relations, galaxy counts, distant supernovae, quasar properties, and large-scale structures. An advantage of near infrared observations is emphasized.Paper presented at the Symposium on the JNLT and Related Engineering Developments, Tokyo, November 29–December 2, 1988.  相似文献   

When it began operating in 1975, the Anglo-Australian Telescope set new standards for pointing, tracking, and efficient observing. Since then, several large telescopes with more advanced control systems and on better sites have come into competition but the AAT retains the reputation of having the best overall observing efficiency.A number of organizational factors in the design and construction phase and in the Anglo-Australian Observatory's operational years have contributed to the AAT's success. Careful consideration of these factors should help groups planning the construction and operation of new telescopes.Paper presented at the Symposium on the JNLT and Related Engineering Developments, Tokyo, November 29–December 2, 1988.  相似文献   

The current achievements of the observational abilities of radio astronomy is briefly reviewed putting emphasis on the imaging capability. The new projects in radio astronomy are discussed in connection with the new generation of optical/IR telescope projects.Paper presented at the Symposium on the JNLT and Related Engineering Developments, Tokyo, November 29–December 1988.  相似文献   

Traditional astrometric methods are limited in accuracy by the atmosphere in a way that does not show much improvement with increased telescope aperture. However, there is the potential for very high accuracy with large telescopes if advantage can be taken of these factors: First, the differential atmospheric distortion of images of closely adjacent stars is less with larger aperture; second, the diffraction limit is sharper, and third, photon statistics are improved. In this paper we analyze and give experimental tests of techniques that could be applied to the detection of planets with the mass of Jupiter or Uranus, if they are present in nearby binary star systems.The atmospheric perturbation of the relative position of the energy centroids measured in short exposure images of binary stars depends on the effective height of the turbulent distortion. For a 4-meter telescope, the error in centroid determination of a 4-arcsec binary can be as small as 20 milliarcsec (mas) in a single 20-millisecond (msec) exposure. The relative position measured by cross-correlation of short exposure speckle images, as suggested by McAlister (1977b), may give even higher accuracy. In this case, Roddier (Roddieret al., 1980) has shown that the atmospheric error depends on the thickness rather than the height of the layers that make the dominant contribution to the turbulence. Through Monte Carlo analysis we show that on occasions when the turbulence arises largely in a thin layer, a single 20-msec exposure of a 4-arcsec binary taken with a 4-m aperture can yield an astrometric accuracy of order 0.5 mas.We report on experiments made at the Steward Observatory 2.3-m telescope which achieved accuracies corresponding to 1.7 mas in a 2.24-arcsec binary and 16.1 mas in a 6.0-arcsec binary with only 15 and 18 specklegram pairs respectively. We plan to use the 6.5-m converted MMT to obtain much higher performance, between 4.0 mas and 0.40 masper independent specklegram pair, depending upon atmospheric conditions, for binaries of 4-arcsec separation. By cycling rapidly through perhaps 100 binaries, thus calibrating systematic errors through the average change in binary separation, Jupiter-mass planets may be detectable with small but regular access to the telescope.Paper presented at the Conference onPlanetary Systems: Formation, Evolution, and Detection held 7–10 December, 1992 at CalTech, Pasadena, California, U.S.A.  相似文献   

A method for finishing the surface shape of large mirrors for space telescopes that are accurate up to λ/20 is described, as well as training of the method for manufacturing a systall mirror 2.6 m in diameter for the ZTSH telescope.  相似文献   

A broadband anti-reflective(AR) coating design for astronomical large-aperture telescopes is proposed. We give simulations of two-, three-and four-layer silica sol-gel on fused silica and finally get the optimal optical constants. As a comparison, we discuss the traditional dielectric material that has been applied to broadband AR coatings. To better guide the following experiment, we also conduct error analysis and feasibility analysis, combining with the technological characteristics of sol-gel. The analytical method is suitable for other wavebands and substrates. It is also instructive for large area AR coatings in the field of solar cells.  相似文献   

With the aim of evaluating the actual possibilities of doing, from the ground, sensitive radio astronomy at decametre wavelengths (particularly below ), an extensive program of radio observations was carried out, in 1999–2002, by using digital spectral and waveform analysers (DSP) of new generation, connected to several of the largest, decametre radio telescopes in the world (i.e., the UTR-2 and URANs arrays in Ukraine, and the Nançay Decametre Array in France).

We report and briefly discuss some new findings, dealing with decametre radiation from Jupiter and the Solar Corona: namely the discovery of new kinds of hyper fine structures in spectrograms of the active Sun, and a new characterisation of Jupiter's “millisecond” radiation, whose waveform samples, with time resolution down to 40 ns, and correlated measurements, by using far distant antennas (3000 km), have been obtained. In addition, scattering effects, caused by the terrestrial ionosphere and the interplanetary medium, could be disentangled through high time resolution and wide-band analyses of solar, planetary and strong galactic radio sources. Consequences for decametre wavelength imaging at high spatial resolution (VLBI) are outlined. Furthermore, in spite of the very unfavourable electromagnetic environment in this frequency range, a substantial increase in the quality of the observations was shown to be provided by using new generation spectrometers, based on sophisticated digital techniques. Indeed, the available, high dynamic range of such devices greatly decreases the effects of artificial and natural radio interference. We give several examples of successful signal detection in the case of much weaker radio sources than Solar System ones, down to the intensity level.

In summary, we conclude that searching for sensitivity improvement at the decametre wavelength is scientifically quite justified, and is now technically feasible, in particular by building giant, phased antenna arrays of much larger collecting area (as in the LOFAR project). In this task, one must be careful of some specifics of this wavelength range—somewhat unusual in “classical” radio astronomy—i.e., very high level and density of radio interference (telecommunications) and the variable terrestrial ionosphere.  相似文献   

The First Light Adaptive Optics (FLAO) system has been successfully commissioned at the Large Binocular Telescope. It delivers extreme adaptive optics performance using bright natural guide stars reaching 90 % Strehl Ratios in H-band. Observations with current adaptive optics systems are limited to the near infrared wavelengths, in these bands the diffraction limited resolution of the largest ground-based telescopes (8–10 meter class) is comparable to the one of the much smaller Hubble Space Telescope that observes in the visible bands. This study aims to demonstrate the feasibility of an adaptive optics system designed to achieve very high order correction at visible wavelengths (0.5 to 0.8 μ m) with significant sky coverage. Upgrading the FLAO design with a low noise CCD relaxes the reference magnitude limit needed to achieve greater performance. In particular, we demonstrate that a gain of 1–2 magnitudes is possible by upgrading the wavefront sensor with a very low read out noise CCD. For future AO systems, in addition to low noise CCDs, deformable (secondary) mirrors with a higher actuator density will be able to move the high order correction capability from the near infrared to the visible wavelengths (Strehl Ratio of 80 % in R (0.7 μ m), 60 % in V (0.5 μ m)). We investigate, by means of numerical simulation, the gain in imaging performance obtained at Near Infrared, Visible, and UV wavelengths. The results of these simulations have been used to derive the empirical relation between Strehl Ratio and magnitude of the reference star and we then use this relationship to perform a detailed sky coverage analysis based on astronomical catalog data. The detailed simulations of the Point Spread Functions allow us to compute Ensquared Energy and Strehl Ratio for the magnitude working range of such an Adaptive Optics system. We present the results of the instrumental isoplanatic angle determination. We then used these values to compute the relationship between correction level and the off-axis angle from the reference star. The Strehl Ratio relationship with the reference magnitude and the angular distance provides the information needed to perform the sky-coverage analysis, which demonstrates that the designed system is able to provide V and R bands correction on a not negligible few percent of the sky.  相似文献   

We give a short overview of the Adaptive Optics (AO) and Multi‐conjugate Adaptive Optics (MCAO) system of the planned 4 m European Solar Telescope (EST). The optimization process of the AO / MCAO parameters is shown, including the parameters and layout of the Shack‐Hartmann wavefront sensor setup and the DMs. We show the expected performance of the AO and MCAO system (© 2010 WILEY‐VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim)  相似文献   

Many design and technical innovations over the past ten or fifteen years have reduced the costs of very large telescopes by nearly an order of magnitude over those of classical designs. Still a further order of magnitude reduction is possible if the telescope is specialized for on-axis spectroscopy, giving up especially the luxuries of wide field, multiple focal positions, and access to all the sky at will. The SST (Spectroscopic Survey Telescope) with use eighty-five 1 m circular mirrors mounted in a steel frame composed of hundreds of interlocking tetrahedrons, keeping a fixed elevation angle of 60° with rotation only in azimuth. Using an optical fiber it will feed as much light to spectrographs as can be done by a conventional 8 m telescope, yet has a target basic completion cost of only $6 million.Paper presented at the Symposium on the JNLT and Related Engineering Development, Tokyo, November 29–December 2, 1988.  相似文献   

Adaptive optics: a breakthrough in astronomy   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Until the 1970s, atmospheric seeing was considered as an absolute limitation for angular resolution of ground-based optical telescopes, exactly at the time of the conception of the new generation of giant optical telescopes, as the VLT and the Keck. Emerging in the context of the cold war with many constraints due to the research being classified, but with the new possibilities of digital control, astronomical adaptive optics was shown to be feasible in 1989 and gradually convinced an initially skeptical astronomical community of its potential. Twenty years later, it is a mandatory ingredient for the planning of Extremely Large Telescopes on the surface of the Earth, and has allowed many discoveries concerning galactic and extragalactic objects. Some directions for new developments are discussed.  相似文献   

We present high-precision JHK photometry with the 3.8-m UK Infrared Telescope (UKIRT) of 82 standard stars, 28 from the widely used preliminary list known as the 'UKIRT Faint Standards', referred to here as the Fundamental List, and 54 additional stars referred to as the Extended List. The stars have 9.4< K <15.0 and all or most should be readily observable with imaging array detectors in normal operating modes on telescopes of up to 10-m aperture. Many are accessible from the southern hemisphere. Arcsec-accuracy positions (J2000, epoch ∼1998) are given, together with optical photometry and spectral types from the literature, where available, or inferred from the J − K colour. K -band finding charts are provided for stars with proper motions exceeding 0.3 arcsec yr−1. We discuss some pitfalls in the construction of flat-fields for array imagers and a method to avoid them. On 30 nights between late 1994 and early 1998 the stars from the Fundamental List, which were used as standards for the whole programme, were observed on an average of 10 nights each, and those from the Extended List on an average of six nights. The average internal standard error of the mean results for the K magnitudes is 0.005 mag; for the J − H colours it is 0.003 mag for the Fundamental List stars and 0.005 mag for those of the Extended List; for H − K the average is 0.004 mag. The results are on the natural system of the IRCAM3 imager, which used a 256×256 InSb detector array with 'standard' JHK filters, behind gold-coated fore-optics and a gold- or silver-dielectric coated dichroic. We give colour transformations on to the CIT, Arcetri and LCO/Palomar NICMOS systems, and preliminary transformations on to the system defined by the new Mauna Kea Observatory near-infrared filter set.  相似文献   

Upcoming large solar telescopes will offer the possibility of unprecedented high resolution observations. However, during periods of non‐ideal seeing such measurements are impossible and alternative programs should be considered to best use the available observing time. We present a synoptic program, currently carried out at the Istituto Ricerche Solari Locarno (IRSOL), to monitor turbulent magnetic fields employing the differential Hanle effect in atomic and molecular lines. This program can be easily adapted for the use at large telescopes exploring new science goals, nowadays impossible to achieve with smaller telescopes. The current, interesting scientific results prove that such programs are worthwhile to be continued and expanded in the future. We calculate the approximately achievable spatial resolution at a large telescope like ATST for polarimetric measurements with a noise level below 5 × 10‐5 and a temporal resolution which is sufficient to explore variations on the granular scale. We show that it would be important to optimize the system for maximal photon throughput and to install a high‐speed camera system to be able to study turbulent magnetic fields with unprecedented accuracy (© 2010 WILEY‐VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim)  相似文献   

This paper discusses some of the challenges of spectro‐polarimetric observations with a large aperture solar telescope such as the ATST or the EST. The observer needs to reach a compromise between spatial and spectral resolution, time cadence, and signal‐to‐noise ratio, as only three of those four parameters can be pushed to the limit. Tunable filters and grating spectrographs provide a natural compromise as the former are more suitable for high‐spatial resolution observations while the latter are a better choice when one needs to work with many wavelengths at full spectral resolution. Given the requirements for the new science targeted by these facilities, it is important that 1) tunable filters have some multi‐wavelength capability; and 2) grating spectrographs have some 2D field of view (© 2010 WILEY‐VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim)  相似文献   

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