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OBJECTIVE: To determine a pharmacokinetic procedure (Bayesian method) for estimation of methotrexate (MTX) clearance, using only 2 blood samples, in outpatients with rheumatoid arthritis treated with low dose intramuscular (i.m.) MTX. METHODS: Population pharmacokinetic parameters were obtained by the weighted least squares (WLSQ) method in plasma samples from 14 patients with rheumatoid arthritis (RA). In each patient, 11 samples were measured by fluorescence polarization immunoassay, at Time 0, 0.25, 0.5, 0.75, 1, 2, 4, 6, 8, 12, and 24 h after i.m. administration. These measures were validated by pharmacokinetic studies in 20 other patients with RA. Individual total body clearance of MTX was calculated using only 2 plasma samples (at 0.5 and 2 h after i.m. injection) by the Bayesian method using the population pharmacokinetic parameters. The clearance measures obtained by the Bayesian method were compared with those obtained by the WLSQ method. RESULTS: The pharmacokinetic variables (clearance, half-life, area under the curve) of 14 patients were determined, as well as the covariance and the mean values necessary to apply the Bayesian method. No significant difference was found between clearance values obtained by the Bayesian method compared to the WLSQ method, confirming the validity of the Bayesian values. CONCLUSION: The present population pharmacokinetic parameters allowed the determination of individual clearance of MTX with only 2 plasma samples (0.5 and 2 h after administration) in patients treated with low dose im MTX. Individual clearance is used to modulate MTX administration in patients presenting adverse reactions in spite of good clinical response. Individual determination of MTX pharmacokinetics in patients at risk for adverse MTX reactions could be useful for adjustment of the drug regimen.  相似文献   

The body's equilibrium is possible thanks to the integration of skeletal structure, vertebrae, ligaments and muscles to form one functional unity. The forces which determine posture are composed of two complementary systems, the ligamentary and the muscular systems, which together determine a dynamic act of balance. The ligaments operate mainly against the visco-hydraulic pressure of the nucleus pulposus and bind the vertebral bodies together, whereas the muscles exhibit an antigravity function and support spinal stability. A mathematical model based on a mixed theory of directed and oriented curves is proposed. Through this model it is possible to develop an exact theory governing the deformation of the ligamentous spine. This theory should be universal in the sense that it can be used to supply the spine in any of its environments.  相似文献   

We describe a case of multicentric reticulohistiocytosis complicated by central retinal vein thrombosis and trigeminal neuropathy. A variety of treatment modalities were tried in this patient. Both skin disease and arthritis responded to low dose methotrexate over 8 years of followup. Graduated compression gloves produced an excellent cosmetic improvement in the disfiguring skin lesions.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVES: The aim of this investigation was to study the glomerular and tubular effects of low doses (15 mg) of methotrexate in patients with rheumatoid arthritis with and without combined treatment with aspirin (2 g single dose). METHODS: Renal function was measured by the plasma clearance of EDTA labelled with chromium-51 (51Cr-EDTA) and mercaptoacetyltriglycine labelled with technetium-99m (99mTc-MAG-3). RESULTS: Clearance of 51Cr-EDTA was reduced from 98 (6) to 87 (5) ml/min (mean (SEM)) for patients receiving methotrexate only and further reduced to 76 (5) ml/min for patients receiving methotrexate and aspirin. This effect was reversible as 51Cr-EDTA increased to 85 (6) ml/min during continued treatment with methotrexate alone. Clearance of 99mTc-MAG-3 also decreased from 366 (18) to 315 (17) ml/min in patients receiving methotrexate alone and further to 295 (17) ml/min during treatment with aspirin and methotrexate. Continued treatment with methotrexate alone resulted in a further decrease in the 99mTc-MAG-3 clearance to 253 (17) ml/min. CONCLUSIONS: The study shows that treatment with low doses of methotrexate particularly when combined with aspirin affects glomerular and tubular function. These effects may be of clinical importance and renal function should therefore be monitored with more sensitive methods than serum creatinine as this may not reflect these changes.  相似文献   

[2-14C]2-amino-3,8-dimethylimidazo[4,5-f]quinoxaline (MeIQx) was administered orally (304 ng/kg body-weight dose based upon an average 70-kg-body-weight subject) to 5 human colon-cancer patients (58 to 84 years old), as well as to F344 rats and B6C3F1 mice. Colon tissue was collected from the human subjects at surgery and from the rodents 3.5 to 6 hr after administration. Colon DNA-adduct levels and tissue available doses were measured by accelerator mass spectrometry (AMS). The mean levels of MeIQx in the histologically normal colon tissue were not different among the human (97 +/- 26 pg MeIQx/g), rat (133 +/- 15 pg/g) or mouse (78 +/- 10 pg/g) tissues; and no difference existed between the levels detected in human normal and tumor tissue (101 +/- 15 pg/g). Mean DNA-adduct levels in normal human colon (26 +/- 4 adducts/10(12) nucleotides) were significantly greater (p < 0.01) than in rats (17.1 +/- 1 adduct/10(12) nucleotides) or mice (20.6 +/- 0.9 adduct/10(12) nucleotides). No difference existed in adduct levels between normal and tumor tissue in humans. These results show that MeIQx forms DNA adducts in human colon at low dose, and that the human colon may be more sensitive to the effects of MeIQx than that of mice or rats.  相似文献   

The techniques of molecular imprinting and sensitized lanthanide luminescence have been combined to create the basis for a sensor that can selectively measure the hydrolysis product of the nerve agent Soman in water. The sensor functions by selectively and reversibly binding the phosphonate hydrolysis product of this agent to a functionality-imprinted copolymer possessing a coordinatively bound luminescent lanthanide ion, Eu3+. Instrumental support for this device is designed to monitor the appearance of a narrow luminescence band in the 610-nm region of the Eu3+ spectrum that results when the analyte is coordinated to the copolymer. The ligand field shifted luminescence was excited using 1 mW of the 465.8-nm line of an argon ion laser and monitored via an optical fiber using a miniature spectrometer. For this configuration, the limit of detection for the hydrolysis product is 7 parts per trillion (ppt) in solution with a linear range from 10 ppt to 10 ppm. Chemical and spectroscopic selectivities have been combined to reduce the likelihood of false positive analyses. Chemically analogous organophosphorus pesticides tested against the sensor have been shown to not interfere with determination.  相似文献   

Twenty-four patients hospitalized for overdose of a tricyclic antidepressant were monitored clinically, and serial plasma-drug measurements were taken for up to 144 hours. Six of 24 patients had maximum antidepressant plasma levels greater than or equal to 1,000 ng/ml, and their plasma levels at 96 hours ranged from 170 to 1,280 ng/ml. Patients ingesting substantial tricyclic overdoses may remain medically unstable for days. When high tricyclic levels persist, accurate psychiatric assessment is often impossible.  相似文献   

Communication about a rare form of Boeck's disease. A primary orbital sarcoidosis is described with probable optic nerve involvement and later intraocular invasion in the form of a single candle spot-shaped chorioretinitis. No other clinically noticeable extensions of this disease could be noticed. Clinical and histological findings were described and discussed, in view to the existing literature on that subject.  相似文献   

We investigated the level of S-100 protein in blood as an indicator of brain damage in 71 patients suffering from subarachnoid haemorrhage (SAH) due to ruptured aneurysms. Concentrations of S-100 protein were determined by micro-titre based immunofluorometic assay detecting predominantly S-100b on blood samples obtained 24 hours, 3 days and 7 days after onset of symptoms in patients with SAH and from 120 healthy control subjects. Neurological status was assessed using the Hunt and Hess (HH) scale on admission and by the Glasgow Outcome Scale (GOS) 6 months later. Mean concentrations of S-100 protein in blood were significantly (p < 0.0001) higher in patients 24 hours (0.263 +/- 0.387 microgram/l), 3 days (0.192 +/- 0.288 microgram/l) and 7 days (0.256 +/- 0.442 microgram/l) after onset of SAH symptoms compared to controls (0.050 +/- 0.081 microgram/l). More severe neurological symptoms (higher HH scale scores) on admission correlated with higher S-100 levels on admission (R = 0.70) and Day 3 (R = 0.66) (p < 0.0001). Worse outcome (lower GOS score) 6 months after SAH was also associated with higher plasma concentration of S-100 in the first week after SAH. In summary, this study showed that in patients with SAH due to ruptured aneurysm, S-100 protein levels correlate with early neurological deficit and are as sensitive as HH scores in predicting neurological outcome (GOS scores). Measurement of S-100 protein in blood is a reliable non-invasive method and may be clinically useful to screen for and monitor progression of central nervous system diseases of various origins.  相似文献   

2329 subjects (blood donors and patients) from various areas of the Sultanate of Oman were investigated for the presence of HTLV-I antibody by as enzyme immunoassay (EIA) method. 10 subjects (0.4%), including 9/1586 blood donors (0.6%) and 1/165 patients with sexually transmitted diseases (0.6%), were found to be EIA seropositive with a regional variation in seroprevalence of 0-14%. 6/9 EIA seropositive samples from blood donors yielded 'indeterminate' results on Western immunoblot analysis (WBA). A much larger survey with additional confirmatory assays such as a radioimmunoprecipitation assay (RIPA), should provide a more conclusive picture of the prevalence of this retroviral infection in the Sultanate.  相似文献   

A model for the intravenous administration of propranolol by a bolus-infusion technique designed to rapidly produce, then maintain, predicted plasma drug concentrations was derived from elimination kinetics in single-dose studies. Prospective testing of this model in 6 adult male subjects revealed a close correlation between predicted and observed drug levels; desired plasma concentrations were achieved within 5 min and maintained over the 30-min study period. By subtracting previously given bolus doses from the dose calculated as needed to produce a desired plasma level, progressive increases in predicted propranolol levels could be effected, with apparent maintenance of equilibrium. Correlations between the bolus doses and infusion rates and the plasma drug levels were consistent and significant, and constitute nomograms from which the dose of drug required to produce a desired plasma level may be approximated. The clearance of propranolol declined slightly as the drug plasma level increased, but did not significantly affect the accuracy of the model.  相似文献   

Pharmacokinetic profiles of oral and intravenous etoposide have been compared in 9 children receiving the drug either as a single agent or in combination chemotherapy. The plasma etoposide levels were estimated using a competitive coated antigen ELISA technique. The median bioavailability was 48% and beyond 30 min after either oral or intravenous injection there was little difference in the plasma profile. The duration of plasma concentrations above 1, 5 and 10 micrograms/ml following either route were compared. It is concluded that unless the height of initial peak concentration is of therapeutic value the oral route should be comparable in children provided that twice the intravenous dose is administered. The short elimination half-life results in low plasma levels beyond 12 h and suggests that a twice daily regimen may be preferable.  相似文献   

Since October 1994, children in the United Kingdom have been offered tetanus vaccine combined with a low dose of diphtheria vaccine (Td) at the age of 15 to 18 years. It is recommended that schoolchildren who have already received a booster of tetanus vaccine at the time of an injury should be given low dose diphtheria vaccine alone. When this vaccine is not available, however, it is recommended that Td vaccine should be given to all children. This study was performed to compare the frequency of adverse events after Td vaccine in 15 year old children with and without a history of an additional tetanus booster in the preceding 10 years. Two hundred and sixty-five children were followed up-52 pupils (20%) with a history of an additional tetanus booster, 157 (59%) with no such history, and 56 (21%) whose history was unclear. Mild local reactions were common and occurred more commonly in children with a history of an additional tetanus booster. Twenty-three pupils (44%) who had received an additional tetanus booster had swelling over 2 cm diameter at the injection site, compared with only 39 (25%) of those with no such history (p < 0.013). Systemic symptoms were equally unusual in both groups. Only three children experienced symptoms attributed to vaccine that were severe enough for them to miss school or attend a doctor; and none of these had received an additional tetanus booster. We conclude that, in the absence of a supply of low dose diphtheria vaccine, offering Td vaccine to children with a history of additional tetanus booster is an acceptable policy.  相似文献   

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