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目的探讨盆腔脂肪增多症(PL)的影像学表现,以提高临床对其的认识。方法回顾性分析3例PL患者的静脉尿路造影(IVP)、CT和MRI表现。结果 3例患者的IVP、CT表现多为双肾盂、输尿管上段扩张、积水,膀胱形态异常,呈"倒葫芦状"改变,直肠、乙状结肠受压推移向外上移位。MRI表现盆腔内见大量脂肪组织堆积,呈短T1长T2不均匀信号,膀胱受压变形。结论 IVP、CT和MRI基于各自优势可提示盆腔内脂肪成分的特征,综合这些表现能减少对PL的误诊。  相似文献   

盆腔脂肪增多症(PL)指盆腔脂肪组织过度增生,盆腔脂肪组织包绕并压迫周围器官,使之形状和位置发生改变,导致泌尿系统及下消化道发生梗阻,从而产生一系列临床症状。该文回顾性分析2例PL患者的临床资料,2例患者均因尿频、尿急为主诉就诊,经影像学检查确诊为PL。例1年轻患者临床症状较重,早期行膀胱镜检查取病理组织提示腺性膀胱炎,给予膀胱灌注治疗,后期患者临床症状加重,行经尿道腺性膀胱炎电切+盆腔脂肪清除术+双侧输尿管膀胱再植术,术后随访肾盂输尿管积水较术前明显减轻,远期效果满意。例2老年患者临床症状较轻且身体状况欠佳,给予保守治疗,随访1年,双肾输尿管积水未见明显减轻,症状略缓解。该2例的诊治过程提示,PL的影像学检查有其特征性的表现,对于病情进展缓慢且肾功能良好的患者可定期随访观察,对于年龄较大或身体条件不允许的患者可考虑行尿流改造术改善症状。对于病情重的年轻患者应以解除梗阻症状、改善患者生活质量为目的,解除盆腔脂肪对膀胱、输尿管及结直肠的压迫,改善尿路梗阻造成的严重肾积水甚至肾衰竭及消化道症状。  相似文献   

<正>盆腔脂肪增多症为一种原因不明的良性罕见疾病。1950年Enggelss首次描述此病,1968年由Fogg和Smyth命名。我院于2009年01月收治了1例。经手术剔除盆腔及输尿管周围的脂肪,疗效满意。现报告如下。  相似文献   

目的结合相关文献分析盆腔脂肪增多症的误诊原因,并探讨本病的诊治方法。方法对我院1例误诊为前列腺增生的盆腔脂肪增多症的临床资料进行回顾性分析。结果本例因尿频、进行性排尿困难3年余收入院,诊断为前列腺增生行前列腺电切术,术中发现膀胱颈抬高、膀胱变形,前列腺电切过程中发现脂肪组织。考虑盆腔脂肪增多症,术后行MRI等检查进一步证实诊断。结论临床接诊排尿困难伴有双肾积水病史的患者,应考虑盆腔脂肪增多症的可能。必要时可进一步完善静脉肾盂造影、超声、MRI及cT等检查,以明确诊断,避免误诊误治。  相似文献   

患者男,32岁,反复尿频、尿急伴腰背疼痛5年余,伴腰背疼痛,无发热、血尿、尿痛等.既往全身多发结节,病检为"脂肪瘤".查体:未见明显异常.B超:双肾盂、输尿管积水,原因待查.KUB及IVP:双肾盂输尿管扩张积水.尿动力学检查:最大尿流率25.3 ml/s,平均尿流率5 ml/s,排尿时间65 s,以上显示为尿道阻力增加.  相似文献   

【目的】提高对盆腔脂肪增多症的认识。【方法】收治盆腔脂肪增多症伴腺性膀胱炎男性患者1例,结合文献复习讨论盆腔脂肪增多症诊治特点。【结果】静脉尿路造影(IVU)示右肾榆尿管积水,膀胱位置上移。CT和磁共振(MRI)示盆腔内大量脂肪组织。膀胱尿道造影示膀胱位置抬高和前列腺尿道拉长。膀胱镜检和活检发现并存腺性膀胱炎。给予减肥治疗,随访2个月,患者临床症状消失。【结论】IVU、CT和MRI可帮助诊断该病,减肥治疗可用于早期病人,但须密切随访。  相似文献   

杨佳秦雪莲  马玉芬 《现代护理》2007,13(32):3099-3099
本文总结了32例盆腔脂肪增多症手术的围手术期护理经验。在围手术期实施了一系列有针对性的护理措施,使32例手术患者均安全度过围手术期于术后2~3周内出院。  相似文献   

本文总结了32例盆腔脂肪增多症手术的围手术期护理经验.在围手术期实施了一系列有针对性的护理措施,使32例手术患者均安全度过围手术期于术后2~3周内出院.  相似文献   

目的 探讨急诊输尿管镜钬激光碎石一期治疗双侧输尿管结石并肾衰的安全性和疗效.方法 23例双侧输尿管结石并肾衰患者均行输尿管镜钬激光碎石一期治疗双侧输尿管结石,术后双侧输尿管均留置双J管.结果 23例碎石术后均能立即解除双侧输尿管梗阻,无严重手术并发症发生.术后1周肾功能完全恢复正常者20例(86.9%);术后4~6周复查KUB及B超全部患者排尽结石;其余3例碎石术后6个月肾功能仍未恢复但有改善.全部患者术后3个月IVU检查均显示双侧输尿管通畅.结论 双侧输尿管结石并急性肾衰患者选择输尿管镜钬激光双侧输尿管一期碎石治疗是一种适宜的腔内手术方法,创伤少,手术时间短,操作简单,安全有效,值得临床推广.  相似文献   



Obstructive uropathy caused by kidney stones is quite rare in transplant kidneys.

Clinical case

The authors report the case of a patient, previously gastrectomized for gastric carcinoma. He underwent renal transplantation using uretero-ureterostomy, and presented an episode of acute renal failure 7 years after surgery. Ultrasound (US) examination showed no sign of rejection but allowed detection of moderate hydronephrosis in the transplant kidney. Subsequent computed tomography (CT) revealed a kidney stone in the middle ureter at the crossing of the iliac vessels. The patient therefore urgently underwent percutaneous nephrostomy of the graft and recovered diuresis and renal function. The patient was transferred to the Transplant Center where he underwent ureterotomy with removal of the stone and subsequent ureteropyelostomy. Also transureteral resection of the prostate (TURP) was performed due to urinary retention of prostatic origin. Histological examination showed prostate carcinoma, Gleason stage 3, which was treated conservatively using radiotherapy without suspension of the administered low dose of immunotherapy.


Calculosis is one of the least common causes of obstructive uropathy in transplant kidneys. In the described case, US examination performed after onset of renal insufficiency led to subsequent radiological investigation and resulting interventional procedures (nephrostomy and surgical removal of the stone) with complete recovery of pre-existing renal function.  相似文献   

目的探讨急性肾功能衰竭(ARF)患者的病理类型及病因分布,评价肾活检在肾脏病诊治中的作用与地位。方法对30例ARF具有肾穿刺活检适应证的患者,在B超介入定位下行经皮肾穿刺活检,并做光镜、免疫病理检查及结合临床特点进行分析。结果 30例ARF患者肾穿刺均能成功取得肾小球,标本合格率为97%,病理分析显示:硬化性肾炎2例(6.67%);原发性肾小球肾炎17例(56.67%),其中IgA肾病3例,肾小球轻微病变5例,膜性肾病2例,局灶节段性硬化性肾炎2例,毛细血管内增生性肾炎2例,新月体肾炎3例;继发性肾小球肾炎8例(26.62%),其中狼疮性肾炎6例,过敏性紫癜肾炎2例;急性肾小管坏死2例(6.67%);急性间质性肾炎1例(3.33%)。并发症主要有肉眼血尿2例,肾周血肿1例,未发生误穿其他脏器、感染及严重大出血等并发症。结论对ARF患者行肾活检检查有助于明确病因及病理类型,对指导治疗及判断预后均有非常重要的作用。  相似文献   

目的观察腹膜透析治疗脑出血合并急性肾功能衰竭的疗效。方法将40例脑出血合并急性肾功能衰竭患者随机分成两组,腹膜透析组与无肝素血液透析组,对疗效进行观察。结果两种透析方法对溶质的清除和酸碱平衡的影响差异无统计学意义,但腹膜透析组的存活率明显高于无肝素血液透析组,且腹膜透析组的日平均透析费也明显低于无肝素血液透析组。结论脑出血合并急性肾功能衰竭采用腹膜透析治疗是一种安全有效经济的方法。  相似文献   

Acute acalculous cholecystitis developed in 16 of 92 patients with acute renal failure who had no prior or coincidental biliary tract disease. The cause of this complication is considered to be multifactorial. Risk factors include sepsis, previous surgery, trauma, total parential nutrition, intermittent positive pressure ventilation, opiate sedation, multiple transfusions and hypotension. One patient had 5 risk factors, 15 had 6 or more. Diagnosis was based on clinical suspicion, serial ultrasound scanning and serial estimations of white cell count, liver function and C-reactive protein. Four patients were treated conservatively with antibiotics and ultrasound observation, 10 underwent cholecystotomy and 2 patients had cholecystectomy. Eleven patients survived (69% survival). No patient treated by cholecystotomy required further surgery to the biliary tract. Acute acalculous cholecystitis has become a significant complication in our “high risk” acute renal failure population as intensive care has advanced and patients are surviving longer. Prompt and appropriate treatment will prevent it contributing significantly to the already high mortality of acute renal failure. Anticipation is the watchword.  相似文献   

An outbreak of severe acute respiratory syndrome (SARS) occurred in Taiwan in 2003. SARS complicated with rhabdomyolysis has rarely been reported. This study reported three cases of rhabdomyolysis developing during the clinical course of SARS. Thirty probable SARS patients were admitted to the isolation wards at Linkou Chang Gung Memorial Hospital between 4 April and 4 June 2003. Thirty patients, including four men and 26 women aged from 12 to 87 years (mean age 40). Eleven (36.7%) patients had respiratory failure and required mechanical ventilation with paralytic therapy; three (10%) patients had rhabdomyolysis complicated with acute renal failure and one received haemodialysis; four (13.3%) patients died. Three cases with rhabdomyolysis all received sedative and paralytic therapy for mechanical ventilation. Haemodialysis was performed on one patient. Two patients died from multiple organ failure, and one patient fully recovered from rhabdomyolysis with acute renal failure. SARS is a serious respiratory illness, and its aetiology is a novel coronavirus. Rhabdomyolysis resulting from SARS virus infection was strongly suspected. Immobilisation under paralytic therapy and steroids may also be important in developing rhabdomyolysis.  相似文献   

目的 调查中青年男性急性心肌梗死经皮冠状动脉腔内成形术(PTCA)+支架植入术后患者性健康的现状和性健康需求,为指导患者术后健康宣教提供依据.方法 用一般情况调查表、性知识现状调查问卷和性健康知识需求调查问卷对214例PTCA+支架植入术后患者进行调查,数据输入数据库进行统计分析.结果 214例患者性健康总评分为(8.79±2.52)分,不同的文化程度、职业和月收入的患者性健康评分比较差异有统计学意义,而不同年龄的患者性知识评分比较差异无统计学意义.本组患者性健康知识需求总得分为(29.40±6.47)分,不同年龄、文化程度和职业组的患者性知识需求评分比较差异有统计学意义,而不同收入的患者性知识需求评分比较差异无统计学意义.结论 行PTCA+支架植入术后患者性知识认知水平较低,对于性健康知识的需求较高,医护人员应加强术后性知识的宣教以改善患者性生活的质量.  相似文献   

目的 探讨含三聚氰胺奶粉导致小儿尿路结石特点及最佳治疗方案.方法 回顾性分析2008年1~11月份首都医科大学附属北京儿童医院收治的47例奶粉相关尿路结石及31例合并急性肾衰竭患儿诊断治疗过程.结果 三聚氰胺相关结石平均发病年龄11个月,男女比例2.6:1,结石多为多发.非肾衰竭组保守治疗有效率(81.3%).肾衰竭组结石治愈率(83.9%)肾功能100%恢复正常,透析组、置管组及保守治疗组两两比较,肾功能恢复时间差异无统计学意义(P=0.683~0.846).结论 三聚氰胺相关结石好发丁小婴儿,发病率男多于女,结石多为多发.未合并肾衰竭患儿应首选内科保守治疗,合并肾衰竭者应根据患儿情况积极透析治疗及经膀胱镜输尿管放置引流管解除尿路梗阻.该病经积极治疗多预后良好.  相似文献   

目的观察急性肾衰竭(ARF)患者血肾上腺髓质素(ADM)的变化,及与炎症因子(CRP、IL- 6、TNF-α)、肾功能(Scr)的相关性,探讨ADM在ARF炎症反应中的作用。方法选择山西医科大学第二医院确诊的单纯ARF患者76例作为病例组,健康人25人作为对照组;统一检测血ADM、CRF、IL-6、TNF-α及Scr水平。结果ARF患者血ADM、CRP、IL-6、TNF-α及Scr水平均高于正常对照组(P〈0.001),且血ADM与炎症因子、肾功能水平呈显著正相关(P〈0.001)。结论单纯型ARF患者血ADM水平增高,与炎症介质、Scr之间呈显著正相关,因此ADM可能参与了ARF的炎症反应与肾功能的改善。  相似文献   

Acute renal failure (ARF) as well as chronic kidney disease (CKD) are currently categorized according to serum creatinine concentrations. Serum creatinine, however, has shortcomings because of its low predictive values. The need for novel markers for the early diagnosis and prognosis of renal diseases is imminent, particularly for markers reflecting intrinsic organ injury in stages when glomerular filtration is not impaired. This review summarizes protein markers discussed in the context of ARF as well as CKD, and provides an overview on currently available discovery results following 'omics' techniques. The identified set of candidate marker proteins is discussed in their cellular and functional context. The systematic review of proteomics and genomics studies revealed 56 genes to be associated with acute or chronic kidney disease. Context analysis, i.e. correlation of biological processes and molecular functions of reported kidney markers, revealed that 15 genes on the candidate list were assigned to the most significant ontology groups: immunity and defence. Other significantly enriched groups were cell communication (14 genes), signal transduction (22 genes) and apoptosis (seven genes). Among 24 candidate protein markers, nine proteins were also identified by gene expression studies. Next generation candidate marker proteins with improved diagnostic and prognostic values for kidney diseases will be derived from whole genome scans and protemics approaches. Prospective validation still remains elusive for all proposed candidates.  相似文献   

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