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Over 400 ion microprobe U-Pb isotopic ages measured for zircons extracted from 24 geothermal wells that penetrate the Geysers Plutonic complex (GPC) allow us to conclude that the entire known extent of the GPC crystallized during the early Pleistocene. Nine samples of the microgranite porphyry that forms the shallow cupola (100-1,500 m below sea-level, mbsl) of the GPC yield the oldest model U-Pb age (1.75 ± 0.01 Ma after correction for initial U series disequilibrium; errors 1σ). Twelve samples from the main intrusive phase (orthopyroxene-biotite granite) present at depths >1,250 mbsl define a crystallization age of 1.27 ± 0.01 Ma. This coincides with the age determined for a structurally and compositionally distinct body of granodiorite (1.25 ± 0.01 Ma; N = 5 samples) that is intruded over a similar depth range. Two petrographically distinct varieties of orthopyroxene-biotite granite yield ages of 1.46 ± 0.03 (GPC21-6000) and 1.16 ± 0.02 Ma (CA5636 74F 21; three samples). U-Pb zircon ages for dikes intruded in metagraywacke country-rocks overlap with those obtained from the main body of the GPC and include the youngest material identified (dike sample NEGU2 ST1-7700: 1.11 ± 0.03 Ma). Overall, the U-Pb results demonstrate that the main body of the GPC (∼300 km3) was emplaced and crystallized within the upper crust over a short time interval (0.2 Ma) that overlaps with zircon crystallization ages of overlying silicic volcanic units.  相似文献   

A development of De Paolo's mathematical procedure (1981) for magmatic AFC (Assimilation-Fractional Crystallization) processes is discussed with respect to both trace element and Sr isotopic ratio behaviours during the genesis and evolution of Adamello batholith (northern Italy). Resolution of a two equation-system (one relative to 87Sr/86Sr ratio variation in a magma generated by an AFC process, the other to its trace element content variations) gives the F (mass of magma at time t/mass of initial magma) and D (bulk partition coefficient) values, by which one can deduce the r (rate of assimilation/rate of crystallization) value during each step of magmatic evolution. This quantitative approach suggests that: 1) there was a common precursor magma for all the Adamello granitoids, with a Mg-rich tholeiitic composition; 2) each intrusive unit appears to have been generated by different extents of AFC; 3) the trace element distribution in the magma seems essentially influenced by mineral fractionation, rather than by the composition of the assimilated crustal material.  相似文献   

SHRIMP U–Pb zircon studies on two post-collisional granitic plutons and reassessment of the data previously reported for two anatectic gneissic granites are used to assess the late Neoproterozoic history of the Florianópolis Batholith, southern Brazil. The results, supported by SEM backscattered and cathodoluminescence imagery, identify inherited zircon populations and confirm the long-lived, crustal recycling processes responsible for the accretion of the batholith. The study casts new lights on the timing of the processes involved in the generation and modification of the internal structure of distinct zircon populations, and enables discrimination to be made between inherited cores and melt-precipitated overgrowths. New dating of two post-tectonic plutons (samples 1 and 2) revealed crystals showing magmatic-textured cores sharply bounded by melt-precipitated overgrowths. The U/Pb isotopic results from both samples spread along concordia by ca. 40 m.y. (sample 1) to 100 m.y. (sample 2), clustering in two closely spaced (bimodal), partially overlapping peaks. Melt-precipitated rims and homogeneous new grains, dated at ca. 600 Ma, furnish the crystallisation age of the plutons. The magmatic textured cores and xenocrysts dated at ca. 630–620 Ma are interpreted as inherited restitic material from supposedly short-lived (meta)granitic sources. The reassessment of previous SHRIMP data of two banded anatectic granitoids (samples 3 and 4) revealed more complex morphological patterns, in which the overgrown inherited cores are sharply bounded against large melt-precipitated rims, dated at ca. 600 Ma and 592±2 Ma, respectively. Major populations of magmatic-textured inherited cores dated at 2006±3 Ma and 2175±13 Ma characterise samples 3 and 4, respectively. The latter additionally shows metamorphic and magmatic inherited cores with a large range of ages (ca. 2900–620 Ma), suggesting partial melting of metasedimentary components. The main magmatic Paleoproterozoic core populations are interpreted as inherited restite from partial melting of the adjacent (meta)tonalitic gneiss and amphibolitic country-rock (paleosome). The recognition of the (melt-precipitated) Neoproterozoic overgrowths and new crystals, and the restite provenance of the cores, supplants a previous interpretation of Paleoproterozoic magmatism (cores) and Neoproterozoic (solid-state) metamorphic overprint. As a major consequence of the former interpretation, the unit was mistakenly considered part of major Paleoproterozoic gneissic remnant within the Neoproterozoic Florianópolis Batholith/arc.  相似文献   

The high-grade metamorphic complex of northern Sardinia consists of a strongly deformed sequence of migmatitic ortho- and paragneisses interlayered with minor amphibolites preserving relic eclogite parageneses. The protolith ages and geochemical characteristics of selected gneiss samples were determined, providing new constraints for reconstructing the Palaeozoic geodynamic evolution of this sector of the Variscan chain. The orthogneisses are metaluminous to peraluminous calcalkaline granitoids with crustal Sr and Nd isotopic signatures. One orthogneiss from the high-grade zone and one metavolcanite from the volcanic belt in southern Sardinia were dated by LAM-ICPMS (and SHRIMP) zircon geochronology. The inferred emplacement ages of the two samples are 469 ± 3.7 and 464 ± 1 Ma, respectively. The analysed paragneisses are mainly metawackes with subordinate metapelites and rare metamarls. Three paragneiss samples were dated: zircon ages scatter between 3 Ga and about 320 Ma, with a first main cluster from 480 to 450 Ma, and a second one from about 650 to 550. Variscan zircon ages are rare and mostly limited to thin rims and overgrowths on older grains. These data indicate that the high-grade complex principally consists of middle Ordovician orthogneisses associated with a thick metasedimentary sequence characterised by a maximum age of deposition between 480 and 450 Ma. The association of nearly coeval felsic-mafic magmatic rocks with immature siliciclastic sedimentary sequences points to a back-arc setting in the north Gondwana margin during the Early Palaeozoic. The Variscan metamorphic evolution recorded by the high-grade gneisses (Ky-bearing felsic gneisses and mafic eclogites) testifies to the transformation of the Late Ordovician–Devonian passive continental margin into an active margin in the Devonian–Early Carboniferous.Electronic Supplementary Material Supplementary material is available for this article at and is accessible for authorized users.  相似文献   

Yu  Long  Xiao  Ancheng  Wu  Lei  Tian  Yuntao  Rittner  Martin  Lou  Qianqian  Pan  Xiaotian 《International Journal of Earth Sciences》2017,106(8):2713-2726
International Journal of Earth Sciences - The Jurassic system is the major hydrocarbon source rock and of crucial importance for understanding the Mesozoic intra-continental tectonics in West...  相似文献   

 Mantle peridotites of the Internal Liguride (IL) units (Northern Apennines) constitute a rare example of the depleted lithosphere of the Jurassic Ligurian Tethys. Detailed chemical (ICP-MS and SIMS techniques) and isotopic investigations on very fresh samples have been performed with the major aim to constrain the timing and mechanism of their evolution and to furnish new data for the geodynamic interpretation. The data are also useful to discuss some general geochemical aspects of oceanic-type mantle. The studied samples consist of clinopyroxene-poor spinel lherzolites, showing incipient re-equilibration in the plagioclase-facies stability field. The spinel-facies assemblage records high (asthenospheric) equilibration temperatures (1150–1250° C). Whole rocks, and constituent clinopyroxenes, show a decoupling between severe depletion in highly incompatible elements [light rare earth elements (LREE), Sr, Zr, Na, Ti] and less pronounced depletion in moderate incompatible elements (Ca, Al, Sc, V). Bulk rocks also display a relatively strong M(middle)REE/H(heavy)REE fractionation. These compositional features indicate low-degree (<10%) fractional melting, which presumably started in the garnet stability field, as the most suitable depletion mechanism. In this respect, the IL ultramafics show strong similarity to abyssal peridotites. The Sr and Nd isotopic compositions, determined on carefully handpicked clinopyroxene separates, indicate an extremely depleted signature (87Sr/86Sr=0.702203–0.702285; 143Nd/144Nd=0.513619–0.513775). The Sm/Nd model ages suggest that the IL peridotites melted most likely during Permian times. They could record, therefore, the early upwelling and melting of mid ocean ridge basalt (MORB) type asthenosphere, in response to the onset of extensional mechanisms which led to the opening of the Western Tethys. They subsequently cooled and experienced a composite subsolidus evolution testified by multiple episodes of gabbroic intrusions and HT-LP retrograde metamorphic re-equilibration, prior to their emplacement on the sea floor. The trace element chemistry of IL peridotites also provides useful information about the composition of oceanic-type mantle. The most important feature concerns the occurrence of Sr and Zr negative anomalies (relative to “adjacent” REE) in both clinopyroxenes and bulk rocks. We suggest that such anomalies reflect changes in the relative magnitude of Sr, Zr and REE partition coefficients, depending on the specific melting conditions. Received: 15 February 1995/Accepted: 4 August 1995  相似文献   

The Flamenco pluton is part of a N–S alignment of Late Triassic to Early Jurassic intrusive belt comprising the westernmost part of the Coastal Range batholith in northern Chile. The Jurassic-Cretaceous voluminous magmatism related to subduction in the western active continental margin of Gondwana is emplaced in the predominantly metasedimentary Paleozoic host-rocks of the Las Tórtolas formation, which in the northern area of the Flamenco pluton present an intense deformation, including the Chañaral mélange.Geochemically, the Flamenco pluton shows a wide compositional variability (SiO2 between 48wt % and 67wt %). Gabbros, Qtz-diorites and tonalites, mesocratic and leucocratic granodiorites are classified as calc-alkaline, calcic, magnesian and metaluminous magmatism. Flamenco granitoids define cotectic linear evolution trends, typical of magmatic fractionation processes. Geochemical trends are consistent with magmas evolved from undersaturated and low-pressure melts, even though the absence of transitional contacts between intrusive units precludes in-situ fractionation. Although some granodioritic samples show crossed geochemical trends that point to the compositional field of metasediments, and large euhedral prismatic pinnite-biotite crystals, typical Crd pseudomorph, are observed in contact magmatic facies, geochemical assimilation processes are short range, and the occurrence of host-rocks xenoliths is limited to a few meters from the pluton contact.A thermal approach to the emplacement process has been constrained through the thermobarometric results and a 2D thermo-numerical model of the contact aureole. Some Qtz-diorites and granodiorites located in the north area of the pluton exhibit granulitic textures as Hbl-Pl-Qtz triple junctions, poikiloblastic Kfs and Qtz recrystallization. The Hbl–Pl pairs have been used for the thermobarometric study of this metamorphic process, resulting granoblastic equilibrium temperatures between 770 and 790 °C, whereas Hbl–Pl pairs in domains that preserve the original igneous textures yield temperatures above 820 °C. This is characteristic of self-granulitization processes during the sequential emplacement of composite batholiths.In addition, the thermal modeling was used in order to compare the expected and observed thermal contact aureole of the intrusive body. Model P-T conditions have been established between 3 and 4 kbars (extracted from the thermobarometric results), and temperatures between 1159 °C (liquidus temperature for a tonalitic composition) and 992 °C (fixed at the rheological threshold of a 50% crystal fraction). The thermal modeling estimates a homogeneous contact aureole, where the established temperatures for the melting reactions in the host-rocks are located at distances between 200 and 650 m from the magma chamber boundary, whereas the temperatures for Crd stabilization extend 1500 m far from the contact in the case of the emplacement at liquidus temperatures and 4 kbars. According to field observations, the contact aureole presents a scarce development in the northern area of the Flamenco pluton, with few migmatite outcrops and less than 1 Km in thickness for Crd-schists. However, in the southern contact, partially melted rocks are described at distances up to 2 km from the Flamenco pluton boundary.The processes of self-granulitization and the differences between the observed and calculated (by the thermal modeling of one single pulse) contact aureole suggests a process of incremental emplacement for the Flamenco pluton, by accretion of magmatic pulses from north to south (in its current position), where the thermal maturity reached through the repeated magmatic intrusion generates a more extensive area of high-grade metamorphism.  相似文献   

New geochronological U-Pb (LA-ICP-MS) zircon data and geochemical analyses from the Variscan orthogneisses and metavolcanic rocks in the western Tauern window are presented and used to reconstruct the pre-Alpine evolution of this area. The late- and post-Variscan stage in the Tauern window was characterised by distinct magmatic pulses accompanied by the formation of volcano-sedimentary basins. The magmatic activity started in the Visean (335.4 ± 1.5 Ma) with the intrusion of a K-rich, durbachitic biotite-granite (protolith of the Ahorn gneiss). Following a period of exhumation and erosion, Westfalian–Stefanian volcanics were deposited (Grierkar meta-rhyodacite: 309.8 ± 1.5 Ma; Venntal meta-rhyolite: 304.0 ± 3.0 Ma). A renewed magmatic pulse occurred in the Early Permian, producing large volumes of tonalites and granodiorites (Tux meta-granodiorite: 292.1 ± 1.9 Ma). The youngest magmatism is characterised by pyroclastic and tuffitic deposits (Pfitsch meta-rhyolite: 280.5 ± 2.6 Ma; Schönach valley meta-andesite: 279.0 ± 4.8 Ma). This volcanism was probably related to crustal extensional faulting within an intra-continental graben and horst setting, asthenospheric upwelling and heat flow increase due to the onset of the Permian rifting. The Permo-Triassic peneplanation and subsidence is documented by shallow marine and evaporitic deposits. Probably in the Middle Jurassic times, the area was flooded and in the Late Jurassic the whole area was covered by limestones, representing post-rift sediments on the southern European continental margin.  相似文献   

We investigated chemical and isotopic compositions of clinopyroxene crystals from well age-constrained juvenile scoria clasts, lava flows, and hypoabyssal magmatic ejecta representative of the whole eruptive history of the Alban Hills Volcanic District. The Alban Hills is a Quaternary ultra-potassic district that was emplaced into thick limestone units along the Tyrrhenian margin of Italy. Alban Hills volcanic products, even the most differentiated, are characterised by low SiO2 content. We suggest that the low silica activity in evolving magmas can be ultimately due to a decarbonation process occurring at the magma/limestone interface. According to the liquid line of descent we propose, the differentiation process is driven by crystallisation of clinopyroxene + leucite ± apatite ± magnetite coupled with assimilation of a small amount of calcite and/or with interaction with crustal CO2. By combining age, chemical data, strontium and oxygen isotopic compositions, and REE content of clinopyroxene, we give insights into the evolution of primitive ultrapotassic magmas of the Alban Hills Volcanic District over an elapsed period of about 600 kyr. Geochemical features of clinopyroxene crystals, consistent with data coming from other Italian ultrapotassic magmas, indicate that Alban Hills primary magmas were generated from a metasomatized lithospheric mantle source. In addition, our study shows that the 87Sr / 86Sr and LREE/HREE of Alban Hills magmas continuously diminished during the 600–35 ka time interval of the Alban Hills eruptive history, possibly reflecting the progressive depletion of the metasomatized mantle source of magmas.  相似文献   

We present the results regarding a combined analysis of self-potential and acoustic emission time series, jointly monitored during 1996 by means of a remote station installed north of the town of Potenza, close to an active fault system in a seismic area of Southern Italy. The goal is to verify the existence of correlations between geoelectric and seismoacoustic signals and the local seismicity. Preliminary filtering procedures for the removal of meteoclimatic effects and noise fluctuations of anthropic origin were applied. Then, objective methods were used to discriminate anomalous patterns from background noise in electric and seismoacoustic time series. Finally, a deep analysis of the possible correlations between the self-potential and acoustic emission extreme events and local seismicity has been carried out. The extreme events occurred before the Md = 4.5 earthquake of April 3, 1996 seem to indicate a common physical mechanism likely referable to the dilatancy-diffusion-polarization model.  相似文献   

 Zircons from a metasedimentary and a meta-igneous quartz-feldspar granulite from the Val Sesia and Val Mastallone area of the Ivrea Zone (Southern Alps) differ in their response to granulite facies metamorphism with respect to crystal morphology and U/Pb ages. Detrital zircons in the metasediment developed an isometric overgrowth by the addition of Zr derived mainly from co-existing minerals, most probably biotite, decomposing during anatectic melting. The overgrowth started in the pelitic layer of the metasediment in the Late Carboniferous at approximately 296 Ma, significantly earlier than in the adjacent psammitic layer where it started only at 261 ± 4 Ma (95% confidence level). These ages are ascribed to the differential initiation of anatexis in the two layers. The delay of melting in the psammitic layer was probably due to the different position and less steep slope of its solidus in P-T-space, as compared to the solidus in the pelitic layer. Accordingly, the melting in the psammitic layer at 261 Ma was initiated by a thermal pulse and/or by a decompression event. Decompression melting is supported by a characteristic shell morphology of the zircon overgrowth in the psammitic layer, which might have grown under shear movements during high-temperature extensional faulting. The typically magmatic zircon population of the meta-igneous granulite crystallized at 355 ± 6 Ma (95% confidence level). The morphology of the zircons and the chemistry of the rock suggest that the magma was calcalkaline. A minor subpopulation of crystals is morphologically similar to the zircons in the pelitic layer of the metasediment. This points to the admixture of a minor sediment component and, thus, to a largely volcaniclastic origin of the protolith. In contrast to the detrital zircons in the metasediment, the magmatic zircons show rare and little overgrowth and, instead, have been strongly resorbed by anatectic melt. In addition, they became partially recrystallized and the rejuvenated ages from the most thoroughly recrystallized domains indicate that the rock was subject to prograde metamorphism after 279 Ma. This may correspond to the regional temperature increase prior to the climax of metamorphism or to a local thermal pulse due to nearby mafic intrusions. An Upper Triassic event at 226 ± 5 Ma is reflected by distinct peripheral zones in the overgrowths of some zircons in the metapelite. These are interpreted as a second metamorphic pulse, possibly induced by the infiltration of fluids. Received: 2 June 1995 / Accepted: 15 September 1995  相似文献   

The continental redbeds from the Internal Domains of the central-western Mediterranean Chains have an important role in the palaeogeographic and palaeotectonic reconstructions of the Alpine circum-Mediterranean orogen evolution since these redbeds mark the Triassic-Jurassic rift-valley stage of Tethyan rifting. The composition and the sedimentary evolution of the Middle Triassic to Lowermost Jurassic continental redbeds of the San Marco d’Alunzio Unit (Peloritani Mountains, Southern Italy), based on mineralogical and chemical analyses, suggests that the studied mudrock sediments share common features with continental redbeds that constitute the Internal Domains of the Alpine Mediterranean Chains. Phyllosilicates are the main components in the mudrocks. The 10 Å-minerals (illite and micas), the I–S mixed layers, and kaolinite are the most abundant phyllosilicates. The amount of illitic layers in I–S mixed layers coupled with the illite crystallinity values (IC) are typical of high degree of diagenesis, corresponding to a lithostatic/tectonic loading of about 4–5 km. The mineralogical assemblage coupled with the A-CN-K plot suggest post-depositional K-enrichments. Palaeoweathering proxies (PIA and CIW) record intense weathering at the source area. Further, the studied sediments are affected by reworking and recycling processes and, as consequence, it is likely these proxies monitor cumulative effect of weathering. The climate in the early Jurassic favoured recycling and weathering occurred under hot, episodically humid climate with a prolonged dry season. The source-area is the low-grade Paleozoic metasedimentary basement. Mafic supply is minor but not negligible as suggested by provenance proxies.  相似文献   

Matera is an ancient city located at the top of Italy's high heel that has been anointed the European Capital of Culture 2019 and which, since 1993, has been included in the UNESCO World Heritage list. The close relationship between the urban development of the old town and its geology offers the unique opportunity to discover, in one shot, the cultural and geological history of a wonderful city that is often left out of the spotlight. As a corollary to this, the rupestrian old town of Matera and nearby areas are known also for having been the location of several movies (e.g. Bond 25 ‘No time to die’). Accordingly, media and tourists alike are showing a growing interest in Matera.  相似文献   

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