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陶瓷的脆性和高硬度使得传统陶瓷成型工艺不易制备具有复杂形状和结构的陶瓷制件。本文总结了目前发展较快的激光选区熔融、激光选区烧结、三维打印、立体光固化、自由挤出成型等增材制造工艺在陶瓷领域的研究进展。面向复杂结构和高性能陶瓷制品的定制化快速制造需求,陶瓷增材制造技术展现出极大优势,在传统陶瓷行业、生物医疗等领域得到了应用。但是,陶瓷增材制造仍面临着打印材料及大尺寸、高致密度复杂结构陶瓷零件制造等难题,这些也将是增材制造技术未来发展的重要研究方向。  相似文献   

随着现代化科学信息技术的不断发展,3D打印增材制造技术已经广泛的应用在社会的各个领域。本文将围绕金属3D打印增材制造技术的优势进行阐述,并详细的分析不同金属3D打印增材制造技术之间的对比,并逐步优化3D打印增材制造技术的力学性能,旨在提升不同金属3D打印增材制造技术水平。  相似文献   

正陶瓷材料因具有高强度、耐高温、耐腐蚀及良好的绝缘性和生物相容性等特点,被广泛应用于机械、电子、航空航天、生物医疗等领域。随着具备力学、热学、光学、电学及生物特性的新型陶瓷的快速发展,制造高性能、复杂结构陶瓷零件的需求日益迫切,这对陶瓷成型方法提出了越来越高的要求。传统陶瓷成型方法,如干压、凝胶注模、等静压、流延等对模具依赖性强,部分复杂结构陶瓷甚至难以采用传统成型方法制造。因此,探索无需模具的高性能、复杂结构陶瓷零件的新型成型方法已成为陶瓷领域的研究热点。  相似文献   

陶瓷材料具有强度高、抗压强度大、耐磨性、耐酸碱性等优异性能,是现代技术发展不可或缺的材料,但传统的陶瓷加工方法难以满足个性化、轻量化、复杂化的需求.增材制造技术作为一种新型成型方法,具有广泛的应用前景.光固化三维打印技术是增材制造技术的一种,具有精度高、成型速度快等优点.本文讨论了几种常用的光固化打印方法以及其在陶瓷型...  相似文献   

近年来随着社会科技的快速发展,在高性能陶瓷成型制造领域,3D打印技术具有广泛的发展前景,对于克服传统陶瓷加工和生产过程中遇到的技术瓶颈具有推进作用,有助于开辟陶瓷复杂零部件应用的新途径。本文针对近年来发展较快的光固化成型、选择性激光烧结、叠层实体制造技术等3D打印技术在陶瓷领域的研究进展进行分析,最后,总结出目前陶瓷3D打印技术所面临的困难与挑战。  相似文献   

针对国内外火工品、炸药、发射药、推进剂增材制造技术,按照增材制造的技术特点和应用方向,综述了国内外增材制造技术在火炸药成型中的研究现状。概述了材料喷射成型(Material jetting)、材料挤出成型(Material extruding)、光聚合固化技术(Vat photopolymerization)的成型原理、工艺特点及在火炸药成型中的应用情况,介绍了各类增材制造技术中火炸药的物料特性,并对火炸药增材制造技术发展方向进行了预测。指出火炸药增材制造应按照火炸药的应用背景,对增材制造火炸药配方(即耗材)的能量特性、力学特性、能量释放特性及工艺适配性等进行系统研究,以满足不同应用背景的发展需求。附参考文献97篇。  相似文献   

与传统加工方法相比,光固化3D打印技术具有个性化、定制化、高分辨率等优点,可满足陶瓷精细结构的成型,在陶瓷材料加工方面展示出很大的潜力.这里首先介绍了光固化3D打印技术及常见的陶瓷材料,从陶瓷浆料制备、素坯热处理工艺方面进行讨论.同时对该技术在生物医学领域特别是在骨科、齿科中的应用进行总结.  相似文献   

随着科技的进步和经济的迅速发展,3D打印技术逐渐走进人们的生活,电沉积3D打印技术在微器件的加工制造方面得到了广泛关注。本文,首先从电沉积原理出发,结合赫尔槽试验现象,系统论述了不均匀沉积发生的试验现象和根本原因;其后,从“电沉积反应的临界点”的方面阐述了电沉积3D打印的实现原理;最后对现有关于电沉积3D打印技术的研究进行了简述。本文对定域性电沉积和电沉积3D打印相关理论的阐述及研究总结,将为定域性电沉积和电沉积3D打印技术的发展提供较好的指导作用。  相似文献   

近年来,三维连续网络结构的陶瓷/金属复合材料由于兼具陶瓷材料的耐磨、高强、高硬、抗氧化、耐蚀及钢铁材料的导热性及良好的韧性受到人们的广泛关注。三维连续网络结构的陶瓷/金属复合材料的陶瓷结构的构建是制备复合材料的难题。3D打印技术突破了传统的加工模式,不依赖复杂模具和机械加工,并可根据材料不同的性能要求,开发出不同结构的陶瓷骨架,这将使陶瓷/金属复合材料领域发生巨大变化。本文介绍了陶瓷3D 打印技术的原理、分类、工艺特点及研究进展,并对3D打印技术未来的发展方向进行了展望。  相似文献   

张导  肖文戈  邱建荣 《硅酸盐学报》2021,49(5):前插1-前插2,807-818
3D打印是一种以数字模型文件为基础,运用计算机辅助逐层打印的方式构造三维物体的技术,近年来受到国内外的普遍关注,发展迅猛.介绍了3D打印玻璃技术的发展现状,内容包括熔融沉积、选择性激光烧结、立体光刻、数字光处理、墨水直写等玻璃3D打印技术,总结玻璃3D打印技术在各方面的应用,分析玻璃3D打印技术目前存在的问题,最后对玻...  相似文献   

The use of self‐assembling, pre‐polymer materials in 3D printing is rare, due to difficulties of facilitating printing with low molecular weight species and preserving their reactivity and/or functions on the macroscale. Akin to 3D printing of small molecules, examples of extrusion‐based printing of pre‐polymer thermosets are uncommon, arising from their limited rheological tuneability and slow reactions kinetics. The direct ink write (DIW) 3D printing of a two‐part resin, Epon 828 and Jeffamine D230, using a self‐assembly approach is reported. Through the addition of self‐assembling, ureidopyrimidinone‐modified Jeffamine D230 and nanoclay filler, suitable viscoelastic properties are obtained, enabling 3D printing of the epoxy–amine pre‐polymer resin. A significant increase in viscosity is observed, with an infinite shear rate viscosity of approximately two orders of magnitude higher than control resins, in addition to, an increase in yield strength and thixotropic behavior. Printing of simple geometries is demonstrated with parts showing excellent interlayer adhesion, unachievable using control resins.  相似文献   

岳敏  李红伟  李海燕 《橡胶工业》2019,66(10):0795-0798
以弹性体为打印材料的3D打印技术为熔融沉积快速成型、立体光固化、选择性激光烧结和聚合物喷射。简介热塑性弹性体打印材料和热固性弹性体打印材料,概述3D打印技术在弹性体制品生产中的应用,综述3D打印技术在弹性体领域的发展和挑战。光硫化或光固化是橡胶领域3D打印技术的发展趋势。  相似文献   

Transparent alumina ceramics were fabricated using an extrusion-based 3D printer and post-processing steps including debinding, vacuum sintering, and polishing. Printable slurry recipes and 3D printing parameters were optimized to fabricate quality green bodies of varying shapes and sizes. Two-step vacuum sintering profiles were found to increase density while reducing grain size and thus improving the transparency of the sintered alumina ceramics over single-step sintering profiles. The 3D printed and two-step vacuum sintered alumina ceramics achieved greater than 99 % relative density and total transmittance values of about 70 % at 800 nm and above, which was comparable to that of conventional CIP processed alumina ceramics. This demonstrates the capability of 3D printing to compete with conventional transparent ceramic forming methods along with the additional benefit of freedom of design and production of complex shapes.  相似文献   

The fourth dimension in 4D printing comprises the ability of materials to recover their shape with time by utilizing 3D printing in combination with shape memory polymers. The focus of this work is on 3D printing of physically crosslinked thermoplastic polymers, which allow a reversible transformation from a temporary to an original shape by an external stimulus temperature, thus realize 4D printing. In this context, (AB)n segmented copolyetherimides consisting of perylene and poly(ethylene glycol) (PEG) segments are synthesized and characterized regarding their thermal and rheological properties in view of 3D printing. The perylene imide segments act as reversible physical crosslinks which disassemble between 100 and 200 °C. The PEG segments exhibit a low melting temperature around 40 to 60 °C and are semi-crystalline at room temperature. The results show that this type of (AB)n segmented copolyetherimide combines reliable 3D printing performance, which is indicated by low warp deformation and excellent interlayer bonding. With a blend of two copolymers, it is able to realize 4D printing.  相似文献   

The need for big volume powder materials in building mechanically robust sintered parts via selective laser sintering (SLS) has been observed considering the direction towards the future of mass fabrication. This work presents a facile approach of combining polyamide‐12 (PA12) and carbon black (CB) powders to be used in the SLS application. The study investigates the mixing consistency, mechanical property, and thermal stability changes of the resulting 3D printed material. Bulk resistivity is correlated with the amount of CB, showing consistency of carbon content in the sintered parts produced by the effective separate grains mixing method. 3D printed parts are built with 0, 1.5, 3, 5 and 10 wt% CB via SLS. Improvements are seen at 1.5 and 3 wt% CB with the blockage of crack growth by the CB particles on applied load. For concentrations greater than 3 wt%, mechanical properties degrade due to hindering of physical contact between PA12 particles caused by CB particles, thereby reducing the effectiveness of the sintering process. The CB/PA12 sintered parts exhibit enhanced thermal stability resulting in higher degradation temperatures than the neat PA12. Therefore, in this study, thermally and mechanically enhanced 3D printed CB/PA12 build parts via SLS are successfully demonstrated.  相似文献   

Additive manufacturing (AM) is still underutilized as an industrial process, but is quickly gaining momentum with the development of innovative techniques and materials for various applications. In particular, stereolithography (SLA) is now shifting from rapid prototyping to rapid manufacturing, but is facing challenges in parts performance and printing speed, among others. This review discusses the application of SLA for polymer nanocomposites fabrication to show the technology's potential in increasing the applicability of current SLA‐printed parts. Photopolymerization chemistry, nanocomposite preparation, and applications in various industries are also explained to provide a comprehensive picture of the current and future capabilities of the technique and materials involved.


Polyhydroxyalkanoates are biopolyesters whose biocompatibility, biodegradability, environmental sustainability, processing versatility, and mechanical properties make them unique scaffolding polymer candidates for tissue engineering. The development of innovative biomaterials suitable for advanced Additive Manufacturing (AM) offers new opportunities for the fabrication of customizable tissue engineering scaffolds. In particular, the blending of polymers represents a useful strategy to develop AM scaffolding materials tailored to bone tissue engineering. In this study, scaffolds from polymeric blends consisting of poly(3-hydroxybutyrate-co-3-hydroxyvalerate) (PHBV) and poly(D,L-lactide-co-glycolide) (PLGA) were fabricated employing a solution-extrusion AM technique, referred to as Computer-Aided Wet-Spinning (CAWS). The scaffold fibers were constituted by a biphasic system composed of a continuous PHBV matrix and a dispersed PLGA phase which established a microfibrillar morphology. The influence of the blend composition on the scaffold morphological, physicochemical, and biological properties was demonstrated by means of different characterization techniques. In particular, increasing the content of PLGA in the starting solution resulted in an increase in the pore size, the wettability, and the thermal stability of the scaffolds. Overall, in vitro biological experiments indicated the suitability of the scaffolds to support murine preosteoblast cell colonization and differentiation towards an osteoblastic phenotype, highlighting higher proliferation for scaffolds richer in PLGA.  相似文献   

An efficient method to improve the mechanical performance of a commercially available photocure resin is described wherein the resin is modified with a mixture of a cycloaliphatic epoxy and an anhydride curing agent. Photocured samples are thermally treated in a subsequent step to cure the epoxy to obtain an interpenetrated polymer network (IPN) and also complete reaction of the acrylate monomers remaining from the photocure. The latter is accomplished by a thermal radical initiator added earlier into the formulation together with the epoxy-anhydride. The thermal properties and microstructure of the resulting IPN are analyzed. Uniform and quantitative conversions are obtained, with glass transition temperatures comparable to conventional epoxies. The liquid, uncured samples containing different amounts of epoxy are stable at 30 °C for several weeks. In the fully cured epoxy-rich materials, nano-scale phase separation is observed by atomic force microscopy. This is corroborated by the existence of multiple relaxations determined by dynamic mechanical analysis analysis. Specimens from a formulation containing 50% by weight of epoxy-anhydride are 3D printed in a customized masked image processing stereolithography, thermally treated, and are subjected to compression tests. Results show that Young's modulus increases by 900% over the neat resin.  相似文献   

增材制造技术在聚合物材料与结构、金属材料与结构制备中已经得到了大量应用。近年来,陶瓷材料与结构的增材制造技术得到了初步发展,受到了越来越多陶瓷工作者的关注。本文综述了目前几种常见的陶瓷材料与结构增材制造技术,并预测了未来陶瓷材料与结构增材制造技术发展的主要关注点,以期为陶瓷工作者提供关于增材制造技术一定的参考与思考。  相似文献   

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