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Food is considered to be the main source of dioxins (PCDDs) and dibenzofurans (PCDFs) for human intake, but there are relatively few publications reporting the levels of dioxins and furans in food samples.(1–4) Food samples from western to eastern Russia were collected during three recent trips by one of us (AS), and tested for dioxins and dibenzofurans to provide some indication of environmental contamination. The results show that in specific food samples there are more dioxins present than dibenzofurans, but in fish samples the opposite is true. We compare the levels found in Russian food with levels found in samples from other countries, on both wet weight and lipid basis. These Russian samples show ranges similar to but slightly lower than those seen in other industrial countries.  相似文献   

Schüler D  Jager J 《Chemosphere》2004,54(1):49-59
Experiments were conducted at the VERONA pilot plant, an incineration plant with stationary grate and separate post-combustion chamber, using wood and propane as basic combustible materials and with controlled dosage of various bromine-, chlorine- and copper-containing compounds. The behaviour of the following compounds was studied in the combustion chamber, after the post-combustion chamber and after the heat exchanger: polychlorinated phenols (PCPh), polybrominated phenols (PBrPh), polychlorinated benzenes (PCBz), polybrominated benzenes (PBrBz), polychlorinated dioxins and furans (PCDD/F) and polybrominated dioxins and furans (PBDD/F). The bromine co-incineration leaded to very high bromophenol concentrations after the post-combustion chamber. The formation of brominated and mixed-halogenated phenols and the further reaction to halogenated dioxins is apparently a relevant reaction mechanism for dioxin formation in processes involving bromine. This assumption is supported by the high formation rates of PBDD/F found in the heat exchanger, which were 4-20 times higher than those of PCDD/F. Moreover, the strong correlations found between the formation rates of PCPh, PCBz and PCDD/F in the heat exchanger indicate that in addition considerable new formation of dioxins takes place through de novo synthesis. Experiments involving the variation of primary operational parameters and fuel properties have shown that the quality of post-combustion plays a much greater role than the other parameters. Furthermore, it became apparent that the congeners of the chlorophenols and of the chlorobenzenes, measured in various incineration stages, do not correlate closely with the dioxin concentrations after the heat exchanger.  相似文献   

H. Weber  E. Marti 《Chemosphere》1986,15(9-12):1333-1337
The importance of reaction-rate theories is outlined and a short review is given over the main theories of unimolecular reactions. A new approach along the lines of the Slater theory is presented. Results of molecular decomposition rates for a chlorinated dioxine and related compounds are presented.  相似文献   

This research consists of a laboratory study and a field study. The laboratory research reports the formation of NOx from a point to plane corona discharge. Discharge polarity and relative humidity determined the amount of NOx that was produced. The positive point discharge caused more NOx to form than the negative point discharge. For both polarities NOx production showed a nonlinear increase with current. Relative humidity enhanced the NOx formation for both polarities. In each case, the amount of NOx formed was comparable to the quantity of N2O produced from corona discharge. The research also reports the results from a field study that measured the amounts of 03 and NO2 produced by corona discharge during a thunderstorm. The study found that the ambient concentrations of 03 and NO2 increased several fold due to corona discharge and returned to original levels after the thunderstorm.  相似文献   

采用超声波-膜生物法(MBR)联合处理垃圾渗滤液,探讨了超声波辐射时间和MBR的水力负荷对COD、NH3-N和TP去除的影响。结果表明,(1)超声波单独处理时,超声波辐射时间在30~90 s时,COD、NH3-N最大增加率分别34.31%、3.36%,而对TP的去除没有影响;(2)超声波-膜生物(MBR)联合处理时,超声波辐射时间为300 s,MBR的水力负荷为6.4 L/(m2.d)时,COD、NH3-N和TP的最佳去除率分别为92.20%、80.10%和91.12%;MBR的水力负荷为12.8 L/(m2.d),超声波辐射时间在5~20 min时,COD、NH3-N的最佳去除率分别为92.34%、79.93%,TP的浓度低于0.2 mg/L;MBR反应时间为7 h,超声波辐射时间为5~20 min,与未进行超声波辐射处理(超声波辐射时间为0 min)相比,COD、NH3-N的去除率增加了11.37%、15.26%;超声波预处理有助于提高后续MBR对COD、NH3-N的去除作用。  相似文献   

在大量试验研究获得数据基础上,结合机理分析,考虑ACF同时脱除多种污染物的主要影响因素,运用气固催化反应动力学方法进行分析,采用"混合模型法"建立ACF反应器数学模型,并用MATLAB软件与实验数据相结合迭代求取了模型参数,求出了宏观反应速率方程,并将计算模拟值与实验值进行比对,发现模拟结果与实验结果基本吻合,证实了模型的可靠性.为ACF反应器从试验研究的成果放大到工业规模的应用奠定了基础.  相似文献   

Berchtold F. Rordorf 《Chemosphere》1986,15(9-12):1325-1332
Vapor pressures are important parameters for modeling of environmental fate and incineration behaviour of chloro-dibenzodioxins and -dibenzofurans. Vapor pressures, enthalpies and entropies of sublimation were measured for four dibenzofurans and were compared to corresponding data on chlorodioxins. A vapor pressure correlation method, which uses the liquid phases as reference states was introduced. Boiling points, enthalpies and entropies of fusion could be calculated from the vapor pressure data by this method. The determined parameters were correlated with the degree of chlorine substitution and the correlations permit the estimation of boiling points, enthalpies of fusion and of sublimation pressures of n-chlorodioxins and -furans of known melting points. The predicted vapor pressures of 2,3,7,8-TCDD were found to be in good agreement with literature reportings.  相似文献   

An evaluation of the NO, NO2 and O3 concentrations in downtown Caracas atmosphere at two different heights (1.5 and 56 m ) during the dry and wet season was performed.The qualitative variation of NO and NO2 concentrations throughout the day was the same for all conditions. The profiles are explained considering the automobile emissions and the fates by photochemical reactions and dispersion. The daily mean averages for NOx exceed all available air quality standards, making the downtown Caracas air polluted with these compounds at harmful levels.The O3 concentrations are lower than the natural background levels practically all day long for all conditions. This lack of O3 is explained mainly by the very high continuous NO emissions occuring in Caracas. NO reacts very fast with O3 consuming all the O3 produced by photochemical reactions. Possible health implications of the low O3 levels are pointed out.  相似文献   

Expanded, 45 reaction, and core, 12 reaction, kinetic models have been developed that account for the major features in the homogeneous formation of polychlorinated dibenzo-p-dioxins (PCDD) from the oxidation of 2,4,6-trichlorophenol (P). The expanded and core schemes provide good agreement between experimental and calculated yields of PCDDs using the CHEMKIN combustion package or the React kinetic program, respectively. Steady-state approximations of the reaction kinetic models including radical-molecule and radical-radical formation pathways of PCDD, as well as oxidative destruction pathways of chlorinated phenoxyl radicals, reveal a competition between reactions of chlorinated phenoxyl radicals with chlorinated phenols, recombination reactions of chlorinated phenoxyl mesomers, and destruction/decomposition of phenoxyl radicals.  相似文献   

This study shows the catalyzing effects of iron and copper on the formation of chlorinated compounds such as chlorobenzenes (ClBzs), chlorophenols (CIPhs), polychlorinated dibenzo-p-dioxins (PCDDs) and dibenzofurans (PCDFs). Both total concentrations and congener distributions have been studied. The parameters and conditions varied during the combustion tests were the complete and incomplete combustion and the metal and chlorine addition. The incomplete combustion promoted the formation of organic chlorinated compounds in flue gas particles. Highly chlorinated congeners of PCDD/F were dominant in the flue gas particles, whereas the importance of lower chlorinated congener were increased in the gas phase. In the complete combustion conditions the concentrations of PCDD/Fs increased when the degree of chlorination were high, nevertheless the concentrations of tetra and penta PCDD/Fs were higher in the gas phase than the concentrations in the fly ash particles. Organic chlorine promoted the formation of chlorinated compounds more effectively than inorganic chlorine, which instead promoted the formation of PCDD/Fs in the gas phase, especially with copper catalyst. Different concentration levels of chlorinated compounds were observed in the gas phase and in particles when the chlorine source and combustion conditions were varied from incomplete to optimum conditions. Both copper and iron seem to have a catalytic effect on PCDD/F formation.  相似文献   

Osako M  Kim YJ 《Chemosphere》2004,54(1):105-116
The leaching behavior of dioxins from raw and treated fly ash (FA) under the coexistence of several types of surface-active agents (SAAs) was examined by batch leaching tests to obtain significant information not only for evaluating leachability of dioxins as hydrophobic organic pollutants (HOPs) under the severe environment in which SAAs coexist, but also for evaluating the reduction efficiency of dioxin-leachability from the treated FA. Enhancement of dioxin-leachability by sufficient addition of SAAs was observed in the leaching test, whereas addition of a smaller quantity depressed the leachability. The higher the degree of chlorination in PCDDs/PCDFs homologues, the more effectively the SAAs enhanced the leachability. Moreover, there was a large difference in the potential for leachability enhancement due to each surface activity, based on critical micelle concentration (CMC) of the SAAs although Aldrich humic acid enhanced the leachability at a much lower concentration than CMC. A comparison of the leachability in FA treated by several methods showed a difference in the reduction efficiency of leachability, depending on the adsorption of SAAs by each treated FA.  相似文献   

The aim of this study was to evaluate effects of food processing on PBDE levels, in particular influence of heat treatment on degradation of PBDEs, including possible formation of chlorinated diphenyl ethers or brominated dioxins/furans as degradation products. It was shown that PBDEs heated in the presence of chlorine (from either organic or inorganic sources) formed mixed chlorinated/brominated diphenyl ethers. However, no PCDEs were formed in the presence of lipids. Lipid medium increased stability of PBDEs exposed to UV irradiation. Profile of congeners formed in result of the debromination reaction was significantly different than profiles observed by some other authors in aliphatic organic solvents. Grilling processes increased concentrations (calculated on the fresh product basis) of the studied compounds by 4–8/22–34% for electric/coal grill, respectively. Depending on the congener and on the applied heat treatment, PBDE mass in pork meat after grilling dropped by 26–53%. No detectable quantities of either brominated dioxins or furans were formed during thermal processing of food containing typical levels of PBDEs.  相似文献   

Takasuga T  Makino T  Tsubota K  Takeda N 《Chemosphere》2000,40(9-11):1003-1007
Simplified thermal formation experiments have been conducted using dioxin-free fly ash as a catalyst with many kinds of combustible samples such as newspaper, kerosene, paraffin, PE (polyethylene), PP (polypropylene) and PVC. Chlorine sources were PVC, NaCl and HCl. The combustion of samples containing chlorine in the absence of dioxin-free fly ash produced dioxins at a low level although HCl was present in the gas stream. On the other hand, the combustion of samples without chlorine with dioxin-free fly ash increased dioxins formation to a level around 10 times higher than that upon heating dioxin-free fly ash alone. This result is considered to be due to the presence of metal chloride in the fly ash and hydrocarbons in the gas stream. The combustion of samples containing either an organic or inorganic chlorine source or using a HCl stream with dioxin-free fly ash increased dioxin level dramatically.  相似文献   

刘钊  姜枫  党岩  孙德智 《环境工程学报》2016,10(8):3986-3992
采用缺氧/两级好氧MBBR处理垃圾焚烧渗沥液厌氧出水,研究高浓度氨氮对处理工艺脱氮效果的影响,采用变性梯度凝胶电泳技术分析各个处理单元在不同氨氮浓度下填料中微生物群落结构的变化。实验结果表明,在HRT=30 h和硝化液回流比300%条件下,当进水氨氮浓度达到700 mg·L-1,氨氮的转化率和总氮的去除率分别从99%和80%下降到50%,高浓度氨氮对硝化细菌产生了毒性作用;当进水氨氮浓度降低至500 mg·L-1,氨氮的转化率和总氮的去除率分别恢复到90%和70%,氨氮对硝化细菌的毒性作用是可逆的。反硝化细菌较硝化细菌对高浓度氨氮有较强的耐受能力。微生物群落结构没有发生明显变化,氨氮对微生物的毒性表现在对其生物活性的抑制。  相似文献   

低温等离子体联合光催化技术降解甲苯的实验研究   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:2  
采用低温等离子体联合光催化技术降解甲苯,从电压、电源频率、甲苯气体流量、初始浓度和Mn2+掺杂量等方面考察其对甲苯降解率的影响,并对比γ-Al2O3、TiO2/γ-Al2O3和Mn1.0/TiO2/γ-Al2O3(Mn2+摩尔分数为1.0%)3种填料的甲苯降解能量利用效果.结果表明,在相同电压和频率条件下,3种填料的甲...  相似文献   

通过实地钻取阿苏卫填埋场陈腐垃圾,真实模拟填埋场压实工艺,制作2种不同压实密度的陈腐垃圾模拟柱,对比研究其对渗滤液COD、NH3-N处理效果。结果表明,当模拟柱压实密度为1.09 t/m3时,渗滤液垂直运动明显;回灌此模拟柱水力负荷分别为18.6、28、37.2和46.5 L/t时,COD去除效果稳定,平均去除率达82...  相似文献   



In Egypt, the picture of threats to humans and the environment from the exposure to organic pollutants is still incomplete. Thus the objectives of this study were to assess the occurrence and distribution of polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs), organochlorine pesticides, and chlorpyrifos in sediments and mussels of Abu Qir Bay and their risks for environment and human health.  相似文献   

外置管式MBR处理垃圾焚烧渗沥液中的膜污染   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
采用外置管式膜生物反应器进一步处理垃圾焚烧渗沥液生化出水,研究水洗和化学洗后污染膜的清洗效果。采用扫描电镜、傅里叶红外光谱对膜表面污染物进行分析;采用变性梯度凝胶电泳技术分析了膜表面泥饼层中细菌群落结构。实验结果表明,采用低压力(0.03 MPa)、高流速(2.84 m/s)的清水洗能使膜通量恢复到45%;化学清洗采用pH=2的盐酸酸洗较好。两者清洗方法结合能使膜通量恢复至初始通量的88%。膜表面污染物主要由无机垢体和蛋白质多糖类物质构成,膜表面泥饼层中的细菌主要含有芽孢杆菌、腐螺旋菌、红杆菌等。  相似文献   

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