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位于北天山地震带中段的乌拉泊水库工程场地,自有历史地震记载以来,影响场区的最大烈度是Ⅶ度。通过参考前人工作成果及数据对大坝及附属建筑进行了动力稳定性计算研究,探讨了造成坝体震害的原因,评价了水库大坝的抗震安全性。  相似文献   

地震安全性评价和高层建筑的地震动输入   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:3  
本文根据现行的中国地震烈度区划图中烈度的含义,指出在使用现行“建筑抗震设计规范”时存在的一些问题和与《中华人民共和国防震减灾法》的不协调之处。根据多年参加工程场地地震安全性评价的经验,总结了目前进行地震安全性评价过程中存在的一些问题。文中建议:针对高层建筑进行新的场地分类方法的研究;对高层建筑工程场地作地震安全性评价时,可根据高度的不同,适当简化安全性评价过程。  相似文献   

核电站抗震研究综述   总被引:5,自引:1,他引:5  
核电站抗震性一直是核电站设计的主要问题之一。随着此问题各方面研究的深入和研究手段的进步,核电站的抗震计算理论也在不断发展,本文试图根据已有的资料,在核电站抗震问题的一些主要方面(地震输入参数的确定,抗震计算理论,结构与地基的相互作用,支加速度谱及反应谱的确定,建筑物及设备的抗震计算,地基,基础及地下建筑的抗震计算等)研究状况作一些综述,并在此基础上展望一下需要解决的问题。  相似文献   

混凝土大坝原型测量及抗震分析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
以丹江口大坝、葛洲坝闸墩坝、新丰江大坝和潭岭大坝强震观测为例,介绍了混凝土大坝原型观测中所使用的仪器、测量方法(强震观测和微振观测)及获取的初步成果,扼要介绍了混凝土大坝抗震分析的内容(包括结构动力特性分析、坝体稳定性分析和强度验算)和方法(拟静力法和反应谱法),最后,详细介绍了利用强震记录对新丰江大坝和潭岭大坝进行抗震分析的结果,并由此看出强震观测对于大坝抗震的重要性。  相似文献   

结构抗震设计中的强度折减系数研究   总被引:27,自引:12,他引:27  
借助于单自由度弹塑性动力时程分析程序,对延性结构的强度折减系数进行了研究,在统计平均和回归分析的基础上,建立了平均强度折系数的函数形式,本文所建立的平强度折减系数函数,从理论上明确了结构具有延性对弹性地震力的折减关系,研究成果可供结构抗震设计规范采纳应用。  相似文献   

跨断层桥梁抗震若干问题探讨   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
从断层时间尺度、活动性、场地效应等方面阐述跨断层桥梁的定义与内涵;从"功能性"、"制约性"、"地表破裂变异性"、"设计缺陷"4方面分析跨断层桥梁"不得不"面临较大的地震破坏风险的原因;最后以1979年Imperial Valley地震中El Centro台阵收集到的强震记录为基础,对断层破裂强震记录特征及地震动传播机理进行分析,研究断层两侧地面运动分布规律,建议跨走滑断层桥梁的地震动输入方向。本文研究结果对促进跨断层桥梁抗震设防具有借鉴意义。  相似文献   

不同抗震标准下的海洋石油平台设计地震动参数研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
在海洋石油平台抗震标准方面,中国与美国规范之间存在一定的差异。本文首先介绍了两国抗震规范中的相关内容。以渤海某油田为例,根据渤海及邻区的地震构造、地震活动环境及地震动衰减关系,利用概率方法进行地震危险性分析;采用一维等效线性化方法,根据场地土动力性能试验资料,确定不同抗震标准下的设计地震动参数。最后分析不同抗震标准下的地震动参数关系,以及对工程设计的影响。结合我国渤海与美国南加利福尼亚地区的地震活动性对比分析,对我国海洋石油平台的设防地震水准提出建议。  相似文献   

利用前人所编的历代(共四代)地震烈度(地震动)区划图,组合叠加后得到一个综合烈度(地震动)。这种叠加是一个集成的专家系统综合认识结果,以此作为坝体可能遭受地震破坏危险的因素。初步研究建立了混凝土大坝震害评估模型,此模型是考虑了坝体的结构类型、建设年代、使用现状、场地条件、抗震设防水平等因素,用逐步线性拟合方法进行回归分析得到的。用此模型对汶川地震破坏的坝体进行了实例分析,分析结果比较符合实际。最后,用这个模型对黄河上游10座重点混凝土大坝做了震害评估分析。  相似文献   

随机地震动场激励下拱坝多点输入的抗震可靠度分析   总被引:5,自引:3,他引:5  
本文首次将空间随机地震场输入用于拱坝随机振动分析之中,与拱坝三维动力学有限元法结合,完成了三维拱坝在空间随机地震动场作用下的随机振动分析方法及算法的研究,另外考虑动力和静力的叠加,提出了三维空间随机地震动场的拱坝抗震可靠度分析方法,最后编制了相应的程序,对小湾拱坝进行了抗震可靠度分析,并与随机变量的结果进行了比较。  相似文献   

桥梁限位器抗震设计方法研究   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
本文建立了两跨简支梁桥和五跨多跨刚架桥两结构模型,针对限位器的种类、刚度、强度、安装位置,输入地震动等进行了大量工况下的数值模拟研究。研究表明限位器与柱(框架)的刚度比在0.5-2之间较优。将现有的限位器设计方法应用于两算例结构,对现有限位器设计方法进行了比较研究。  相似文献   

This paper describes some special features of the Wenchuan earthquake that affected dam safety. Damage and performance of dams, primarily for four dams over 100 m high located in the affected earthquake area, are briefly described. Lessons learned related to dam safety from this devastating earthquake are preliminarily drawn. As the seismic safety of high dams during strong earthquakes has gained more attention around the world, some critical issues related to dam construction in China are considered and extensively discussed. Questions such as “Why is dam construction necessary in earthquake prone countries such as China?”, “Can we accurately evaluate the seismic safety of high dams in China?”, “Did reservoir impounding of the Zipingpu and Three Gorges Projects trigger the Wenchuan Earthquake in some way?” and “What is the strategic priority of dam safety for large dams in China?” are discussed. Finally, the corresponding tactics with response to the challenge are suggested and recent preliminary progress mainly achieved in IWHR is briefly introduced.  相似文献   

China is a country of high seismicity with many hydropower resources. Recently,a series of high arch dams have either been completed or are being constructed in seismic regions,of which most are concrete dams. The evaluation of seismic safety often becomes a critical problem in dam design. In this paper,a brief introduction to major progress in the research on seismic aspects of large concrete dams,conducted mainly at the Institute of Water Resources and Hydropower Research(IWHR) during the past 60 years,is presented. The dam site-specific ground motion input,improved response analysis,dynamic model test verification,field experiment investigations,dynamic behavior of dam concrete,and seismic monitoring and observation are described. Methods to prevent collapse of high concrete dams under maximum credible earthquakes are discussed.  相似文献   

An attempt has been made to summarise the methods of approach used in assessing the dynamic behaviour and safety of earth and rock-fill dams under seismic shaking until about the present time, from the soil engineer's point of view. Shortcomings of the pseudo-static method, procedures to estimate the permanent deformations, liquefaction effects, and experience gained from the previous events have been reviewed. Observing that the most important cause of instability is the occurence liquefaction during ground motions, cyclic approach and steady-state approach in assessing the liquefaction potential have been addressed and recent practical approaches of analysis and design have been referred. It has been found noteworthy to recall that incidence of failure or serious damage to well-engineered dams has not been experienced, even under strong ground shaking.  相似文献   

对土石坝地震稳定性分析中几个重要问题,土料本构模型、地震反应分析和永久变形分析作了简要评述和初步分析,并指出其中存在的若干问题。另外,对土石坝地震稳定性分析现状、各类分析方法及其适用条件做了评述。  相似文献   

Earthquake safety assessment of concrete arch and gravity dams   总被引:9,自引:1,他引:8  
Based on research studies currently being carried out at Dalian University of Technology, some important aspects for the earthquake safety assessment of concrete dams are reviewed and discussed. First, the rate-dependent behavior of concrete subjected to earthquake loading is examined, emphasizing the properties of concrete under cyclic and biaxial loading conditions. Second, a modified four-parameter Hsieh-Ting-Chen viscoplastic consistency model is developed to simulate the rate-dependent behavior of concrete. The earthquake response of a 278m high arch dam is analyzed, and the results show that the strain-rate effects become noticeable in the inelastic range. Third, a more accurate non-smooth Newton algorithm for the solution of three-dimensional frictional contact problems is developed to study the joint opening effects of arch dams during strong earthquakes. Such effects on two nearly 300m high arch dams have been studied. It was found that the canyon shape has great influence on the magnitude and distribution of the joint opening along the dam axis. Fourth, the scaled boundary finite element method presented by Song and Wolf is employed to study the dam-reservoir-foundation interaction effects of concrete dams. Particular emphases were placed on the variation of foundation stiffness and the anisotropic behavior of the foundation material on the dynamic response of concrete dams. Finally, nonlinear modeling of concrete to study the damage evolution of concrete dams during strong earthquakes is discussed. An elastic-damage mechanics approach for damage prediction of concrete gravity dams is described as an example. These findings are helpful in understanding the dynamic behavior of concrete dams and promoting the improvement of seismic safety assessment methods.  相似文献   

IntroductionItisdefinitelystipulatedintheLawofthePeople'sRepublicofChinaonProtectingagainstandMitigatingEarthquakeDisastersthattheseismicsafetyevaluationmustbemadeformajorprojects(includinglifelineprojects)and,accordingtotheresultsobtained,theseismicresistancerequirementsshouldbedetermined.Thenecessityofseismicsafetyevaluationhasbeenrecog-nizedgradually,butthetopicontheeffectofsafetyevaluationhasnotbeenreferredmuch.Gener-allyspeaking,althoughmostpeopleapprovethesocialeffectofsafetyevaluatio…  相似文献   

采用无限元作为岩体地下洞室静动力分析的边界条件,建立了岩体地下洞室的静动力有限元一无限元(FE-IE)计算模型,分析了柔性垫层对水电站厂房这类大型岩体洞室结构的减震效果.研究结果表明:柔性垫层虽未能从根本上改变岩体洞室结构的地震响应,但是设置一定厚度的柔性垫层后不仅能充分发挥岩体洞室围岩的自承能力,而且还能明显地减小混...  相似文献   

The effects of incoherency and wave-passage on the nonlinear responses of concrete arch dams are investigated in this study. A double curvature arch dam is selected as a numerical example. The reservoir is modeled as a compressible material and the foundation is modeled as a massless medium. Ground motion time-histories are artificially generated using the Monte Carlo simulation approach. Four different finite element models (FEM) are considered: uniform excitation; incoherence effect; wave passage effect; and both incoherence and wave passage effects. It was revealed that modeling multiple-supports excitation could have a significant impact on the structural response of the dam by inducing a pseudo-static effect. Also, it was concluded that the coherency effect overshadows the wave passage effect and the results obtained from non-uniform excitation of FEM, including the wave passage effect, is close to the results of the FEM when it is uniformly excited.  相似文献   

A comprehensive framework for potential failure modes (PFM) identification and quantification of concrete dams subjected to seismic excitation is presented. A quantifiable indicator of PFM is presented in the context of both linear and nonlinear analyses. As an illustrative example, a thin arch dam subjected to a set of ground motions at different seismic intensity levels is investigated and corresponding PFM quantified. An outcome of this analysis is the probabilistic‐based correlation between linear and nonlinear analyses and identification of the optimal intensity measure parameter. This study, is an adaptation and extension of well‐accepted procedures defined by the performance‐based earthquake engineering paradigm in buildings. Copyright © 2015 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

为了从能量角度研究重力坝地震响应的时频特征,在重力坝非线性动力分析基础上,探讨了重力坝地震过程中振动能量的时域耗散机制;采用小波频域多层次分解技术研究了其动响应的分频段能量特征,得到了坝体典型位置动响应分频段振动能量随高程的变化规律.通过分析发现:结构地震能量耗散为时域上不可逆的增加,坝体损伤集中出现在地震过程的某个时间段,地震动峰值后坝体损伤状态基本稳定;小波分解可以较全面地描述结构动响应能量的分频段特征.对于本文算例,在坝踵和上游折坡附近,重力坝地震响应的振动能量以4~8 Hz频段为主,这与输入的地震信号分频段特征一致;而坝顶附近则以1 ~4 Hz的振动能量为主,高频能量分量的比重随高程增大而逐渐减小.  相似文献   

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