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The phosphorylation of TN-I was investigated in muscles of live frogs injected with [32P]orthophosphate. Isolation of TN-I was carried out by the rapid and specific technique of affinity chromatography developed by Syska, Perry, and Trayer [FEBS Lett.40, 253–257 (1974)] followed by gel electrophoresis in the presence of sodium dodecyl sulfate. No significant labeling of TN-I was found even in frogs which were exposed to the 32P-treatment for several days. A comparison of the specific radioactivity of TN-I from resting and contracting frog muscle showed no change in the 32P content of TN-I during muscle contraction.  相似文献   

Calcium uptake by mitochondria and fragmented sarcoplasmic reticulum (FSR) isolated from frog skeletal muscle was studied. These fractions were characterized by electron microscopy, succinic dehydrogenase assay and by using mitochondrial inhibitors. With high (100 μM) Ca in the medium, the Ca accumulating capacity of the two fractions was similar. Zinc in concentrations of 5–10 μM in the medium had no effect on Ca uptake by either fraction whereas higher concentration of Zn (25 μM) reduced Ca uptake in both fractions. Five micromolar lanthanum lowered Ca uptake by 70% in mitochondria but had no effect on Ca uptake by FSR. With 10 and 25 μM La, Ca uptake by FSR decreased by 12 and 20% respectively. Addition of La (5 μM) to Ca-loaded mitochondria had no effect indicating that La could only interfere with the Ca binding step and was unable to release Ca that was already stored. In the medium that originally contained low (10 μM) Ca FSR was able to reduce the Ca concentration below 0.1 μM. In contrast mitochondria, although possessing an equal capacity for Ca uptake were unable to accumulate Ca from the medium when Ca was lowered to approximately 4 μM. Presence of 5–10 μM La in the low Ca medium had no effect on the total amount of Ca taken up by FSR in two minutes but reduced the rate of Ca uptake significantly. The relation of the effects of Zn and La on the isolated fractions to their reported effects on the contractile response of skeletal muscle is discussed.  相似文献   

The phosphate uptake mechanism   总被引:11,自引:0,他引:11  
The slow rate of diffusion of phosphate in soil results in a zone of depletion of phosphate ions in solution around the roots of plants in low phosphate soils. Transfer of phosphate to the site of uptake into the root symplasm limits phosphate uptake in such soils. This transfer involves movement across the depletion zone and through the root apoplasm. The apoplasm is made up of the cell walls of epidermal and cortical cells, together with the associated intercellular spaces. Although the pores in the open latticework of these cell walls permit movement of nutrients around cells, they increase the path length across which phosphate ions have to diffuse. The structural components and net negative charges of the cell walls also influence the effective concentrations of phosphate in the apoplasm. This concentration may be further modified by excreted organic compounds around cell walls and the presence of micro-organisms that use such compounds as carbon sources. A membrane on the inner surface of the cell wall, the plasmalemma, separates the apoplasm from the symplasm. Uptake of nutrients into the root symplasm occurs through transporter proteins embedded in this membrane. Understanding of the mechanisms by which phosphate is transported across the plasmalemma into the plant symplasm has advanced considerably over the past 4 years due to the application of molecular techniques. Genes encoding the transporters involved in this process have been isolated from a number of plant species. These transporters belong to a family of membrane proteins characterized by having 12 membrane-spanning domains arranged in a '6+6' configuration. H2PO4 ions, together with protons, are transported through this protein. This transport process is driven by the potential across the membrane maintained by the action of a H+-ATPase, the `proton pump', that extrudes protons to the outer surface of the membrane. The expression of genes encoding high-affinity root phosphate transporters is regulated by the phosphorus (P) status of the plant. The transduction pathway involved in this regulation is not known at present. It is a systemic response rather than a localized response, however, the overall phosphate status of the plant being the controlling factor. Under phosphate stress, the expression of genes encoding these phosphate transporters is up-regulated. This results in a greater number of transporter proteins in the plasmalemma and enhanced phosphate uptake rates, if phosphate is available at the membrane surface. Uptake occurs around the root tip, into epidermal cells with their associated root hairs and into cells in the outer layers of the root cortex. Further back along the root axis, phosphate can also be taken up by transfer from mycorrhizal fungi to root cortical cells.Strategies for increasing nutrient uptake by overexpressing genes encoding high-affinity phosphate transporters are likely to be mainly applicable to situations where a reasonable phosphate concentration can be maintained at the outer surface of the plasmalemma. Maintaining such a concentration is a major problem in the phosphate deficient soils of the semi-arid tropics (SAT), so emphasis in these soils is on strategies to improve the movement of phosphate to the surface of the plasmalemma. There may be scope, however, for manipulating the expression of genes involved in the internal mobilisation of phosphate within the plant, thereby improving phosphate utilisation.  相似文献   

Resting muscle is generally perceived as a glucose-utilizing organ; however, we show that resting well-oxygenated frog muscle recovering from strenuous exercise can release significant amounts of glucose. The metabolic pathway responsible for this process does not involve glucose-6-phosphatase because this enzyme is undetectable in frog muscle. The participation of amylo-1,6-glucosidase in the production of glucose is also ruled out since neither marked net phosphorolytic breakdown of glycogen nor considerable cycling between glycogen and glucose 6-phosphate occur. The glucosidic pathways of glycogen breakdown are the likely source of glucose as they are the only metabolic avenues with sufficient capacity to account for the rate at which glucose is released from post-exercised muscle. This rate of glucose production is high enough to be of physiological importance. Our results clearly indicate that to measure lactate glycogenesis in muscle, the simultaneous hydrolysis of muscle glycogen by the glucosidic pathways must be taken into account to prevent marked underestimation of the rate of glycogen synthesis. The glucosidic pathways seem the predominant avenues of glycogen breakdown in post-exercised resting frog muscle and are active enough to account for the rate of glycogen breakdown in resting muscle, suggesting that these rather than the phosphorolytic pathways are the chief routes of glycogen breakdown in resting muscle.  相似文献   

Summary A Na+-sensitive uptake of 3-O-methylglucose (3-O-MG), a nonmetabolized sugar, was characterized in frog skeletal muscle. A removal of Na+ from the bathing solution reduced 3-O-MG uptake, depending on the amount of Na+ removed. At a 3-O-MG concentration of 2mm, the Na+-sensitive component of uptake in Ringer's solution was estimated to be about 26% of the total uptake. The magnitude of Na+-sensitive component sigmoidally increased with an increase of 3-O-MG in bathing solution, whereas in Na+-free Ringer's solution the uptake was proportional to the concentration. The half saturation of the Na+-sensitive component was at a 3-O-MG concentration of about 13mm, and the Hill coefficient was 1.4 to 1.6. Phlorizin (5mm), a potent inhibitor specific for Na+-coupled glucose transport, reduced the uptake in a solution containing Na+ to the level in Na+-free Ringer's solution. Glucose of concentrations higher than 20mm suppressed 3-O-MG uptake to a level slightly lower than that in Na+-free Ringer's solution. These observations indicate that there are Na+-coupled sugar transport systems in frog skeletal muscle which are shared by both glucose and 3-O-MG.  相似文献   

Active phosphate uptake by Nitella translucens   总被引:11,自引:0,他引:11  

Multiphasic uptake of phosphate by corn roots   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:3  
Abstract The concentration dependence of phosphate uptake was studied using root sections of corn (Zea mays L. cv. Ganga 5). Detailed and wide-range (57 concentrations in the range 1 μmol m?3-75 mol m?3), precise (average SEM < 2.5%, n= 6) and reproducible (similar patterns in three independent experiments and for 5, 10, 15, 20, 25 and 30°C) data revealed six (or seven) concentration-dependent phases separated by ‘jumps’ or sharp breaks. These transitions were independent of temperature and occurred over relatively narrow concentration ranges (0.0001–0.0004, 0.08–0.31, 1.0–3.5, (7.5–10), 18–20 and 57–59 mol m?3). The intermediate phases obeyed Michaelis-Menten kinetics, whereas sigmoidal kinetics were observed at lower concentrations. Uptake within each of the two highest phases increased more rapidly with increasing external phosphate concentration than predicted from Michaelis-Menten kinetics but also saturated more rapidly. The latter finding is not consistent with free diffusion across the plasmalemma at high external phosphate concentrations. Kinetic models yielding continuous isotherms, e.g. the sum of one or two Michaelis-Menten terms and a diffusion term, cannot account for the data.  相似文献   

In 37 of 41 isolated frog skeletal muscle fiber preparations (one, two, or three fibers) the twitch was eliminated or reduced to less than 10% of control by exposing the fibers to a O-calcium, bicarbonate-buffered solution for 10 min or less. Replacing the bicarbonate by a phosphate buffer either prevented twitch inhibition or increased the O-calcium exposure time required for its production. It is concluded that surface membrane-bound calcium ions (presumably in the t-tubules) are required to couple the action potential to the mechanical response and that phosphate ions inhibit the loss of the membrane-bound calcium ions into an external calcium-free solution.  相似文献   

Transmission of sensory information was calculated for the isolated frog muscle spindle receptor, using Shannon's information measure. Sinusoidal movements, random noise stretches, and sinusoids with superimposed auxiliary noise were applied as stimuli. In addition, the static prestretch level of the intrafusal muscle bundle was adjusted between resting length (L0) and L0 + 600 micron, so that the analysis of the information transmission properties covered the entire dynamic range of the sensory receptor organ. Sinusoidal stretches below 2 Hz evoked smoothly modulated cycle histograms, which were approximately linearly related to the stimulating sinewave. The transinformation rates under these conditions were generally low (5-17 bit X s-1), regardless of the amplitude of the applied movement. Increasing prestretch enhanced the modulation depth of the cycle histograms considerably, but increased the transinformation rates by less than 10 bit X s-1. By contrast, sinusoids above 2 Hz evoked clearly nonlinear cycle histograms, because each action potential was firmly phase-locked to a small segment of the stretch cycle. Under these conditions the transinformation rates grew larger with increasing stimulus frequency and approached 130 bit X s-1 at 60 Hz. Small amplitude sinusoidal stretches, however, evoked considerable transinformation rates in the high frequency region only then, when the spindle receptor was extended to higher prestretch levels. Random stretches evoked transinformation rates between 5 and 30 bit X s-1 depending on both the prestretch level and the intensity of the noise stimulus. The linear response components carried only about 25% of the transinformation rates transmitted by both the linear and nonlinear response components. Auxiliary noise stimuli greatly improved the information transmission of sinusoidal stretches. For example, a pure sinusoid evoked 5 bit X s-1. Adding a noise signal with equal energy to the sinusoidal movement elicited 20 bit X s-1. This facilitation effect of auxiliary noise was restricted to low frequency sinusoidal stimuli. The present results are discussed with respect to the information transmission properties of various sensory systems evaluated by either the same or different information processing procedure as that used in the present study. The functional significance of high transinformation rates sent by the muscle spindle to the central nervous system is discussed with respect to motor control.  相似文献   

1. The Na+ uptake in the isolated from skin of Rana esculenta was measured by the short-circuit current (Isc). Uranyl ions increase at pH 5.5 the Isc up to 200% at concentrations of 10 mM. The half-maximal value for this effect is at about 1 mM uranyl salt. 2. The effect is (a) specific for the Na+-selective membrane, (b) fully reversible. No stimulation can be seen in presence of 1 mM H+ or 0.1 mM amiloride. 3. The decrease of the sodium permeability of the apical membrane (PNa), normally induced by increasing concentrations of Na+ in the mucosal solution, %Na]o, is partially prevented by uranyl ions. The apparent Michaelis constant of the saturable Na+ uptake is shifted to much higher values. 4. A comparison between the uranyl effect and similar effects of the other drugs leads to the conclusion that uranyl ions might act in a polar hydrophobic environment, possibly by combining with phosphate groups (of phospholipids), and, thus, enhancing Na+ permeability by changes in tertiary structure near each Na channel. The interaction of mucosal Na+ with their receptor, normally triggering the [Na]o-dependent decrease of PNa, is thought to be diminished by uranyl association in a neighbouring region, causing a noncompetitive stimulation of the Na+ translocation though the apical frog skin membrane.  相似文献   

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