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Elderly individuals can access online 3D virtual stores from their homes to make purchases. However, most virtual environments (VEs) often elicit physical responses to certain types of movements in the VEs. Some users exhibit symptoms that parallel those of classical motion sickness, called cybersickness, both during and after the VE experience. This study investigated the factors that contribute to cybersickness among the elderly when immersed in a 3D virtual store. The results of the first experiment show that the simulator sickness questionnaire (SSQ) scores increased significantly by the reasons of navigational rotating speed and duration of exposure. Based on these results, a warning system with fuzzy control for combating cybersickness was developed. The results of the second and third experiments show that the proposed system can efficiently determine the level of cybersickness based on the fuzzy sets analysis of operating signals from scene rotating speed and exposure duration, and subsequently combat cybersickness.  相似文献   

To examine the effect of stereo vision on performance, presence and oculomotor disturbances within a virtual environment (VE), two groups of 23 participants (good stereo acuity/low stereo acuity) were evaluated. Groups were matched in terms of gender, age and VE design factors (the latter were accounted for to ensure a similar VE experience between groups). Participants were immersed in a VE maze for up to 1h during which time they interacted with the environment while performing a number of stationary and movement-based tasks. Individuals with low stereo acuity traveled further to complete two tasks in the VE, yet performance time on these tasks was comparable to participants with good stereo acuity. Although participants with impaired stereo vision likely did not fully benefit from a stereoscopic view of the scene, they may have received sufficient depth information from movement-based cues to efficiently accomplish these tasks in a comparable amount of time. Overall performance, based on both the number of tasks completed and the total translational distance moved (based on input device movement) within the VE was not hindered for those with low stereo acuity. In addition, the expected increase in oculomotor disturbances for this group was not evident in this study, and both groups reported comparable amounts of presence from VE exposure. These results suggest that when head tracking is included as part of the VE experience (i.e., motion parallax cues exist), participants with low stereo acuity can be expected to perform comparable to normal sighted individuals, experience a comparable sense of presence, and report no increase in adverse effects when viewing scenes via stereoscopic displays. Thus, motion parallax cues may adequately provide a sense of depth within a VE, and alleviate theorized performance decrements for individuals with low stereo acuity. The results of this study have implications for those designing entertainment simulations or other such applications open to the general public, where people with low stereo acuity may routinely participate.  相似文献   

Navigation in virtual environments can be difficult. One contributing factor is user disorientation. Two major causes of this are the lack of navigation cues in the environment and problems with navigating too close to or through virtual world objects. Previous work has developed guidelines, informed by cinematography conventions, for the construction of virtual environments to aid user comprehension of virtual space to reduce user disorientation. To validate these guidelines, two user studies have been performed where users of a desktop virtual environment are to complete a navigation task in a virtual maze. In an initial study [12], collision detection with the maze walls was not enabled and the results indicated that the guidelines were effective for reducing disorientation but not for developing the users awareness of the environment space. A second study has been performed where collision detection was enabled. Results suggest that the use of the guidelines can help reduce the incidences of user disorientation and aid navigation tasks. However, the guidelines have little impact on users ability to construct cognitive maps of the desktop virtual environment.
Tim MarshEmail:

Cybersickness is often experienced when viewing virtual environments through head-mounted displays (HMDs). This study examined whether vection (i.e., illusory self-motion) and mismatches between perceived and physical head motions contribute to such adverse experiences. Observers made oscillatory yaw head rotations while viewing stereoscopic optic flow through an Oculus Rift HMD. Vection and cybersickness were measured under 3 conditions of visual compensation for physical head movements: “compensated”, “uncompensated”, and “inversely compensated”. When a nearer aperture was simulated by the HMD, vection was found to be strongest in the “compensated” condition and weakest in the “inversely compensated” condition. However, vection was similar for all 3 conditions during full-field exposures. Cybersickness was most severe for the “inversely compensated” condition, but was not different for the other two conditions. We conclude that mismatches between perceived and physical head-movements can contribute strongly to cybersickness. The relationship between vection and cybersickness is weaker and appears complex.  相似文献   

A framework for virtual organization creation in a breeding environment   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Effectiveness in the process of creating virtual organizations (VO) is an important pre-condition for having a truly dynamic VOs, in response to collaboration opportunities in fast changing market contexts. A realistic approach to materialize agility in VO creation is defined under the assumption of a VO Breeding Environment (VBE), that guarantees the preparedness of its members to quickly get engaged in collaboration processes. After a survey of past approaches and a characterization of the VBE concept, a discussion of the process and suggested functionalities towards a VO creation framework are presented in this context. Finally a list of supporting tools is described and future research challenges are pointed out.  相似文献   

Jinqian  Xiaohong   《Computers & Security》2006,25(8):589-599
File system recovery (FSR) is a kind of recovery facility that allows users to roll back the file system state to a previous state. In this paper, we present a virtual disk environment (VDE) which allows previous write operations to a hard disk to be undone, and previous version of files to be recovered. It can be used to recover the file system quickly even when computer system suffers the serious disaster such as system crash or boot failure. The VDE is same as virtual disk in the virtual machine (VM) environment in some way, but it can be applied to the environment without VM supports. Algorithms for implementing the VDE are presented and its implementation on Windows platform is discussed. Based on the implementation, the experimental results of the VDE performance are analyzed. Comparing with other FSRs, the main advantage of the VDE is low overhead and high recovery speed.  相似文献   

Sensory conflict theory explains that motion sickness in virtual reality (VR) systems can be caused due to the mismatch between visual and vestibular senses. This study examines whether coupling physical motions to visual stimuli in VR could reduce this discomfort. A motion-coupled VR system developed on a motion platform, providing vestibular cues to supplement visual roll from a head-mounted display (HMD), was used. Three conditions were tested: visual rotation only (stationary), visual-physical motion synchronised (synchronous), and vestibular motion with a self-referenced visual environment. Results show that when users are placed under a visual-vestibular synchronised condition, their subjective miserable score of cybersickness decreased while their comfort level of the overall experience increased. This indicates that a motion-coupled system, if integrated seamlessly in VR, could mitigate cybersickness symptoms.  相似文献   

The semiconductor and thin-film-transistor–liquid-crystal-display (TFT-LCD) industries widely value Automatic Virtual Metrology System (AVMS). AVMS needs to handle a large volume of VM-related data, which may cause poor internal database performance. In general, AVMS adopts efficient but expensive commercial database management systems (DBMSs) to yield good AVMS performance. This usually makes the AVMS construction cost very high. Therefore, the industries require a novel AVMS architecture with lower cost and greater efficiency in database. This paper proposes a novel AVMS architecture based on Main Memory Database (MMDB) technology. Specifically, the MMDB is used to improve the performance bottlenecks of the current Disk Resident Database (DRDB). Also, we design automatic data-backup and automatic data-query sources integration mechanisms to effectively relieve rapidly increased data volume in the original AVMS architecture. In addition, the novel AVMS architecture adopts a free commercial MMDB to significantly reduce total system cost. Integrated testing results show that the proposed AVMS architecture and developed technologies can enable the AVMS to have better data-storage efficiency, superior data-query performance, and lower database cost. The proposed AVMS architecture and research results in this paper can be a useful reference for TFT-LCD manufacturing companies in constructing their own AVM systems. The proposed AVMS architecture can also be applied in the semiconductor and solar-cell industries.  相似文献   

Virtual reality (VR) can provide useful tools for a variety of applications. However, for these tools to be effective, they must be easy to use. In virtual environments (VEs), usability is impaired by poorly designed navigation systems. Insufficient realism and missing physiological orientation and motion cues impair spatial learning in desktop VEs. Capabilities for navigation in a VE are far more varied than in reality; so much greater flexibility can be offered, but designing VEs with too many options can overwhelm users. To assist designers in building effective, usable navigation systems for VEs, navigation techniques must be evaluated to identify which features actually support users in accomplishing their tasks and which features create unnecessary problems.This study evaluates navigation in two different VEs to develop recommendations for the design of navigation systems in desktop VEs. The study consists of an objective assessment of navigation control dynamics, a guideline-based evaluation and a review of data collected during two experimental studies. The findings indicate that real-world constraints, specialised navigation techniques and feedback regarding location and direction of travel are needed to support navigation in desktop VEs.  相似文献   

Q. Lin  C. Kuo 《Virtual Reality》1998,3(4):267-277
Efficient teleoperation of underwater robot requires clear 3D visual information of the robot's spatial location and its surrounding environment. However, the performance of existing telepresence systems is far from satisfactory. In this paper, we present our virtual telepresence system for assisting tele-operation of an underwater robot. This virtual environment-based telepresence system transforms robot sensor data into 3D synthetic visual information of the workplace based on its geometrical model. It provides the operators with a full perception of the robot's spatial location. In addition, we propose a robot safety domain to overcome the robot's location offset in the virtual environment caused by its sensor errors. The software design of the system and how a safety domain can be used to overcome robot location offset in virtual environment will be examined. Experimental tests and its result analysis will also be presented in this paper.  相似文献   

This paper deals with the navigation in formation of a group of mobile robots. A set of virtual targets (points) forms a virtual structure of the same shape as the desired formation. Hence, to join and to remain in this formation, each robot has only to track one of these targets. In order to track the chosen target, it has to be attainable by the robot despite its kinematic constraints. This paper studies then the maximum allowed dynamic of the virtual structure according to the kinematic constraints of the robots. Both linear and angular velocities of the targets are constrained. Moreover, depending on these velocities, some relative positions (targets) in the formation become unattainable. These positions are also defined. A stable control law allows us to attain the generated set-points. Simulation and experimental results validate the proposed contributions.  相似文献   

Virtual environments (VEs) provide an inexpensive way of conducting ecologically valid psychological research. The present study used a VE to demonstrate conditioned suppression, a behavioral model of anxiety, in a first-person perspective video game. During operant training, participants learned to shoot crates to find gold bars and thus score points in the game. Next, during Pavlovian conditioning, a colored light (i.e., conditioned stimulus: CS+) was followed by a white noise unconditioned stimulus (US) while a different colored light (CS−) was not paired with the US. Probe trials in a final testing phase were then used to assess suppression. We found significant suppression of accurate responding (shots hitting the designated targets) during the presence of the CS+ relative to the CS−, both in terms of total hits and hits as a proportion of total shots. Importantly, this effect emerged despite the overall level of operant responding being undiminished during the CS+. Our findings are consistent with related studies examining human behavior in real environments, and demonstrate the potential of VEs in combination with a modestly aversive CS to allow a detailed behavioral profile of anxiety to emerge.  相似文献   

Designers of educational and entertainment desktop virtual environments (VEs) have employed a variety of cues for motivating users to perform actions or adopt particular viewpoints. However, there has been little formal study comparing user responses to such cues. This paper reports the results of a preliminary study of five cues (agents, signs, man-made landmarks, environmental landmarks, and trails) for motivating actions in virtual environments. Given a sample task of navigating to a target destination, no significant differences between the cues were observed in terms of overall success or speed. However, significant differences between the cues were found on other measures, including minimization of detours (trails) and awareness of guidance (agents, signs, trails). Frequency of desktop VE usage was also found to influence performance.  相似文献   

One of the negative side effects experienced by users when interacting with virtual environment is visual symptoms. This paper explores the ergonomics design parameters of the virtual environment to minimize such negative side effect by applying axiomatic design principles. Axiomatic design is a method to provide a systematic way for designing products and large systems. The independence axiom is used to map customer domain (CAs) to functional domain (FRs) and physical domain (DPs). A paper based survey was conducted to identify and define customers' preference in the virtual environment. A virtual robot manufacturing system was developed as a case study to explore ergonomic design parameters that satisfy the independence of FRs and CAs. Results of this study shows that the ergonomic design parameters of virtual environment identified (DP161-DP162-DP121-DP111-DP131-DP141-DP151-DP152) have satisfied the independence functional requirement and desired visual comfort for users. By uncoupling the design it provides an efficient and effective sequence of design activities FR161-FR162-FR121-FR111-FR131-FR141-FR151-FR152.  相似文献   

This paper presents an experimental study of participants' response to the sudden appearance of a fire emergency in a virtual environment (VE) and of the adaptivity of their response pattern. A VE has been built in which participants meet two situations: first an explorative navigation and afterwards a hurried escape from the unexpected outbreak of fire. Fire intensity and participants' distance from the exit at the outbreak of fire have been varied as well, to create different degrees of danger and different degrees of difficulty in the task of leaving the premises. Participants' action has been collected automatically for quantitative analysis by registering each individual activation of the interaction devices (a triple button joystick). In addition, the movements in both virtual and real environment of additional groups of participants have been videorecorded for qualitative analysis. Results show that the appearance of the fire emergency triggers important changes in the way people move in the VE, and that such changes are all adaptive responses to an emergency situation. In conclusion, people show recognition of a dangerous situation in a VE and readily produce adaptive responses, making the VE suitable for emergency simulations and for use as an effective training tool.  相似文献   

A methodology for solid modelling in a virtual reality environment   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
This paper presents a methodology for solid modelling in a virtual reality (VR) environment. Solid modelling in the VR environment is precisely performed in an intuitive manner through constraint-based manipulations. A hierarchically structured and constraint-based data model is developed to support solid modelling in the VR environment. Constraint-based manipulations are realized by allowable motions for precise 3D interactions in the VR environment. A mathematical matrix is presented for representing allowable motions. A procedure-based degree-of-freedom combination method for 3D constraint solving is presented for deriving the allowable motions from constraints. A rule-based constraint recognition engine is developed for both constraint-based manipulations and implicitly incorporating constraints into the VR environment. A prototype system has been implemented to testify the feasibility of the presented methodology.  相似文献   

This study aims to explore the effects of a serious game on perceived team cohesiveness in a multi-user virtual environment. A one-shot case study/post-test only experiment design was used in this study. A questionnaire was administered to the participants, who played the serious game Zoom. Multiple regression analysis was used to test the proposed framework. The results indicated that the overall framework is statistically significant. The user interface elements of the game and the attitudes of the participants towards the game affected perceived team cohesiveness, whilst the personality factor “extraversion” was found to have a moderator effect on these relationships. The study is limited by the sample size, the self-reported survey and the fact that it had only one game play. The proposed framework of the study can be used by educators, researchers and managers working with groups to foster team cohesiveness in their organizations. This study differs from previous studies mainly by the application of a statistical model to observe the effects of multi-user virtual environment serious games on perceived team cohesiveness.  相似文献   

The effective creation of Virtual Enterprises emerges after the development of: (i) a new working culture and (ii) a computer-enabled infrastructure supporting inter-operation of companies. These developments are facilitated if the potential partners belong to a Virtual Organisation Breeding Environment (VBE). This paper describes a framework to create and support the life cycle of Virtual Enterprises operating (relying on a VBE) in the mould and die sector. The proposed framework is called AmbianCE and it is the result of a 5-year research project in the field of Collaborative Network Organisations. The AmbianCE framework has been validated in a Brazilian VBE called Virfebras. A peculiar characteristic of Virfebras is that many of its members are competitors.  相似文献   

With the expansion of nanotechnology, robots based on atomic force microscope (AFM) have been widely used as effective tools for displacing nanoparticles and constructing nanostructures. One of the most limiting factors in AFM-based manipulation procedures is the inability of simultaneously observing the controlled pushing and displacing of nanoparticles while performing the operation. To deal with this limitation, a virtual reality environment has been used in this paper for observing the manipulation operation. In the simulations performed in this paper, first, the images acquired by the atomic force microscope have been processed and the positions and dimensions of nanoparticles have been determined. Then, by dynamically modelling the transfer of nanoparticles and simulating the critical force-time diagrams, a controlled displacement of nanoparticles has been accomplished. The simulations have been further developed for the use of rectangular, V-shape and dagger-shape cantilevers. The established virtual reality environment has made it possible to simulate the manipulation of biological particles in a liquid medium.  相似文献   

This paper investigates the use of virtual reality (VR)-based methods for the verification of performance factors related to manual assembly processes. An immersive and interactive virtual environment has been created to provide functionality for realistic process experimentation. Ergonomic models and functions have been embedded into the VR environment to support verification and constrain experimentation to ergonomically acceptable conditions. A specific assembly test case is presented, for which a semi-empirical time model is developed employing statistical design experimentation in the virtual environment. The virtual experimentation results enable the quantification and prediction of the influence of a number of process parameters and their combination at the process cycle time.  相似文献   

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