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马鸿洋  秦国卿  范兴奎  初鹏程 《物理学报》2015,64(16):160306-160306
提出和研究了噪声情况下的量子网络直接通信. 通信过程中所有量子节点共享多粒子Greenberger-Horne-Zeilinger (GHZ)量子纠缠态; 发送节点将手中共享的GHZ态的粒子作为控制比特、传输秘密信息的粒子作为目标比特, 应用控制非门(CNOT)操作; 每个接收节点将手中共享GHZ 态的粒子作为控制比特、接收到的秘密信息粒子作为目标比特, 再次应用CNOT门操作从而获得含误码的秘密信息. 每个接收节点从秘密信息中提取部分作为检测比特串, 并将剩余的秘密信息应用奇偶校验矩阵纠正其中存在的比特翻转错误, 所有接收节点获得纠正后的秘密信息. 对协议安全、吞吐效率、通信效率等进行了分析和讨论.  相似文献   

量子通信具有高安全性等优点,是当前的国际研究前沿,量子安全直接通信和量子密钥分发是两种重要的量子信息方式.量子密钥分发通过量子信道产生随机的密钥,而量子安全直接通信直接在量子信道中传输秘密信息.本文力图利用浅显易懂的语言介绍量子安全直接通信和量子密钥分发的基本原理;重点描述几个典型的量子安全直接通信方案,介绍目前的发展状态并展望未来.  相似文献   

量子安全直接通信研究进展   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
简要地介绍了量子安全直接通信的必要条件,初步介绍了两个量子安全直接通信模型,即Two-Step和Quantum-One-Time-Pad模型。 The requirements of quantum secure direct communication (QSDC) are briefly introduced. Two QSDC schemes i. e. , the Two-Step QSDC scheme and the Quantum-One-Time-Pad QSDC scheme, are discussed in brief.  相似文献   

把一个任意量子态在既有噪声又有窃听的信道下安全可靠地传输,是一个广泛而重要的问题.现在已有的方法是先传输大量的Einstein-Podolsky-Rosen(EPR)纠缠对,然后进行纠缠纯化,获得一对近似完美的纠缠对,再进行隐形传态或者远程态制备来传输量子态.本文给出一种直接安全传输量子态的方法,通过使用量子直接通信,...  相似文献   

量子通信   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
薛鹏  郭光灿 《物理》2002,31(6):385-391
量子通信是经典通信和量子力学相结合的一门新兴交叉学科。文章综述了量子通信领域的研究进展,既包括人们所熟知的量子隐形传态、密集编码和量子密码学,也包括刚刚兴起但却有巨大潜力的量子通信复杂度和远程量子通信等领域。文章介绍了量子通信的基本理论框架,同时也涉及了这个领域最新的实验研究的进展。  相似文献   

龙桂鲁  盛宇波  殷柳国 《物理》2018,47(7):413-417
量子通信利用量子信道进行信息的编码、传输和处理,具有安全性高和信道容量高等特点。量子保密通信以信息安全为主要目的,包括量子密钥分发、量子安全直接通信和量子秘密共享等模式。利用量子纠缠,量子隐形传态根据事先已经分发的纠缠粒子对实现不传输实物粒子而传输未知粒子的状态,量子密集编码通过传输一个粒子而实现两个粒子信息的传输,这些是经典通信无法实现的任务。文章简单介绍量子通信的内容和进展情况。  相似文献   

控制的量子隐形传态和控制的量子安全直接通信   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6       下载免费PDF全文
高亭  闫凤利  王志玺 《中国物理》2005,14(5):893-897
我们提出了一个控制的量子隐形传态方案。在这方案中,发送方Alice 在监督者Charlie的控制下以他们分享的三粒子纠缠态作为量子通道将二能级粒子未知态的量子信息忠实的传给了遥远的接受方Bob。我们还提出了借助此传态的控制的量子安全直接通信方案。在保证量子通道安全的情况下, Alice直接将秘密信息编码在粒子态序列上,并在Charlie控制下用此传态方法传给Bob。Bob可通过测量他的量子位读出编码信息。由于没有带秘密信息的量子位在Alice 和Bob之间传送,只要量子通道安全, 这种通信不会泄露给窃听者任何信息, 是绝对安全的。这个方案的的特征是双方通信需得到第三方的许可。  相似文献   

针对传统量子安全直接通信方案中需提前假设通信双方合法性的问题,提出一种带身份认证的基于GHZ态(一种涉及至少三个子系统或粒子纠缠的量子态)的量子安全直接通信方案.该方案将GHZ态粒子分成三部分,并分三次发送,每一次都加入窃听检测粒子检测信道是否安全,并在第二次发送的时候加入身份认证,用以验证接收方的身份,在第三次发送完粒子之后,接收方将所有检测粒子抽取出来,之后对GHZ态粒子做联合测量,并通过原先给定的编码规则恢复原始信息.本方案设计简单、高效,无需复杂的幺正变换即可实现通信.安全性分析证明,该方案能抵御常见的内部攻击和外部攻击,并且有较高的传输效率、量子比特利用率和编码容量,最大的优势在于发送方发送信息的时候不需要假设接收方的合法性,有较高的实际应用价值.  相似文献   

提出了一个利用五粒子团簇态实现的可控量子安全直接通信方案.在这一方案中,首先信息发送者Alice、信息接收者Bob和控制者Charlie共享由Alice制备的一有序序列团簇态作为量子信道;在确定量子信道的安全性以后,Alice制备编码量子态(Bell态)序列,然后通过对自己手中的粒子进行Bell基测量,接着Charlie对自己手中的粒子进行单粒子的测量,就能把信息传送给接收者Bob;最后,Bob测量自己手中的粒子,并通过分析三人的测量结果,从而获得Alice要传送的信息.在我们提出的方案中,携带信息的粒子不需要在公共信道上传输.该文中,我们给出了方案的安全性分析,证明了我们的方案是决定性的和安全的.在未来,我们的方案在以目前的实验技术为基础条件下很可能得到实现.  相似文献   

杨璐  马鸿洋  郑超  丁晓兰  高健存  龙桂鲁 《物理学报》2017,66(23):230303-230303
量子保密通信包括量子密钥分发、量子安全直接通信和量子秘密共享等主要形式.在量子密钥分发和秘密共享中,传输的是随机数而不是信息,要再经过一次经典通信才能完成信息的传输.在量子信道直接传输信息的量子通信形式是量子安全直接通信.基于量子隐形传态的量子通信(简称量子隐形传态通信)是否属于量子安全直接通信尚需解释.构造了一个量子隐形传态通信方案,给出了具体的操作步骤.与一般的量子隐形传态不同,量子隐形传态通信所传输的量子态是计算基矢态,大大简化了贝尔基测量和单粒子操作.分析结果表明,量子隐形传态通信等价于包含了全用型量子密钥分发和经典通信的复合过程,不是量子安全直接通信,其传输受到中间介质和距离的影响,所以不比量子密钥分发更有优势.将该方案与量子密钥分发、量子安全直接通信和经典一次性便笺密码方案进行对比,通过几个通信参数的比较给出各个方案的特点,还特别讨论了各方案在空间量子通信方面的特点.  相似文献   

In this review article, we review the recent development of quantum secure direct communication (QSDC) and deterministic secure quantum communication (DSQC) which both are used to transmit secret message, including the criteria for QSDC, some interesting QSDC protocols, the DSQC protocols and QSDC network, etc. The difference between these two branches of quantum communication is that DSQC requires the two parties exchange at least one bit of classical information for reading out the message in each qubit, and QSDC does not. They are attractive because they are deterministic, in particular, the QSDC protocol is fully quantum mechanical. With sophisticated quantum technology in the future, the QSDC may become more and more popular. For ensuring the safety of QSDC with single photons and quantum information sharing of single qubit in a noisy channel, a quantum privacy amplification protocol has been proposed. It involves very simple CHC operations and reduces the information leakage to a negligible small level. Moreover, with the one-party quantum error correction, a relation has been established between classical linear codes and quantum one-party codes, hence it is convenient to transfer many good classical error correction codes to the quantum world. The one-party quantum error correction codes are especially designed for quantum dense coding and related QSDC protocols based on dense coding.   相似文献   

We propose a quantum secure direct communication protocol with entanglement swapping and hyperentanglement.Any two users, Alice and Bob, can communicate with each other in a quantum network, even though there is no direct quantum channel between them. The trust center, Trent, who provides a quantum channel to link them by performing entanglement swapping, cannot eavesdrop on their communication. This protocol provides a high channel capacity because it uses hyperentanglement, which can be generated using a beta barium borate crystal.  相似文献   

Quantum secure direct communication via partially entangled states   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
满忠晓  夏云杰 《中国物理》2007,16(5):1197-1200
We present in this paper a quantum secure direct communication (QSDC) protocol by using partially entangled states. In the scheme a third party (Trent) is introduced to authenticate the participants. After authentication, Alice can directly, deterministically and successfully send a secret message to Bob. The security of the scheme is also discussed and confirmed.  相似文献   

For the first time, a threshold quantum secure direct communication (TQSDC) scheme is presented. Similar to the classical Shamir's secret sharing scheme, the sender makes n shares, S1, …, Sn of secret key K and each receiver keeps a share secretly. If the sender wants to send a secret message M to the receivers, he en-codes the information of K and M on a single photon sequence and sends it to one of the receivers. According to the secret shares, the t receivers sequentially per-form the corresponding unitary operations on the single photon sequence and ob-tain the secret message M. The shared shares may be reusable if it can be judged that there is no eavesdropper in line. We discuss that our protocol is feasible with current technology.  相似文献   

An efficient quantum secure direct communication protocol is presented over the amplitude damping channel. The protocol encodes logical bits in two-qubit noiseless states, and so it can function over a quantum channel subjected to collective amplitude damping. The feature of this protocol is that the sender encodes the secret directly on the quantum states, the receiver decodes the secret by performing determinate measurements, and there is no basis mismatch. The transmission’s safety is ensured by the nonorthogonality of the noiseless states traveling forward and backward on the quantum channel. Moreover, we construct the efficient quantum circuits to implement channel encoding and information encoding by means of primitive operations in quantum computation. Supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China (Grant Nos. 60873191 and 60821001), the Specialized Research Fund for the Doctoral Program of Higher Education (Grant No. 200800131016), the Natural Science Foundation of Beijing (Grant No. 4072020), the National Laboratory for Modern Communications Science Foundation of China (Grant No. 9140C1101010601), and the ISN Open Foundation  相似文献   

邓富国  李熙涵  李春燕  周萍  周宏余 《中国物理》2007,16(12):3553-3559
In this paper a scheme for quantum secure direct communication (QSDC) network is proposed with a sequence of polarized single photons. The single photons are prepared originally in the same state $\vert 0\rangle$ by the servers on the network, which will reduce the difficulty for the legitimate users to check eavesdropping largely. The users code the information on the single photons with two unitary operations which do not change their measuring bases. Some decoy photons, which are produced by operating the sample photons with a Hadamard, are used for preventing a potentially dishonest server from eavesdropping the quantum lines freely. This scheme is an economical one as it is the easiest way for QSDC network communication securely.  相似文献   

A protocol for quantum secure direct communication by using entangled qutrits and swapping quantum entanglement is proposed. In this protocol, a set of ordered two-qutrit entangled states is used as quantum information channels for sending secret messages directly. During the process of transmission of particles, the transmitted particles do not carry any secret messages and are transmitted only one time. The protocol has higher source capacity than protocols using usual two-dimensional Bell-basis states as quantum channel. The security is ensured by the unitary operations randomly performed on all checking groups before the particle sequence is transmitted and the application of entanglement swapping.  相似文献   

This paper presents a scheme for quantum secure direct communication with quantum encryption. The two authorized users use repeatedly a sequence of the pure entangled pairs (quantum key) shared for encrypting and decrypting the secret message carried by the travelling photons directly. For checking eavesdropping, the two parties perform the single-photon measurements on some decoy particles before each round. This scheme has the advantage that the pure entangled quantum signal source is feasible at present and any eavesdropper cannot steal the message.  相似文献   

宋杰  朱爱东  张寿 《中国物理》2007,16(3):621-623
This paper presents a modified secure direct communication protocol by using the blind polarization bases and particles' random transmitting order. In our protocol, a sender (Alice) encodes secret messages by rotating a random polarization angle of particle and then the receiver (Bob) sends back these particles as a random sequence. This ensures the security of communication.  相似文献   

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