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激波/边界层干扰对等离子体合成射流的响应特性   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
王宏宇  李军  金迪  代辉  甘甜  吴云 《物理学报》2017,66(8):84705-084705
利用高速纹影系统和数值模拟方法研究了激波/边界层干扰对逆流喷射的等离子体合成射流的响应特性,并揭示了流动控制机理.实验在来流马赫数Ma=3.1的风洞中进行,测试模型采用钝头体和压缩斜坡的组合模型,等离子体合成射流激励器安装在钝头体头部.纹影系统捕捉了放电频率为f=1 kHz和f=3 kHz的激励对附体激波形态和分离激波运动的控制效果.等离子体合成射流使压缩斜坡激波/边界层干扰区域的起始点向下游移动,分离泡尺寸减小,附体激波强度减弱,发生弯曲,再附点移向上游,与此同时分离激波向附体激波逼近.与f=3 kHz激励相比,f=1 kHz激励的射流流量更大,对激波/边界层干扰的影响范围更广、控制效果更好.通过数值模拟,揭示了射流与来流相互作用对下游流场的作用机理:射流与来流相互作用诱导出大尺度旋涡,大尺度旋涡耗散发展增强了近壁面流场的湍流度;压缩斜坡上游近壁面的流场性质发生变化,进而导致了压缩斜坡激波/边界层干扰区域流动的变化.  相似文献   

实验研究了水滴在冷表面结冰结霜,以及合成热射流除霜除冰过程.实验中采用-30.0℃的半导体制冷片作为制冷源,将水滴滴在半导体制冷片的标定位置,在水滴完全结冰结霜且形态不再改变后,合成热射流激励器工作.利用电子显微镜观测并记录合成热射流除霜除冰的整个过程.结果显示:合成热射流能够完全除去结霜冰滴表面的霜,并且能将凝固水滴完全融化为透明的水滴.并且与合成双射流除霜效果相比,合成热射流的除霜速度极大增加,并且完全除霜后,冰滴的高度比合成双射流除霜减少20%.   相似文献   

随着飞行速域与空域的不断拓展,高超声速高焓边界层中的热化学非平衡(thermochemical non-equilibrium, TCNE)效应深刻影响了流动转捩过程。近年来,在第2模态下游区域出现的不稳定超声速模态引起了学者们的关注。超声速模态是指在边界层外缘处的相对Mach数大于1的模态,其传播速度快于远场的声波。采用线性抛物线稳定性方程(parabolized stability equations, PSE)理论研究了Mach数为20、半顶角为6°的尖楔绕流条件下超声速模态的临界壁温。研究发现,壁温越低,越容易出现不稳定的超声速模态。进而,探讨了平板边界层流动中不同Mach数条件下的超声速模态和扰动发展形式,发现Mach数增大,第2模态出现越早且最大增长率降低,N的峰值减小。在30 km的高空来流Mach数超过某个临界值时,扰动增长率和超声速模态的发展形式明显不同。  相似文献   

选择典型高速流动条件,基于线性稳定性理论研究了不同前缘几何特征对典型大后掠角平板钝三角翼外形高速边界层流动稳定性及转捩的影响.研究表明,椭前缘(截面为椭圆)形状的变化仅影响前缘附近的流场特征和边界层流动稳定性;前缘截面长短轴比(形状因子)变大,前缘形状变尖,则横流速度变大,扰动波增长率变大;对于横流模态和第1模态,不同...  相似文献   

eN方法基于扰动在边界层中线性演化过程中的幅值增长程度来预测转捩。以来流Mach数为6、不同壁面温度条件下不同钝度圆锥为研究对象,结合直接数值模拟和抛物化稳定性方程,从eN方法是否能够准确描述扰动在上述边界层中线性增长的角度,分析了该方法预测转捩的可靠性。研究结果表明,在小钝度或高壁面温度情况下,扰动在向下游的演化过程中从第1模态转变为第2模态,基于线性稳定性理论的eN方法变得不再可靠。壁面温度相同,头部钝度越大,eN方法越可靠;同等钝度下,壁面温度越低,eN方法越可靠。由于存在模态转换时,线性稳定性理论总是低估扰动的增长,因而对于给定的转捩判据NT(可由某一工况实验标定给出),若钝度减小或壁面温度增加到一定程度,eN方法给出的转捩位置比实际情况更靠后。重新标定转捩判据时,钝度越小,壁面温度越高,NT的修正程度就越大。   相似文献   

超声速后台阶流动/射流相互作用的数值模拟   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
采用高精度格式求解二维Navier-Stokes方程研究超声速射流与同向超声速后台阶流动相互作用的流场基本结构及规律,分别应用5阶WENO格式、6阶中心差分格式离散对流项和黏性项,时间推进采用3阶Runge-Kutta格式,并应用消息传递接口(message passing interface,MPI)非阻塞式通信实现并行化.分别研究了超声速后台阶流动、超声速射流的基本结构特征,以此讨论和分析超声速后台阶流动/射流相互作用的特征,以及不同来流条件对波系结构、涡结构、剪切层、膨胀扇等的影响,尤其是来流剪切层和射流剪切层的相互作用,形成复杂的波系结构及相互干扰的流动现象.   相似文献   

为研究结冰环境中热合成双射流激励器工作特性,采用离散相模型(discrete phase model,DPM),结合动网格方法,数值研究了结冰环境中来流速度、液滴含量、液滴直径对激励器工作特性的影响.结果表明,来流速度较小时,双射流激励器出口形成热合成射流融合区,由于热射流的加热作用,温度较高,环境中的过冷液滴难以进入...  相似文献   

侯淋  王登攀 《气体物理》2022,7(3):38-44
采用数值模拟的方法对比研究了定常、方波脉冲、正弦脉冲这3种喷流对Ma=2流动激波/边界层干扰的控制效果, 分析了不同喷流方式对受控流动流场结构、压力分布的影响. 结果表明, 不同喷流方式都能够实现对受控流动的有效控制, 可以增大激波距离, 减弱激波强度, 减小激波发生器壁面压力. 在控制效果方面, 定常喷流效果最佳, 方波脉冲喷流效果次之, 但定常喷流所需要的质量流量也最大, 方波脉冲质量流量次之. 3种喷流的控制效果与所需质量流量的关系表明, 控制收益的增加随着质量流率的增大而减小.   相似文献   

在低速来流条件下,针对前缘位置嵌有合成射流/合成双射流激励器的机翼的水滴撞击特性开展了数值模拟研究,基于Fluent软件,采用Euler气液两相模型和欧拉壁面液膜(Eulerian wall film,EWF)模型,得到的计算结果表明:在合成射流或合成双射流的主动控制下,阻挡了机翼前缘等积冰重点防护区域内的水滴撞击,从而大幅降低了该区域的结冰强度.其机理是:在高频合成射流的作用下,机翼前缘上游附近形成了一对稳定的闭合回流区,形成了水滴的"真空区域".由于回流区内部水滴速度和质量分数较低,改变了机翼前缘水滴运动轨迹和水滴收集率分布,能够减少机翼前缘结冰程度并改变冰形,起到了虚拟气动外形的作用.   相似文献   

通过FLUENT软件数值模拟的方法,分别对结明冰、混合冰、霜冰翼型的气动特性进行了研究,分析了合成双射流对改善结冰翼型流动分离的影响规律.结果表明:3种冰形均破坏了翼型的流线型,对翼型的气动力特性有不同程度的影响,其中霜冰对翼型气动力特性影响最小,明冰对翼型气动力特性影响最大,混合冰介于两者之间.开启合成双射流激励器,在小攻角情况下,结冰翼型的气动特性得到了有效的改善.而在大攻角情况下,合成双射流激励器不能完全消除分离涡,但可以推迟分离涡,分离涡厚度增加,分离涡最厚点推后.   相似文献   

Jin-Hao Zhang 《中国物理 B》2022,31(7):74702-074702
The turbulent boundary layer (TBL) is actively controlled by the synthetic jet generated from a circular hole. According to the datasets of velocity fields acquired by a time-resolved particle image velocimetry (TR-PIV) system, the average drag reduction rate of 6.2% in the downstream direction of the hole is obtained with control. The results of phase averaging show that the synthetic jet generates one vortex pair each period and the consequent vortex evolves into hairpin vortex in the environment with free-stream, while the reverse vortex decays rapidly. From the statistical average, it can be found that a low-speed streak is generated downstream. Induced by the two vortex legs, the fluid under them converges to the middle. The drag reduction effect produced by the synthetic jet is local, and it reaches a maximum value at x+=400, where the drag reduction rate reaches about 12.2%. After the extraction of coherent structure from the spatial two-point correlation analysis, it can be seen that the synthetic jet suppresses the streamwise scale and wall-normal scale of the large scale coherent structure, and slightly weakens the spanwise motion to achieve the effect of drag reduction.  相似文献   

李彪辉  王康俊  王宇飞  姜楠 《中国物理 B》2022,31(2):24702-024702
This work investigates the active control of a fully developed turbulent boundary layer by a submerged synthetic jet actuator.The impacts of the control are explored by measuring the streamwise velocities using particle image velocimetry,and reduction of the skin-friction drag is observed in a certain range downstream of the orifice.The coherent structure is defined and extracted using a spatial two-point correlation function,and it is found that the synthetic jet can efficiently reduce the streamwise scale of the coherent structure.Proper orthogonal decomposition analysis reveals that large-scale turbulent kinetic energy is significantly attenuated with the introduction of a synthetic jet.The conditional averaging results show that the induction effect of the prograde vortex on the low-speed fluid in a large-scale fluctuation velocity field is deadened,thereby suppressing the bursting process near the wall.  相似文献   

Up to now,the most widely used method for transition prediction is the one based on linear stability theory.When it is applied to three-dimensional boundary layers,one has to choose the direction,or path,along which the growth rate of the disturbance is to be integrated.The direction given by using saddle point method in the theory of complex variable function is seen as mathematically most reasonable.However,unlike the saddle point method applied to water waves,here its physical meaning is not so obvious,as the frequency and wave number may be complex.And on some occasions,in advancing the integration of the growth rate of the disturbance,up to a certain location,one may not be able to continue the integration,because the condition for specifying the direction set by the saddle point method can no longer be satisfied on the basis of continuously varying wave number.In this paper,these two problems are discussed,and suggestions for how to do transition prediction under the latter condition are provided.  相似文献   

Properties and applications of cold supersonic gas jet   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
By analyzing the formation mechanism of a supersonic gas jet, a set of equations which describe the atomic beam properties were established. The influence of initial temperature, initial pressure, background gas pressure and pumping speed was discussed in detail. A simulation program was developed based on the equations, and the results under different initial conditions were obtained. The results are in good agreement with the experimental data, and suggest that, in order to get much smaller transverse momentum in collision experiments, it is necessary to lower the initial temperature and the initial pressure of the supersonic gas jet, together with increasing the pumping speed. These results are very instructive for construction of a new generation of cold supersonic gas jets.  相似文献   

Recently, more and more attentions have been paid to the transition and turbulence of compressible flows, especially supersonic flows, but progress is very slow. In general, attentions were paid to the evolution of disturbances in laminar flow region, and the mechanism of breakdown process in laminar-turbulent transition remains unclear. The conventional idea of what leads to laminar-turbulent transition is that the transi-tion starts from the amplification of disturbances, and when the distur…  相似文献   

The harmonics of Tollmien—Schlichting waves in a compressible boundary layer of a plate are computed with the aid of nonlinear parabolized stability equations. At the (downstream) growth of the second harmonic amplitude up to the values of the order of the basic harmonic amplitude, the amplification rate of the latter is shown to increase abruptly. A similar rapid deviation from the results of the linear theory characterizes the onset of the boundary-layer transition to turbulent state. Computations are carried out for the Mach numbers M = 0.01 and 2. The work was financially supported by the Russian Foundation for Basic Research (Grant No. 05-01-00079a).  相似文献   

郑小波  姜楠  张浩 《中国物理 B》2016,25(1):14703-014703
With a piezoelectric(PZT) oscillator, the predetermined controls of the turbulent boundary layer(TBL) are effective in reducing the drag force. The stream-wise velocities in the TBL are accurately measured downstream of the oscillator driven by an adjustable power source. The mean velocity profiles in the inner and outer scales are reported and the skin friction stresses with different voltage parameters are compared. Reduction of integral spatial scales in the inner region below y+of 30 suggests that the oscillator at work breaks up the near-wall stream-wise vortices responsible for high skin friction. For the TBL at Reθof 2183, the controls with a frequency of 160 Hz are superior among our experiments and a relative drag reduction rate of 26.83% is exciting. Wavelet analyses provide a reason why the controls with this special frequency perform best.  相似文献   

Due to the complexity of compressible flows, nonlinear hydrodynamic stability theories in supersonic boundary layers are not sufficient. In order to reveal the nonlinear interaction mechanisms of the rapidly amplified 3-D disturbances in supersonic boundary layers at high Mach numbers, the nonlinear evolutions of different disturbances in flat-plate boundary layers at Mach number 4.5, 6 and 8 are analyzed by numerical simulations. It can be concluded that the 3-D disturbances are amplified rapidly when the amplitude of the 2-D disturbance reaches a certain level. The most rapidly amplified 3-D disturbances are Klebanoff type (K-type) disturbances which have the same frequency as the 2-D disturbance. Among these K-type 3-D disturbances, the disturbances located at the junction of upper branch and lower branch of the neutral curve are amplified higher. Through analyzing the relationship between the amplification rate and the spanwise wavenumber of the 3-D disturbances at different evolution stages, the mechanism of the spanwise wavenumber selectivity of K-type 3-D disturbances in the presence of a finite amplitude 2-D disturbance is explained.  相似文献   

高穹  易仕和  姜宗福  何霖  谢文科 《中国物理 B》2013,22(1):14202-014202
The density distribution of a supersonic turbulent boundary layer is measured with the nanoparticle-based planar laser scattering technique, and the temporal evolution of its optical path difference (OPD) in a short time interval is characterized by proper orthogonal decomposition (POD). Based on the advantage of POD in capturing the energy of a signal, a temporal evolution model is suggested for the POD coefficients of OPD. In this model, the first few coefficients vary linearly with time, and the others are modeled by Gaussian statistics. As an application, this method is used to compute the short-exposure optical transfer function.  相似文献   

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