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介绍了一种用于里德伯原子激发的纳秒脉冲激光系统.实验利用两个kHz线宽的1018 nm连续激光器作为种子源,通过两个20 GHz带宽的光纤调制器产生时间分离的脉冲激光;脉冲激光经掺镱光纤放大器后输出峰值功率约4600 W,单次穿过PPLN(周期极化铌酸锂)晶体倍频获得509 nm脉冲激光,典型脉冲激光峰值功率约173 W.该激光系统单路输出脉冲重复频率在300 kHz—100 MHz范围连续可调,脉宽在1—100 ns范围连续可调.该509 nm激光在聚焦条件下可以实现GHz带宽的铯原子里德伯态激发.  相似文献   

用激光多步激发技术研究了处于6p1/2电离限以下的6p3/2ns自电离态的光谱。并利用最 R矩阵的计算结果,结合多通道量子亏损理论进行了理论分析,理论结果与实验光谱相符合。  相似文献   

本文采用激光双光子激发的方法对NO分子的里德伯态H~(12)Ⅱ-(v=1,2)进行了研究,得到了该能级的光谱常数;观测到了H~(12)Ⅱ-与非里德伯态B~2Ⅱ之间的相互作用现象,并计算出了相应的转动能级位移;研究了H~(12)Ⅱ-能级的主要荧光跃迁通道。  相似文献   

提出一种利用 GHZ态实现多原子缠结态的量子隐形传态方案 .当作为量子通道的 GHZ态含有一个单模高 Q腔时 ,大大地简化了量子稳形传态中的联合测量过程  相似文献   

通过对NO分子的里德伯态O′~2∏~-(v=0)双光子激发谱的转动分析,计算出了该能级的光谱常数;并研究了它与非里德伯态B~2∏之间的相互作用现象。  相似文献   

张典承  张颍  李晓康  贾凤东  李若虹  钟志萍 《物理学报》2018,67(18):183102-183102
本文在多通道量子亏损理论框架下,利用相对论多通道理论,计算了铥原子收敛于4f132F7/2o)6s(7/2,1/2)4o和4f132F7/2o)6s(7/2,1/2)3o的三个偶宇称里德伯系列.通过将计算结果与美国国家标准与技术研究院数据进行比较,展示了两种类型的电子关联效应:1)里德伯系列之间的相互作用,导致里德伯系列的能级出现整体偏移;2)一个孤立的干扰态镶嵌在一个里德伯系列中,破坏了该里德伯系列能级的规则性.  相似文献   

在多通道量子亏损理论框架下,利用相对论多通道理论,分别在冻结实近似和考虑偶极极化下计算钪原子的Jπ=(3/2)-,(5/2)-的三个收敛于[Ar]3d4s(1D2)的自电离里德伯系列的能级.对3d4s(1D2)np2D3/2和3d4s(1D2)nf2F5/2这两个系列,计算结果表明,考虑偶极极化效应后,理论计算和实验测量的量子数亏损之差普遍小于0.01.而对3d4s(1D2)nf2D3/2系列,考虑偶极极化效应后的结果和仅考虑冻结实的结果比较接近,理论计算和实验测量的量子数亏损之差普遍在0.04左右.  相似文献   

用激光多步激发技术研究了处于6p1/2电离限以下的6p3/2ns自电离态的光谱。 并利用最新的R矩阵的计算结果, 结合多通道量子亏损理论进行了理论分析。 理论结果与实验光谱相符合。  相似文献   

构造了叠加激发双模SU(2)相干态|ψ>=Cm(| M,ξ;m>+eiφ| M,ξ*;m>),用数值方法研究它的量子统计特性.结果表明:叠加激发双模SU(2)相干态两场模的光子统计分布保持反关联特征,而且呈现奇特的光放大特性;b模光场的亚泊松分布得到比较大的加强,而a模光场的亚泊松分布特性则有轻微减弱;两场模的反聚束性均得到增强;随激发量子数m的增大,两场模间的反关联性减弱.  相似文献   

利用多通道量子亏损理论(MQDT),对锡原子奇宇称5pnd和5pns组态的J = 1,2简并受扰Rydberg系列能级进行了理论分析研究. 通过拟合实验能级,得到了MQDT优化参数,所得理论能级值与文献报道的实验结果符合得很好. 由算得的通道混合系数,分析讨论了通道相互作用特性,确定了所有能级的原子态命名. 本文结果有助于人们更好地了解锡原子高激发态的能级结构和组态相互作用特性.  相似文献   

<正>This paper reports that ultracold atoms are populated into different nS and nD Rydberg states(n=25~52) by two-photon excitation.The ionization spectrum of an ultracold Rydberg atom is acquired in a cesium magneto-optical trap by using the method of pulse field ionization.This denotes nS and nD states in the ionization spectrum and fits the data of energy levels of different Rydberg states to obtain quantum defects of nS and nD states.  相似文献   

由帅  凤艳艳  戴振文 《中国物理 B》2009,18(6):2229-2237
This paper analyzes the energy levels along the even-parity J=1 and 2 Rydberg series of Sn I by multichannel quantum defect theory. A good agreement between theoretical and experimental energy levels was achieved. Below 59198 cm-1, a total of 85 and 23 new energy levels, respectively, in the J=1 and J=2 series, which cannot be measured previously by experiments, are predicted in this work. Based on the calculated admixture coefficients of each channel, interchannel interactions were discussed in detail. The results are helpful to understand the characteristics of configuration interaction among even-parity levels in Sn I.  相似文献   

Energy levels of the odd-parity 6pnd J=2 Rydberg states of atomic lead are analyzed by the multichannel quantum defect theory (MQDT) with previous experimental energy levels. The 6pnd (6≤n ≤ 63) J=2 Rydberg energy levels are calculated and optimal MQDT parameters were obtained. Using these parameters, admixture coefficients for each level are calculated to designate the level denotations. The results show that strong channel mixings exist for the levels near the 6p6d (3/2)[5/2]2° and 6p6d (3/2)[3/2]2° pertubers. The five-channel model different from that in literature is used to predict 21 energy positions of 6pnd (1/2)[3/2]2° levels and to determine the denotations of all the 6pnd J=2 Rydberg states under 59788 cm-1 for Pb I.  相似文献   

Energy levels of the odd-parity 6pnd J=2 Rydberg states of Pb I are analysed by the multichannel quantum defect theory (MQDT) in the frame of a five-channel three-limit calculation model. With optimal MQDT parameters, channel admixture coefficients are obtained and used to calculate the theoretical lifetimes of the levels by comparing to the previously measured lifetimes. The predicted lifetimes for higher-lying Rydberg states are given and discussed. These predicted lifetimes are very different from those obtained by the four-channel two-limit model pl:eviously used, which means that introduction of the additional interacting channel is important for studying the 6pnd J=2 Rydberg states of Pb I.  相似文献   

李心梅  阮亚平  钟志萍 《物理学报》2012,61(2):023104-223
本文在多通道量子数亏损理论(MQDT)框架下,利用相对论多通道理论(RMCT),分别在冻结实近似、 考虑Δl=-1的偶极极化效应、Δl=+1的偶极极化效应、Δl=± 1的偶极极化效应、伸缩模效应以及同时考虑偶极极化效应和伸缩模效应等不同层次近似下,系统地计算了碱金属Li, Na, K, Rb, Cs和Fr七个里德伯系列的能级,即ns2S1/2, np2P1/2, np2P3/2, nd2D3/2, nd2D5/2, nf2F5/2nf2F7/2.计算结果表明,电子关联效应对碱金属原子的里德伯能级的影响很大.总的来说,偶极极化效应比伸缩模效应重要,而在偶极极化效应中, Δl = + 1的偶极极化效应比Δl = - 1的偶极极化效应重要.但对于Na的ns2S1/2,(nd2D3/2,nd2D5/2)里德伯系列的能级,和Li的(np2P1/2,np2P3/2)里德伯系列的能级,是伸缩模效应比较重要.  相似文献   

Energy levels of the odd-parity 6pnd J=2 Rydberg states of atomic lead are analyzed by the multichannel quantum defect theory (MQDT) with previous experimental energy levels. The obtained. Using these parameters, admixture coefficients for each level are calculated to designate the level denotations. The results show that strong channel mixings exist for the levels near the 6pnd (3/2)[5/2]2 0 and 6p6d (3/2)[3/2]2 0 pertubers. The five-channel model different from that in literature is used to predict 21 energy positions of 6pnd (1/2)[3/2]2 0 levels and to determine the denotations of all the 6pnd J=2 Rydberg states under 59788 cm−1 for Pb I.  相似文献   

在多通道量子亏损理论框架下,利用相对论多通道理论,分别在冻结实近似和考虑偶极极化下计算钪原子的Jπ=(3/2)-,(5/2)-的三个收敛于 3d4s(1D2)的自电离里德伯系列的能级.对3d4s(1D2)np2D3/2和3d4s(1 关键词: 相对论多通道理论 多通道量子亏损理论 电子-电子关联 自电离里德伯系列  相似文献   

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