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Plumb line variations (PLV) at Tangshan during the years of 1987–1998 are determined by using the 46 batch repeated gravity observations of the Beijing-Tangshan network. It has been found that PLV at Tangshan are related with the 38 earthquakes in this period. It appears that the time of an earthquake around Tangshan is usually quite the same when PLV at Tangshan begins moving in opposite direction. Supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China (Grant No. 10633030)  相似文献   

ThepatterncharacteristicsofthetendencyvariationsofearthresistivityanditsrelationtoearthquakesHe-YunZHAO(赵和云)(EarthquakeResear...  相似文献   

~~Preliminary study on variation characteristics of ocean tide dynamic stress in crust and its relationship with earthquakes@陆明勇$China Center for Earthquake Disaster Emergency and SAR,Beijing 100049,China @郑文衡$Huazhong University of Science and Technology,Wuhan 430074,China①Strong earthquake catalogues in China. Earthquake catalogues reported monthly by Center for Analysis and Prediction, CEA. ①YI Zhi-gang. Institute of Crustal Dynamics, China Earthquake Administrati…  相似文献   

Based on the 46 batch repeated observations of Beijing-Tangshan gravimetric network, the gravity field changes of the region during 1987–1998 have been determined. A comparison was made between the differences of these gravity field changes and the 8 reasonably large earthquake events (Mb≥ 4.0) in the region, showing the existence of the earthquake-related gravity field changes. It appears that there is usually a detectable change of a nearby gravity field well before an earthquake, followed by an opposite change afterwards.  相似文献   

KinematicfeaturesoftheseismogenicfaultoftheTangshanearthquakeandtherecurrenceperiodoflargeearthquakesJIELIU1)(刘洁)HUI-ZHENSON...  相似文献   

IntroductionUntilnow,manyobservationsandstudiesshowthatinacertainareasandduringacertainperiodmajorearthquakesfrequentlyocured...  相似文献   

Based on the theories and methods of cartography on spatial pattern and temporal evolution in Geo-information Tupu (Carto-methodology in Geo-information, CMGI) and the quantitative measurements of pattern and process in landscape ecology, the methodology of landscape information Tupu in studying the swing process of the Yellow River (YR) over the Yellow River Delta (YRD) during 1855―2000 has been demonstrated. The main content includes (1) methodology of landscape information Tupu; (2) evolution process Tupu of YR rump channels; (3) evolution process Tupu of the 7 pieces of subdeltas in YRD during 1855―2000; (4) landscape information Tupu of the modern YRD and the current YRD; (5) landscape information Tupu of YR rump channels on the 7 pieces of subdeltas during 1855―2000; and (6) corridor-matrix landscape information Tupu by YR swings. The methodology of landscape information Tupu here is still primary but we hope that it could provide a new tool for exploring an integrated research on spatiotemporal approaches for landscape "pattern and process".  相似文献   

We have collected 432 vertical component records from 45 stations of new CENC (China Earthquake Network Center) in Chinese mainland and adjacent regions. These records were used to calculate Q0 (Q at 1Hz) and η values of Lg coda from each station by the stack spectral ratio (SSR) method. Then the tomography method was applied to obtaining lateral variation of Q0 and η values in Chinese mainland and adjacent regions. The result indicates that Q0 value varies between 150 and 600 in the studied areas. Yunnan, southwest Sichuan, and northwest Myanmar show the lowest Q0 value (Q0〈240) and the crust of these regions is characterized by complicated crack and strong hydrothermal activity. The highest Q0 value (Qo〉510) exists in the border of southern Mongolia, Alxa and Ordos block. The η value varies between 0.45 and 0.75 in Chinese mainland and its adjacent regions.  相似文献   

Introduction The relation between satellite thermal infrared anomaly and earthquakes or fault activities has been studied for more than ten years. Many researchers contribute themselves to the research field and made some progress (Gorny et al, 1988; Andrew et al, 2002; WANG and QIANG, 1995; ZHENG et al, 1996; QIANG and DIAN, 1998). In recent years, with the rapid development of satellite remote sensing technique and its wide application to the field of seismology, more and more rese…  相似文献   

The historical earthquake data is one of the important foundations for seismic monitoring, earthquake fore-cast and seismic safety evaluation. However, the recognition of earthquake is limited by the scientific and techno-logical level. Therefore, the earthquake can only be described using perfect earthquake catalogue after the seismo-graph is invented. Before this time, the earthquake parameters were determined according to the earthquake disas-ter on the surface and the written records in hi…  相似文献   

From the magnetotelluric detection in the epicentral region and the adjacent areas of the 1605 M7.5 Qiongzhou earthquake, we have discovered there is a low resistive body in the deep crust of the epicentral region. The low resistive body extends straightly from the depth of about 13 km to the upper mantle, which is supposed as an up-rising mantle pole. We therefore consider it is just the existing mantle pole and its upwelling thermal material that result in the faulting and stick-slipping activities of the upper crust, which is an important factor for the M7.5 Qiongzhou great earthquake occurrence. The postseismic faulting activity is characterized by creep, which shows that the risk is greatly decreased for the occurrence of a great earthquake with similar intensity in the future.  相似文献   

Recent works reveal that the size reduction of or- ganisms during the Permian-Triassic transition is of great importance for research on biotic mass extinction and recovery in this period[1,2]. Initially, Urbanek (1993) observed a decrease in the size of Silurian graptolites during the biotic crisis, and used the term “Lilliput Effect” to define the size reduction in sur- viving animal taxa[3]. Subsequently, researchers re- ported a decrease in size of late Devonian conodonts[4], heart urc…  相似文献   

In this paper, progress in strain study of blocks and faults by GPS data are discussed, and the concept that active structures between blocks are the main body of crustal strain is clarified. By energy transfer principle of elastic mechanics, the relation between strain around faults and tectonic force on fault surfaces is set up and main body element model of crustal strain is constructed. Finally, the relation between mechanical evolution of model and seismogenic process of Kunlun earthquake (Ms=8.1) is discussed by continuous GPS data of datum stations. The result suggests that the relatively relaxed change under background of strong compressing and shearing may help to trigger moderate-strong earthquakes.  相似文献   

Using monthly precipitation and temperature data from national meteorological stations, 90 m resolution DEM and a digital vector map of modern glaciers from the Chinese Glacier Inventory, the glacier mass balance and glacier runoff in the Tarim River Basin (TRB), China, were estimated based on a monthly degree-day model for 1961–2006. The results suggest that the modified monthly degree-day model can simulate the long-term changes in glacier mass balance and glacier runoff, which have been confirmed by shor...  相似文献   

ResearchontheseismogenicenvironmentfordeepearthquakeandthecauseofearthquakesinXinjianganditsadjacentareasQiangLI(李强);Rui-Feng...  相似文献   

The noise model based on a trous wavelet algorithm produces a multi-scale expression of image through the combination of wavelet transform and a testing model of statistical significance.This kind of expression not only gives the formation and location of image structure on different scales,but also eliminates the influence of noise Since the algorithm does not need any priori hypotheses,it is suitable for the data with complex structure.The research line is employed in this paper to analyze the spatial activity of earthquake.The method of how to recognize and describe the multi-scale space activity of earthquake is emphatically discussed in this paper.Taking typical sequences in Southwest China as research cases,we systematically study the structure characters of spatial activity of earthquake on different scales.Results show that multi-scale space structure to some extent possesses indicative effect on strong epicenters.And the foreshock anomalies of Songpan seismic sequence also reveal interesting pattem during the spatial-temporal evolvement.  相似文献   

Introduction According to many published papers, seismicity in time-space domain shows some characteristics, such as doughnut epicenter distribution (Mogi, 1969) or quiescence of seismic activity before large earthquakes (WANG, et al, 2002), and aftershock decay (Ogata, 1998). In recent years, more and more seismologists (Lynnr, Steven, 1990) have found that many strong earthquakes are preceded by enhancing regional seismicity and accelerating strain energy release (ZHANG, et al, 2001). T…  相似文献   

InterpretationofSwavedatafromTai′anXinzhouDSSprofileanditsrelationshipwithXingtaiearthquakesSONGYANSONG(宋松岩)1)XUESONGZHO...  相似文献   

Although the temporal and spatial distribution of earthquakes looks like non-uniform, it is not com- pletely random. Locations of seismic zones are associ- ated with active tectonics. On a global or regional scale, several major or great earthquakes occur…  相似文献   

After the earthquakes of September 26, 1997, that hit the Umbria-Marcheboundary (Apennine, Central Italy), with a maximum 6.0 Mw, aprogram of geochemical surveying together with a collection ofhydrogeological changes episodes was extended throughout theepicentre-area, taking the yearly period of the seismic sequence as a whole.After a first areal screening, the Bagni di Triponzo thermal spring wasselected for a discrete temporal monitoring (weekly and monthly basis),being the unique thermal spring throughout the epicentre area. This sitedeserves peculiar interest in deepening the knowledge about deep fluidscirculation changing during seismicity.Laboratory and on-field analyses included major, minor and trace elementsas well as dissolved gases (He, Ar, CH4, CO2, H2S,222Rn, NH4, As, Li, Fe, B, etc...) and selected isotopic ratios(C, H, O, He, Sr, Cl), meaningful from tectonic point of view.The chemistry and isotopic chemistry of the spring were fully outlined anddiscussed, pointing out the main process involving the thermal aquifer: thewater-rock interaction inside the Evaporite Triassic Basement (ETB),possibly involving also the Paleozoic Crystalline Basement. On theother hand, sudden and apparent geochemical and hydrogeologicalvariations during the seismic sequence ruled out an evolution in thewater-rock interaction processes. They occurred both at depth, i.e.,induced by fluid remobilization within the crust explained by the Coseismic Strain Model and by the Fault Valve Activity Model, and in the shallow part of the reservoir (i.e., meteoric watercontamination). A statistical multivariable analysis (Factor Analysis) wasaccomplished to better constrain the correlation between the paroxysmalphases of the seismic sequence and the observed trends and spike-likeanomalies. The groundwater variations was inferred to occur mainly insidethe ETB, from depth (1–2 km) up to surface, particularly in associationof the Sellano earthquake (14/10/1997) and of the seismic re-activationof the sequence at the end of March 1998 (Gualdo Tadino-Rigali andVerchiano areas). The lack of deeper input from below the ETB (slightsignature of PCB), as the lack of He mantle signature, during the seismicperiod as a whole, accounted for seismogenic fault segments rooted onlyin the crust. The results also provide useful information about theearthquake-related response mechanisms occurring at this site, thatrepresent the basic task for planning and managing the impendinghydro-geochemical network aimed at defining the relationships betweenseismic cycle, fluids and reliable earthquake forerunners.  相似文献   

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