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We propose a novel capacity model for complex networks against cascading failure. In this model, vertices with both higher loads and larger degrees should be paid more extra capacities, i.e. the allocation of extra capacity on vertex i will be proportional to ki γ , where ki is the degree of vertex i and γ > 0 is a free parameter. We have applied this model on Barabási-Albert network as well as two real transportation networks, and found that under the same amount of available resource, this model can achieve better network robustness than previous models.  相似文献   

We study community structure of networks. We have developed a scheme for maximizing the modularity Q [Newman and Girvan, Phys. Rev. E 69, 026113 (2004)] based on mean field methods. Further, we have defined a simple family of random networks with community structure; we understand the behavior of these networks analytically. Using these networks, we show how the mean field methods display better performance than previously known deterministic methods for optimization of Q.  相似文献   

In this paper, we define a stochastic Sierpinski gasket, on the basis of which we construct a network called random Sierpinski network (RSN). We investigate analytically or numerically the statistical characteristics of RSN. The obtained results reveal that the properties of RSN is particularly rich, it is simultaneously scale-free, small-world, uncorrelated, modular, and maximal planar. All obtained analytical predictions are successfully contrasted with extensive numerical simulations. Our network representation method could be applied to study the complexity of some real systems in biological and information fields.  相似文献   

We present a family of scale-free network model consisting of cliques, which is established by a simple recursive algorithm. We investigate the networks both analytically and numerically. The obtained analytical solutions show that the networks follow a power-law degree distribution, with degree exponent continuously tuned between 2 and 3. The exact expression of clustering coefficient is also provided for the networks. Furthermore, the investigation of the average path length reveals that the networks possess small-world feature. Interestingly, we find that a special case of our model can be mapped into the Yule process.  相似文献   

Random field Ising model and community structure in complex networks   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
We propose a method to determine the community structure of a complex network. In this method the ground state problem of a ferromagnetic random field Ising model is considered on the network with the magnetic field Bs = +∞, Bt = -∞, and Bi≠s,t=0 for a node pair s and t. The ground state problem is equivalent to the so-called maximum flow problem, which can be solved exactly numerically with the help of a combinatorial optimization algorithm. The community structure is then identified from the ground state Ising spin domains for all pairs of s and t. Our method provides a criterion for the existence of the community structure, and is applicable equally well to unweighted and weighted networks. We demonstrate the performance of the method by applying it to the Barabási-Albert network, Zachary karate club network, the scientific collaboration network, and the stock price correlation network. (Ising, Potts, etc.)  相似文献   

Jihong Guan  Shuigeng Zhou  Yonghui Wu 《Physica A》2009,388(12):2571-2578
In this paper, we propose an evolving Sierpinski gasket, based on which we establish a model of evolutionary Sierpinski networks (ESNs) that unifies deterministic Sierpinski network [Z.Z. Zhang, S.G. Zhou, T. Zou, L.C. Chen, J.H. Guan, Eur. Phys. J. B 60 (2007) 259] and random Sierpinski network [Z.Z. Zhang, S.G. Zhou, Z. Su, T. Zou, J.H. Guan, Eur. Phys. J. B 65 (2008) 141] to the same framework. We suggest an iterative algorithm generating the ESNs. On the basis of the algorithm, some relevant properties of presented networks are calculated or predicted analytically. Analytical solution shows that the networks under consideration follow a power-law degree distribution, with the distribution exponent continuously tuned in a wide range. The obtained accurate expression of clustering coefficient, together with the prediction of average path length reveals that the ESNs possess small-world effect. All our theoretical results are successfully contrasted by numerical simulations. Moreover, the evolutionary prisoner’s dilemma game is also studied on some limitations of the ESNs, i.e., deterministic Sierpinski network and random Sierpinski network.  相似文献   

There has been a quickly growing interest in properties of complex networks, such as the small world property, power-law degree distribution, network transitivity, and community structure, which seem to be common to many real world networks. In this study, we consider the community property which is also found in many real networks. Based on the diffusion kernels of networks, a hierarchical clustering approach is proposed to uncover the community structure of different extent of complex networks. We test the method on some networks with known community structures and find that it can detect significant community structure in these networks. Comparison with related methods shows the effectiveness of the method.  相似文献   

We study a scaling property of the number Mh(N) of loops of size h in complex networks with respect to a network size N. For networks with a bounded second moment of degree, we find two distinct scaling behaviors: Mh(N) ~ (constant) and Mh(N) ~ lnN as N increases. Uncorrelated random networks specified only with a degree distribution and Markovian networks specified only with a nearest neighbor degree-degree correlation display the former scaling behavior, while growing network models display the latter. The difference is attributed to structural correlation that cannot be captured by a short-range degree-degree correlation.  相似文献   

Load-dependent random walks are used to investigate the evolution of load distribution in transportation network systems. The walkers hop to a node according to node load of the last time step. The preference of walks leads to a change in the load distribution. It changes from degree-dependent distribution in the case of non-preference walks to eigenvector-centrality-dependent distribution. By numerical simulations, it is shown that the network heterogeneity has a influence on the effect of walk preference. In the cascading failure phenomenon, an appropriate degree correlation can guarantee a low risk of cascading failures.  相似文献   

We study effects of average degree on cooperation in the networked prisoner's dilemma game. Typical structures are considered, including random networks, small-world networks and scale-free networks. Simulation results show that the average degree plays a universal role in cooperation occurring on all these networks, that is the density of cooperators peaks at some specific values of the average degree. Moreover, we investigated the average payoff of players through numerical simulations together with theoretical predictions and found that simulation results agree with the predictions. Our work may be helpful in understanding network effects on the evolutionary games.  相似文献   

Many networks extent in space, may it be metric (e.g. geographic) or non-metric (ordinal). Spatial network growth, which depends on the distance between nodes, can generate a wide range of topologies from small-world to linear scale-free networks. However, networks often lacked multiple clusters or communities. Multiple clusters can be generated, however, if there are time windows during development. Time windows ensure that regions of the network develop connections at different points in time. This novel approach could generate small-world but not scale-free networks. The resulting topology depended critically on the overlap of time windows as well as on the position of pioneer nodes.  相似文献   

We consider distributed networks, such as peer-to-peer networks, whose structure can be manipulated by adjusting the rules by which vertices enter and leave the network. We focus in particular on degree distributions and show that, with some mild constraints, it is possible by a suitable choice of rules to arrange for the network to have any degree distribution we desire. We also describe a mechanism based on biased random walks by which appropriate rules could be implemented in practice. As an example application, we describe and simulate the construction of a peer-to-peer network optimized to minimize search times and bandwidth requirements.  相似文献   

We make a mapping from Sierpinski fractals to a new class of networks, the incompatibility networks, which are scale-free, small-world, disassortative, and maximal planar graphs. Some relevant characteristics of the networks such as degree distribution, clustering coefficient, average path length, and degree correlations are computed analytically and found to be peculiarly rich. The method of network representation can be applied to some real-life systems making it possible to study the complexity of real networked systems within the framework of complex network theory.  相似文献   

We undertake a detailed numerical study of the twin phenomenon of stochastic and vibrational resonance in a discrete model system in the presence of bichromatic input signal. A two parameter cubic map is used as the model that combines the features of both bistable and threshold systems. In addition to the results already shown for continuous systems, our analysis brings out several interesting features both for vibrational and stochastic resonance, including the existence of a cross over behavior between the two. In the regime of vibrational resonance, it is shown that the additional high frequency forcing can change the effective value of the system parameter resulting in the shift of the bistable window. In the case of stochastic resonance, the study reveals a fundamental difference between the bistable and threshold mechanisms in the response, with respect to multisignal input.  相似文献   

We study network traffic dynamics in a two dimensional communication network with regular nodes and hubs. If the network experiences heavy message traffic, congestion occurs due to finite capacity of the nodes. We discuss strategies to manipulate hub capacity and hub connections to relieve congestion and define a coefficient of betweenness centrality (CBC), a direct measure of network traffic, which is useful for identifying hubs which are most likely to cause congestion. The addition of assortative connections to hubs of high CBC relieves congestion very efficiently. An erratum to this article is available at .  相似文献   

Kinetically-grown self-avoiding walks have been studied on Watts-Strogatz small-world networks, rewired from a two-dimensional square lattice. The maximum length L of this kind of walks is limited in regular lattices by an attrition effect, which gives finite values for its mean value 〈L 〉. For random networks, this mean attrition length 〈L 〉 scales as a power of the network size, and diverges in the thermodynamic limit (system size N ↦∞). For small-world networks, we find a behavior that interpolates between those corresponding to regular lattices and randon networks, for rewiring probability p ranging from 0 to 1. For p < 1, the mean self-intersection and attrition length of kinetically-grown walks are finite. For p = 1, 〈L 〉 grows with system size as N1/2, diverging in the thermodynamic limit. In this limit and close to p = 1, the mean attrition length diverges as (1-p)-4. Results of approximate probabilistic calculations agree well with those derived from numerical simulations.  相似文献   

Wen-Bo Du  Xian-Bin Cao  Lin Zhao 《Physica A》2009,388(20):4509-4514
Considering the heterogeneity of individuals’ influence in the real world, we introduce a preferential selection mechanism to evolutionary games (the Prisoner’s Dilemma Game and the Snowdrift Game) on scale-free networks and focus on the cooperative behavior of the system. In every step, each agent chooses an individual from all its neighbors with a probability proportional to kα indicating the influence of the neighbor, where k is the degree. Simulation results show that the cooperation level has a non-trivial dependence on α. To understand the effect of preferential selection mechanism on the evolution of the system, we investigate the time series of the cooperator frequency in detail. It is found that the cooperator frequency is greatly influenced by the initial strategy of hub nodes when α>0. This observation is confirmed by investigating the system behavior when some hub nodes’ strategies are fixed.  相似文献   

We study the transport properties of model networks such as scale-free and Erd?s-Rényi networks as well as a real network. We consider few possibilities for the trnasport problem. We start by studying the conductance G between two arbitrarily chosen nodes where each link has the same unit resistance. Our theoretical analysis for scale-free networks predicts a broad range of values of G, with a power-law tail distribution $\Phi_{\rm SF}(G)\sim G^{-g_G}$ , where gG=2λ-1, and λ is the decay exponent for the scale-free network degree distribution. The power-law tail in ΦSF(G) leads to large values of G, thereby significantly improving the transport in scale-free networks, compared to Erd?s-Rényi networks where the tail of the conductivity distribution decays exponentially. We develop a simple physical picture of the transport to account for the results. The other model for transport is the max-flow model, where conductance is defined as the number of link-independent paths between the two nodes, and find that a similar picture holds. The effects of distance on the value of conductance are considered for both models, and some differences emerge. We then extend our study to the case of multiple sources ans sinks, where the transport is defined between two groups of nodes. We find a fundamental difference between the two forms of flow when considering the quality of the transport with respect to the number of sources, and find an optimal number of sources, or users, for the max-flow case. A qualitative (and partially quantitative) explanation is also given.  相似文献   

We study the SIS epidemic dynamics on scale-freeweighted networks with asymmetric infection, by both analysis andnumerical simulations, with focus on the epidemic threshold aswell as critical behaviors. It is demonstrated that the asymmetryof infection plays an important role: we could redistribute theasymmetry to balance the degree heterogeneity of the network andthen to restore the epidemic threshold to a fnite value. On theother hand, we show that the absence of the epidemic threshold isnot so bad as commented previously since the prevalence grows veryslowly in this case and one could only protect a few vertices toprevent the diseases propagation.  相似文献   

In weighted networks, redistribution of link weights can effectively change the properties of networks, even though the corresponding binary topology remains unchanged. In this paper, the effects of weight randomization on synchronization of coupled chaotic maps is investigated on regular weighted networks. The results reveal that synchronizability is enhanced by redistributing of link weights, i.e. coupled maps reach complete synchronization with lower cost. Furthermore, we show numerically that the heterogeneity of link weights could improve the complete synchronization on regular weighted networks.  相似文献   

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