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Deuterium kinetic isotope effects (KIEs) are reported for the first time for the dissociation of a protein-ligand complex in the gas phase. Temperature-dependent rate constants were measured for the loss of neutral ligand from the deprotonated ions of the 1:1 complex of bovine β-lactoglobulin (Lg) and palmitic acid (PA), (Lg + PA)(n-) → Lg(n-) + PA, at the 6- and 7- charge states. At 25 °C, partial or complete deuteration of the acyl chain of PA results in a measurable inverse KIE for both charge states. The magnitude of the KIEs is temperature dependent, and Arrhenius analysis of the rate constants reveals that deuteration of PA results in a decrease in activation energy. In contrast, there is no measurable deuterium KIE for the dissociation of the (Lg + PA) complex in aqueous solution at pH 8. Deuterium KIEs were calculated using conventional transition-state theory with an assumption of a late dissociative transition state (TS), in which the ligand is free of the binding pocket. The vibrational frequencies of deuterated and non-deuterated PA in the gas phase and in various solvents (n-hexane, 1-chlorohexane, acetone, and water) were established computationally. The KIEs calculated from the corresponding differences in zero-point energies account qualitatively for the observation of an inverse KIE but do not account for the magnitude of the KIEs nor their temperature dependence. It is proposed that the dissociation of the (Lg + PA) complex in aqueous solution also proceeds through a late TS in which the acyl chain is extensively hydrated such that there is no significant differential change in the vibrational frequencies along the reaction coordinate and, consequently, no significant KIE.  相似文献   

Proton and deuterium n.m.r. measurements in acetylacetone and 3,3-d2-acetylacetone are reported. Deuterium-isotope effects on chemical shifts and keto–enol equilibria as a function of concentration in the two solvents triethylamine and pyrrole are determined. A strong solvent concentration dependence for d-isotope effects is observed in triethylamine; in pyrrole no dependence is obtained. The results are interpreted in terms of an equilibrium between the symmetrical (C2v) and asymmetrical (Cs) enolic forms in acetylacetone. The usefulness of 2H n.m.r. for the study of exchange processes is demonstrated.  相似文献   

The OH chemical shift of the enol form of nitromalonamide is found at 18.9 ppm both in DMSO-d(6) and in DMF-d(7) indicating a very strong hydrogen bond. The OH chemical shift is insensitive to temperature changes. Contrary to the large OH chemical shift, a small two-bond deuterium isotope effect of 0.135 ppm due to deuteration at the OH position is found at the enolic carbon. This is confirmed by density functional theory calculations. The observed effects are interpreted as due to an equilibrium between identical enolic forms. These show a strong OH...O hydrogen bond as well as a NH...O-N=O hydrogen bond.  相似文献   

《Fluid Phase Equilibria》2005,238(2):169-173
Liquid–liquid miscibility temperatures as a function of composition and deuterium substitution have been experimentally determined for binary mixtures of aniline and cyclohexane and their various deuterated forms: aniline-d2, aniline-d5, cyclohexane-d12. In all cases studied, the deuteration leads to the upward shift of the upper critical solution temperature. This effect is discussed in the frame of the theory of the condensed phase isotope effects coupled with the phenomenological gE thermodynamic model of solutions.  相似文献   

Small, negative deuterium isotope effects on 1J(CH) have been found for a variety of simple organic molecules. These new experimental data support theoretical calculations and suggestions based on previous imprecise experimental measurements. The deuterium isotope effects upon the 13C chemical shifts were also measured with high precision.  相似文献   

By comparison of neopentane pair potentials of mean force (PMFs) in room temperature water and 6.9 molar aqueous urea, it was recently shown that urea molecules affect the PMF minima in an unexpected way (Lee, M.-E.; van der Vegt, N. F. A. J. Am. Chem. Soc. 2006, 128, 4948). While the first PMF minimum in urea solution has an identical shape and depth to those of the corresponding minimum in water, the second minimum in urea solution is broader, deeper, and shifted out to a slightly larger distance. Here, we present a study of the enthalpic and entropic contributions to these PMFs. Its significance for understanding the driving forces responsible for thermodynamically favorable neopentane contact and solvent-separated distances in urea solution is discussed. We propose that the solute-solvent entropy and solute-solvent enthalpy changes should be analyzed for obtaining an unambiguous molecular-scale picture. In urea solution, enthalpy-entropy compensation effects associated with structural solvent reorganization processes are large, causing changes of the system's enthalpy and entropy with hydrophobic pair separation to be very different from the solute-solvent enthalpy and entropy changes. The entropies are discussed in terms of the molecular-scale solvent reorganization processes.  相似文献   

This work describes the first experimental studies of deuterium kinetic isotope effects (KIEs) for the gas-phase E2 reactions of microsolvated systems. The reactions of F(-)(H(2)O)(n) and OH(-)(H(2)O)(n), where n = 0, 1, with (CH(3))(3)CX (X = Cl, Br), as well as the deuterated analogs of the ionic and neutral reactants, were studied utilizing the flowing afterglow-selected ion flow tube technique. The E2 reactivity is found to decrease with solvation. Small, normal kinetic isotope effects are observed for the deuteration of the alkyl halide, while moderately inverse kinetic isotope effects are observed for the deuteration of the solvent. Minimal clustering of the product ions is observed, but there are intriguing differences in the nature and extent of the clustering process. Electronic structure calculations of the transition states provide qualitative insight into these microsolvated E2 reactions.  相似文献   

Quantum yields and decay times of fluorescence of charge-transfer complexes of tetracyanoethylene (an electron acceptor) with protonated and deuterated aromatic hydrocarbon donors were measured. The deuterium isotope effect on radiationless transition (identified as the
internal conversion) was observed. This observation is taken as evidence of the dominant role of intramolecular within the donor and/or the acceptor molecule) vibrations in radiationless transitions from excited charge-transfer states of molecular complexes.  相似文献   

The existence of length-scale dependence of hydrophobic solvation has important implications in the equilibrium of disordered, partially folded, and folded protein conformations. Neglecting this dependence, such as in popular solute surface-area based implicit solvent models with fixed surface tension coefficients, severely limits the ability to accurately model protein conformational equilibrium. We illustrate such fundamental limitations by examining the potentials of mean force of forming dimeric and trimeric nonpolar clusters and propose a new empirical model that effectively captures the context dependence of the local effective surface tension. Further optimization of the new model with other components of the implicit solvent force fields provides promise to significantly improve one's ability to simulate protein folding and conformational transitions. The existence of length-scale dependence of hydrophobic solvation has important implications in the equilibrium of disordered, partially folded, and folded protein conformations. Neglecting this dependence, such as in popular solute surface-area based implicit solvent models with fixed surface tension coefficients, severely limits the ability to accurately model protein conformational equilibrium. We illustrate such fundamental limitations by examining the potentials of mean force of forming dimeric and trimeric nonpolar clusters and propose a new empirical model that effectively captures the context dependence of the local effective surface tension. Further optimization of the new model with other components of the implicit solvent force fields provides promise to significantly improve one's ability to simulate protein folding and conformational transitions.  相似文献   

Solvent isotope effects on the interaction between the hyperbranched cationic polyelectrolyte, polyethylene imine (PEI), and the anionic surfactant sodium dodecyl sulfate (SDS) were investigated using potentiometric titration and eletrophoretic mobility measurements. In the basic pH range, a significantly higher fraction of the amine groups was found to be protonated when the PEI was dissolved in D2O compared to H2O at the same pH/pD. The difference in polymer charge in the two solvents decreases gradually with decreasing pH, and it completely diminishes at around pH = 4. Electrophoretic mobility measurements of PEI/SDS complexes at different pH values correlated very well with these observations. At pH/pD approximately 9 a much higher mobility of the PEI/SDS complexes was found in D2O than in H2O at low surfactant concentrations, and the charge neutralization point shifted to a considerably larger surfactant concentration in heavy water. These results can be explained by the significantly higher charge density of the PEI in D2O compared to H2O. However, at the natural pH/pD as well as at pH = 4 and pD = 4 conditions the PEI molecules have roughly equal charge densities, which result in very similar charged characteristics (mobilities) of the PEI/SDS complexes as well as the same charge neutralization SDS concentration. It can be concluded that extreme care must be taken in the general analysis of those experiments in which weak polyelectrolyte/surfactant aggregates are investigated in heavy water, and then these observations are correlated with structures of the same system in water.  相似文献   

Secondary deuterium isotope effects were observed in the meta photocycloaddition of several aromatic compounds to cyclopentene.  相似文献   

Deuterium isotope effects on the 13C and 15N nuclear shieldings of o-hydroxyazo compounds are described. Both the direct and the equilibrium contributions were determined. Large direct deuterium isotope effects on 15N nuclear shieldings for 1Δ, 2Δ and 4Δ and negative Δ1J(15NH) [D] values were observed. Isotope effects on 15N nuclear shieldings, because of their magnitudes, are shown to be very useful in determining changes in the azo–hydrazone equilibrium. Isotope effects on 13C nuclear shieldings are smaller, but the effects observed at the carbon resonances of the N-phenyl ring are likewise very useful in determining the shift in the equilibrium. Deuterium substitution leads in all cases to a shift in the equilibrium so that the content of the predominant form of the protio compound is increased.  相似文献   

Large deuterium isotope effects of both signs have been observed on the 13C nuclear shielding in proton-chelating tautomeric forms of β-thioxoketones, and small isotope effects of both signs have been found in related forms of Schiff's bases of salicylaldehydes. These effects are interpreted in terms of shifts in the tautomeric equilibria on deuterium substitution of the enolic proton. The observation of deuterium isotope effects is suggested as a useful method for the detection of fast tautomeric equilibria in systems of the following type. .  相似文献   

《Tetrahedron letters》1988,29(47):6095-6096
Vicinal deuterium isotope effects on 13C NMR chemical shifts, 3ΔC (Φ) are given for ten monodeuteriated allylic alcohols. The relationship found for nine of them: 3ΔC(0°) ≅ 5/3 x 3ΔC(180°) allows the stereochemical assignement of their deuterium labeling. This assignment is in agreement with that from the Karplus-type relationship of vicinal coupling constants, 3JC-D(Φ).  相似文献   

We report results on the pressure effects on hydrophobic interactions obtained from molecular dynamics simulations of aqueous solutions of methanes in water. A wide range of pressures that is relevant to pressure denaturation of proteins is investigated. The characteristic features of water-mediated interactions between hydrophobic solutes are found to be pressure-dependent. In particular, with increasing pressure we find that (1) the solvent-separated configurations in the solute-solute potential of mean force (PMF) are stabilized with respect to the contact configurations; (2) the desolvation barrier increases monotonically with respect to both contact and solvent-separated configurations; (3) the locations of the minima and the barrier move toward shorter separations; and (4) pressure effects are considerably amplified for larger hydrophobic solutes. Together, these observations lend strong support to the picture of the pressure denaturation process proposed previously by Hummer et al. (Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. U.S.A. 1998, 95, 1552): with increasing pressure, the transfer of water into protein interior becomes key to the pressure denaturation process, leading to the dissociation of close hydrophobic contacts and subsequent swelling of the hydrophobic protein interior through insertions of water molecules. The pressure dependence of the PMF between larger hydrophobic solutes shows that pressure effects on the interaction between hydrophobic amino acids may be considerably amplified compared to those on the methane-methane PMF.  相似文献   

The gas-phase reactions of F(-)(CH(3)OH) and F(-)(C(2)H(5)OH) with t-butyl bromide have been investigated to explore the effect of the solvent on the E2 transition state. Kinetic isotope effects (KIEs) were measured using a flowing afterglow-selected ion flow tube (FA-SIFT) mass spectrometer upon deuteration of both the alkyl halide and the alcohol. Kinetic isotope effects are significantly more pronounced than those previously observed for similar reactions of F(-)(H(2)O) with t-butyl halides. KIEs for the reaction of F(-)(CH(3)OH) with t-butyl bromide are 2.10 upon deuteration of the neutral reagent and 0.74 upon deuteration of the solvent. KIEs for the reaction of F(-)(C(2)H(5)OH) with t-butyl bromide are 3.84 upon deuteration of the neutral reagent and 0.66 upon deuteration of the solvent. The magnitude of these effects is discussed in terms of transition-state looseness. Additionally, deuteration of the neutral regent and deuteration of the solvent do not produce completely separable isotope effects, which is likely due to a crowded transition state. These results are compared to our previous work on S(N)2 and E2 solvated systems.  相似文献   

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