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直驱式永磁同步发电系统以其噪声小、可靠性高等优点在风力发电系统中越来越得到重视。对一种采用新型永磁同步发电机的直驱式永磁同步发电系统进行了仿真研究,建立了新型永磁风力发电机组的MATLAB模型,提出了一种基于萤火虫群算法的优化功率分配方法。该方法以减小发电机损耗为目标,能够较大地提高发电机组的效率。仿真结果表明,采用优化功率分配方法的发电机由于能够减小损耗,可以输出更多的有功功率,具有更高的发电效率。研究结果可为新型永磁同步发电机发电效率的提高提供参考。  相似文献   

This paper addresses the problem of controlling power generation in variable-speed wind energy conversion systems (VS-WECS). These systems have two operation regions depending on the wind turbine tip-speed ratio. They are distinguished by minimum phase behavior in one of these regions and a nonminimum phase in the other one. A sliding mode control strategy is then proposed to ensure stability in both operation regions and to impose the ideal feedback control solution despite model uncertainties. The proposed sliding mode control strategy presents attractive features such as robustness to parametric uncertainties of the turbine and the generator as well as to electric grid disturbances. The proposed sliding mode control approach has been simulated on a 1.5-MW three-blade wind turbine to evaluate its consistency and performance. The next step was the validation using the National Renewable Energy Laboratory (NREL) wind turbine simulator called the fatigue, aerodynamics, structures, and turbulence code (FAST). Both simulation and validation results show that the proposed control strategy is effective in terms of power regulation. Moreover, the sliding mode approach is arranged so as to produce no chattering in the generated torque that could lead to increased mechanical stress because of strong torque variations.  相似文献   

直驱永磁同步风力发电系统(Directly driven wind turbinewith Permanent Magnet Synchronous Generators,D-PMSG)因具有结构简单、发电效率及运行可靠性高等优点已经逐渐成为风力发电的主流机型。随着风电场规模的逐渐增大,风力机的低电压穿越能力(Low Voltage Ride Through,LVRT)已经成为大型风电场并网的必备条件。文中针对电网故障下直驱永磁风力发电机的无功功率出力问题,采用在电网故障阶段并联备用变频器以及无功优先的控制方法,在电压跌落期间充分利用变频器的无功产生能力,使风力发电系统在故障期间迅速增加无功功率的输出,提升机端电压,帮助电网电压恢复,从而增强了直驱永磁同步风力机的低电压穿越能力。  相似文献   

Upon occurrence of an internal fault on the PMSM (permanent magnet synchronous machine), the topology of the stator is amended causing structural imbalances due to the change of the connection within the windings. In this work, a state model of internal faults of the PMSM is developed. This model is in the (abc) reference frame. The modeling approach is based on the assumption that each stator phase is replaced by two major and minor sub-windings. This model is used subsequently in the residual generation for diagnosis. The fault indicators are obtained by the projection in parity space and estimated using the Luenberger observer. A scenario of fault inter-turn by the short-circuit occurring between phase (a and b) is validated by simulation.  相似文献   

Without storage provision, a wind energy conversion system (WECS) does not have fault ride-through capability for most temporary faults on the utility feeder. This paper proposes a hybrid valve switching and control strategy for a voltage-sourced converter (VSC) used for interfacing a WECS to the utility grid. The hybrid control of the VSC ensures continuous operation of the system in the presence of temporary single line to ground faults on the utility feeder without the need for a storage provision. The fast acting hybrid control also limits reactive fault current contribution by the converter, and therefore, avoids problems associated with overcurrent protection of the feeder. The hybrid valve switching and control of the VSC consists of: 1) sinusoidal pulse width modulation (SPWM) based valve switching and current-controlled voltage-source operation of the VSC during normal system operating conditions and 2) hysteresis space vector modulation (HSVM) based switching together with controlled current-source operation of the VSC during temporary fault conditions. The hybrid control of the VSC isolates the WECS from the grid side disturbances to ensure uninterrupted operation of the unit. Simulation studies of the grid-interactive WECS in PSCAD/EMTDC confirm the validity of the proposed hybrid control scheme.   相似文献   

风电并网容量比重不断加大,减弱了系统的调频能力与惯量支撑能力,电网失稳日益严重。针对这些问题提出了基于虚拟同步机(VSG)的永磁直驱风电机组的控制方案。模仿同步机的功频控制特点,使系统具有惯量响应能力。风电机组经PWM变流器并网,在机侧变流器利用直流电压外环和电流内环控制,维持直流母线电压稳定,VSG从网侧变流器接入,通过设计有功频率和无功电压控制方案,对系统进行调频、调压。使用Matlab软件搭建模型,调整仿真参数,仿真结果表明,该控制方案使系统可以模拟同步发电机的惯量响应特性,能够有效地解决由于风速或者电网负荷改变引起的频率震荡问题。  相似文献   

以永磁同步风力发电系统为研究对象,分析了永磁同步风力发电系统的风速、风力机、Boost电路和逆变器模型,研究了风力发电系统的最大功率跟踪控制和并网逆变器控制,在Boost升压电路中利用转速、整流直流电压和导通比三者之间的传递关系制定了最大功率跟踪控制策略,通过简易的PQ解耦幅相控制实现系统并网,提高了系统输出功率因数,恒定了直流母线电压,并基于Matlab/Simulink搭建仿真模型验证了该系统控制策略的有效性。  相似文献   

由于风力发电机等分布式电源的渗透率逐渐提高,对电力系统的无功平衡、电压质量和电压稳定性等因素也产生越来越多的负面影响。为提高电力系统稳定性和电压质量,以储能系统为后备支持,提出了基于虚拟同步发电机(VSG)控制的储能系统控制方法。该方法包括同步发电机(SG)的电气部分、励磁部分和机械部分,使变换器具有同步发电机的特性,可精确控制储能系统输出的有功和无功功率。最后通过Matlab/Simulink仿真模型验证了该控制方法的可行性。研究成果可为新能源并网系统安全控制提供参考。  相似文献   

在实际的变速变桨风力机系统中,模型的强非线性、满负载工况下不稳定的风速及系数参数测量误差的存在,使传统的控制方法难以取得满意的控制效果,因此针对满负载工况下的风能转换系统提出了一种基于多变量动态矩阵控制的控制策略,先构建风能转化系统模型,将时变非线性模型在平衡点处线性化,得到其输入输出偏移量的线性化模型;再利用动态矩阵算法,间接控制发电机转速与功率在额定值处稳定;最后在风轮与电机转动惯量测量误差为40%的情况下进行仿真。结果表明,所得动态矩阵控制器具有较小的波动与较好的鲁棒性,能有效减小系统参数误差的影响,可在安全的工作范围内提供期望的性能,有助于提高电力系统的效率和电能质量。  相似文献   

摘要: 针对直驱风电系统,建立了控制器理想输出时永磁直驱风电系统的非线性模型,分析了研究系统稳定性的必要性。并阐述了系统稳定性分析主流方法的利弊,在此基础上提出了一种基于数值算法的扰动稳定性分析法,并用仿真获得了系统的受扰动稳定域。  相似文献   

分析了永磁同步电机的直接扭矩控制原理,并在Matlab/Simulink软件环境下建立了永磁同步电机的直接扭矩控制系统模型,对各个仿真模块进行了详细阐述.仿真结果表明,直接扭矩控制以扭矩为控制变量,扭矩响应快速准确,对建立混合动力车基于扭矩分配的整车仿真模型具有重要意义.  相似文献   

刘立宁  田敬成  李丹 《水电能源科学》2012,30(5):200-201,216
针对海浪发电机采用永磁直线同步发电系统会引起电机严重振动进而发生永磁体断裂的问题,基于直线电机与永磁电机理论,分析了两种槽型对海浪发电用永磁直线同步发电机的电磁力的影响,通过仿真计算确定了采用开槽结构进一步优化电机结构,使海浪发电为用永磁直线同步发电机齿槽力最小。  相似文献   

This paper discusses issues that are pertinent to the design of a linear permanent magnet generator for application in a free-piston energy converter. To achieve the required high power density, high efficiency, and low moving mass, a tubular machine equipped with a modular stator winding and a quasi-Halbach magnetized armature is employed. It is shown that the machine design can be optimized with respect to three key dimensional ratios while satisfying other performance requirements. It is also shown that, when the generator is interfaced to an electrical system via a power electronic converter, both the converter volt-amps rating and the converter loss should be taken into account when optimizing the machine design. The performance of such a tubular generator is demonstrated by measurements on a 10-pole/9-slot prototype machine.  相似文献   

采用有限元法对大功率永磁直驱风力发电机定子三维瞬态温度场进行计算,得到了电机定子温度场。对发电机进行了型式试验,测试结果与计算的稳态结果较为接近,验证了计算的准确性。结果表明,电机在额定工况下,温升稳定后端部绕组温度高于中间绕组,最高温度点在背风侧的端部绕组,最高温度与平均温度相差16℃左右。将实际风场的风资源数据作为外界条件,对永磁直驱发电机一定时间跨度的瞬态温度进行计算,结果与SCADA系统采集的风力发电机运行数据较为接近,为绝缘系统设计和电机的优化提供了参考。  相似文献   

采用ANSOFT MAXWELL软件建立了永磁同步电机模型,详细介绍在该模型下的建模方法,分析步骤与分析过程,并给出了瞬态电磁场有限元分析结果,并对结果进行了分析。  相似文献   

目的  随着风力发电技术的发展,永磁风力发电机单机容量不断增加,发热功率也随之增大,发电机散热正面临前所未有的挑战,如何有效地解决发电机温升高、散热难的问题一直是我们研究的重点。 方法  文章基于STAR-CCM+软件平台建立了发电机散热-冷却一体化数值模拟方法,通过与实验值对比验证了数值计算方法的可靠性。在此基础上对大功率永磁风力发电机内部温度分布规律以及冷却系统散热性能影响因素进行了研究。 结果  在额定功率下,绕组、定子铁芯的最高温度出现在中层区域,工艺条件允许的情况下,冷却水管位置应尽可能靠近绕组,以带走更多的热量;增大发电机总进风量,可显著降低定子铁芯温度和绕组温度;进风温度与绕组、定子铁芯最大温度呈线性关系,进风温度每降低5℃,最高温度降低约1.4℃,降低进风温度可一定程度上改善发电机散热性能;进水温度与绕组、定子铁芯最大温度呈线性关系,进水温度每降低5℃,最高温度降低约3.3℃,降低进水温度可大幅提升发电机散热性能。此外,冷却水管与定子铁芯的间隙极大地阻碍了冷却水管的换热,在间隙中填充导热性能好的材料可有效改善发电机散热性能。 结论  文章所得结论可有效指导永磁风力发电机的散热设计,能够保障风电机组在正常工作中安全运行。  相似文献   

This paper presents an analysis of a concentrated air-gap winding concept intended for low-cost, high-speed applications where the reduced winding construction cost can motivate its use. Expressions for magnet flux linkage, torque, winding inductance, and unbalanced magnetic pull are derived and compared, with good agreement, to measurements and results obtained from finite-element simulations.   相似文献   

永磁直驱风力机低电压运行储能容量取值研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
针对永磁直驱风力机低电压运行时存在的直流侧过电压问题,建立了运用超级电容器储能来解决该问题的方案,提出了超级电容器储能容量取值方法。对故障前后系统能量变化进行分析设计了储能系统充放电控制策略,结合超级电容器等效模型进行数学推导得出储能容量计算表达式。通过模拟不同深度电压跌落故障进行仿真计算,分别得出所需超级电容器储能容量。最后对比储能投入前后直流侧电压变化证明了所提出的储能容量计算方法的正确性以及储能系统控制策略的有效性。  相似文献   

针对矿用运输设备皮带输送机永磁同步电机的现状,分析了矢量控制、直接转矩控制、自适应控制、滑模变控制和预测控制5种调速系统定向形式的优缺点。同时,利用MATLAB仿真模拟软件对永磁同步电机系统进行了仿真模拟,得出前馈解耦控制转速响应下的转速反应更加灵敏,解决了PI控制转速响应下转矩脉动问题,系统的稳定性得到了提高。综合利用多种控制方法可以实现对电机电流稳定性的控制和系统模块的预测,为皮带输送机适应不同工作环境提供了便利。  相似文献   

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