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Based on the results of explicit forms of free energy density for each possible arrangement of magnetization fluxes in large-scale two-dimensional (2D) square π-loop arrays given by Li et al [2007 Chin. Phys. 16 1450], the field-cooled superconducting phase transition is further investigated by analysing the free energy of the arrays with a simplified symmetrical model. Our analytical result is exactly the same as that obtained in Li's paper by means of numerical calculations. It is shown that the phase transition splits into two branches with either ferromagnetic or anti-ferromagnetic flux ordering, which depends periodically on the strength of external magnetic flux φe through each loop and monotonically on the screen parameter β of the loops in the arrays. In principle, the diagram of the phase branches is similar to that of its one-dimensional counterpart. The influence of thermal fluctuation on the flux ordering during the transition from normal to superconducting states of the π-loop arrays is also discussed.  相似文献   

刘当婷 《物理学报》2008,57(1):311-316
Based on the results of explicit forms of free energy density for each possible arrangement of magnetization fluxes in large-scale two-dimensional (2D) square $\pi $-loop arrays given by Li \textit{et al} [2007 {\em Chin. Phys.} {\bf 16} 1450], the field-cooled superconducting phase transition is further investigated by analysing the free energy of the arrays with a simplified symmetrical model. Our analytical result is exactly the same as that obtained in Li's paper by means of numerical calculations. It is shown that the phase transition splits into two branches with either ferromagnetic or anti-ferromagnetic flux ordering, which depends periodically on the strength of external magnetic flux $\phi_{\e}$ through each loop and monotonically on the screen parameter $\beta $ of the loops in the arrays. In principle, the diagram of the phase branches is similar to that of its one-dimensional counterpart. The influence of thermal fluctuation on the flux ordering during the transition from normal to superconducting states of the $\pi $-loop arrays is also discussed.  相似文献   

Within the charge-spin separation fermion-spin theory, the influence of a strong external magnetic field on the normal state transport of the underdoped cuprates is discussed. It is shown that when superconductivity in the underdoped cuprates is suppressed in the presence of a strong external magnetic field, the system reveals a low temperature normal state insulator–metal crossover. It is also shown that this striking insulator–metal crossover behavior is intriguingly related to the antiferromagnetic correlation.  相似文献   

李志伟  杨旭  王海波  刘忻  李发伸 《中国物理 B》2009,18(11):4829-4833
Thin ferromagnetic films with in-plane magnetic anisotropy are promising materials for obtaining high microwave permeability.The paper reports a Mo¨ssbauer study of the field induced in-plane uniaxial anisotropy in electro-deposited FeCo alloy films.The FeCo alloy films were prepared by the electro-deposition method with and without an external magnetic field applied parallel to the film plane during deposition.Vibrating sample magnetometry and Mo¨ssbauer spectroscopy measurements at room temperature indicate that the film deposited in external field shows an in-plane uniaxial anisotropy with an easy direction coinciding with the external field direction and a hard direction perpendicular to the field direction,whereas the film deposited without external field does not show any in-plane anisotropy.Mo¨ssbauer spectra taken in three geometric arrangements show that the magnetic moments are almost constrained in the film plane for the film deposited with applied magnetic field.Also,the magnetic moments tend to align in the direction of the applied external magnetic field during deposition,indicating that the observed anisotropy should be attributed to directional ordering of atomic pairs.  相似文献   

The effect of separation of linearly polarized short probe pulses of electromagnetically induced transparency in the field of linearly polarized coupling radiation is modeled numerically. It is shown that the input-probe pulses polarized parallel or perpendicular to the input-probe field propagate in the medium without changing the state of their polarization. If the input-probe radiation is weak compared to the coupling radiation, then the probe field inside the medium is the sum of two independently propagating linearly polarized normal modes, which are excited by the projections of the input-probe pulse onto the direction of polarization of the coupling radiation and onto the perpendicular direction, respectively. The normal modes have the same phase velocities, but different velocities of their real envelopes. This circumstance leads to the rotation of the plane of polarization of the total probe field at short distances and to its separation into two pulses with mutually perpendicular directions of polarization at long distances. At a high intensity of the probe radiation, the input-probe pulse decays into pulses the planes of polarization of which are not mutually perpendicular. Under these conditions, it is impossible to represent the probe radiation as a sum of normal modes. The modeling is performed in the scheme of degenerate quantum transitions between states of levels 3 P 0, 3 P 1 0, and 3 P 2 of isotope 208Pb taking into account the Doppler broadening of spectral lines.  相似文献   

We analyse the WIND data of an interplanetary magnetic cloud (MC) on 2 November 2001, and find new evidences for magnetic reconnection in the tail of this MC. In the MC tail, the largely dip and the large change of the orientation of the magnetic field occurred simultaneously, △θ≈45° and △φ changed from 90° to 320°. Correspondingly, the number density of ions increased, and the superthermal electrons were heated and accelerated, however its number density decreased. Meanwhile, inverse jets and Hall term were observed. The pitch-angle distributions of the electrons with lower energy and higher energy showed strong turbulence and bi-direction flow, respectively. The plasma wave activity enhanced near the electron plasma frequency, fpe and 2fpe. These important physical characteristics are new evidences for magnetic reconnection existing in interplanetary space.  相似文献   

Polarization switching in ferroelectrics has been thought to occur only through the nucleation and growth of new domains. Here we use in situ synchrotron x-ray scattering to monitor switching controlled by applied chemical potential. In sufficiently thin PbTiO? films, nucleation is suppressed and switching occurs by a continuous mechanism, i.e., by uniform decrease and inversion of the polarization without domain formation. The observed lattice parameter shows that the electric field in the film during switching reaches the theoretical intrinsic coercive field.  相似文献   

Applications of laser in the field of chemical solubility determination   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
A novel experiment method for chemical solubility determination was brought forward, in which optics and chemistry principles are united and the change of laser intensity indicates the process of chemical dissolving. The more undissolved solid exists in the mixture of solute and solvent, the less transmitted laser intensity is detected. Only when the transmitted laser intensity in stirring state and that in static state comes into equalization, the dissolving process stops. Under the help of laser intensity judgement, measurements turn to be more feasible and objective, especially at high pressure. The average relative errors for the solubility data determined in this paper are 2.3% for those in the minor value scope and 1.7% for those in the high value scope respectively. Comparison of the experimental solubility data with the literature ones demonstrates that the laser-aid solubility determination apparatus is stable and reliable.  相似文献   

Magnetic properties of the bond and crystal field dilution spin-3/2 Blume–Capel model in an external magnetic field (h)(h) on simple cubic lattice are studied by using the effective field theory. In the m−TmT plane, the degeneracy of the magnetization (m)(m) is affected by the concentration of bond or crystal field dilution at low temperature (T)(T). The magnetization curves can appear to fluctuate in certain regions of negative crystal field. In the m−hmh plane, the initial magnetization curve has an irregular behavior due to the introduction of bond dilution. The crystal field dilution has the influence on the process of magnetic domain displacement. In the χ−hχh plane, there exists one susceptibility (χ)(χ) shoulder and one step for different negative crystal field. The susceptibility curve takes on the feature of multi-peaks distribution under bond and crystal field dilution conditions.  相似文献   

The sensitivity of a transducer should be an important characteristic inthe field of NDT.But so far,no method for this measurement of the sensitivity of atransducer applied to the ultrasonic flaw detection is available.In this paper thetransducer is regarded as a plane source and the reciprocity parameter under thecondition of the far field is derived.We have calibrated the sensitivity of ultrasonictransducers with the reciprocity technique in the solid sample.The experimentsshow and confirm that the transmitting and receiving sensitivities of the transducerapplied to NDT can be exactly measured.The precision of the measurement is with-in ± 1dB under a certain coupling condition.  相似文献   

Indented LiF crystals demonstrate a change in the length of the dislocation rosette rays during their exposure to jointly acting dc magnetic and electric fields. It is shown that magnetic field with induction B = 1 T causes the electrostimulation or electrosuppression depending on the magnitude and direction of the external electric field with respect to the “internal” electric field induced by the charge transfer due to dislocations moving during the indentation.  相似文献   

Using two new well-defined four-dimensional potential vectors,we formulate the classical Maxwell field theory in a form which has manifest Lorentz covariance and SO(2) duality symmetry in the presence of magnetic sources.We set up a consistent Lagrangian for the theory.Then from the action principle we obtain both Maxwell‘s equation and the equation of motion of a dyon moving in the electromagnetic field.  相似文献   

JETP Letters - The uniaxial anisotropy and kinetics of the transformation of the domain structure in a ferrimagnetic GdFeCo film exchange-coupled to the IrMn antiferromagnet have been studied in a...  相似文献   

Methods for measuring and analyzing the infrasound noise field inthe atmosphere have been expounded.A set of space correlation radii of noisecorresponding to wind speed 4m/s has been obtained,which can be takenas the tentative basis for an acoustical array design.At the same time,thewind speed-sound pressure relation curves have been measured and calcu-lated,and the anti-jamming ability of the array receiving infrasonic signals isobtained.  相似文献   

The electric field in a surface discharge type ac-PDP cell with He or He/Xe(0.1%) mixture has been measured over a wide range of pressure (5-50 kPa) using laser induced fluorescence detection. The wall voltage was estimated from the measured electric field. The Stark manifolds of triplet atomic helium Rydberg state (2s^3S) with principal quantum numbers (n=8 and 9) have been used to measure the electric field, as the lifetime of 2s^3S is longer than the single atomic helium Rydberg state (2s^1S) in high pressure discharge. Comparison of the Stark manifolds between the n=9 and n=8 shows that the measurement accuracy of electric field can be increased by 10%. The maximum electric field strength during discharge and the wall voltage at the end of pulse decreases with the increase of pressure. The comparison of He and He/Xe(0.1%) discharge at 13 kPa showed that He/Xe gas mixture discharge can accumulate more wall charge on MgO surface and the electric field was somewhat higher than those of pure helium discharge during pulse off period under the same discharge conditions.  相似文献   

We consider the 4 quantum field theory in two and three spacetime dimensions. In the single phase region the physical mass (inverse correlation length)m() decreases continuously to zero as the bare mass parameter approaches a critical value c from above. In three dimensions the critical point c is in the single phase region and the physical mass vanishes there,m( c )=0.A consequence of our results is that the critical exponentv governing the approach to infinite correlations is bounded below (rigorously) by its classical value, 1/2.Supported in part by the National Science Foundation under Grant MPS74-13252  相似文献   

In this paper,the condition of the atomic coherent trapping in the system of twotwo-level atoms interacting with a single-mode coherent field has been obtained.And proper-ties of the light field in this case has also been analysed by means of the phase theory intro-duced by Barnett and Pegg,  相似文献   

The binding energies of the ground state of excitons in the GaAs/Ga1-xAlxAs square quantum-well wire in the presence of a magnetic field are investigated by using the variational method. It is assumed that the magnetic field is applied parallel to the axis of the wire. The calculations of the binding energy as a fimction of the wire size have been performed for infinite and finite confinement potentials. The contribution of the magnetic field makes the binding energy larger obviously, particularly for the wide wire, and the magnetic field is much more pronounced for the binding energy in a square quantum wire than that in a cylindrical quantum wire. The mismatch of effective masses between the well and the barrier is also considered in the calculation.  相似文献   

We report on results of our theoretical study of magnetic field induced changes of the c-axis infrared response of bilayer cuprate superconductors using the phenomenological multilayer model involving the conductivity of the spacing layers and that of the bilayer units. For H perpendicular to the planes, the local conductivities have been expressed in terms of a two-fluid approximation--as weighted averages of the superconducting state ones and the normal state ones representing contributions of the vortex cores, the weight of the latter increasing linearly with the field. This allows us to reproduce and interpret the fast decrease with increasing H of the well known 400 cm(-1) peak (transverse plasma mode) in the c-axis conductivity, observed by LaForge and co-workers. For the local conductivities of underdoped YBa(2)Cu(3)O(7-δ) with T(c)=58 K reported by Dubroka and co-workers and the fraction of the normal state (T ≈ T(c)) component given by (μ(0)H/25 T), the computed field induced changes of the reflectivity are in quantitative agreement with the data. This suggests that the response at H=0 and T ≈ T(c) is close to that at H=25 T < H(c2) and T ? T(c), in accord with theories attributing the above T(c) state to that of a superconductor lacking long-range phase coherence. Also discussed are changes of the response induced by H parallel to the CuO(2) planes.  相似文献   

Using a nonadiabatic evolution method, we investigate the spin filter effect in organic polymers in the presence of a local magnetic field. Through a spin-dependent magnetic field, polarons (charge carrier) with different spins will feel repulsive or attractive force determined by their spins. Our simulations show that in a single-site magnetic field (affecting electrons at a single site), for example V150 = 0.35 eV, or V150 = 0.45 eV, a spin-up polaron accelerated to saturated velocity by an electric field can pass through the field while the spin-down polaron is trapped. When the local field extends over several sites (Vn~ exp[-(n - nc)2/nw^2]), similar behaviour is also found. Simultaneously we find that it is more likely to realize the spin filter effect in a comparatively large field since the polaron which feels attractive force is easily trapped by a local magnetic field.  相似文献   

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