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Ding  M.D.  Liu  Y.  Chen  P.F. 《Solar physics》2002,207(1):125-135
We develop a simple method to deduce the temperature and density in the loop of a limb flare from the spectral observations of two lines, H and Caii 8542 Å. We first build a grid of homogeneous slab models with various temperature and density values and compute the emergent line intensities, and then find the relevant model that can match the observed intensities. This is an approximate method because there are several other factors which can influence the line intensities. We apply this method to the limb flare of 11 November 1998 and deduce the values of temperature and hydrogen number density at different spatial points in the flaring loop, as well as their temporal variations. The loop contains relatively high density and possibly the loop top is slightly hotter and more condensed than the legs of the loop at the flare maximum time. A favorable scenario to produce this result is that magnetic reconnection occurs above the loop, and the reconnection outflow may heat and condense the plasma near the loop top.  相似文献   

Voitenko  Yurii M. 《Solar physics》1998,182(2):411-430
At the onset of a solar flare, initiated by magnetic reconnection high in the corona, reconnection outflow sets up warm proton beams (PBs), streaming down along just-reconnected field lines through steady underlying plasma. Incorporating this scenario, we study excitation of kinetic Alfvén waves (KAWs) by PBs, keeping the effects of a beam-induced electric field and thermal effects. Taking into account the high growth rate (105 s–1), short relaxation distance (106 cm), and energy flux partition between the waves and the beam after relaxation (PKAW/PPB1), we conclude that PB-driven KAW instability is an efficient energy conversion mechanism in flaring loops. The quasilinear spectral energy concentration at the largest wavenumbers indicates the possibility of nonlinear spectral modification. We suggest that the resulting turbulence of KAWs plays an important role in the flare plasma energization.  相似文献   

The evolution of the soft X-ray and EUV coronal loops related to the April 15, 1998 solar flare–CME event is studied with multiwavelength observations including hard X-rays (BATSE), microwaves (NoRP, CNAO) and magnetograms (SOHO/MDI), as well as images from Yohkoh/SXT and SOHO/EIT at 195 Å. It is shown that: (1) two soft X-ray and EUV loops rose, crossed and turned bright, (2) near one footpoint of these loops, the background magnetic field decreased, (3) there were similar quasi periodic oscillations in the time profiles of hard X-ray and microwave emissions, which characterized the loop–loop coalescence instability, (4) after the loop–loop reconnection, two new loops formed, the small one stayed at the original place, and the large one ejected out as part of the constructed prominence cloud. Based upon these observations, we argue that the decrease of the background magnetic field near these loops caused them to rise and approach each other, and in turn, the fast loop–loop coalescence instability took place and triggered the flare and the CME.  相似文献   

Švestka  Zdeněk  FárnÍk  František  Hudson  Hugh S.  Hick  Paul 《Solar physics》1998,182(1):179-193
We demonstrate limb events on the Sun in which growing flare loop systems are embedded in hot coronal structures looking in soft X-rays like fans of coronal rays. These structures are formed during the flare and extend high into the corona. We analyze one of these events, on 28–29 August 1992, which occurred in AR 7270 on the eastern limb, and interpret these fans of rays either as temporary multiple ministreamers or plume-like structures formed as a result of restructuring due to a CME. We suggest that this configuration reflects mass flow from the active region into interplanetary space. This suggestion is supported by synoptic maps of solar wind sources constructed from scintillation measurements which show a source of enhanced solar wind density at the position of AR 7270, which disappears when 5 days following the event are removed from the synoptic map data. We also check synoptic maps for two other active regions in which existence of these fan-like structures was indicated when the active regions crossed both the east and west limbs of the Sun, and both these regions appear to be sources of a density enhancement in the solar wind. Supplementary material to this paper is available in electronic form at http://dx.doi.org/10.1023/A:1005033717284  相似文献   

The recent discovery of free-floating planets and their theoretical interpretation as celestial bodies, either condensed independently or ejected from parent stars in tight clusters, introduced an intriguing possibility. Namely, that some exoplanets are not condensed from the protoplanetary disk of their parent star. In this novel scenario a free-floating planet interacts with an already existing planetary system, created in a tight cluster, and is captured as a new planet. In the present work we study this interaction process by integrating trajectories of planet-sized bodies, which encounter a binary system consisting of a Jupiter-sized planet revolving around a Sun-like star. To simplify the problem we assume coplanar orbits for the bound and the free-floating planet and an initially parabolic orbit for the free-floating planet. By calculating the uncertainty exponent, a quantity that measures the dependence of the final state of the system on small changes of the initial conditions, we show that the interaction process is a fractal classical scattering. The uncertainty exponent is in the range (0.2–0.3) and is a decreasing function of time. In this way we see that the statistical approach we follow to tackle the problem is justified. The possible final outcomes of this interaction are only four, namely flyby, planet exchange, capture or disruption. We give the probability of each outcome as a function of the incoming planet’s mass. We find that the probability of exchange or capture (in prograde as well as retrograde orbits and for very long times) is non-negligible, a fact that might explain the possible future observations of planetary systems with orbits that are either retrograde (see e.g. Queloz et?al. Astron. Astrophys. 417, L1, 2010) or tight and highly eccentric.  相似文献   

Stepanov  A.V.  Tsap  Y.T. 《Solar physics》2002,211(1-2):135-154
Interaction of the 30–300 keV electrons with whistlers in solar coronal loops is studied using a quasi-linear approach. We show that the electron–whistler interaction may play a dominant role in the formation of fast electron spectra within the solar flare loops with the plasma temperature 107 K and plasma density 1011 cm–3. It is found that Landau damping of whistlers provides weak and intermediate pitch-angle diffusion regimes of fast electrons in coronal loops. The level of whistler turbulence in the weak diffusion regime under flare conditions is estimated as 10–7 of the energy density in the thermal particles. The `top – footpoint' relations between the hard X-ray flux densities and spectra are derived. The reason for a `broken' spectrum of the flare microwave emission is discussed.  相似文献   

The interaction between the Comet P/Grigg-Skjellerup ionosphere and the oncoming solar wind is numerically simulated on the basis of the well-known gasdynamic single-fluid Biermann model. Numerical solutions are obtained using a discontinuity-fitting technique based on the implicit second-order Babenko-Rusanov method. The salient features of the interaction pattern for GS comet are nearly the same as in the previously considered case of the Comet P/Halley, although the gas productions of the two comets near the perihelion differ by an order of magnitude. The results of the numerical simulation are correlated with the data of onboard measurements performed during the `Giotto' encounter with GS comet in July 1992. The interaction region geometry, as well as the profiles of the plasma velocity and the disturbed magnetic field strength along the `Giotto' path, are compared. Theoretical and measured data are in a fairly good agreement, except for a near-nucleus region, where the MHD effects may become predominant. In general, the MHD effects appear to be more pronounced in the GS case, as compared with that of Halley comet, since during the `Giotto' – GS encounter the comet found itself in the `magnetic cloud' conditions. This revised version was published online in July 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

During March 20, 1993, from 12:00 to 16:00 UT, repeated radio burst activity was observed in the 0.8–1.2 GHz frequency range. Periods in intervals 0.1–0.5, 0.7–1.0, 2.8–3.9, 75–170 s, and 15–25 min were recognized. This long-lasting narrowband activity consisted mainly of pulsations and continua. In some intervals it was accompanied not only by spikes, broadband pulsations, and fibers in the 1–2 GHz frequency range, but also by type III and U burst activity at lower frequencies as well as by hard X-ray bursts. From several radio bursts, two characterized by different fine structures were selected and compared. The observed differences are explained by different distribution functions of superthermal electrons. The position of the 0.8–1.2 GHz radio source above the photosphere and the magnetic field in the fiber burst source were estimated to be 66 000–75 000 km and 120–135 G, respectively.Presented at te CESRA-Workshop on Coronal Magnetic Energy Release at Caputh near Potsdam in May 1994.  相似文献   

D–H type II radio bursts are widely thought to be caused by coronal mass ejections (CMEs). However, it is still unclear where the exact source of the type IIs on the shock surface is. We identify the source regions of the decameter–hectometric (D–H) type IIs based on imaging observations from SOHO/LASCO and the radio dynamic spectrum from Wind/Waves. The analysis of two well-observed events suggests that the sources of these two events are located in the interaction regions between shocks and streamers, and that the shocks are enhanced significantly in these regions.  相似文献   

CoRoT-2a is a young (≈0.5 Gyr) G7V star accompanied by a transiting hot-Jupiter, discovered by the CoRoT satellite (Alonso et al. Astron Astrophys 482:L21, 2008; Bouchy et al. Astron Astrophys 482:L25, 2008). An analysis of its photospheric activity, based on spot modelling techniques previously developed by our group for the analysis of the Sun as a star, shows that the active regions on CoRoT-2a arised within two active longitudes separated by about 180° and rotating with periods of 4.5221 and 4.5543 days, respectively, at epoch of CoRoT observations (112 continous days centered at ≈2007.6). We show that the total spotted area oscillates with a period of about 28.9 days, a value close to 10 times the synodic period of the planet with respect to the active longitude pattern rotating in 4.5221 days. Moreover, the variance of the stellar flux is modulated in phase with the planet orbital period. This suggests a possible star–planet magnetic interaction, a phenomenon already seen in other extrasolar planetary systems hosting hot-Jupiters.  相似文献   

We analyze the temporal variations of the sizes and emission intensities of 31 flaring kernels in various parts of the H? line profile. We have found that the areas of all kernels decrease systematically when observed in consecutive wavelengths toward the wings of the H? line, but their areas and emission intensity vary in time. Our results are in agreement with the commonly accepted model of the wine-glass-shaped lower parts of the magnetic flaring loops channelling high-energy variable particle beams toward the chromospheric plasma. High time-resolution spectral-imaging data used in our work were collected using the Large Coronagraph and Horizontal Telescope equipped with the Multi-channel Subtractive Double Pass Spectrograph and the Solar Eclipse Coronal Imaging System (MSDP-SECIS) at the Bia?ków Observatory of the University of Wroc?aw, Poland.  相似文献   

For more than 45 years the building of X-ray telescopes for solar and astronomical observations has been practised with significant performance improvement. The various techniques applied are reviewed emphazising the impact of proper mirror material choice, grinding and polishing improvements and the role of metrology.  相似文献   

We report a detailed analysis of an interaction between two coronal mass ejections (CMEs) that were observed on 14?–?15 February 2011 and the corresponding radio enhancement, which was similar to the “CME cannibalism” reported by Gopalswamy et al. (Astrophys. J. 548, L91, 2001). A primary CME, with a mean field-of-view velocity of 669 km?s?1 in the Solar and Heliospheric Observatory (SOHO)/Large Angle Spectrometric Coronagraph (LASCO), was more than as twice as fast as the slow CME preceding it (326 km?s?1), which indicates that the two CMEs interacted. A radio-enhancement signature (in the frequency range 1 MHz?–?400 kHz) due to the CME interaction was analyzed and interpreted using the CME data from LASCO and from the Solar Terrestrial Relations Observatory (STEREO) HI-1, radio data from Wind/Radio and Plasma Wave Experiment (WAVES), and employing known electron-density models and kinematic modeling. The following results are obtained: i) The CME interaction occurred around 05:00?–?10:00 UT in a height range 20?–?25 R. An unusual radio signature is observed during the time of interaction in the Wind/WAVES dynamic radio spectrum. ii) The enhancement duration shows that the interaction segment might be wider than 5 R. iii) The shock height estimated using density models for the radio enhancement region is 10?–?30 R. iv) Using kinematic modeling and assuming a completely inelastic collision, the decrease of kinetic energy based on speeds from LASCO data is determined to be 0.77×1023 J, and 3.67×1023 J if speeds from STEREO data are considered. vi) The acceleration, momentum, and force are found to be a=?168 m?s?2, I=6.1×1018 kg?m?s?1, and F=1.7×1015 N, respectively, using STEREO data.  相似文献   

The nucleus of the Comet 73P/Schwassmann–Wachmann had been split into many fragments at least past two returns. Since the related dense dust trail has been detected in the space infrared observation, the strong activity of the meteor shower is highly expected in the future. We applied the so-called dust-trail theory to this interesting object, and obtained several results on the future encounter with the dust trail. In this paper we introduce our results on the forecasts.  相似文献   

《Planetary and Space Science》1999,47(6-7):773-779
The recent passage of the Hale–Bopp (C/1995 O1) comet has provided the first opportunity to analyse the infrared spectral properties of a bright comet both from the ground and by the ISO space observatory. Previous works have already been dedicated to study the potential candidates to reproduce the cometary feature at 10 μm observed for different comets. We have applied a similar approach to compare the Hale–Bopp (C/1995 O1) spectra with laboratory data. The best fit has been obtained by using a mixture of crystalline Mg-rich olivine (forsterite), amorphous olivine and amorphous carbon grains. Some constraints on the possible cometary grain types derive from our simulation. Aggregates of submicron particles, composed of amorphous and crystalline olivine and amorphous carbon materials seem to be compatible with the cometary emission. Moreover, the possibility of fitting observational data on a wide IR spectra range, offered by ISO, provides interesting hints about the size distribution of grains responsible for the detected features.  相似文献   

Starting from 80 families of low-energy fast periodic transfer orbits in the Earth–Moon planar circular Restricted Three Body Problem (RTBP), we obtain by analytical continuation 11 periodic orbits and 25 periodic arcs with similar properties in the Sun–Earth–Moon Quasi-Bicircular Problem (QBCP). A novel and very simple procedure is introduced giving the solar phases at which to attempt continuation. Detailed numerical results for each periodic orbit and arc found are given, including their stability parameters and minimal distances to the Earth and Moon. The periods of these orbits are between 2.5 and 5 synodic months, their energies are among the lowest possible to achieve an Earth–Moon transfer, and they show a diversity of circumlunar trajectories, making them good candidates for missions requiring repeated passages around the Earth and the Moon with close approaches to the last.  相似文献   

The Soft X-ray Telescope (SXT) onboard Yohkoh often observed large-scale coronal loops connecting two active regions situated in opposite hemispheres. These are the trans-equatorial loop systems (TLSs). The formation mechanism of TLSs is not yet known. We analyzed a TLS observed simultaneously with Yohkoh/SXT and a coronagraph (SOHO/LASCO-C1). SOHO/LASCO-C1 observed loop expansion and eruption at the west solar limb. Yohkoh/SXT observed a rising motion (chromospheric evaporation) of hot and dense plasmas from the active regions located at the footpoints of the loop. Important results of our analyses are that (1) the loop eruption and the rising motion of the plasmas were simultaneous, (2) the TLS had a cusp-like appearance, and (3) the highest temperature region of the TLS was located above the bright loop seen in soft X rays. These observational results (loop expansion, eruption, and chromospheric evaporation) suggest that this bright (high-density) TLS was created by the same mechanism by which a solar flare occurs, namely, magnetic reconnection. In this paper, we propose a formation mechanism of the TLS that forms between two independent active regions.  相似文献   

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