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阴茎疣状癌的临床诊断和治疗   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
目的 探讨阴茎疣状癌的诊断和治疗. 方法 回顾性分析6例阴茎疣状癌患者的诊治资料.患者平均年龄45岁.肿瘤均为菜花状、外生型,最大径2~6 cm,局限于阴茎头4例,侵犯至冠状沟近侧2例.3例在术前经病理活检确诊,另3例为术后病检证实.2例肿瘤侵犯冠状沟近侧者和2例位于阴茎头肿瘤较大者行阴茎部分切除术,1例局限于阴茎头与冠状沟之间者给予包皮环切术,1例局限于阴茎头者行肿瘤局部切除术. 结果 病理检查见肿瘤细胞分化好,标本切缘均阴性.6例术后随访2~4年,无肿瘤复发或转移. 结论 6例阴茎疣状癌以局部侵袭性生长为主,未发生区域性淋巴结转移或远处转移,选择手术方式合理,预后良好.  相似文献   

目的:探讨阴茎疣状癌的临床病理特征,提高对阴茎疣状癌的诊断和治疗水平。方法:回顾性分析18例阴茎疣状癌患者的临床资料。患者平均年龄52(35~66)岁,主要表现为阴茎肿物成菜花样,均伴有脓性分泌物,最大直径2.5~8.7 cm。巨大疣状癌侵犯至会阴1例(既往尖锐湿疣,阴茎肿物切除史),局限于阴茎头2例,侵犯至冠状沟4例(均有包皮过长史,1例合并阴茎头炎),侵犯至全阴茎11例(其中4例既往包皮、阴茎肿物,2例合并包茎史)。2例肿瘤侵犯冠状沟近侧者和2例肿瘤位于阴茎头相对较小(3.5 cm)者行阴茎部分切除术,2例阴茎头部肿瘤较大(3.5 cm)者、11例累及全阴茎、1例累及会阴者行阴茎肿瘤根治术。结果:术后病理检查:18例均提示肿瘤细胞分化好,切缘呈阴性,上皮呈乳头状结构并过度角化伴增生,周围间质见淋巴细胞浸润,符合阴茎疣状癌病理特征。术后随访1~8年,平均3.8年,肿瘤均无复发。结论:阴茎疣状癌病理表现为局部侵袭性生长,很少有淋巴结或远处转移,治疗方法采用阴茎部分切除或阴茎肿瘤根治术,患者预后较好。  相似文献   

阴茎疣状癌的诊治   总被引:5,自引:1,他引:5  
目的探讨阴茎鳞状细胞癌的特殊类型疣状癌的诊断和治疗方法。方法回顾性分析8例阴茎疣状癌患者的诊治资料。患者平均年龄46岁。肿瘤均为菜花状、外生型,最大径2—6cm,局限于阴茎头5例,侵犯至冠状沟近侧3例。经活检病理诊断后,3例肿瘤侵犯冠状沟近侧者和1例位于阴茎头肿瘤较大者行阴茎部分切除术,4例局限于阴茎头者行肿瘤局部切除术。结果病理检查见肿瘤细胞分化好,标本切缘均阴性。1例肿瘤局部切除术者术后14个月阴茎残端复发,再行阴茎部分切除术,术后随访9年,无肿瘤复发或转移。其余7例术后随访4~13年,均无肿瘤复发或转移。肿瘤局部切除术者术后性生活较满意。结论阴茎疣状癌的生物学行为以局部侵袭性生长为主,很少发生区域性淋巴结转移或远处转移,采用恰当的治疗方法后患者预后好。  相似文献   

目的探讨阴茎疣状癌的诊断和治疗。方法回顾性分析4例阴茎疣状癌患者的临床诊治资料,患者平均年龄52岁,肿瘤呈菜花状外生型生长,直径1.2-3cm,1例基底部位于包皮内板者行包括肿块的包皮环切术送病理明确,未行进一步手术治疗,2例肿块局限龟头部病理明确后行肿瘤局部切除术,1例肿块位于龟头部并侵犯至冠状沟近侧病理明确后行阴茎部分切除术。结杲4例患者切缘均为阴性,肿瘤细胞异型性小,分化好,4例患者随访3~10年,均无肿瘤复发及转移。结论阴茎疣状癌以局部侵袭性生长为主,治疗以局部切除为主,预后一般较理想。  相似文献   

目的探讨阴茎鳞状细胞癌的特殊类型疣状癌误诊的原因和治疗方法。方法回顾分析9例阴茎疣状癌患者的诊治资料,患者平均年龄49岁,肿瘤呈菜花样生长。瘤体病现活检6例误诊。4例患者肿瘤局限于阴茎头者行肿瘤局部切除术,其余5例均行阴茎部分切除术。结果病理检查见肿瘤细胞分化良好,手术标本切缘未见肿瘤细胞。病理诊断均为“高分化鳞状细胞癌”。随访2-6年,平均3.8年,无1例肿瘤复发或转移。结论阴茎疣状癌细胞分化好,组织活检易误诊。由于其生物学行为以局部侵袭性生长为主,手术治疗预后好。  相似文献   

目的探讨股外侧皮瓣移植治疗阴茎疣状癌的方法与疗效。方法分析1例阴茎疣状癌患者的诊治资料。患者年龄42岁,肿瘤为菜花状肿物,边界不清,外生型,质硬,局部溃疡,局部尿道口及冠状沟和系带被浸润,阴茎头变形。术中病理活检确诊,在连硬麻醉下行阴茎头肿瘤切除+双侧股外侧皮瓣移植阴茎头再造+尿道外口成型术。结果肿瘤最大直径达3.5 cm,术中完整切除肿块,切缘未发现肿瘤。术后随访4月,无肿瘤复发、排尿困难等,术后4周恢复性生活。结论股前外侧皮瓣移植治疗阴茎疣状癌,能保留阴茎外观,手术效果满意,是局部浸润较重,阴茎头变形患者较理想治疗手段之一。  相似文献   

<正>阴茎部分切除术和阴茎全切除术是阴茎癌主要的治疗方式,这两种手术可完整切除肿瘤,但却严重破坏阴茎完整性,使患者丧失性功能。近年来,国内学者报道了保留阴茎头手术在浅表性阴茎癌治疗中的应用,取得了较好的治疗效果~([1-3])。但其不适用于癌组织侵犯较大面积阴茎头时,这类患者临床上往往采取阴茎部分切除。我们应用保留阴茎海绵体的阴茎头切除术治疗浅表性阴茎癌患者1例,取得了满意的疗效,现报道如下。  相似文献   

阴茎乳头状瘤三例报告黄明志,谢锦来,李励献例1,51岁。阴茎冠状沟处发现肿物半年。体检:阴茎冠状沟处一肿物约2cm×2.5cm,呈菜花状,质硬。临床诊断为阴茎癌。行阴茎部分切除术。例2,28岁。阴茎冠状沟部出现乳头状肿瘤6个月。有包皮过长和包皮炎史。...  相似文献   

我院1991~1995年收治阴茎乳头状瘤4例,现报告如下。例154岁。阴茎冠状沟处肿物4个月伴疼痛、刺痒、尿线分叉入院。体检:包茎、包皮内极增生肥厚、水肿,在冠状沟背倒可触及环形肿块,触痛,无分泌物。双腹股均无肿大淋巴结。术前诊断为阴茎癌。行阴茎部分切除术。术中见包皮内板较多的乳头状粉红色肿物,切取局部组织作冰冻切片,病理检查报告为阴茎内翻性乳头状瘤,遂施行乳头状瘤切除及包皮环切术。例241岁。阴茎头及冠状沟处菜花状肿物8个月,疼痛15d入院。体检:阴茎头可触及直径0.5cm大小菜花状肿物,无压病,表面无分泌物,冠状为…  相似文献   

阴茎疣状癌又称Buschke Loewenstein肿瘤,是一种低度恶性、分化良好的阴茎恶性肿瘤,常表现为阴茎头或包皮局限性形态特异的菜花状赘疣或乳头状突起。阴茎疣状癌临床较少见,本院收治1例,现报告如下。  相似文献   

PURPOSE: Invasive squamous cell carcinoma of the penis occurs on the glans, prepuce, glans and prepuce, coronal sulcus and shaft. Penile squamous cell carcinoma subsequently invades local structures, corpora cavernosa and the urethra, and metastasizes to the inguinal lymph nodes. Invasive squamous cell carcinoma of the penis usually requires total or partial penectomy. We studied the effect of primary tumor resections tailored to the anatomical extent of the cancer with preservation of uninvolved structures in select patients with invasive penile squamous cell carcinoma. MATERIALS AND METHODS: A total of 30 patients between 39 and 82 years old were treated with unconventional conservative surgical excision of the primary penile lesion. More than 130 patients were excluded from the study because they were treated with partial or total penectomy, Mohs' surgery or more extensive surgery. The 30 patients underwent preoperative biopsy with careful mapping of the extent of the disease. Patient age, tumor extent and grade, operative details, outcome and length of followup were analyzed. RESULTS: Tumor size ranged from 1.5 to 8 cm. in diameter. Tumors were well differentiated in 19 patients, moderately differentiated in 5 and poorly differentiated in 6. A total of 17 patients underwent ilioinguinal lymphadenectomy, 12 of whom had pathologically positive lymph nodes. Inguinal radiation was used in 2 patients. Chemotherapy was given to 7 patients with extensive inguinal lymphadenopathy and to 2 of 5 with pathologically positive lymph nodes. Followup ranged from 12 to 360 months. A total of 21 patients had no evidence of disease at last followup. Tumor resection with no sacrifice of function was performed in 2 patients in whom 3 small recurrences developed. One patient with numerous tumors had 2 small recurrences, which were completely excised with no further recurrence. Of the 7 patients with advanced lymphadenopathy 5 and of 5 patients with pathologically positive lymph nodes at presentation 1 died of the cancer but had no local recurrence in the penis. CONCLUSIONS: In a minority of patients with anatomically suitable penile cancer conservative surgical techniques are safe and provide equal tumor control compared to conventional resections. The anatomical situation and tumor characteristics should dictate the choice of treatment for the primary penile lesion. Inguinal lymph nodes should be managed by appropriately established guidelines but should not influence the extent of primary penile lesion resection.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVES: To describe the techniques and results of surgical reconstruction of glans penis lesions. METHODS: Seventeen patients (mean age: 53.2 yr) were treated by resurfacing or reconstruction of the glans penis for benign, premalignant and malignant penile lesions. The aetiology of the lesions was one Zoon's balanitis, four lichen sclerosus, one carcinoma in situ, five squamous cell carcinomas, and six squamous cell carcinomas associated with lichen sclerosus. Five cases were treated by glans skinning and resurfacing; five cases by glans amputation and reconstruction of the neoglans, and seven cases by partial penile amputation and reconstruction of the neoglans. Glans resurfacing and reconstruction were performed with the use of a skin graft harvested from the thigh. RESULTS: The mean follow-up was 32 mo. All patients were free of local premalignant/malignant recurrence. Patients who underwent glans resurfacing reported glandular sensory restoration and complete sexual ability. Patients who underwent glansectomy or partial penectomy with neoglans reconstruction maintained sexual function and activity, although sensitivity was reduced as a consequence of glans/penile amputation. CONCLUSIONS: In selected cases of benign, premalignant or malignant penile lesions, glans resurfacing or reconstruction can ensure a normal appearing and functional penis, without jeopardizing cancer control.  相似文献   

目的:探讨以阴茎表现为首发症状的肺癌阴茎转移的临床特征及其诊治。方法:回顾性分析2005年2月~2009年1月收治的3例以阴茎表现为首发症状的肺癌阴茎转移患者的临床资料,结合文献复习分析本病的临床病理特征、诊断、鉴别诊断、治疗及预后等。结果:本组3例患者年龄46~68岁,3例均出现阴茎异常勃起伴疼痛,1例伴有龟头溃疡,3例均经病理活检确诊为肺癌阴茎转移。1例行阴茎切除术+化疗,3个月后死亡;另2例诊断后拒绝进一步治疗,随访i年死亡。结论:肺癌阴茎转移临床上极为罕见,当老年患者初始出现阴茎异常症状时,要注意排除远处肿瘤转移至阴茎的可能性。一旦明确诊断,往往提示疾病到了晚期,治疗上通常采用姑息或支持治疗,但预后并不理想。  相似文献   

Malignant melanoma of the penis   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Malignant melanoma of the penis is rare and accounts for only a small percentage of penile carcinomas. We report the largest series and the longest followup of patients with this disease. The tumor usually presents as a small, brown or black lesion, often ulcerating, on the glans penis. Stage I disease (confined to the penis) can be treated conservatively by distal penectomy and results in excellent survival. Palpable inguinal lymph nodes and nodes associated with thick cutaneous lesions require surgical exploration. Stages II (node positive) and III (metastatic) diseases carry a poor prognosis, mainly because of the lack of effective adjuvant systemic therapy.  相似文献   

Penile carcinoma in situ, or Queyrat''s erythroplasia, is a rare condition of the glans penis. This lesion has been associated with invasive squamous cell carcinoma; however, metastasis without an invasive component is extremely rare. There have only been 2 documented cases with metachronous metastases. We report a third case in which metastases were diagnosed at presentation. The patient was a 51-year-old man who presented with a glans penile lesion and bilateral inguinal masses later determined to be carcinoma in situ with metastases to the inguinal and pelvic lymph nodes. He subsequently underwent a partial penectomy and lymphadenectomy followed by adjuvant chemotherapy and radiation. This case is discussed, along with a brief review of the literature.  相似文献   

The Authors report general experience with two cases of penis verrucous carcinoma. Such a neoplasia, slowly evolving and not infiltrating the surrounding tissues, needs deep biopsies for a correct diagnosis. Surgical excision of the tumor is the choice treatment at an early stage: at an advanced stage demolitive therapy consisting in a partial or total penectomy is necessary. Recent findings of frank malignant squamous cell carcinoma arising in verrucous carcinoma raise serious concerns on the use of conservative therapies.  相似文献   

Recurrence in patients with penile carcinoma occurs in about one third of cases, usually due to insufficient surgery or positive resection margins. An evaluation of surgical resection margins in penectomy specimens was performed to determine precise anatomic sites of tumor involvement, hoping to advance knowledge concerning the local routes of spread of penile carcinomas. A pathologic study of 80 partial penectomies revealed 14 positive margins. Margins were examined after their separation from the main specimen as follows: 1) proximal urethra and surrounding tissues consisting of urethral epithelium with Litree glands, lamina propria, corpus spongiosum, and penile fascia (periurethral cylinder); 2) proximal shaft with corresponding corpora cavernosa separated and surrounded by the tunica albuginea and penile fascia; and 3) skin of shaft with underlying corporal dartos. In 9 patients, only one site was involved by carcinoma, and in 5 there were multiple contiguous sites (for a total of 20 anatomic sites). The distribution of the various sites involved by carcinoma was as follows: urethral epithelium, 4 cases (2 in situ and 2 invasive carcinomas including intraluminal spread); lamina propria, 5 cases; corpus spongiosum, 3 cases; penile fascia, 6 cases; and corpora cavernosa and skin, 1 case each. One of the in situ lesions was discontinuous with the main glans tumor, and the other one was continuous with it. The penile fascia was the most commonly involved site followed by the urethral lamina propria and epithelium. Dissemination to outer skin, corpora cavernosa, and corpus spongiosum was less frequent. The highly vascularized and innervated loose connective tissue of the penile fascia appears to facilitate tumor spread. The urethra is either a pathway for in situ tumor progression from glans to urethra or part of a field prone to malignant transformation. The infrequent involvement of corpora cavernosa is probably due to the tunica albuginea acting as a barrier preventing tumor spread. Based on these observations and the examination of hundreds of penectomy specimens, we are proposing five probable routes of local spread for penile cancer: 1) horizontal and superficially spreading from one epithelial mucosal compartment (glans, coronal sulcus, and foreskin) to the other; 2) following the penile fascia; 3) through spaces created by feeding vessels in the tunica albuginea; 4) vertical spreading involving step-by-step different penile anatomic compartments; and 5) along the urethral epithelium.  相似文献   

We describe our experience with six cases of squamous cell carcinoma of the penis treated with the carbon dioxide and neodymium yttrium aluminum garnet (Nd:YAG) lasers. One patient had carcinoma in situ. One patient had a T1 tumor. Two patients had T2 disease and two patients had T3 carcinoma of the penis when seen. The patients were followed up from 13 to 64 months. The patients with carcinoma in situ and T1 carcinoma of the penis were tumor-free at a mean follow-up of 45 months. One patient with T2 carcinoma apparently had a complete response to surgery; however, he was seen 56 months after the initial laser treatment with a new invasive penile tumor located at a different site that failed to respond to laser treatment and required a penectomy. Another man with T2 carcinoma as well as the two men with T3 carcinoma failed to respond to laser treatment and required a penectomy. It appears that laser surgery offers the potential for cure in patients with carcinoma of the penis with superficial involvement.  相似文献   

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