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WKBJ短波近似是最常用的有效求解方法之一。保守体系的微分方程可用Hamilton体系的方法描述,其特点是保辛。保辛给出保守体系结构最重要的特性。但WKBJ短波近似却未曾考虑保辛的问题。WKBJ近似可用自变量坐标变换,然后再给出其保辛摄动。数值例题展示了本文变换保辛算法的有效性。  相似文献   

FPU问题是一个经典非线性问题,其计算涉及多尺度分析。本文针对FPU问题,提出多尺度保辛摄动算法,该方法具有多尺度效应,可以按不同尺度显示计算结果,长时间计算保真,可以克服刚性问题,采用较大的积分步长,可以克服数值共振现象。数值算例显示了本文算法的有效性。  相似文献   

结构动响应预测是结构设计的基础,是结构振动控制、载荷识别的前提。本文在辛体系下针对结构动响应问题,提出了一种Birkhoff形式下的保辛中点格式。首先引入状态变量,并基于摄动方法将结构动响应方程转化为线性自治Birkhoff方程的形式,进一步利用中心差分推导出线性自治Birkhoff方程的中点格式,其证明是保辛的。该格式不要求Birkhoff方程系数矩阵非奇异,因此适用于奇数维系统。两个不同数值算例的结果充分验证了本文方法的卓越性,也凸显了相对于传统算法在计算精确度和稳定性方面的明显优势。  相似文献   

????????μ???????   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
在本摄动方法中,未扰方程或约简方程为原方程的线化方程,因此其初始近似就较好地接近真解.本方法具有直接展开法的优点,又可以避免出现长期项.  相似文献   

本文首次提出了线化摄动理论的基本概念,根据这种理论,得到的未扰动解为方程的线化方程的解,该理论具有直接展开法的优点,又可以避免出现长期项,其摄动解对“小参数”的依赖性很小,并且其一阶近似具有很高的精度。  相似文献   

WKBJ近似保辛吗?   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:2  
WKBJ短波近似是最常用的有效求解方法之一。保守体系的微分方程可用Hamilton体系的方法描述,其特点是保辛。保辛给出保守体系结构最重要的特性。但WKBJ短波近似却未曾考虑保辛的问题。本文给出验证近似解保辛的条件,并指出WKBJ近似难于保辛。然后给出正则变换的摄动保辛方法。数值例题展示了提出的保辛算法的有效性。  相似文献   

基于对偶变量变分原理,选择积分区间两端位移为独立变量,构造了求解完整约束哈密顿动力系统的高阶保辛算法。首先,利用拉格朗日多项式对作用量中的位移、动量及拉格朗日乘子进行近似;然后,对作用量中不包含约束的积分项采用Gauss积分近似,对作用量中包含约束的积分项采用Lobatto积分近似,从而得到近似作用量;最后,在此近似作用量的基础上,利用对偶变量变分原理,将求解完整约束哈密顿动力系统问题转化为一组非线性方程组的求解。算法具有保辛性和高阶收敛性,能够在位移的插值点处高精度地满足完整约束。算法的收敛阶数及数值性质通过数值算例验证。  相似文献   

超大型航天器是空间资源探索和利用的重要空间基础设施,也是实现航天强国目标的重大战略性航天装备。由于这类结构的质量和尺寸巨大,将带来在轨运行中的姿-轨-结构耦合和在轨姿态控制问题。同时,结构的超大尺度、构型变化与空间环境相互作用将产生极复杂的结构振动和大型结构特有的波动现象。这些为其动力学建模与数值求解、在轨精确姿态控制、低频结构振动抑制和振动波动耦合的特性调控等提出了新的挑战。本文介绍了本团队近十年基于保辛方法针对上述问题取得的研究进展,包括超大型航天结构在轨耦合动力学与姿态控制、超大型航天结构波动力学行为与控制、可展开结构设计以及变刚度主动控制方法等。  相似文献   

将广义位移和动量同时用拉格朗日多项式近似,并选择积分区间两端位移为独立变量,然后基于对偶变量变分原理导出了哈密顿系统的离散正则变换和对应的数值积分保辛算法。当位移和动量的拉格朗日多项式近似阶数满足一定条件时,可以自然导出保辛算法的不动点格式。通过数值算例分析了位移和动量采用不同阶次插值所需最少Gauss积分点个数,并讨论了位移插值阶数、动量插值阶数以及Gauss积分点个数对保辛算法精度的影响,说明了上述不动点格式恰好是一种最优格式。  相似文献   

非线性轨迹优化问题的保辛自适应求解方法   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
非线性轨迹优化问题一般是一个非线性最优控制问题。将非线性系统的最优控制问题导入到哈密顿体系的辛几何空间当中,基于对偶变量变分原理提出了求解非线性最优控制问题的一种保辛自适应方法。以时间区段两端协态作为独立变量,在时间区段内采用拉格朗日插值近似状态和协态变量,并利用对偶变量变分原理将非线性最优控制问题转化为非线性方程组的求解,保持了哈密顿系统的辛几何结构。并进一步,提出了基于多层次迭代的自适应算法,提高了非线性最优控制问题的求解效率。数值实验验证了该算法在求解非线性轨迹优化问题中的有效性。  相似文献   

1 DifferentialEquationandDifferentiabilityPropertiesoftheSolutionInthispaper,weconsidertheconservativeformandsingularperturbedordinarydifferentialequationwithperiodicboundaryvalueproblem :Lu(x) ≡ε(p(x)u′(x) )′ (q(x)u(x) )′-r(x)u(x) =f(x)  ( 0 <x<1 ) ,( 1 )u( 0 ) ≡u( 1 ) ,lu≡u′( 1 )…  相似文献   

基于YNS层合板理论,通过对混合能变分原理的修正,建立了层合板问题的Hamilton正则方程。在辛几何数学框架下,采用共轭辛正交归一关系给出精确解。并与经典层板理论进行了比较。  相似文献   

When the Poisson matrix of Poisson system is non-constant, classical symplectic methods, such as symplectic Runge-Kutta method, generating function method, cannot preserve the Poisson structure. The non-constant Poisson structure was transformed into the symplectic structure by the nonlinear transform.Arbitrary order symplectic method was applied to the transformed Poisson system. The Euler equation of the free rigid body problem was transformed into the symplectic structure and computed by the midpoint scheme. Numerical results show the effectiveness of the nonlinear transform.  相似文献   

In this paper an initial-boundary value problem for a weakly nonlinear beam equation with a Rayleigh perturbation will be studied. It will be shown that the calculations to find internal resonances in this case are much more complicated than and differ substantially from the calculations for the weakly nonlinear wave equation with a Rayleigh perturbation as for instance presented in [3] or [7]. The initial-boundary value problem can be regarded as a simple model describing wind-induced oscillations of flexible structures like suspension bridges or iced overhead transmission lines. Using a two-timescales perturbation method approximations for solutions of this initial-boundary value problem will be constructed.  相似文献   

四边任意支承条件下弹性矩形薄板弯曲问题的解析解   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
钟阳  张永山 《应用力学学报》2005,22(2):293-297,i013
利用辛几何法推导出了四边为任意支承条件下矩形薄板弯曲的解析解。在分析过程中首先把矩形薄板弯曲问题表示成Hamilton正则方程,然后利用辛几何方法对全状态相变量进行分离变量,求出其本征值后,再按本征函数展开的方法求出四边为任意支承条件下矩形薄板弯曲的解析解。由于在求解过程中并不需要人为的事先选取挠度函数,而是从弹性矩形薄板弯曲的基本方程出发,直接利用数学的方法求出问题的解析解,使得这类问题的求解更加理论化和合理化。文中的最后还给出了计算实例来验证本文方法的正确性。  相似文献   

In this paper an initial-boundary value problem for a weakly nonlinear string(or wave) equation with non-classical boundary conditions is considered. Oneend of the string is assumed to be fixed and the other end of the string isattached to a spring-mass-dashpot system, where the damping generated by thedashpot is assumed to be small. This problem can be regarded as a rather simple model describing oscillationsof flexible structures such as suspension bridges or overhead transmission lines in a windfield. A multiple-timescales perturbation method will be usedto construct formal asymptotic approximations of the solution. It will also beshown that all solutions tend to zero for a sufficiently large value of thedamping parameter. For smaller values of the damping parameter it will be shownhow the string-system eventually will oscillate.  相似文献   

In this work, positive solutions to a doubly nonlinear parabolic equation with a nonlinear boundary condition are considered. We study the problem where 0 < m, r, α < ∞ are parameters. It is known that for some values of the parameters there are solutions that blow up in finite time. We determine in terms of α ,m, r the blow-up sets for these solutions. We prove that single point blow-up occurs if max{m, r} < α, global blow-up appears for the range of parameters 0 < m < α < r and regional blow-up takes place if 0 < m < α = r and . In this case the blow-up set consists of the interval .  相似文献   

The wave propagation problem in the nonlinear periodic mass-spring structure chain is analyzed using the symplectic mathematical method. The energy method is used to construct the dynamic equation, and the nonlinear dynamic equation is linearized using the small parameter perturbation method. Eigen-solutions of the symplectic matrix are used to analyze the wave propagation problem in nonlinear periodic lattices. Nonlinearity in the mass-spring chain, arising from the nonlinear spring stiffness effect, has profound effects on the overall transmission of the chain. The wave propagation characteristics are altered due to nonlinearity, and related to the incident wave intensity, which is a genuine nonlinear effect not present in the corresponding linear model. Numerical results show how the increase of nonlinearity or incident wave amplitude leads to closing of transmitting gaps. Comparison with the normal recursive approach shows effectiveness and superiority of the symplectic method for the wave propagation problem in nonlinear periodic structures.  相似文献   

I.IntroductionTheorbitaIdeterminationtothemal1-madesatelliteisanimportantpartofthespacetechnology.Withtheuninterrupteddevelopmentsofthespaceundertakingsofourcountry,themoreaccuratecalculationmethodisneeded.lnfact,areaIlyman-madesatellitecan'tbedeltwithsim…  相似文献   

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