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近年来,强反转裂谷盆地在油气勘探中引起越来越多的关注,中非裂谷系是强反转裂谷盆地的重要发育区。文中以Bongor盆地为例,分析了盆地的构造特征及其对油气成藏的影响,在此基础上指出勘探方向。研究表明,反转是Bongor盆地最显著的构造特征,受区域挤压应力场作用,Bongor盆地在晚白垩世和中新世发生了两期反转,特别是发生在晚白垩世桑托期(Santonian)的反转造成盆地整体大幅度抬升,地层遭受强烈剥蚀,剥蚀量达600~1 600m,盆地剥蚀呈现出西强东弱、北强南弱的特点。反转导致残余地层发生明显的褶皱变形,并最终控制了盆地构造圈闭的成型;同时造成上成藏组合油藏的改造、破坏,使得Bongor盆地成藏模式以源内成藏为主。因此,围绕初陷期凹陷、立足下成藏组合是下步勘探的主要方向。  相似文献   

东南亚苏门答腊弧后盆地带包括北、中、南三个盆地,这些盆地形成于新生代,经历了同生裂谷、后裂谷以及构造反转三个阶段。根据裂谷作用阶段和相应的储层特征划分出上部、中部、下部和深部共四套油气成藏组合。深部与下部成藏组合主要发育同生裂谷期湖相、海陆过渡相砂岩,中部与上部成藏组合主要发育后裂谷期海相碳酸盐岩、海陆过渡相砂岩。中部油气成藏组合最具勘探价值。  相似文献   

基于东非裂谷系西支地震地质综合解释对比研究,发现该生长型裂谷盆地受基底属性影响,主要发育陡断面地堑型盆地结构,沿边界主控断裂走向发育背离型和接近型两类主要调节构造,沿边界主控断裂倾向主要发育地垒式和地堑式两类调节构造。构造样式控制了主要成藏条件:陡断面地堑式裂谷能够形成沉积范围广、厚度大的湖相优质烃源岩;裂谷间走向调节构造属于一级调节带,控制长轴辫状河三角洲的展布;裂谷内错断的边界断裂带属于次级走向调节构造,控制中小型扇三角州的发育。倾向调节构造形成的断鼻、断块圈闭,为该类盆地的主要油气藏类型。  相似文献   

Termit盆地隶属于西非裂谷系,是发育于前寒武系-侏罗系基底之上的中、新生代裂谷盆地。国外石油公司自1974年开始对该盆地进行勘探,截止2008年在中国石油获得勘探许可前,仅在西部Dinga断阶带发现7个油气藏,区域甩开勘探没有获得商业发现。针对这一国外石油公司勘探近40年后放弃的区块,面临着如何寻找潜力区带、发现规模油气的巨大挑战。本文基于Termit盆地晚白垩世大规模海侵、早白垩世和古近纪两期裂谷叠置的构造演化特点,分析了古近系油气成藏的主控因素。这种后期叠置裂谷(古近纪)的成藏模式有别于其他纯陆相单一旋回的裂谷盆地,烃源岩为上白垩统海相泥页岩,储层为古近系陆相砂岩,盖层为古近系湖相泥岩,表现为跨世代(跨二级层序)油气聚集特征。其油气成藏具有6个主控因素,即大范围海相烃源岩“控源”、叠置裂谷“控砂”、断裂与砂岩输导层“控运”、构造地貌“控势”、断层与砂体配置“控藏”、盖层与侧向封挡“控保”。成藏主控因素分析揭示了Termit盆地古近系的油气富集规律,有效指导了该盆地潜力区带评价与规模油气发现。  相似文献   

饶勇 《地质与勘探》2023,59(5):1117-1127
中非裂谷系Doseo盆地是白垩纪以来叠加了走滑和挤压反转等作用的复杂陆相裂谷盆地,具有优越的油气地质条件,且勘探程度较低,是当前油气勘探热点区域,但油气分布不均,不同构造带油气规模差异大。本文基于钻井和典型油气藏对比分析,系统阐述了盆地油气地质条件,并探讨了不同构造带油气成藏控制因素。研究表明,盆地经历了三个主要的构造-沉积演化阶段,形成“东西分区,南北分带,北陡南缓”的构造格局,构成了“下细上粗”的湖盆-三角洲-河流沉积充填序列。下白垩统强裂陷期两套优质成熟湖相烃源岩、多套储-盖组合以及一系列构造圈闭为油气聚集成藏提供了有利的石油地质条件。已发现油气藏以构造圈闭为主,但油气发现规模与烃源岩潜力严重不符。通过分析,油气成藏主要受储层、盖层和圈闭保存条件三个因素及匹配关系控制,而圈闭保存条件是全区共有最重要控制因素,且不同构造带油气成藏控制因素具有差异性。南部缓坡带成藏控制因素为盖层和圈闭保存条件,东部凸起构造带成藏控制因素为圈闭保存条件,北部陡坡带成藏控制因素为储层和圈闭保存条件。  相似文献   

西藏措勤盆地油气成藏条件分析   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
根据野外地质调查资料,对措勤盆地的油气生成、储集、运移、圈闭等条件进行了分析;认为盆地中发育的主要烃源岩有 7套,岩石类型主要为灰岩,储集层主要为各种灰岩和砂岩;有利的生储盖组合型式主要为自生自储自盖式及互层式生储盖组合;野外调查发现的油气苗及微观包裹体的研究均证实了盆地内油气运移过程的发生;推测盆地内主要的圈闭及油气藏类型为背斜及断层遮挡油气藏,K2-R构造层主要发育完整的背斜油气藏,J-K 1构造层主要发育被断层复杂化的背斜油气藏;建议将主要目的层放在较新的构造层中。  相似文献   

塔西南寒武系—奥陶系斜坡带特征与油气成藏条件分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
综合利用露头、岩心及地震资料,剖析了塔西南寒武系-奥陶系碳酸盐岩台缘斜坡带的发育特征及其迁移变化规律,在此基础上,揭示了该区寒武系-奥陶系烃源岩、储层与盖层的匹配关系,并分析了有利的成藏组合。结果表明:塔西南寒武系-奥陶系发育优质烃源岩且油源充足,台缘沉积相带以及台地内部发育多种类型的碳酸盐岩优质储层,加之优越的盖层封闭条件和良好的油气运移通道,在研究区内形成了上部、中部和下部3套成藏组合。塔西南寒武系-奥陶系台缘斜坡带的礁滩体沉积、下斜坡带的滑塌体沉积、台地内的深埋白云岩以及不整合面附近的缝洞型碳酸盐岩均为储集性能良好的潜在储层,其中,中部成藏组合由于储层最发育,且可以兼顾来自下伏的中下寒武统与上覆的上奥陶统烃源岩所生成的油气,是塔西南最具勘探开发前景的成藏组合。  相似文献   

裂谷盆地是指沉积盆地在地质历史演变的某个阶段经历了裂谷时期的盆地。裂谷盆地深层在中国一般是指裂谷盆地中含油气层段埋深>3 500 m的地层,国外则指埋深>4 000 m的地层。中国东部具深层油气田的裂谷盆地主要是中、新生代盆地;全球裂谷盆地深层的大油气藏主要分布于白垩系,其次是上古生界;深层油气藏的储层形式多样,有孔隙型、裂缝型、溶洞-裂缝型及孔隙-裂缝型等;深层油气田的油气运移方向以垂向为主,圈闭则大多以岩性或与断裂有关的构造岩性圈闭为主。其次,盐岩体的活动对圈闭的形成亦十分重要,其类型则以复合型为主。  相似文献   

沈传波  葛翔  白秀娟 《地球科学》2019,44(3):713-726
四川盆地震旦-寒武系储层具有万亿立方米以上的油气地质储量,具有广阔的勘探前景.复杂的地质条件及多期次构造作用限制了对其油气成藏演化过程的精细刻画.近年来,流体包裹体40Ar/39Ar和烃类Re-Os同位素定年等新技术在油气成藏研究中表现出良好的潜力和广泛的应用前景.针对四川盆地深部油气成藏演化的定量解析这一问题,在总结前人对震旦-寒武系油气成藏演化地质分析的基础上,结合近期对川中威远气田、川西龙门山矿山梁古油藏和川北米仓山古油藏中沥青Re-Os同位素的定年结果,认为四川盆地震旦-寒武系油气存在~450 Ma、205~162 Ma两期成藏作用,其中天然气藏形成的关键时期为205~162 Ma.还指出了Re-Os同位素分析在定量解析油气演化研究中需要解决的关键问题,并认为烃类的Re-Os同位素定年将会推动我国成藏年代学的发展,促进诸如四川盆地等复杂地质条件深层油气成藏过程和成藏机理的研究.   相似文献   

东非裂谷东支的South Lokichar盆地于2012年获得勘探突破,成为研究和勘探的热点地区.但近年来周边盆地勘探效果不佳,有待深入分析.Kerio盆地紧邻South Lokichar盆地,勘探程度低,国内在此地的研究处于空白区.基于最新地震地质综合研究成果,阐述其石油地质特征和勘探潜力.结果表明:Kerio盆地为主动裂谷,呈西陡东缓的半地堑结构;发育渐新世以来的5套沉积地层,最大沉积厚度可达6500 m;存在一套被证实的烃源岩,生烃指标好,但厚度仅20 m;发育河流和三角洲相砂岩,孔渗物性好.盆地可划分为4个凹陷和5个构造圈闭带.中部缓坡带和东部反转构造带为盆地的有利勘探区带,可能存在2种成藏模式.盆地具有一定勘探潜力,烃源岩是最主要的地质风险.  相似文献   

贾屾  何登发  韩文明  胡滨 《地质学报》2022,96(2):630-643
东非裂谷东支由多个盆地组成,South Lokichar是唯一有油气发现的盆地,目前对于该盆地的石油地质特征及成藏规律仍认识不清,严重制约着东非裂谷东支下一步勘探.本文综合利用钻井、地震、岩芯、薄片以及分析化验等资料,对South Lokichar盆地的构造和地层发育特征、关键成藏条件和影响因素以及成藏规律进行详细分析...  相似文献   

Melut盆地为中非地区重要的含油气裂谷盆地,具被动裂谷成盆特征,处于区域构造勘探向"三新领域"勘探的转型阶段,油气富集规律尚不十分清楚,通过开展Melut盆地与我国东部主动裂谷盆地的类比分析,有助于深化盆地成藏认识,推进勘探转型.研究表明,Melut盆地北部具被动裂谷成盆特征,发育大型富油凹陷,形成以古近系跨时代成藏组合为主,近源白垩系成藏组合为辅的油气富集特点,古近系Yabus组上段跨时代岩性油藏与近源白垩系Galhak组断块油藏是北部深化勘探的重要领域;盆地中南部具被动裂谷与主动裂谷的叠加演化过程,与海拉尔盆地相似,具小型断陷沉积充填与成藏特征,近源成藏组合是有利的勘探对象,继承性洼槽内低凸起、凹陷间断裂隆起带及缓坡断层坡折带是有利的成藏构造带.该研究深化了Melut盆地成藏认识,明确了盆地南北具有不同的成盆机制与成藏特征,对推动北部成熟探区深化勘探与中南部低探区勘探突破具有重要意义.  相似文献   

Termit盆地位于尼日尔东南部,属于西非裂谷系的北延部分,是发育于前寒武系—侏罗系基底之上的中、新生代裂谷盆地。该盆地早白垩世—古近纪经历了"裂谷—坳陷—裂谷"的构造演化过程及"陆相—海相—陆相"的沉积演化过程,表现为晚白垩世大规模海侵、早白垩世和古近纪两期裂谷叠置的特点。基于构造作用影响裂谷盆地层序发育的观点,分析了Termit盆地下白垩统裂谷阶段内的层序地层充填样式。根据裂谷作用的强弱,将早白垩世裂谷阶段划分为裂谷初始期、裂谷深陷期及裂谷萎缩期3个阶段。裂谷初始期层序断裂活动弱,构造沉降小,长轴物源体系较为发育,陡坡带为加积至退积型河流或三角洲沉积,缓坡带发育加积型河流或三角洲体系。裂谷深陷期层序断裂活动强烈,构造沉降大,陡坡带形成退积型水下扇或滑塌扇沉积,缓坡带发育退积型三角洲体系,盆地中心为泥岩充填。裂谷萎缩期层序断裂活动减弱并趋于停止,陡坡带为进积型扇三角洲沉积,缓坡带发育进积型三角洲体系。研究表明:裂谷作用对层序地层充填样式具有明显的控制作用,以构造作用为主线的裂谷盆地层序地层分析方法,能有效预测沉积体系和储层分布。  相似文献   

东非裂谷系一直是世界油气勘探重点关注区,尤其在西支Albertine盆地获得重大油气发现,而与之具有相似成因演化的西支中南段其它盆地,勘探潜力一直不明朗并急待挖掘。中-古生代Karoo地层及分布在该地区广泛分布,特别是作为烃源和主要的勘探层系在东非海岸陆缘盆地被广泛证实后,Karoo的勘探潜力备受关注。然而,Karoo本身经过漫长的演变,涵盖的地质学内容包罗万象,混淆不清,十分不利于该地区油气勘探潜力的研究和判断。本文通过系统查阅国外文献并结合东非裂谷系的研究工作,初步查明Karoo的成因、演变及分布,并系统评价Karoo地层在西支中南段裂谷盆地及周边的分布,探讨其勘探意义。但以Karoo作为东非地区未来勘探领域仍然面临着一系列不确定性的问题和风险,值得思索和总结。  相似文献   

乍得Bongor盆地是受中非剪切带影响发育起来的中、新生代陆内强反转裂谷盆地,反转和走滑构造是盆地最显著的构造特征。所发现的原油主要为中质油(重度为20°~34°API),其次为重质油(重度小于20°API),普遍高含沥青质、高含蜡、高酸值、低含硫。为了探讨高酸值原油的成因,作者选择了该盆地15个不同酸值的原油样品,尝试应用高分辨率质谱分析原油有机酸的组成。分析结果表明,高酸值原油的有机酸主要由环烷酸组成;环烷酸碳原子数分布范围较宽,且以一环、二环、三环环烷酸为主。生物降解作用是形成高酸值原油的主要原因,而构造反转造成盆地抬升,则加速了生物降解作用的发生。  相似文献   

The Roer Valley Rift System (RVRS) is located between the West European rift and the North Sea rift system. During the Cenozoic, the RVRS was characterized by several periods of subsidence and inversion, which are linked to the evolution of the adjacent rift systems. Combination of subsidence analysis and results from the analysis of thickness distributions and fault systems allows the determination of the Cenozoic evolution and quantification of the subsidence. During the Early Paleocene, the RVRS was inverted (Laramide phase). The backstripping method shows that the RVRS was subsequently mainly affected by two periods of subsidence, during the Late Paleocene and the Oligocene–Quaternary time intervals, separated by an inversion phase during the Late Eocene. During the Oligocene and Miocene periods, the thickness of the sediments and the distribution of the active faults reveal a radical rotation of the direction of extension by about 70–80° (counter clockwise). Integration of these results at a European scale indicates that the Late Paleocene subsidence was related to the evolution of the North Sea basins, whereas the Oligocene–Quaternary subsidence is connected to the West European rift evolution. The distribution of the inverted provinces also shows that the Early Paleocene inversion (Laramide phase) has affected the whole European crust, whereas the Late Eocene inversion was restricted to the southern North Sea basins and the Channel area. Finally, comparison of these deformations in the European crust with the evolution of the Alpine chain suggests that the formation of the Alps has controlled the evolution of the European crust since the beginning of the Cenozoic.  相似文献   

This paper analyzes throw-depth (T-z) profiles from a high resolution 2D reflection seismic grid in the central basin of Lake Malawi to investigate whether evidence exists: 1) for migration of faulting away from the border fault of the half-graben; and 2) that faults in the hangingwall lengthened over the last 1.3 million years. We use the high-precision age model from a 2005 scientific drilling project in our study area to constrain the ages of our seismic horizons and examine a fault array and two individual faults within the hangingwall of the central basin border fault. We account for climatic and sedimentological controls on stratal growth with a lake-level curve that accompanies the age model. A comparison of our hangingwall T-z profiles with published throw-distance (T-x) profiles for the border fault shows synchronous faulting over the last 1.3 m.y. rather than basinward migration of faulting. Furthermore, we find no evidence for significant propagation of the tips of the hangingwall faults in the last 1.3 m.y. and conclude that the lack of basinward migration of faulting is a consequence of strain localization on faults established at an early stage in basin development.  相似文献   

Giacomo Corti   《Earth》2009,96(1-2):1-53
The Main Ethiopian Rift is a key sector of the East African Rift System that connects the Afar depression, at Red Sea–Gulf of Aden junction, with the Turkana depression and Kenya Rift to the South. It is a magmatic rift that records all the different stages of rift evolution from rift initiation to break-up and incipient oceanic spreading: it is thus an ideal place to analyse the evolution of continental extension, the rupture of lithospheric plates and the dynamics by which distributed continental deformation is progressively focused at oceanic spreading centres.The first tectono-magmatic event related to the Tertiary rifting was the eruption of voluminous flood basalts that apparently occurred in a rather short time interval at around 30 Ma; strong plateau uplift, which resulted in the development of the Ethiopian and Somalian plateaus now surrounding the rift valley, has been suggested to have initiated contemporaneously or shortly after the extensive flood-basalt volcanism, although its exact timing remains controversial. Voluminous volcanism and uplift started prior to the main rifting phases, suggesting a mantle plume influence on the Tertiary deformation in East Africa. Different plume hypothesis have been suggested, with recent models indicating the existence of deep superplume originating at the core-mantle boundary beneath southern Africa, rising in a north–northeastward direction toward eastern Africa, and feeding multiple plume stems in the upper mantle. However, the existence of this whole-mantle feature and its possible connection with Tertiary rifting are highly debated.The main rifting phases started diachronously along the MER in the Mio-Pliocene; rift propagation was not a smooth process but rather a process with punctuated episodes of extension and relative quiescence. Rift location was most probably controlled by the reactivation of a lithospheric-scale pre-Cambrian weakness; the orientation of this weakness (roughly NE–SW) and the Late Pliocene (post 3.2 Ma)-recent extensional stress field generated by relative motion between Nubia and Somalia plates (roughly ESE–WNW) suggest that oblique rifting conditions have controlled rift evolution. However, it is still unclear if these kinematical boundary conditions have remained steady since the initial stages of rifting or the kinematics has changed during the Late Pliocene or at the Pliocene–Pleistocene boundary.Analysis of geological–geophysical data suggests that continental rifting in the MER evolved in two different phases. An early (Mio-Pliocene) continental rifting stage was characterised by displacement along large boundary faults, subsidence of rift depression with local development of deep (up to 5 km) asymmetric basins and diffuse magmatic activity. In this initial phase, magmatism encompassed the whole rift, with volcanic activity affecting the rift depression, the major boundary faults and limited portions of the rift shoulders (off-axis volcanism). Progressive extension led to the second (Pleistocene) rifting stage, characterised by a riftward narrowing of the volcano-tectonic activity. In this phase, the main boundary faults were deactivated and extensional deformation was accommodated by dense swarms of faults (Wonji segments) in the thinned rift depression. The progressive thinning of the continental lithosphere under constant, prolonged oblique rifting conditions controlled this migration of deformation, possibly in tandem with the weakening related to magmatic processes and/or a change in rift kinematics. Owing to the oblique rifting conditions, the fault swarms obliquely cut the rift floor and were characterised by a typical right-stepping arrangement. Ascending magmas were focused by the Wonji segments, with eruption of magmas at surface preferentially occurring along the oblique faults. As soon as the volcano-tectonic activity was localised within Wonji segments, a strong feedback between deformation and magmatism developed: the thinned lithosphere was strongly modified by the extensive magma intrusion and extension was facilitated and accommodated by a combination of magmatic intrusion, dyking and faulting. In these conditions, focused melt intrusion allows the rupture of the thick continental lithosphere and the magmatic segments act as incipient slow-spreading mid-ocean spreading centres sandwiched by continental lithosphere.Overall the above-described evolution of the MER (at least in its northernmost sector) documents a transition from fault-dominated rift morphology in the early stages of extension toward magma-assisted rifting during the final stages of continental break-up. A strong increase in coupling between deformation and magmatism with extension is documented, with magma intrusion and dyking playing a larger role than faulting in strain accommodation as rifting progresses to seafloor spreading.  相似文献   

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