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四川省凉山彝族地区囊尾蚴病血清学调查(英文)   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
目的了解四川省凉山州彝族地区囊尾蚴病感染情况和流行风险因素。方法于2006年对凉山州昭觉县比尔乡的部分居民问卷调查;猪带绦虫尾蚴GPs作为抗原,用ELISA方法检测人、猪血清猪囊尾蚴特异性抗体。结果当地居民继发型癫痫发作率为9.1%(57/626),人、猪血清阳性率分别为7.2%(36/499)、13.9%(14/101)。该病在当地流行的主要原因包括猪放养、不良食肉习惯(坨坨肉)、人无厕所、肉品检疫不严以及经济落后等。结论囊尾蚴病高度流行于四川省彝族地区。为控制该病的流行,必需采取综合性的防治措施,如主动的人群绦虫病筛查和治疗、加强肉食品检疫和人粪管理、改变不良饮食习惯、提倡猪圈养等。  相似文献   

鲁中地区猪带绦/囊虫病流行病学调查报告   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:2  
为摸清鲁中地区猪带条/囊虫病流行情况,1997年对平阴等5县(区)22处乡(镇)56个自然村的35512人进行了调查。人群绦虫病患病率为0.101%,囊虫病患病率为0.107%。5县(区)均有不同程度的流行。男女之间绦/囊虫病患病率无显著性差异,但囊患病随年龄增加而升高,二者呈正相关。  相似文献   

山东省猪带绦虫病和囊尾蚴病流行病学调查   总被引:9,自引:1,他引:9       下载免费PDF全文
目的 调查山东省猪带绦虫病和囊尾蚴病流行现状。 方法 采用现场访问、粪便检查及血清学检测等方法对猪带绦虫病和囊尾蚴病人群的感染流行状况、猪囊尾蚴感染情况及有关流行因素进行调查分析。 结果 全省人群猪带绦虫病和囊尾蚴病平均患病率分别为 0 .0 4 8%和 0 .0 5 7% ,抗囊尾蚴特异性 Ig G4 抗体阳性率平均为 1.91%。各地区流行程度不同 ,性别及城乡人群患病率均无显著性差异。流行因素调查结果表明 ,居民普遍存在不卫生习惯 ,如 :切菜刀、板生熟不分 ,饭前便后不洗手等。“连茅圈”养猪占 92 .3% ,粪便管理及生活环境卫生均较差。囊尾蚴病猪检出率平均为 0 .0 6 % ,囊尾蚴抗体阳性率平均为 1.99%。 结论 山东省绦虫病和囊尾蚴病患病率呈下降趋势 ,但流行范围扩大 ,各地区流行程度不同 ,各种流行因素远未得到控制  相似文献   

鲁中地区猪带绦/囊虫病流行病学调查研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
为摸清鲁中地区猪带绦 /囊虫病流行情况 ,1997年对平阴等 5县 (区 ) 2 2处乡 (镇 ) 5 6个自然村的 35 5 12人进行了调查。人群绦虫病患病率为 0 .10 1% ,囊虫病患病率为 0 .10 7%。 5县 (区 )均有不同程度的流行。男女之间绦/囊虫病患病率无显著性差异 ,但患病率随年龄增加而升高 ,二者呈正相关。另外 ,发现其分布有明显的职业特征。人群抗囊尾蚴特异性 Ig G4抗体阳性率平均为 2 .2 4%。猪囊虫感染率在 0 .12 %~ 0 .48%之间 ;5县 (区 )共采集 2 0 4份猪血标本 ,血清学检测抗体阳性率为 4.41%。同时 ,对居民饮食、卫生习惯、养猪情况等进行了调查分析  相似文献   

猪囊尾蚴病DNA疫苗是近年来出现和发展起来的一种新型疫苗,不仅可以引起体液免疫,而且还能诱导高水平的细胞免疫应答,在猪囊尾蚴病预防方面优势明显。本文就猪囊尾蚴病DNA疫苗的研究现状作一综述。  相似文献   

本文报道四川省藏族农区1例重症脑囊尾蚴病的诊治经过。  相似文献   

福建省仙游县猪带绦虫和猪囊尾蚴感染率居全省之首。2004年有一家3人先后发病,报告如下。  相似文献   

本文报道河南淮阳县5个乡26个行政村26 655人调查,猪带绦虫感染率为0.75%,人体囊虫感染率为0.20%,呈散在发生,凡是猪带绦虫病发病率高的乡村,猪体囊虫和人体囊虫感染率亦高,三者呈平行消长,人体囊虫病的感染方式以自身感染为主。本文对环境、厕所及中间宿主猪的饲养习惯及囊虫感染情况作了全面分析。  相似文献   

猪囊尾蚴病免疫和诊断抗原的分子生物学研究进展   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
猪囊尾蚴病是一种危害严重的人兽共患寄生虫病。猪囊尾蚴特异性和保护性抗原的研究是猪带绦虫病、猪囊尾蚴病免疫和诊断的基础。天然抗原来源有限,限制了其应用,而重组抗原的应用可解决质量控制和抗原来源的问题。该文就近年来猪囊尾蚴病免疫和诊断抗原的分子生物学研究进展进行了综述。  相似文献   

山东省猪带绦/囊虫感染流行病学调查研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本研究在山东省选择有代表性的2县-禹城和兖州,对猪带绦/囊虫感染进行调查研究。根据随机油样的原则,整群抽取禹城3个乡(镇)的12个村,兖州2个乡(镇)的9个村庄为调查点,共查11296人,人群猪带绦虫感染率为0.30%,囊虫感染率为0.71%。病例在2县分布广泛,散在发生。感染率在男、女之间无显著性差异,但有随年龄增加而升高的趋势。20岁以下青少年感洒率明显低于其它年龄组,同时发现其分布有明显的职  相似文献   

猪带绦虫/囊虫病的流行现状及防制策略   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
猪带绦虫/囊虫病呈世界性分布,尤其在拉丁美洲、非洲和亚洲等发展中国家广泛流行,而且正在成为发达国家新的健康问题。猪囊虫病不仅造成养猪业巨大的经济损失,而且严重危害人体健康。因此,在建立灵敏、特异诊断方法的基础上,对绦虫、脑囊虫病人进行药物治疗和对易感猪的免疫保护以及加强健康教育、市场检疫的综合措施,将是预防和控制猪囊虫病的有效途径。  相似文献   

目的了解我国西部藏族地区四川省雅江县及甘肃省岷县绦/囊虫病的流行现状。方法采用以询问排节片史为主的方法对雅江县和岷县绦/囊虫病病例进行调查,用槟榔-南瓜子法对调查到的病人进行驱虫治疗,对驱出的成虫进行形态学鉴定和测量。结果在雅江县呷拉乡及瓦多乡的7个村寨共调查1137人,有自觉症状的病人73例,经驱虫治疗后有2人排出猪带绦虫,21人排出牛带绦虫,另发现皮下结节患者18例,脑囊虫病患者2例。在岷县寺沟乡及秦许乡的6个村寨共调查652人,27例有排节片史病人均未驱出绦虫,岷县确诊的脑囊虫病患者17例。结论目前四川省雅江县及甘肃省岷县存在绦/囊虫病的流行,其原因是当地藏民喜欢生吃猪肉和牛肉;岷县囊虫病的流行可能与当地农民接触粪便机会较多有关。  相似文献   

融水县带绦虫病和囊尾蚴病流行病学调查   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
为了解广西自治区融水县带绦虫/囊尾蚴病的流行现状,作者等于2002~2004年进行了现场调查,结果报告如下。  相似文献   

河南省原是绦虫病、囊尾蚴病高发省份之一,主要流行绦虫种类为猪带绦虫。自20世纪70年代以来,经过多年积极有效防治,河南省人群带绦虫、囊尾蚴感染率已处于极低流行水平,推动了全国“驱绦灭囊”工作。“驱绦灭囊”和分类指导并重的工作方针在全省范围内取得较好防治效果。随着我国对外开放及“一带一路”倡议的持续推进,带绦虫病、囊尾蚴病防控工作仍存在着一些问题与挑战。本文主要回顾河南省带绦虫病和囊尾蚴病防治历程,并对目前带绦虫病和囊尾蚴病防治工作面临的挑战进行分析。  相似文献   

拉萨市城关区绦虫和囊尾蚴病流行现状   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
西藏自治区是绦虫、囊尾蚴病的流行区,牛带绦虫为主要流行的虫种之一,而在拉萨市城关区内从未开展过此项调查,为了解拉萨市人群绦虫、囊尾蚴病流行现状,为今后有计划、有重点地开展寄生虫病防治工作提供科学依据,于2003—07开展了此项调查工作,现将结果报告如下。  相似文献   

Taenia solium, a human cestode parasite endemic throughout most of South-east Asia, causes a number of public health and economic problems. The parasite is endemic in Bali due to a mix of cultural and religious practices. Immunoepidemiological investigation of three rural communities revealed a taeniasis prevalence of 0.72% (3/415). One of the three cases was due to Taenia solium, the other two to Taenia saginata. A further nine cases of Taenia infection were identified from patients from villages surrounding the chosen communities, suggesting that prevalence levels may be higher in other areas. Seroprevalence of human cysticercosis by immunoblot was 1.65% (6/363), though all cases were detected within a single community (6/115; prevalence 5.22%). Several other cases of subcutaneous cysticercosis were identified from local clinics, suggesting continued transmission of Taenia solium in the region. Other intestinal helminth parasites identified within the communities were Ascaris lumbricoides (29.9%), Trichuris trichiuria (33.9%) and hookworm (8.2%).  相似文献   

昭觉县地处四川省西部大凉山腹地,平均海拔2000多m,血吸虫病疫区位于县境西部与西昌交界的山区,疫区人口2000多人,为彝族聚集区。其主要农作物有水稻、玉米、烤烟、大蒜。疫区一般都是人力耕种,少量使用畜力,没有农机耕作。农民在田间插秧、洗衣等活动,接触疫水时极易感染血吸虫病。就近几年的检查结果作如下分析。  相似文献   



Cysticercosis, an infection caused by the larval stage of Taenia solium, is a serious but neglected disease in developing countries. Information about the prevalence of taeniasis, the gastrointestinal infestation with the adult tapeworm, and cysticercosis is lacking in China. In the current study, we aimed to understand the prevalence of T solium taeniasis and cysticercosis in children in a Tibetan region of western Sichuan.


A cross-sectional study was conducted through cluster sampling in two Tibetan primary schools of Muli County, Liangshan Prefecture, in 2016. Sample collection in two schools was carried out in April and September, respectively, whereas treatment of taeniasis carriers was performed in December. Each student was questioned about a history of segment expulsion within the previous year by showing a segment photo, and also provided faecal and blood samples. All faecal samples were examined for presence of Taenia spp eggs by direct smear, and serum samples were tested for specific IgG antibodies to T solium cysticercus using an ELISA based on low-molecular-weight antigens of T solium cyst fluids. Treatment with pumpkin seeds combined with areca nut extract was provided to confirmed (stool-positive for Taenia spp eggs by microscopy) and suspected taeniasis carriers (reporting a history of segment expulsion within the previous year). All collected tapeworms following treatment were subject to morphology examination and genotyping by multiplex PCR. χ2 test was used to compare the infection rate of T solium taeniasis and seroprevalence in different groups of students. Significance was set at p≤0·05. Informed consent was obtained and Institutional Review Board approval was received.


A total of 636 students (mean sampling coverage 90%) were involved in the study, with a median age of 11 years (range 5–15). The overall prevalence of taeniasis due to all three endemic Taenia species (T solium, T saginata, and T asiatica) was 10·4% (95% CI 7·9–12·9). The prevalence of T solium taeniasis was 6·1% (95% CI 4·2–8·0). Eight (23%) of 35 T solium taeniasis carriers expelled multiple tapeworms (range 2–11), including concurrent infection with other Taenia species. The prevalence of T solium cysticercosis IgG antibodies was 12·9% (95% CI 10·4–15·4) in 619 tested students. Of 32 students with T solium taeniasis, 13 (41%) were seropositive, compared with 12% (63/529) in the group of students without T solium taeniasis (p<0·0001). When analysed separately, the two schools had similar T solium taeniasis prevalence and cysticercosis antibody seroprevalence.


The current study suggests that the prevalence of T solium taeniasis and cysticercosis is high in schoolchildren in Tibetan rural areas of western Sichuan. Further studies to better understand transmission patterns and risk factors in poor-resource rural areas of western China are needed to aid further eradication efforts.


Global Development and Poverty Initiative at Stanford University, Sichuan Provincial Department of Finance, and Science and Technology Department of Sichuan Province (2014SZ0151).  相似文献   

A two-phase study was conducted in a rural community in Honduras, to evaluate the association between neurocysticercosis (NCC) diagnosed by computed tomography (CT), epilepsy, seropositivity for antibodies to the cysticerci of Taenia solium [determined by enzyme-linked-immunoelectrotransfer-blot (EITB) assays], intestinal infection with this parasite, and various epidemiological factors. Of the 480 individuals studied in the first phase, 17% were seropositive and 2.5% supplied faecal samples which contained T. solium eggs. In the second phase, 148 individuals (74 of the seropositive subjects from the first phase and 74 matched controls from the seronegatives) underwent CT and neurological examinations. The CT results appeared normal in 110 (74%) of the 148, showed anatomical abnormality in seven (5%), and active or calcified lesions compatible with NCC in 31 (23% of the seropositives and 19% of the seronegatives). Only five of the latter had neurological symptoms (two being epileptics) and only five lived in households in which intestinal taeniasis had been detected. Subject age was significantly associated with NCC-compatible lesions but all the other factors investigated, including seropositivity, showed no significant association with the CT findings. The overall sensitivity of the EITB assays was found to be 55%. Taken together, the present results indicate that, even though it is a valuable tool in determining transmission levels in sero-epidemiological studies, the EITB assay should not be used to predict the existence of NCC or to estimate the prevalence of NCC. The results do provide further evidence that taeniasis and cysticercosis are widely prevalent in Honduras, and indicate that much larger studies of hyper-endemic communities may be necessary if the factors associated with the transmission of T. solium are to be elucidated.  相似文献   

本研究开发了针对绦虫病/囊尾蚴病的现场信息采集系统,旨在实现对绦虫病/囊尾蚴病流行情况的动态监测,提高疾病信息管理的智能水平。该系统包括应用层、核心层和数据层3层架构,采用Browser/Server整体架构进行数据传输和远程通信。该系统能够使疾病数据采集工作变得更加精准,标准化的数据可为后续数据分析工作提供更多便利。  相似文献   

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