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In this paper, we apply lagged correlation analysis to study the effects of vegetation cover on the summer climate in different zones of China, using NOAA/AVHRR normalized difference vegetation index (NDVI) data during the time period from 1982 to 2001 and climate data of 365 meteorological stations across China (precipitation from 1982 to 2001 and temperature from 1982 to 1998). The results show that there are positive correlations between spring NDVI and summer climate (temperature and precipitation) in most zones of China; these suggest that, when the vegetation cover increases, the summer precipitation will increase, and the lagged correlations show a significant difference between zones. The stronger correlations between NDVI in previous season and summer climate occur in three zones (Mid-temperate zone, Warm-temperate zone and Plateau climate zone), and this implies that vegetation changes have more sensitive feedback effects on climate in the three zones in China. Supported by the National 973 Program of China (No.2006CB701300), the National Natural Science Foundation of China (No.40721001), the Sino-Germany Joint Project (No. 2006DFB91920), the Open Fund of Shanghai Leading Academic Discipline Project (T0102) and the Open Fund of LIESMARS, Wuhan University.  相似文献   

In the past 50 years, the Sahel has experienced significant tree- and land cover changes accelerated by human expansion and prolonged droughts during the 1970s and 1980s. This study uses remote sensing techniques, supplemented by ground-truth data to compare pre-drought woody vegetation and land cover with the situation in 2011. High resolution panchromatic Corona imagery of 1967 and multi-spectral RapidEye imagery of 2011 form the basis of this regional scaled study, which is focused on the Dogon Plateau and the Seno Plain in the Sahel zone of Mali. Object-based feature extraction and classifications are used to analyze the datasets and map land cover and woody vegetation changes over 44 years. Interviews add information about changes in species compositions. Results show a significant increase of cultivated land, a reduction of dense natural vegetation as well as an increase of trees on farmer's fields. Mean woody cover decreased in the plains (−4%) but is stable on the plateau (+1%) although stark spatial discrepancies exist. Species decline and encroachment of degraded land are observed. However, the direction of change is not always negative and a variety of spatial variations are shown. Although the impact of climate is obvious, we demonstrate that anthropogenic activities have been the main drivers of change.  相似文献   

Monoculture rubber plantations have been replacing tropical rain forests substantially in Southern China and Southeast Asia over the past several decades, which have affected human wellbeing and ecosystem services. However, to the best of our knowledge on the extent of rubber plantation expansion and their stand ages is limited. We tracked the spatiotemporal dynamics of deciduous rubber plantations in Xishuangbanna, the second largest natural rubber production region in China, from 2000 to 2010 using time-series data from the Phased Array type L-band Synthetic Aperture Radar (PALSAR), Landsat, and Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer (MODIS). We found that rubber plantations have been expanding across a gradient from the low-elevation plains to the high elevation mountains. The areas of deciduous rubber plantations with stand ages ≤5, 6–10, and ≥11-year old were ~1.2 × 105 ha, ~0.8 × 105 ha, and ~2.9 × 105 ha, respectively. Older rubber plantations were mainly located in low-elevation and species-rich regions (500–900 m) and younger rubber trees were distributed in areas of relative high-elevation with fragile ecosystems. Economic and market factors have driven the expansion of rubber plantations, which is not only a threat to biodiversity and environmental sustainability, but also a trigger for climatic disasters. This study illustrates that the integration of microwave, optical, and thermal data is an effective method for mapping deciduous rubber plantations in tropical mountainous regions and determining their stand ages. Our results demonstrate the spatiotemporal pattern of rubber expansions over the first decade of this century.  相似文献   

A growing number of studies have focused on variations in vegetation phenology and their correlations with climatic factors. However, there has been little research on changes in spatial heterogeneity with respect to the end of the growing season (EGS) and on responses to climate change for alpine vegetation on the Qinghai–Tibetan Plateau (QTP). In this study, the satellite-derived normalized difference vegetation index (NDVI) and the meteorological record from 1982 to 2012 were used to characterize the spatial pattern of variations in the EGS and their relationship to temperature and precipitation on the QTP. Over the entire study period, the EGS displayed no statistically significant trend; however, there was a strong spatial heterogeneity throughout the plateau. Those areas showing a delaying trend in the EGS were mainly distributed in the eastern part of the plateau, whereas those showing an advancing trend were mostly scattered throughout the western part. Our results also showed that change in the vegetation EGS was more closely correlated with air temperature than with precipitation. Nonetheless, the temperature sensitivity of the vegetation EGS became lower as aridity increased, suggesting that precipitation is an important regulator of the response of the vegetation EGS to climate warming. These results indicate spatial differences in key environmental influences on the vegetation EGS that must be taken into account in current phenological models, which are largely driven by temperature.  相似文献   

The analysis of SPOT-5 characteristics on land cover Classification   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
徐开明 《测绘科学》2004,29(Z1):108-116
<正>KnowledgeaboutlandcoverandlandusehasbecomeincreasinglyimportantastheNationplanstoovercometheproblemsofuncontrolleddevelopment,deterioratingenvironmentalquality,lossofprimeagriculturallandsetc.Landuseandlandcoverdataareneededintheanalysisofenvironmentalprocessesandproblemstoknowiflivingconditionsandstandardsaretobeimprovedormaintainedatcurrentlevels.  相似文献   

Studying spatial-temporal change in residential land prices (RLP) can help implement real estate regulations to promote the healthy development of the residential land market. This study applied the urban scaling law to explore the spatial-temporal pattern of RLP from 2010 to 2019 in China. We found rapid growth in RLP across China from 2010 to 2019, with a growth rate of 179.12%. Among them, the Eastern Region had the highest RLP and growth rates. Furthermore, differences in RLP between large cities and small-medium cities widened, indicating a trend of the Matthew effect in prefecture-level cities. Moreover, the scale-adjusted metropolitan indicator (SAMI) indicated urban agglomerations including Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei (BTH), Yangtze River Delta (YRD), Guangdong-Fujian-Zhejiang Coastal (GFZ), and Pearl River Delta (PRD) located in the Eastern Region had higher RLP than urban agglomerations with the same population size. In addition, the SAMI also highlighted disproportionately high RLP in some small-medium cities compared to equivalent cities, warranting regulatory policy attention.  相似文献   


Tropospheric NO2 column (TNC) products retrieved from five satellites including GOME/ERS-2 (H, 1997–2002), SCIAMACHY (S, 2003–2011), OMI (O, 2005–2015), GOME-2/METOP_A (A, 2007–2013) and GOME-2/METOP_B (B, 2013–2015) were compared in terms of their spatiotemporal variability and changes over China. The temporal series of H suggested an increasing trend of TNC from 1997 to 2002, those of S, O and A revealed further increasing trends until the highest level of TNC was reached in 2011, but decreasing trends were detected by those of O and B from 2011 to 2015. Seasonally, TNC was the highest in winter and the lowest in summer. Variability and changes from satellite TNC products are also analyzed in different regions of China. Spatially, it was the highest in North China and the lowest in Tibetan Plateau based on five datasets. Overall, TNCs from A, B and S were higher than that from O; and TNC from S was larger than that from A at the country level. The higher TNC the region has, the larger difference satellite products would show. However, different datasets reached a good agreement in the spatial pattern of trends in TNC with highly significant increasing trends detected in North China.  相似文献   

Several methods have been proposed to delineate management zones in agricultural fields, which can guide interventions of the farmers to increase crop yield. In this study, we propose a new approach using remote sensing data to delineate management zones at three farm sites located in southern Brazil. The approach is based on the hypothesis that the measured aboveground biomass (AGB) of the cover crops is correlated with the measured cash-crop yield and can be estimated from surface reflectance and/or vegetation indices (VIs). Therefore, we used seven different statistical models to estimate AGB of three cover crops (forage turnip, white oats, and rye) in the season prior to cash-crop planting. Surface reflectance and VIs were used as predictors to test the performance of the models. They were obtained from high spatial and temporal resolution data of the PlanetScope (PS) constellation of satellites. From the time series of 30 images acquired in 2017, we used the PS data that matched the dates of the field campaigns to build the models. The results showed that the satellite AGB estimates of the cover crops at the date of maximum VI response at the beginning of the flowering stage were useful to delineate the management zones. The cover-crop AGB models that presented the highest coefficient of determination (R2) and the lowest root mean square (RMSE) in the validation and test datasets were Support Vector Machine (SVM), Cubist (CUB) and Stochastic Gradient Boosting (SGB). For most models and cover crops, the Enhanced Vegetation Index (EVI) and the Normalized Difference Vegetation Index (NDVI) were the two most important AGB predictors. At the date of maximum VI at the beginning of the flowering stage, the correlation coefficients (r) between the cover-crop AGB and the cash-crop yield (soybean and maize) ranged from +0.70 for forage turnip to +0.78 for rye. The fuzzy unsupervised classification of the cover-crop AGB estimates delineated two management zones, which were spatially consistent with those obtained from cash-crop yield. The comparison between both maps produced overall accuracies that ranged from 61.20% to 68.25% with zone 2 having higher cover-crop AGB and cash-crop yield than zone 1 over the three sites. We conclude that satellite AGB estimates of cover crops can be used as a proxy for generating management zone maps in agricultural fields. These maps can be further refined in the field with any other type of method and data, whenever necessary.  相似文献   

At the beginning of the new millennium, after a severe drought and destructive floods along the Yangtze River, the Chinese government implemented two large ecological rehabilitation and reforestation projects: the Natural Forest Protection Programme and the Sloping Land Conversion Programme. Using Landsat data from a decade before, during and after the inception of these programmes, we analyze their impacts along with other policies on land use, land cover change (LULCC) in southwest China. Our goal is to quantify the predominant land cover changes in four borderland counties, home to tens of thousands of ethnic minority individuals. We do this in three time stages (1990, 2000 and 2010). We use support vector machines as well as a transition matrix to monitor the land cover changes. The land cover classifications resulted in an overall accuracy and Kappa coefficient for forested area and cropland of respectively 91% (2% confidence interval) and 0.87. Our results suggest that the total forested area observed increased 3% over this 20-year period, while cropland decreased slightly (0.1%). However, these changes varied over specific time periods: forested area decreased between 1990 and 2000 and then increased between 2000 and 2010. In contrast, cropland increased and then decreased. These results suggest the important impacts of reforestation programmes that have accelerated a land cover transition in this region. We also found large changes in LULC occurring around fast growing urban areas, with changes in these peri-urban zones occurring faster to the east than west. This suggests that differences in socioeconomic conditions and specific local and regional policies have influenced the rates of forest, cropland and urban net changes, disturbances and net transitions. While it appears that a combination of economic growth and forest protection in this region over the past 20 years has been fairly successful, threats like drought, other extreme weather events and land degradation remain.  相似文献   

In mountainous areas, it is the undulant terrain, various types of geomorphic and land use that make the remote sensing images great metamorphism. Moreover, due to the elevation, there are many areas covered with shadow, clouds and snow that make the images more inaccurate. As a result, it would be very difficult to carry out auto-classification of RS images in these areas. The study took Southwest China as the case study area and the TM images, SPOT images as the basic information sources assisted by the auxiliary data of DEM, NDVI, topographical maps and soil maps to preprocess the images. After preprocessing by topographic correction and wiping off clouds, snow and shadows, all the image data were stacked together to form the images to be classified. Then, the research used segmentation technology and hierarchical method to extract the main types of land use in the area automatically. The results indicated that the qualitative accuracies of all types of land use extracted in Southwest China were above 90 percent, and the quantitative accuracies was above 86 percent. The goal of reducing workloads had been realized. Supported by the National Public Welfare Project on Environmental Protection (2007KYYW21), the Program of National Science and Technology research( 2006BAC01A01-05).  相似文献   


As a key component of digital earth, remotely sensed data provides the compelling evidence that the amount of water vapour transferred from the entire global surface to the atmosphere increased from 1984 to 2007. The validation results from the earlier evapotranspiration (ET) estimation algorithm based on net radiation (R n ), Normalised Difference Vegetation Index (NDVI), air temperature and diurnal air temperature range (DTaR) showed good agreement between estimated monthly ET and ground-measured ET from 20 flux towers. Our analysis indicates that the estimated actual ET has increased on average over the entire global land surface except for Antarctica during 1984–2007. However, this increasing trend disappears after 2000 and the reason may be that the decline in net radiation and NDVI during this period depleted surface soil moisture. Moreover, the good correspondence between the precipitation trend and the change in ET in arid and semi-arid regions indicated that surface moisture linked to precipitation affects ET. The input parameters R n , T air, NDVI and DTaR show substantial spatio-temporal variability that is almost consistent with that of actual ET from 1984 to 2007 and contribute most significantly to the variation in actual ET.  相似文献   


Since Al Gore created the vision for Digital Earth in 1998, a wide range of research in this field has been published in journals. However, little attention has been paid to bibliometric analysis of the literature on Digital Earth. This study uses a bibliometric analysis methodology to study the publications related to Digital Earth in the Science Citation Index database and Social Science Citation Index database (via the Web of Science online services) during the period from 1998 to 2015. In this paper, we developed a novel keyword set for ‘Digital Earth’. Using this keyword set, 11,061 scientific articles from 23 subject categories were retrieved. Based on the searched articles, we analyzed the spatiotemporal characteristics of publication outputs, the subject categories and the major journals. Then, authors’ performance, affiliations, cooperation, and funding institutes were evaluated. Finally, keywords were examined. Through keyword clustering, research hotspots in the field of Digital Earth were detected. We assume that the results coincide well with the position of Digital Earth research in the context of big data.  相似文献   

Ionospheric delay is a dominant error source in Global Navigation Satellite System (GNSS). Single-frequency GNSS applications require ionospheric correction of signal delay caused by the charged particles in the earth’s ionosphere. The Chinese Beidou system is developing its own ionospheric model for single-frequency users. The number of single-frequency GNSS users and applications is expected to grow fast in the next years in China. Thus, developing an appropriate ionospheric model is crucially important for the Chinese Beidou system and worldwide single-frequency Beidou users. We study the performance of five globally accessible ionospheric models Global Ionospheric Map (GIM), International Reference Ionosphere (IRI), Parameterized Ionospheric Model (PIM), Klobuchar and NeQuick in low- and mid-latitude regions of China under mid-solar activity condition. Generally, all ionospheric models can reproduce the trend of diurnal ionosphere variations. It is found that all the models have better performances in mid-latitude than in low-latitude regions. When all the models are compared to the observed total electron content (TEC) data derived from GIM model, the IRI model (2012 version) has the best agreement with GIM model and the NeQuick has the poorest agreement. The RMS errors of the IRI model using the GIM TEC as reference truth are about 3.0–10.0 TECU in low-latitude regions and 3.0–8.0 TECU in mid-latitude regions, as observed during a period of 1 year with medium level of solar activity. When all the ionospheric models are ingested into single-frequency precise point positioning (PPP) to correct the ionospheric delays in GPS observations, the PIM model performs the best in both low and mid-latitudes in China. In mid-latitude, the daily single-frequency PPP accuracy using PIM model is ~10 cm in horizontal and ~20 cm in up direction. At low-latitude regions, the PPP error using PIM model is 10–20 cm in north, 30–40 cm in east and ~60 cm in up component. The single-frequency PPP solutions indicate that NeQuick model has the lowest accuracy among all the models in both low- and mid-latitude regions of China. This study suggests that the PIM model may be considered for single-frequency GNSS users in China to achieve a good positioning accuracy in both low- and mid-latitude regions.  相似文献   

Projecting the future distribution of permafrost under different climate change scenarios is essential, especially for the Qinghai–Tibet Plateau (QTP). The altitude-response model is used to estimate future permafrost changes on the QTP for the four RCPs (RCP2.6, RCP4.5, RCP6.0, and RCP8.5). The simulation results show the following: (1) from now until 2070, the permafrost will experience different degrees of significant degradation under the four RCP scenarios. This will affect 25.68%, 40.54%, 45.95%, and 62.84% of the current permafrost area, respectively. (2) The permafrost changes occur at different rates during the periods 2030–2050 and 2050–2070 for the four different RCPs. (1) In RCP2.6, the permafrost area decreases a little during the period 2030–2050 but shows a small increase from 2050 to 2070. (2) In RCP4.5, the rate of permafrost loss during the period 2030–2050 (about 12.73%) is higher than between 2050 and 2070 (about 8.33%). (3) In RCP6.0, the permafrost loss rate for the period 2030–2050 (about 16.52%) is similar to that for 2050–2070 (about 16.67%). (4) In RCP8.5, there is a significant discrepancy in the rate of permafrost decrease for the periods 2030–2050 and 2050–2070: the rate is only about 3.70% for the first period but about 29.49% during the second.  相似文献   

Mapping plant communities and documenting their changes is critical to the on-going Florida Everglades restoration project. In this study, a framework was designed to map dominant vegetation communities and inventory their changes in the Florida Everglades Water Conservation Area 2A (WCA-2A) using time series Landsat images spanning 1996–2016. The object-based change analysis technique was combined in the framework. A hybrid pixel/object-based change detection approach was developed to effectively collect training samples for historical images with sparse reference data. An object-based quantification approach was also developed to assess the expansion/reduction of a specific class such as cattail (an invasive species in the Everglades) from the object-based classifications of two dates of imagery. The study confirmed the results in the literature that cattail was largely expanded during 1996–2007. It also revealed that cattail expansion was constrained after 2007. Application of time series Landsat data is valuable to document vegetation changes for the WCA-2A impoundment. The digital techniques developed will benefit global wetland mapping and change analysis in general, and the Florida Everglades WCA-2A in particular.  相似文献   

Net primary production (NPP) is a crucial feature of ecosystem function and structure. Furthermore, precipitation use efficiency (PUE) is a critical indicator for exploring NPP in grassland ecosystem responses to variations in precipitation and temperature. In this study, we examined the spatial patterns of NPP and PUE in China’s grasslands from 2000 to 2010 and explored the effects of environmental factors on NPP and PUE at different scales. The results showed first that the spatial distribution of NPP and PUE decreased from the northeast to southwest. NPP increased in most places across China’s grasslands; however, there was no obvious change in PUE during 2000–2010. Second, in most regions across China’s grasslands, positive and negative correlations existed between precipitation and NPP and PUE, respectively. The spatial distribution of the relationship between temperature and NPP and PUE was consistent with the relationship between precipitation with NPP and PUE. Finally, for the gradients of the various environmental factors in different regional grassland ecosystems, on the Tibetan Plateau, there were unimodal correlations between precipitation with NPP and PUE and aridity with NPP and PUE, but a positive linear correlation existed for temperature with NPP and PUE. However, in the Inner Mongolian Plateau, there were positive correlations between precipitation and NPP, temperature and NPP, and aridity and both NPP and PUE and negative correlations between precipitations and PUE and temperature and PUE. Our findings improve understanding of grassland ecosystem responses to global climate change and provide a basis for the protection of grassland ecosystems in arid and semi-arid regions.  相似文献   

Wildfires are frequent boreal forest disturbances in Canada, and emulating their patterns with forest harvesting has emerged as a common forest management goal. Wildfires contain many patches of residual vegetation of various size, shape, and composition; understanding their characteristics provides insights for improved emulation criteria. We studied the occurrence of residual vegetation within eleven boreal wildfire events in a natural setting; fires ignited by lightning, no suppression efforts, and no prior anthropogenic disturbances. Relative importance of the measurable geo-environmental factors and their marginal effects on residual presence are studied using Random Forests. These factors included distance from natural firebreaks (wetland, bedrock and non-vegetated areas, and water), land cover, and topographic variables (elevation, slope, and ruggedness index). We present results at spatial resolutions ranging from four to 64 m while emphasizing four and 32 m since they mimic IKONOS- and Landsat-type images. Natural firebreak features, especially the proximity to wetlands, are among the most important variables that explain the likelihood residual occurrence. The majority of residual vegetation areas are concentrated within 100 m of wetlands. Topographic variables, typically important in rugged terrain, are less important in explaining the presence of residuals within our study fires.  相似文献   

Climate variation and land transformations related to exploitative land uses are among the main drivers of vegetation productivity decline and ongoing land degradation in East Africa. We combined analysis of vegetation trends and cumulative rain use efficiency differences (CRD), calculated from 250-m MODIS NDVI time-series data, to map vegetation productivity loss over eastern Africa between 2001 and 2011. The CRD index values were furthermore used to discern areas of particular severe vegetation productivity loss over the observation period. Monthly 25-km Tropical Rainfall Measuring Mission (TRMM) data metrics were used to mask areas of rainfall declines not related to human-induced land productivity loss. To provide insights on the productivity decline, we linked the MODIS-based vegetation productivity map to land transformation processes using very high resolution (VHR) imagery in Google Earth (GE) and a Landsat-based land-cover change map. In total, 3.8 million ha experienced significant vegetation loss over the monitoring period. An overall agreement of 68% was found between the rainfall-corrected MODIS productivity decline map and all reference pixels discernable from GE and the Landsat map. The CRD index showed a good potential to discern areas with ‘severe’ vegetation productivity losses under high land-use intensities.  相似文献   


Increasing attention has been paid to the deterioration of air quality in China during the past decade. This study presents the spatiotemporal variations of aerosol concentration across China during 2000–2016 using aerosol optical depth (AOD) from the atmospheric product of Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer. Percentile thresholds are applied to define AOD days with different loadings. Temporally, aerosol concentration has increased since 2000 and reached the highest level in 2011; then it has declined from 2011 to 2016. Seasonally, aerosol concentration is the highest in summer and the lowest in winter. Spatially, North China and Sichuan Basin are featured by high aerosol concentration with increasing trends in North China and decreasing trends in Sichuan Basin. North, Southeast and Southwest China have been through increasing days with low AOD loading; however, Northeast China has experienced increasing days with high AOD loading. It is likely that air quality influenced by aerosols has notably improved over North China in spring and summer, over Southwest and Southeast China in autumn, but has degraded over Northeast China in autumn.  相似文献   

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