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No abstract available for this article.  相似文献   

Like all public libraries, rural public libraries in the Appalachian region can play a significant role in the economic development of their communities. Economic development in rural communities potentially benefit from many of the same resources and services all enjoy at public libraries, including free and public Internet access, space, education, question answering, and materials on many business-related subjects. This article reports survey findings of current activities that rural public libraries perform in one state, namely the state of Tennessee, as a case study to apply the lessons and insights to other parts of the United States. The discussion includes assessment of activities and some recommendations to streamline and stimulate all public libraries in conducting this assistance efficiently.  相似文献   

公共图书馆存在的理由:来自图书馆使命的注解   总被引:35,自引:4,他引:35  
在世界范围内,几份重要的公共图书馆文献都将当代公共图书馆的使命界定为教育、信息服务、文化传播、促进社会和谐、培育信息素养、培养阅读兴趣、扫盲。文章首先考察了这些文献对公共图书馆使命的阐述,然后以经验研究(empmal research)发现为依据,考察了这些使命作为公共图书馆存在理由的有效性。研究发现,这些使命在当代政治和社会话语中经常出现,公众对它们也具有很高的需求,从这个意义上说,它们的确为公共图书馆的合理性提供着有效注解,但信息服务使命目前正受到互联网的挑战,扫盲及培养阅读兴趣的使命正在受到图书馆借阅量下滑趋势的挑战。  相似文献   

Just like urban residents, rural citizens want educational, cultural, and technological resources delivered in an affordable manner appropriate to their locale. Rural communities and elected officials strive to leverage their limited resources to meet critical needs, provide services, and improve their quality of life. The Rural Library Project, a small nonprofit in Georgia, is working with rural communities to organize and engage talent, gather resources, and value the public library as a center for lifelong learning and community development.  相似文献   

公共图书馆对公众图书馆意识的培养   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
阐述了我国公众图书馆意识现状,在分析公众图书馆意识淡薄原因的基础上,探讨了公共图书馆对公众图书馆意识培养的途径。  相似文献   

In spite of the growth of digital information and the resultant questioning by some of the value of public libraries, library usage data indicate there were 497,600,000 more visits to public libraries in 2013 than in 1993. Why do people still visit public libraries in the digital age? While many factors drive people to visit public libraries, one thing that public libraries offer that cannot be duplicated online is physical space. Over the decades, library space has been the glue holding the library universe together even as the specific activities that take inside libraries have evolved. While public libraries do an excellent job of promoting their important role in providing access to information, educational resources, technology, and a host of valuable services, they must also promote the value of public library space itself. This requires more than trotting out numbers; it requires telling compelling stories of how public library space is used and reminding the public that the kind of spaces public libraries provide are, in fact, a vanishing resource. The post-911 tightening of security in public buildings of all sorts—coupled with the increasing privatization of what were once public spaces—has left public libraries as perhaps the last remaining indoor public spaces where an individual can remain from opening until closing without needing any reason to be there and without having to spend any money. Public libraries should promote the uniqueness of their spaces in much the same way that National Parks promote the unique spaces they preserve and make available to the public.  相似文献   

县级公共图书馆的生存现状及发展前景——以达州市为例   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文阐述了达州市所属5县1市公共图书馆现状,分析了存在的问题并提出了今后的发展思路。  相似文献   


This article presents the findings of a case study that examined user navigation in a large-scale digital library in the context of academic use. Using the Digital Public Library of America (DPLA) as a case, the study explored user navigation and understanding of a distributed model of large-scale digital libraries. The DPLA model involves two- or three-step navigation pathways. Most study participants could navigate the DPLA distributed, multilayered system effectively. This study found some confusion among the participants when they must move through a three-step process to locate digital objects provided by a metadata aggregator service hub. The study participants also pointed out the advantages of a distributed model in collocating digital resources and connecting users to a wide range of digital libraries.  相似文献   

This document uses the issues and the findings of the 2008 national Summit on Rural and Small Libraries to introduce the two documents that follow this brief article. These reports mark efforts by librarians in the states of Delaware and Tennessee to deal with the issues—finances, staffing, training and what users want—that they see as imperative to solve to move their state's libraries forward. These three documents offer a convenient summary of the pressures that rural and small libraries are facing at the beginning of the 21st century.  相似文献   

在"2012美国最佳小图书馆"的评选中,堪萨斯独立城公共图书馆获得冠军,德克萨斯迪凯特公共图书馆、马萨诸塞多弗镇图书馆也入围最后的决赛。这些图书馆以社区服务为核心,非常重视自身宣传,努力提高图书馆形象,为适应时代需求改革管理与服务模式,大力开展丰富多样的活动,特别重视为少年儿童读者提供特色服务,注重与各机构及企业的合作,对我国图书馆服务有很好的启示作用。  相似文献   

浅谈县级公共图书馆免费开放服务   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
在公共图书馆免费开放服务的新形势下,对新政策作如何解读及研究,作为基层公共图书馆的县级图书馆发展将如何做好免费开放工作是本文讨论的主要内容。  相似文献   

图书馆法的概念、调整对象与图书馆法的作用等是图书馆立法必须考虑的内容。《深圳经济特区公共图书馆条例》是我国图书馆立法领域的一个尝试 ,它的作用、特点、不足与缺陷可以给图书馆界以有益的启示。参考文献 3  相似文献   


The achievement of social justice, which implies the development of collections and the design of services for different user groups, is an objective present in the mission of public libraries. Since the 1950s, Croatian public libraries have been continuously developing collections and services for different user communities. However, one user community has remained largely unrecognized – LGBTIQ people. Therefore, the aim of the research presented in this paper is to examine the importance of the role of public libraries in the life of the LGBTIQ community in the Republic of Croatia. With a sample of 259 respondents, information behaviors, attitudes and experiences of LGBTIQ people in relation to public libraries have been examined via an online survey. In particular, this study explored the extent to which members of public libraries differ from non-members. The obtained results should contribute to a better understanding of the information needs and behavior of members of sexual minorities and help bring this group of users closer to (Croatian) public libraries by ensuring that libraries more adequately respond to their needs.  相似文献   

潘燕桃 《图书馆论坛》2011,31(6):127-132,206
“深圳图书馆之城”是“开放、平等、免费”的公共图书馆理念的成功实践,其成功不仅是充足经费和先进技术的成功,更是普遍均等服务、立法保障和政府责任归位等公共图书馆理念的成功.  相似文献   

在疫情防控常态化的背景下,如何利用网络视频提高服务效能,是公共图书馆追求更高质量发展所需思考的问题.本文采用定量分析方法,通过对疫情期间上海图书馆在微博、哔哩哔哩以及今日头条三个平台所发布的图书馆视频数据进行分析,并对图书馆热门视频的特征进行识别.研究结果表明:以用户为中心、内容上满足用户信息需求和情感需要、形式上与平...  相似文献   

围绕公共图书馆教育、文化、信息服务、促进社会和谐及休闲娱乐五大职能展开论述了我国公共图书馆应开展的基本服务,主要包括培养阅读习惯、扫盲、信息素质教育、支持学校教育、支持终身教育、宣传推广文化、日常信息咨询服务、促进社会融合及为公众提供休闲娱乐等等。参考文献8。  相似文献   

未来图书馆的新模式-智慧图书馆   总被引:11,自引:0,他引:11  
目前智慧图书馆正处于初始阶段,其在智能技术支持下能够无所不在、无时不在地实现书书相联、书人相联、人人相联。数字化、网络化和智能化是智慧图书馆的信息技术基础,而以人为本、绿色发展、方便读者则是智慧图书馆的灵魂与精髓;其内在特征是以人为本的可持续发展,以满足日益增长的读者的信息需求。智慧图书馆是未来图书馆发展的新模式,将使图书馆真正迈向可持续发展之路。  相似文献   

图书馆的评估研究可分为微观评估和宏观评估两种,微观评估主要以单个图书馆作为研究对象,而宏观评估则是以图书馆群体发展总过程的活动为研究对象。文章中提出地区公共图书馆事业评估这一概念,并认为它属于图书馆宏观评估的范畴。地区公共图书馆事业的评估涉及到政府、图书馆、馆员、用户四个主体,文章通过分析四个主体之间的相互关系,构建了地区公共图书馆事业评估指标集合。该指标集合包括政府、环境因素、办馆条件、基础业务建设、用户服务、馆员管理、资金管理六个方面,分有三个层次的指标集合。文章还从该指标集合当中选取部分有可比性的指标构建了一个地区公共图书馆事业评估指标体系的示例。  相似文献   

Public Libraries developed and grew along with the United States. In southwest Kansas, money, materials, staffing, and distance have been factors in the growth of the public libraries, and they remain current factors as well. Library consortia have aided in this development and have helped solve small library problems. This article reports a 2008 survey of public libraries that are served by the Southwest Kansas Library System (SWKLS). The survey lays out the operating conditions of some of America's small libraries and shows the extent of their interrelationship with their consortium.  相似文献   

澳大利亚昆士兰州立图书馆近年来在读者服务、图书馆管理和州内公共图书馆网点建设方面突破图书馆传统管理框架,大胆创新、扩大影响、广设网点、转变方式、增加功能,在文化事业建设和社会生活中发挥着重要的作用。其发展现状和趋势对中国省市级公共图书馆的现代化建设和图书馆管理具有深刻的借鉴和指导作用。  相似文献   

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