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蔡剑  詹庆东 《图书情报工作》2011,55(10):121-138

A qualitative study of the Maureen and Mike Mansfield Library's Web site identified the ways in which students and faculty of the University of Montana used the site for research purposes. This study employed open-ended interview questions and observations to spontaneously capture a user's experience in researching topics in which they specialized. Four thematic recommendations emerged from nine study participants: increase the readability and consistency of the library's Web site, provide research guidance and ease of navigation, offer task-based services that maximize technology, and enable customization. The study led to Web site modifications and a formalized process by which the library will approach subsequent Web site design.  相似文献   


This article describes the card-sorting techniques used by several academic libraries, reports and discusses the results of card-sorting usability tests of the Western Michigan University Libraries’ Web site, and reveals how the WMU libraries incorporated the findings into a new Web site redesign, setting the design direction early on. The article briefly describes open and closed card-sorting techniques and quantitative and qualitative methods of analyzing data commonly used in computer and library science fields. Findings from this study allowed the library design team to vastly improve its initial redesign decisions for a new Web site tabbed navigation system. Card sorting not only helped the design team validate its redesign decisions, but it also opened the WMU libraries to outside innovation, inviting Web site visitors to redesign the Web site free from the libraries’ influence. The simple and inexpensive techniques used here may be useful to any Web librarian or design team embarking upon redesign and usability testing of their own sites and interested in building a more compelling, insightful Web site.  相似文献   

张玲  王琼 《图书情报工作》2009,53(11):32-46
利用网络调查法,调研我国32所高校图书馆开展信息素质教育的现状、信息素质教育在各馆主页中的组织及呈现方式、通过网络所提供的信息素质教育服务功能等内容,总结现阶段我国高校图书馆信息素质教育所包含的业务项目,分析其特点与问题,并为我国高校图书馆信息素质教育服务的发展提出建议。  相似文献   


The number of ebooks continues to grow in academic libraries. Ebooks have many advantages that make them attractive as a library resource. However, ebooks also have restrictions. These include use and sharing restrictions, license restrictions, and technological barriers. Some students also prefer print books for specific tasks. The following articles examine many aspects of ebooks in academic libraries, including student preference, overall ebook use, and the advantages and disadvantages of various ebook acquisition models.  相似文献   

Over the last 4 years this Regular Feature has looked at trends in health science librarianship in the 21st century. Although there are still a few more regions to be covered in this series, this issue explores general trends in academic and research libraries with a view to discovering whether the trends identified for health science libraries are similar. Are health science libraries unique? Or do their experiences mirror those found in the wider world of academic and research libraries? JM  相似文献   

The authors observed 730 collegiate students in the library and recorded their study (or non-study) activities. Approximately 60% of behaviors were study related. The most commonly observed behavior was reading print material (18.8%). The second most common behavior was the use of social media (11.4%). These results have implications for understanding how students learn and study in the pervasive digital world.  相似文献   


This article presents the findings of a case study that examined user navigation in a large-scale digital library in the context of academic use. Using the Digital Public Library of America (DPLA) as a case, the study explored user navigation and understanding of a distributed model of large-scale digital libraries. The DPLA model involves two- or three-step navigation pathways. Most study participants could navigate the DPLA distributed, multilayered system effectively. This study found some confusion among the participants when they must move through a three-step process to locate digital objects provided by a metadata aggregator service hub. The study participants also pointed out the advantages of a distributed model in collocating digital resources and connecting users to a wide range of digital libraries.  相似文献   

[目的/意义]对文献数据库用户心智模型演进的驱动因素结构进行测量。[方法/过程]研究采用问卷调查法收集483份关于文献数据库用户对其心智模型演进驱动因素认知的问卷,采用二阶验证性因素分析方法对收集到的数据进行分析。[结果/结论]研究发现文献数据库用户心智模型的驱动因素有文献数据库界面引导与提示、自我摸索、与同学交流、文献数据库信息服务产品、搜索引擎学习迁移、简单信息检索任务、复杂信息检索任务、信息检索课程、请教老师、图书馆信息检索培训和购物网站学习迁移。这些因素对用户心智模型演进的重要性依次升高。此外,由于用户心智模型构成维度的复合性,每种驱动因素对文献数据库内容认知、信息检索方法认知、信息检索结果筛选的影响都存在差异。研究结果可为文献数据库的界面优化设计和用户信息素养培训提供指导建议。  相似文献   

This article explores the adoption of Community Learning in a subject-specific academic library. The underlying principle for Community Learning is established as being co-agency. The rationale for adopting this theme and related principles are the results of student surveys demonstrating that librarians and libraries are not often used by students for assistance with their studies. Although much work has been achieved by librarians in improving their teaching skills, students may not choose to take advantage of learning provided in academic libraries. Current developments in US academic libraries are compared with the proposed model of Community Learning. The case study explores a number of methods employed by the library staff to engage with the whole community of which it is a part in fostering effective learning. The case study community already provides a tailored and personalized service and views Community Learning as another aspect of the service. It is possible to conclude that the methods adopted have proven to be useful, but more work is needed to embed the co-agency principle more firmly and strategically within the Faculty. Establishing the impact of Community Learning has yet to be formally investigated, but anecdotal evidence demonstrates that the route is worth pursuing.  相似文献   


Creating Web research guides is an effective way to distribute the research expertise and resource knowledge of reference librarians. Using a Web reference guide for Pittsburgh history resources, the author demonstrates that reference librarians can play an integral role not only in the promotion of community resources, but also in the teaching and research of local history. Examples of the Web pages are included, as well as the rationale for the arrangement and inclusion of particular resources and research tips.  相似文献   

对综合性文献数据库大学生用户心智模型的影响因素和效应进行探索。研究采用实验法收集数据,采用独立样本t检验、单因素方差分析和多元线性回归法分析数据。61名大学生参与了此项试验。研究表明:①用户心智模型影响因素方面:网龄和认知风格是造成差异的两个重要因素。就网龄而言,高网龄组的心智模型平均得分高于低网龄组,体现在内容认知、用户负面情感和用户正面情感3个维度。就认知风格而言,场独立组用户的心智模型得分显著高于场依存组,体现在用户界面功能认知维度。年龄的不同对用户心智模型及其各个维度均未产生差异。此外,虽然性别、学科、年级、使用频率、学习风格在用户心智模型整体上没有差异,但却在相应的维度上有差异。②用户心智模型效应方面:用户心智模型在用户特征与用户检索绩效之间存在中介效应。就网龄变量而言,用户心智模型起着完全中介效应;就用户认知风格变量而言,用户心智模型可能起着部分中介效应(仍有待今后进一步验证)。本研究可为大学生个性化信息素养培训提供参考。  相似文献   


Academic libraries have increasingly adopted web-scale discovery tools in order to meet the expectations of students who want immediate results, efficient algorithms, and a single search box. As they have become the de facto search tool at many libraries, librarians and patrons alike have been forced to confront the way they think about research processes and in some cases, modulate ingrained habits. In this article, the authors explore student perceptions of efficacy, relevancy, and ease of use of a library discovery tool through a 2017 mixed-methods user experience study conducted at three City University of New York (CUNY) campuses. The results from this user study will be useful to other institutions that already have implemented discovery layers within their library and help inform website design, discovery layer design, and pedagogy. By combining student interviews with a task analysis, the authors were able to learn more about student search behaviors, how they respond to challenges, and what they expect from search tools. Identifying these barriers to student use of the Primo discovery tool has helped us articulate best practices for instruction and interface customization that may address these barriers and has illuminated implications for website integration.  相似文献   


The researchers conducted a task-based usability test of the effectiveness of online research beginning on the library Web site homepage. The participants included five university faculty members, six graduate students, and six undergraduate students. All participants reported feeling satisfied with their overall research experience, though most were unable to effectively complete all the research tasks of the test. The researchers identified weaknesses in the approach and process of many participants, and overall usability issues of the library discovery tool and other library Web site pages and research interfaces. Findings indicate the need to strategically incorporate self-service information literacy and research skills help into the library Web site, and to implement navigation and design changes to the library homepage, discovery tool interface, online catalog, and across all the library's Web services.  相似文献   


This paper looks at exercises done with user focus groups and how they have influenced the reorganization of Meeting of Frontiers' interpretive text content. Meeting of Frontiers is an international collaborative digital library project at the Library of Congress. Testing consisted of a user survey and card sorting exercises in order to refine the site hierarchy and identify problems with design proposals.  相似文献   

Usability testing is an important element when designing useful, usable academic library Web sites. Since 2001, members of the Florida International University Libraries Web team have worked toward establishing a process that identifies user needs through usability testing. Starting with the libraries’ first Web site redesign project in 2001, the team has taken an active part in improving Web site user experience. After engaging in multiple redesign efforts, the Web team has developed a process that supports awareness of user experience through continual usability testing and feedback gathering. This article presents strategies and practices to measure Web site user experience, including classic usability testing methods (e.g., card sorting activities, focus groups, and task-based user testing), as well as the team's latest effort to assess Web site analytics and content to identify Web site usage patterns and areas of concern. A history of the Florida International University Libraries’ Web site redesign process is presented to illustrate lessons learned and best practices to facilitate future redesign and testing efforts. Taking a longitudinal look at usability testing at one institution, the study aims to inform the development of an effective strategy for user research and content management.  相似文献   

Objective: To make electronic resources available to library users while effectively harnessing intellectual capital within the library, ultimately fostering the library’s use of technology to interact asynchronously with its patrons (users). Methods: The methods used in the project included: (1) developing a new library website to facilitate the creation, management, accessibility, maintenance and dissemination of library resources; and (2) establishing ownership by those who participated in the project, while creating effective work allocation strategies through the implementation of a content management system that allowed the library to manage cost, complexity and interoperability. Results: Preliminary results indicate that contributors to the system benefit from an increased understanding of the library’s resources and add content valuable to library patrons. These strategies have helped promote the manageable creation and maintenance of electronic content in accomplishing the library’s goal of interacting with its patrons. Conclusions: Establishment of a contributive system for adding to the library’s electronic resources and electronic content has been successful. Further work will look at improving asynchronous interaction, particularly highlighting accessibility of electronic content and resources.  相似文献   


In 2016, J. Murrey Atkins Library at the University of North Carolina at Charlotte opened a reservable study room where student parents and caregivers can study with their children on campus. In 2018, the library opened a second family-friendly study room to meet the needs of our growing campus community. To inform the room design, the library conducted a mixed methods research study that included a user survey, an examination of room reservation and usage data, and one-on-one user interviews. This paper focuses on the user-centered design process used to inform the development of the second, family-friendly, library study room.  相似文献   

Creating a learnable, effective, and user-friendly library Web site hinges on providing easy access to search. Designing a search interface for academic libraries can be particularly challenging given the complexity and range of searchable library collections, such as bibliographic databases, electronic journals, and article search silos. Library Web designers must decide whether to present users with a single search interface—one that searches across content silos by default—or to offer an interface that exposes the various silos available. Designers must also contend with the user's entire search experience and determine how search should appear on the library home page as well as in global navigation systems. In the spring of 2010, the North Carolina State University Libraries sought to answer search design questions for an upcoming Web site design effort. The Libraries evaluated two different search interfaces to determine whether a tabbed search approach with options to pre-select silos is an effective design for end users. Findings show that a tabbed search interface is an effective design device for presenting multiple silos. This study outlines the methods the North Carolina State University Libraries used to conduct usability testing as well as observations, findings, and recommendations about effective design of search on academic library Web sites.  相似文献   

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