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We consider an Mx/G/1 queueing system with a vacation time under single vacation policy, where the server takes exactly one vacation between two successive busy periods. We derive the steady state queue size distribution at different points in times, as well as the steady state distributions of busy period and unfinished work (backlog) of this model.Scope and purposeThis paper addresses issues of model building of manufacturing systems of job-shop type, where the server takes exactly one vacation after the end of each busy period. This vacation can be utilized as a post processing time after clearing the jobs in the system. To be more realistic, we further assume that the arrivals occur in batches of random size instead of single units and it covers many practical situations. For example in manufacturing systems of job-shop type, each job requires to manufacture more than one unit; in digital communication systems, messages which are transmitted could consist of a random number of packets. These manufacturing systems can be modeled by Mx/G/1 queue with a single vacation policy and this extends the results of Levy and Yechiali, Manage Sci 22 (1975) 202, and Doshi, Queueing Syst 1 (1986) 29.  相似文献   

This paper treats a bulk arrival queue with randomized working vacation policy. Whenever the system becomes empty, the server takes a vacation. During the vacation period, customers are to be served at a lower rate. Once the vacation ends, the server will return to the normal working state and begin to serve the customers in the system if any. Otherwise, the server either remains idle with probability p or leaves for another vacation with probability 1?p. This pattern continues until the number of vacations taken reaches J. If the system is empty at the end of the Jth vacation, the server will wait idly for a new arrival. By using supplementary variable technique, we derive the system size distribution at arbitrary epoch, at departure epoch and at busy period initial epoch, as well as some important system characteristics. Numerical examples are provided to illustrate the influence of system parameters on several performance measures.  相似文献   

This paper investigates equilibrium threshold balking strategies of customers in a renewal input batch arrival queue with multiple and single working vacation of the server. The vacation period, service period during normal service and vacation period are considered to be independent and exponentially distributed. Upon arriving, the customers decide whether to join or balk the queue based on observation of the system-length and status of the server. The waiting time in the system is associated with a linear cost–reward structure for estimating the net benefit if a customer wishes to participate in the system. Equilibrium customer strategy is studied under four cases: fully observable, almost observable, almost unobservable and fully unobservable. Using embedded Markov chain approach and system cost analysis, we obtain the equilibrium threshold. The analysis of unobservable cases is based on the roots of the characteristics equations formed using the probability generating function of embedded pre-arrival epoch probabilities. Equilibrium balking strategy may be useful in quality of service for EPON (ethernet passive optical network) as a multiple working vacation model and accounting through gatekeeper based H.323 protocols as a single working vacation model.  相似文献   

This paper applies matrix-analytic approach to the examination of the loss behavior of a space priority queue. In addition to the evaluation of the long-term high-priority and low-priority packet loss probabilities, we examine the bursty nature of packet losses by means of conditional statistics with respect to critical and non-critical periods that occur in an alternating manner. The critical period corresponds to having more than a certain number of packets in the buffer; non-critical corresponds to the opposite. Hence there is a threshold buffer level that splits the state space into two. By such a state-space decomposition, two hypothesized Markov chains are devised to describe the alternating renewal process. The distributions of various absorbing times in the two hypothesized Markov chains are derived to compute the average durations of the two periods and the conditional high-priority packet loss probability encountered during a critical period. These performance measures greatly assist the space priority mechanism for determining a proper threshold. The overall complexity of computing these performance measures is of the order O(K2m13m23), where K is the buffer capacity, and m1 and m2 are the numbers of phases of the underlying Markovian structures for the high-priority and low-priority packet arrival processes, respectively. Thus the results obtained are computationally tractable and numerical results show that, by choosing a proper threshold, a space priority queue not only can maintain the quality of service for the high-priority traffic but also can provide the near-optimum utilization of the capacity for the low-priority traffic.  相似文献   

The single server queue with vacation has been extended to include several types of extensions and generalisations, to which attention has been paid by several researchers (e.g. see Doshi, B. T., Single server queues with vacations — a servey. Queueing Systems, 1986, 1, 29–66; Takagi, H., Queueing Analysis: A Foundation of Performance evaluation, Vol. 1, Vacation and Priority systems, Part. 1. North Holland, Amsterdam, 1991; Medhi, J., Extensions and generalizations of the classical single server queueing system with Poisson input. J. Ass. Sci. Soc., 1994, 36, 35–41, etc.). The interest in such types of queues have been further enhanced in resent years because of their theoretical structures as well as their application in many real life situations such as computer, telecommunication, airline scheduling as well as production/inventory systems. This paper concerns the model building of such a production/inventory system, where machine undergoes extra operation (such as machine repair, preventive maintenance, gearing up machinery, etc.) before the processing of raw material is to be started. To be realistic, we also assume that raw materials arrive in batch. This production system can be formulated as an Mx/M/1 queues with a setup time. Further, from the utility point of view of idle time this model can also be formulated as a case of multiple vacation model, where vacation begins at the end of each busy period. Besides, the production/inventory systems, such a model is generally fitted to airline scheduling problems also. In this paper an attempt has been made to study the steady state behavior of such an Mx/M/1 queueing system with a view to provide some system performance measures, which lead to remarkable simplification when solving other similar types of queueing models.This paper deals with the steady state behaviour of a single server batch arrival Poisson queue with a random setup time and a vacation period. The service of the first customer in each busy period is preceded by a random setup period, on completion of which service starts. As soon as the system becomes empty the server goes on vacation for a random length of time. On return from vacation, if he finds customer(s) waiting, the server starts servicing the first customer in the queue. Otherwise it takes another vacation and so on. We study the steady state behaviour of the queue size distribution at random (stationary) point of time as well as at departure point of time and try to show that departure point queue size distribution can be decomposed into three independent random variables, one of which is the queue size of the standard Mx/M/1 queue. The interpretation of the other two random variables will also be provided. Further, we derive analytically explicit expressions for the system state (number of customers in the system) probabilities and provide their appropriate interpretations. Also, we derive some system performance measures. Finally, we develop a procedure to find mean waiting time of an arbitrary customer.  相似文献   

A discrete-time retrial queue with negative customers and unreliable server   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
This paper treats a discrete-time single-server retrial queue with geometrical arrivals of both positive and negative customers in which the server is subject to breakdowns and repairs. Positive customers who find sever busy or down are obliged to leave the service area and join the retrial orbit. They request service again after some random time. If the server is found idle or busy, the arrival of a negative customer will break the server down and simultaneously kill the positive customer under service if any. But the negative customer has no effect on the system if the server is down. The failed server is sent to repair immediately and after repair it is assumed as good as new. We analyze the Markov chain underlying the queueing system and obtain its ergodicity condition. The generating functions of the number of customers in the orbit and in the system are also obtained along with the marginal distributions of the orbit size when the server is idle, busy or down. Finally, some numerical examples show the influence of the parameters on some crucial performance characteristics of the system.  相似文献   

We consider an infinite-buffer single server queue with batch Markovian arrival process (BMAP) and exhaustive service discipline under multiple adaptive vacation policy. That is, the server serves until system emptied and after that server takes a random maximum number H different vacations until either he finds at least one customer in queue or the server have exhaustively taken all the vacations. The maximum number H of vacations taken by the server is a discrete random variable. We obtain queue-length distributions at various epochs such as, service completion/vacation termination, pre-arrival, arbitrary, post-departure and pre-service. The proposed analysis is based on the use of matrix-analytic procedure to obtain queue-length distribution at a post-departure epoch. Later we use supplementary variable method and simple algebraic manipulations to obtain the queue-length distribution at other epochs using queue-length distribution at post-departure epoch. Some important performance measures, like mean queue lengths and mean waiting times have been obtained. Several other vacation queueing models can be obtained as a special case of our model, e.g., single-, multiple-vacation model and queues with exceptional first vacation time. Finally, the total expected cost function per unit time is considered to determine a locally optimal multiple adaptive vacation policy at a minimum cost.  相似文献   

In this paper, we propose a machine repair problem with constant retrial policy, wherein if a failed machine finds the repairman busy upon arrival, it enters into an orbit. The machines in the orbit form a single waiting line, and only the one at the head of the orbit repeats its request for repair. The failure times of operating machines and the repair times of failed machines follow exponential distributions. It is assumed that retrial times are generally distributed. We used the supplementary variable technique to obtain explicit expressions for the steady-state probabilities of the number of failed machines in the orbit. We performed sensitivity analysis of the machine availability and operative efficiency with respect to system parameters and the number of machines in operation. The analysis of the busy period and the waiting time were also presented. Finally, we developed a cost model and formulated a cost minimization problem.  相似文献   

研究了修理工单重休假且由两个不同型部件和一个修理工组成的可修型温贮备系统. 系统考虑了在工作故障和贮备 故障都不能 “修复如新”, 部件 1 是修复非新而部件 2 修复如新的条件下, 假设部件的工作寿命、贮备寿命、故障后的修理时间和贮备故障后的修理时间均服 从不同的指数分布, 修理工休假服从一般连续型分布. 运用几何过程理论、补充变量法、 拉普拉斯变换及拉普拉斯--司梯阶变换, 得到了系统的可用度、可靠度和系统首次故障前平均时间等可靠性指标. 最后, 通过数值模拟验证了结果的有效性.  相似文献   

This paper studies the interdeparture time distribution of one class of customers who arrive at a single server queue where customers of several classes are served and where the server takes a vacation whenever the system becomes empty or is empty when the server returns from a vacation. Furthermore, the first customer in the busy period is allowed to have an exceptional service time (set-up time), depending on the class to which this customer belongs. Batches of customers of each class arrive according to independent Poisson processes and compete with each other on a FIFO basis. All customers who belong to the same class are served according to a common generally distributed service time. Service times, batch sizes and the arrival process are all assumed to be mutually independent. Successive vacation times of the server form independent and identically distributed sequences with a general distribution.For this queueing model we obtain the Laplace transform of the interdeparture time distribution for each class of customers whose batch size is geometrically distributed. No explicit assumptions of the batch size distributions of the other classes of customers are necessary to obtain the results.The paper ends by showing how the mathematical results can be used to evaluate a protocol that controls access to a shared medium of an ATM passive optical network. The numerical results presented in the last section of this paper show that the bundle spacing principle that is used by the permit distribution algorithm of this protocol introduces high delays and in many cases also more variable interdeparture times for the ATM cells of individual connections. An alternative algorithm is proposed that does not cope with these performance short comings and at the same time conserves the good properties of the protocol.  相似文献   

In this paper, a deteriorating repairable system with stochastic lead time and replaceable repair facility is studied. We assume that the spare system for replacement is available only by an order and the lead time for delivering the spare follows exponential distribution. Moreover, we also suppose that the repair facility may be subject to failure during the repair period. Under these assumptions, by using the geometric process and the supplementary variable technique, some important reliability indices such as the system availability, rate of occurrence of failure (ROCOF) and the probability that the system is waiting for replacement are derived. An ordering policy N − 1 and a replacement policy N based on the number of failures of the system are also considered. Furthermore, employing several Lemmas, the explicit expression of the average cost rate is derived. Meanwhile, the optimum value N for minimizing the average cost rate could be determined numerically.  相似文献   

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