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This paper is directed to those interested in measuring trace metals in high-temperature particulate emissions. Particulate handsheet filters with satisfactory purity, efficiency, thermal stability, cost, strength (about 1 lb/in.), and flexibility for analysis of particulates in gases up to 800°C have been made with 99.2% Si02 Microquartzfibers. Almost all purity requirements for optimum atomic absorption and flame emission spectrophotometric analysis for trace metals have been achieved. The filters appear highly promising for X-ray fluorescence analysis but should be further evaluated. Suitability of the filters for neutron activation analysis is uncertain and should also be further evaluated. Dioctyl phthal-ate (DOP) aerosol efficiencies of 99 to 99.99% have been achieved by using fibers of various diameters. The filters are insensitive to humidity, insoluble In most acids and organic solvents. The handsheet filters have a slightly alkaline pH, but similar filters have been made on a papermaking machine with a pH of 6.4. Cost is estimated to be about $2.00/ft2.  相似文献   

This paper presents the results of work conducted by Research-Cottrell under EPA contract 68-02-2104. The feasibility of electrostatic precipitation at temperatures and pressures varying from ambient condition to 1366°K and 3550 kPa, respectively, has been demonstrated in a laboratory wire-pipe electrode system. Stable corona discharges are obtained at all temperatures subject to appropriate choices of electrode dimension, polarity, and pressure. Current-voltage characteristics are reported for dry air, a simulated combustion gas, and a substitute fuel gas. The effects of temperature, pressure, electrode geometry and polarity on sparkover voltage, corona-starting voltage, and current are evaluated. A precipitator performance model is included to incorporate this data into a high temperature, high pressure precipitator design. This model has been evaluated for an electrostatic (HTHP) precipitator following a pressurized fluidized bed combustor at 1089 K and 920 kPa. It is recommended that prototype HTHP electrostatic precipitators be applied to pilot coal gasifiers and fluidized bed combustors to obtain detailed design data and to verify the accuracy of the performance model under actual operating conditions.  相似文献   

The high temperature, high pressure fluidized bed coal combustor concept is intended to deliver a low dust content combustion gas at 1600°F and 11 atmospheres to a gas turbine for electricity generation. The perceived advantages of the system are 1) 15-20% increase in fuel efficiency and 2) flue gas desulfurization by adding crushed limestone to the fluidized bed combustor. A major R & D effort, supported by DOE, EPA, EPRI, and others, was undertaken to identify one or more gas cleaning systems of commercial size capable of 1) meeting EPA’s new source performance standards for coal burning power plants and 2) operating reliably under the severe environmental conditions specified. The principal gas cleaning systems that have been investigated for this service include: ceramic cleanable cloth filters, granular bed filters, rigid, porous ceramic structures, and electrostatic precipitators. Some of the fly ash collectors have been operated up to pilot scale size under realistic conditions. In spite of several years of intensive effort and many millions of dollars expended, production of a commercial unit has not been realized. A major content of this paper is a review of the accomplishments and failures of each of the fly ash collector concepts and a series of recommendations to guide future R & D efforts.  相似文献   

Foliar markings on vegetation have proven a highly sensitive criterion for the presence of many air pollutants; proper evaluation of such effects can serve as a valuable and inexpensive tool for delineating an air pollution condition. Injury symptoms from fluoridt, sulfur dioxide, photochemical oxidants and other pollutants have been described and can be recognized by experienced observers. Field studies provide a valuable technique for appraising an air pollution problem when diagnosis is not confused by other factors. Careful inspection can avert difficulties arising in diagnosis where similar symptoms are produced by agents other than air pollutants. Several factors must be considered in appraising injury. These include a knowledge of the relative sensitivity of plant species to various pollutants, the syndrome of injury on a number of plants and species, and distribution and geographic relation of affected plants to the suspected source. Background information on cultural, environmental, disease and insect conditions which might be responsible for, or modify, foliar markings or chronic effects in question must also be understood. For some pollutants a chemical analysis of foliage and air may prove helpful. When these factors are studied, the presence, distribution and magnitude of an air pollution situation can be evaluated, thus providing a sensitive criterion of air quality.  相似文献   

介绍了高温,高浊度水处理装置处理冶金系统电炉煤气洗涤水的工艺和中试结果,该装置功能高,能耗低,结构简单,占地少,、悬浮物去除效率较好,有掖应用前景。  相似文献   


For the evaluation of air quality improvement strategies, emission data in high temporal and spatial resolution is necessary, including all emission sources and all relevant pollutant species. Computer aided models are usually used to generate this emission data because it is not possible to obtain measurements from all sources, and, furthermore, a large amount of data has to be handled. For the development of emission modeling systems, a software tool called CAREAIR has been created. The intention of this paper is to introduce CAREAIR to the international community dealing with emission inventories and air quality improvement strategies.

CAREAIR is not just a single emission model but a flexible modeling toolbox. The database contains data and formulas for data manipulation, which is performed by using a set of flexible operators with different specifications. The emission calculation is carried out by combining several data manipulation operators. The CAREAIR modeling toolbox allows model implementation for the calculation of emissions from different pollutants in a high spatial and temporal resolution. The application of CAREAIR within various investigation projects in Germany, Europe, and Nigeria shows that CAREAIR is an appropriate instrument for the development of flexible emission models by meeting the various demands of these projects. The function and the data structures of this modeling toolbox are described and, towards the end of the paper, an example of an emission calculation with CAREAIR is given.  相似文献   

An AEI-MS9 high resolution mass spectrometer interfaced with a PDP-12 digital computer has been adapted for the multicomponent analysis of air pollutants. Air sampling techniques for particulate and gaseous pollutants have been developed which are compatible with the mass spectrometric system. A single stage impactor has been designed for sampling particulate matter of particle diameters greater than 1–2 μm. The remainder of the particulate matter is collected on a glass fiber filter. Gaseous pollutants are collected on a styrene-divinylbenzene copolymer (Chromosorb 102).

The particulate samples are introduced directly into the mass spectrometer utilizing a temperature programed insertion probe. Gaseous pollutants are desorbed from the copolymer directly into the mass spectrometer by heating. Analysis of composite mass spectral data is facilitated through the use of a digital computer utilizing newly developed computer programs. Final computer output yields qualitative and quantitative results for up to 300 pollutants. Organic pollutants identified in particulate matter include polycyclic aromatic compounds, alkyl chlorides, polychlorinated aromatics, substituted benzenes and organic acids. Composite quantitative results are reported for alkanes and alkenes in the following groups: C15-C30, C30-C50 and Cso-polymeric. Inorganic pollutants identified include As4O6, H2SO4/ (NH4)2SO4, (NH4)2SO3, NaHSO4, NH4NO3/ NaNO3, NH4CI, SeO2, I2, elemental sulfur, and elemental cadmium.  相似文献   

The IAPCS model, developed by U.S. EPA’s Air and Energy Engineering Research Laboratory and made available to the public through the National Technical Information Service, can be used by utility companies, architectural and engineering companies, and regulatory agencies at all levels of government to evaluate commercially available technologies for control of SO2, NOx, and particulate matter emissions from coal-fired utility boilers with respect to performance and cost. The model is considered to be a useful tool to compare alternative control strategies to be used by utilities to comply with the requirements of the CAA, and to evaluate the sensitivity of control costs with respect to many of the significant variables affecting costs.

To illustrate the use of the model for site-specific studies, the authors used the model to estimate control costs for SO2 and NOx control at Detroit Edison’s Monroe plant and two hypothetical plants under consideration and at three plants operated by New York State Electric and Gas Corporation. The economic and technical assumptions used to drive the model were those proposed by the utilities if cited, and if not cited, the model default values were used. The economic format and methodologies for costs cited in the Electric Power Research Institute’s Technical Assessment Guide are used in the IAPCS model. Depending on the specific conditions and assumptions for the cases evaluated, SO2 control costs ranged from $417 to $3,159 per ton of SO2 removed, and NOx control costs ranged from $461 to $3,537 per ton of NOx removed or reduced.  相似文献   

During the late spring and early summer of 1974, complaints of noisy hi-vols were being reported at an average of five or six per week. Some public reaction to noisy hi-vols was manifest by physical damage being done to samplers and to monitoring site locations as well.  相似文献   

A mathematical model has been developed to study the thermal and chemical processes occurring In a municipal solid waste mass combustor. Treating the solids feed as a mixture of pseudo-components, the model determines the Interrelationships between the solids feed rate, grate travel rate and length, amounts and distributions of primary and secondary air, extent of solids burn out, and the bed and flame temperatures. The model Incorporates the kinetics of pyrolysis of solids and simulates heat and mass transfer within the bed.

The temperature and mass flow profiles generated show that much of the grate Is taken up by the heatup and burnout zones. The heatup zone can be reduced by distributing the primary air to maintain minimal air flow In that region, thereby permitting rapid heatup. Increasing the solids feed rate and adjusting the air flow distributions can reduce the length of the burnout zone. The computer program, available on both PCs and mainframe, can be used for different MSW Incinerator dimensions and feed parameters to Investigate the effects of the control variables and optimize the desired output characteristics, e.g., maximize solids throughput.  相似文献   

对TA高效降解菌株的生长培养基进行了5因素2水平标准的正交设计,考察了碳源(精对苯二甲酸PTA)、氮源(NH4Cl)、磷源(K2HPO4)、生长因子(MgSO4、FeSO4、CaCl2的混合物)和酵母膏对菌体生长的影响。并与肉汤培养基相对照,得到TA高效降解菌株生长培养基为:PTA10g/L;NH4Cl 0.5g/L;K2HPO4 0.1g/L;生长因子(MgSO4 0.1g/L,FeSO4 0.01g/L,CaCl2 0.01g/L的混合物);Y.E2.5g/L。  相似文献   

This paper deals with the development design, and trial application of a sampling train to gather a relatively large amount of particulate sample in a short period of time. With air pollution sources installing control equipment to reduce emissions to the required low levels, it becomes necessary to use a sampling device which can collect a representative sample in a reasonable period of time. Some of the sampling trains currently being specified are expensive, awkward, and nearly impossible to use under field conditions. The high-volume train overcomes ail of these shortcomings and has some additional advantages. It uses the same glass fiber filter that is specified for ambient air particulate sampling so the emission test results are directly comparable to ambient air sampling data. The laboratories currently weighing and analyzing the glass filters need no additional equipment for the emission sampling analysis. The sample collected by the high-volume probe may be analyzed microscopically for size and characteristics of the particles. This is very important if control equipment is to be specified for the process or source. The high-volume sampler was evaluated on field tests of wood fired boilers, incinerators, wigwam burners, asphalt batching plants, seed cleaning plants, and wood fiber filtration systems. The results of several typical tests using the sampler on these sources are included in the paper.  相似文献   

钙基脱硫剂高温固硫性能的影响因素试验分析   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
对含硫量为1.51%的大同煤,在不同的气氛和工况下加入钙基脱硫剂,并辅以添加剂,在800—1200℃的高温下开展了较为系统的试验和分析。与CaCO3和CaO相比,Ca(OH)2具有更好的高温固硫性能;Ca(OH)2、CaCO3和CaO在900℃左右均表现出很好的固硫率;氧化气氛较适用于1000℃以下固硫;高温取Ca/S比为2.0~2.5时较适合;按一定比例添加Fe2O3、SiO2和Al2O3配置的复合脱硫剂脱硫效率更高(试验值66.67%),复合添加剂能提高1000℃以上的固硫率,加宽了最佳固硫温度范围,且能维持比较稳定的高温固硫效果;不同条件下,CaSO4分解特性不同。  相似文献   


The high temperature CaO/SO2 reaction was studied using four Swedish limestones and one dolomite as sorbents. The measurements were carried out in a vacuum thermogravimetric analysis (TGA) apparatus in order to investigate the intrinsic reaction mechanism. The reaction was found to be fast at the beginning due to the surface reaction, while the subsequent stage was controlled by the product layer diffusion, showing a lower reaction rate. The reaction rate increased as temperature increased up to 1000 °C in the range tested. SO2 partial pressure weakly affected the reaction. The fine sorbent particles used in the study resulted in the high CaO conversion. Further grinding of the sorbents gave a small increase in CaO conversion. Sintering generally decreased the initial reactivity but might not affect the ultimate CaO capacity. The larger pores in nascent CaO particles were valuable for the initial reaction conversion.  相似文献   

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