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巢式群体可以利用多个亲本解析复杂性状的遗传机制。本研究利用1个共同亲本与6个基础亲本所配置巢式组合F2:3家系的种子脂肪含量数据,分析了花生脂肪含量的遗传模型,旨在探明不同的基础亲本组合中脂肪含量性状的遗传差异,为制定脂肪含量遗传改良的亲本选配和后代选择策略提供依据。6个组合的共同亲本为高脂肪含量的普通型大果品种豫花15号,其他6个基础亲本为不同脂肪含量和不同植物学类型的品种。结果表明,在不同杂交组合中脂肪含量的遗传模式有所不同,6个组合分别符合无主基因模型、1对主基因加性显性模型和2对主基因等显性模型3种遗传模式。各种遗传效应的估计值也各不相同,主基因遗传力从32%到80%,说明不同杂交组合中,控制脂肪含量的基因位点差异及其重组和分离方式不同。高脂肪含量双亲杂交后代的高脂肪含量个体较多,但主基因遗传力较低,不宜在早代实施表型选择;双亲脂肪含量差异较大的后代脂肪含量变异幅度更大,能够选择到不同脂肪含量的类型。本研究也表明,巢式组合具有较丰富的脂肪含量变异类型,揭示出脂肪含量性状遗传的复杂性和多基因调控的特点,为较全面地了解脂肪含量的遗传提供了基础。该巢式群体也将有助于进一步开展脂肪含量的QTL定位研究。  相似文献   

B.R. Ntare 《Euphytica》1999,107(2):141-147
Selection of superior crosses of groundnut (Arachis hypogaea L.) in early generations would increase the probability of identifying superior lines. The objective of this study was to determine the potential of selecting for physiological traits identified in a yield model [crop growth rate (C), reproductive duration (DR) and partitioning (p)] in segregating populations. Forty populations and nine parental lines were evaluated in replicated trials in 1992 (F2, 1993 (F3) and 1994 (F4) at three locations in Niger. Physiological traits were estimated from final yield and biomass as well as data on flowering and maturity. Regressions from two different parent-offspring generations (F2: F3 and F3: F4) were calculated. The results were compared to determine if early generation performance accurately predicts the performance of cross bulks in later generations. Differences were observed among populations and parents for all traits. Effects of locations were significant for C, p and DR in F2 and F3 but nonsignificant for yield and C in F4. Regression coefficients from F3: F2 were 0.10 ± 0.08 for C, 0.45 ± 0.17 for p, 0.10 ± 0.03 for DR and 0.16 ± 0.03 for pod yield. Based on F3: F4 regression, the coefficients were 0.12 ± 0.23 for C, 0.46 ± 0.17 for p and 0.57 ± 0.17 for yield. Parent-offspring correlations were in most cases similar to the regression values. It was concluded that selection for yield and model components in early generation bulks may inneffective. This revised version was published online in July 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

Effects of temperature × photoperiod interaction on vegetative and reproductive growth were examined in three selected groundnut genotypes by growing them in controlled-environment growth chambers with three temperature regimes (22/18, 26/22, and 30/26°C, day/night) under long (12 h, long day), and short (9 h, short day) photoperiods. The effect of photoperiod on the total dry-matter production (TDM) was significant with the genotypes producing 32–72% greater dry matter under LD than SD. Temperature × genotype interaction effects were significant, with the dry-matter production being greatest at 26/22°C and least at 30/26°C and 22/18°C in two of the three genotypes. Leaf area (LA) was greater under LD than SD at all temperature regimes. LA accounted for 76% of the variation in shoot + root dry weight (R2= 0.76, P < 0.01). A lack of relationship between LA and pod weight or pod numbers suggested that the pod development is controlled by factors other than carbon assimilation. The temperature × photoperiod interaction was significant for root growth, with the root weight being maximal and photoperiod effects being minimal at 22/18°C, while at 26/22°C, root weight declined and photoperiod effects became prominent. Low temperature (22/18°C) affected the reproductive development by reducing the proportion of reproductive nodes in total (vegetative + reproductive) nodes. The conversion of pegs into pods, as indicated by pod to peg ratio (PPR), was lower in LD than in SD conditions. Results suggested that the PPR could be used as an indicator of genotypic sensitivity to photoperiod in groundnut.  相似文献   

长期连作对不同花生品种生长发育、产量与品质的影响   总被引:4,自引:3,他引:1  
花生是我国重要的油料作物和经济作物,连作障碍已成为花生产业发展面临的突出问题。为解析长期连作对不同花生品种生长发育、产量及内在品质的影响,我们对7个不同花生品种在3年连作地块和10年连作地块的生长发育、产量与产量构成及品质相关指标进行测定分析。结果表明花生出苗率与出苗时间不受连作年限长短影响,且品种间差异不大,但其他形态性状指标、产量与产量构成以及品质指标均受连作年限影响,且不同品种对连作年限的敏感度表现各异。综合生长发育与产量及产量构成各项指标,花育19号、花育20号、花育34号对长期连作最为敏感,花育30号和花育33号敏感度居中;花育26号和花育50号属于对长期连作的耐受品种。花生内在品质同样受连作年限影响,但品种间对连作年限的反应有所差异。  相似文献   

为了在不同土壤环境下选育出低镉(Cd)积累型花生品种以提高花生品质,以‘白沙1016号’品种花生(Arachis hypogaea L.)为供试作物,棕壤和潮土为供试土壤,采用盆栽试验的方法,研究了2种类型土壤对花生籽实Cd积累特性的影响。结果表明:2种类型土壤条件下的花生籽实生物量差异显著(P<0.05);在供试土壤Cd处理范围内(≤10.0 mg/kg),籽实生物量均随2种土壤Cd处理浓度增加呈“低促高抑”现象。花生籽实对土壤Cd的生物富集系数均随2种土壤Cd处理增加呈显著降低趋势(P<0.05),且土壤类型间差异不显著。花生籽实Cd含量和Cd生物富集量均随2种土壤Cd处理的增加而显著增加(P<0.05),但两者在棕壤介质中均显著大于潮土(P<0.05)。土壤类型对花生籽实Cd积累差异的影响主要体现在籽实Cd含量和生物富集量方面。而土壤pH、氧化还原电位(Eh)等均是影响籽实对Cd积累差异的重要因素。  相似文献   

Twenty six lines of groundnut (Arachis hypogaea L.) of varying productivity were tested for yield under four treatments involving fungicidal control of rust and leafspots. Disease severity was measured at two stages of growth, namely 70 days (stage 1) and 90 days after sowing (stage 2). Instead of pod yield, a score (based on an Isd test and grouping over pod yield, shelling %, 100-kernel weight and % residual green leaf area at stage 2) was used to define performance status of the lines. A study of various character combinations revealed the importance of % residual green leaf area at both stages 1 and 2 in predicting the relative yield performance of lines. This result was obtained by comparing the % agreement of the status of lines given by a particular character set with performance status and was confirmed by a multiple regression analysis of pod yield on all other traits. Seven lines and three progenitor parents showed stability of performance with respect to rust resistance. They included lines derived from crosses between the national check, ‘Robut 33—1’, as one parent and either a rust resistant genotype, NC Ac 17090 or an early Russian accession of (Spanish type) ‘Chico’, as the other. It was suggested that breeding programmes should take into account performance status based on yield and disease severity instead of pod yield alone.  相似文献   

钙影响花生胚胎发育/败育特异蛋白质的筛选与鉴定   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
缺钙花生(Arachis hypogaea L.)严重空荚(胚胎败育)导致减产降质长期困扰南方花生生产。以大田足(施足钙)、缺(缺钙地大田本底)钙条件下花生的种植与观察为基础 ,利用改良的传统双向电泳、MALDI-TOF质谱和蛋白质数据库等手段,得到了7个与受钙影响花生早期胚胎败育/发育有关的差异表达蛋白。4#差异蛋白是与菠菜(Spinacia oleracea)的70 kD的叶绿体被膜休克相关蛋白高度相似的缺钙组表达上调的特异蛋白; 6#差异蛋白与三叶胶(Hevea brasiliensis)的线粒体前体中的ATP合酶的β链高度相似,该蛋白在缺钙幼胚缺失; 7#差异蛋白在低钙组缺失,其与马铃薯(Solanum tuberosum)的肌动蛋白97或100类似,等等。研究结果提示,受钙胁迫花生幼胚败育可能与早期幼胚内能量转化、氧化还原系统、细胞内膜以及细胞骨架功能维持相关的功能基因的表达异常有关。初步揭示了受钙影响花生胚胎败育的分子机理。  相似文献   

高油酸是花生重要的品质性状,高油酸花生及其制品具有较好的品质稳定性和较高的营养和保健价值。我国高油酸花生的育成品种类型较少,遗传背景不够丰富,育种手段比较单一。针对上述问题,本研究开发了AS-PCR-MP高油酸分子标记检测方法,优化了KASP分子标记检测体系,利用分子标记辅助连续回交,结合近红外品质快速检测技术及南繁加代技术,以河南省大面积推广的豫花15、远杂9102、豫花9327、豫花9326四个不同类型品种为轮回亲本, 5年内连续回交4代、自交4代,定向获得了4个轮回亲本遗传背景的BC4F4和BC4F5稳定高油酸改良材料24个。调查分析了BC4F4和BC4F5单株的13个农艺性状与轮回亲本的相似度,并利用轮回亲本与非轮回亲本之间的差异SNP的KASP分子标记进行了BC4F4和BC4F5株系的轮回亲本遗传背景检测。结果表明,轮回亲本的遗传背景在BC4F5的比例为79.49%~92.31%。本研究为快速高效改良花生油酸含量探索了新的方法,获得的新品系拓展了高油酸花生的遗传背景,获得的一系列近等基因系可作为遗传研究材料进一步加以利用。  相似文献   

The seeds of groundnut cultivar GG-2 were categorized according to their test weight (100 seed weight) as bold (58.2 g), medium (37.9 g), small (24.9 g), small wrinkled (13.4 g) and control (30.3 g) seed lot. The variation in their size and dimension was also taken into account. The overall germination percentage was high for medium size seeds and was closely followed by bold seeds. The performance of the small and small wrinkled seeds was comparable to that of control. The seed vigour was found to be higher with heavier seeds. Small seeds exhibited equally good performance in response to seed germination and growth of the seedling components. There were no significant differences for the development of hypocotyl, epicotyl and plumule.  相似文献   

Peanut is an important constituent of crop rotation systems with various vegetable crops, which need large amounts of inorganic nitrogen. Nitrate inhibits nodule formation and nitrogen fixation of the peanut plants in these cropping systems. To elucidate this nitrate-induced inhibition, an experimental method using a split-root system was designed and the inhibitory level of nitrate (14 m M ) was applied to half of the roots for 5 or 30 days in pot experiments. In the application of nitrate for 5 days, the dry weight, the nitrogen content, and both the number and the fresh weight of nodules for each half of the roots were unaffected by the nitrate applied to the other half. However, the nitrate induced significantly lower nitrogenase activity in the applied half. In the application for 30 days, nitrate induced a significantly higher nitrogen content in the applied half of the roots, and the inhibitory effect on nodulation and nodule development was observed not only in the applied half but also in the other half. Thus, the inhibitory effect of long-term nitrate application on the nodulation and nitrogenase activity of peanut may be systemic, but that of short-term nitrate application, in which external nitrate may regulate nitrogen fixation, may not be systemic.  相似文献   

花生(Arachis hypogaea L.)是典型“地上开花、地下结果”的作物,为从转录后调控水平解析此独特的果实发育现象,本文应用small RNA测序技术研究荚果发育11个时期果壳及种子中的microRNA及其靶基因。通过测序分别获得212个已知的microRNA和112个新microRNA,其中,已知microRNA包括197个保守microRNA和15个花生特异microRNA,新microRNA来自62个新的microRNA前体序列。表达分析发现,67个microRNA及其靶基因在荚果发育的11个时期存在时空特异性表达,部分microRNA的表达量积累阶段性调节果壳与种子的发育,表明microRNA参与了花生荚果暗发育的整个过程。此外,对28个microRNA与30个靶基因进行荧光定量PCR验证发现,microRNA和靶基因的表达趋势与测序结果基本一致。本研究通过对花生荚果不同发育时期的果壳和种子进行small RNA测序,鉴定参与调控花生荚果膨大相关的microRNA,为研究黑暗条件下植物果实发育的调控机制与花生遗传改良奠定理论基础。  相似文献   

Improving the host genotype is one method of increasing biological nitrogen fixation by Bradyrhizobium in symbiosis with peanut (Arachis hypogaea L.), but host-strain interactions also must be considered. The objective of this study was to estimate the effect of Bradyrhizobium strains on the inheritance of traits related to nitrogen fixation. Eight parents and the F1 generation of a diallel cross were evaluated in symbiosis with two bacterial strains for combining ability in a factorial arrangement in the greenhouse. The parents represented three taxa of cultivated peanuts. The two Bradyrhizobium strains NC 92 and NC 123 produced different general and specific combining ability, maternal (reciprocal general) effects, and reciprocal specific effects for the host genotypes. With strain NC 92, the peanut cultivars NC 7 and NC Ac 2821 had the best general combining ability for all traits evaluated; while, with strain NC 123, Robut 33-1 exhibited a high general combining ability (GCA) for nitrogenase activity and specific activity. Genotype NC Ac 2821, when inoculated with strain NC 123, had a negative GCA effect for nodule number, while with strain NC 92 this cultivar had the highest GCA effect. The importance of strain selection in evaluating lines in a breeding program is discussed.  相似文献   

花生黄曲霉侵染抗性的AFLP标记   总被引:23,自引:1,他引:23  
雷永  廖伯寿  王圣玉  李栋  姜慧芳 《作物学报》2005,31(10):1349-1353
本研究利用抗、感黄曲霉菌侵染的花生品种为亲本配制杂交组合“J11×中花5号”,以其F2分离群体为研究材料,采用AFLP技术和BSA分析方法,获得了与花生黄曲霉菌侵染抗性连锁的2个分子标记,标记与抗性间的遗传距离分别为8.8 cM和6.6 cM;利用获得的分子标记对抗、感黄曲霉的花生种质资源进行了分子鉴定,实验结果表明分子标记与抗性鉴定结果具有较高的一致性,证实了两标记应用于研究群体之外的育种潜力。该抗侵染分子标记的建立为开展花生抗黄曲霉辅助选择育种提供了有效的筛选技术。  相似文献   

Experiments were carried out during winter–summer (January–June) season to understand the role of seed testa, cotyledons and embryonic axis in imparting dormancy of some groundnut cultivars belonging to different habit groups. Crop was harvested at four maturity stages; 90, 100, 110 and 121 days after emergence (DAE). After drying the pods in shade for 2 days, the germination of seeds with (GST) and without (GSW) testa in rolled germination towels and seeds, and embryonic axes (GEM) in culture media from individual plants of a cultivar was studied. Seed testa played an important role in imparting dormancy followed by the cotyledons, and embryonic axis. However, the nature of dormancy of embryonic axis appeared to be different from that of the testa and cotyledons. Results suggested that the dormancy in groundnut is regulated mainly by testa (a maternal tissue) in the Spanish type, but by cotyledons, and embryonic axis (both zygotic tissue) as well as testa in Virginia types. Thus the genetic control of seed dormancy in groundnut appears to be quantitative in nature.  相似文献   

根据栽培花生鲁花14生物素羧基载体蛋白基因accB1和accB2 cDNA序列设计基因特异引物,克隆了花生野生近缘种Arachis duranensis、A.rigonii、A.batizocoi和A.hoehnei的accB1和accB2 cDNA 序列.序列分析表明,accB1和accB2在栽培花生和野生近缘种中高度保守,氨基酸序列一致性分别高于98.6%和97.5%. A基因组A.duranensis、A.rigonii和B 基因组A.batizocoi、A.hoehnei 的accB1和accB2的氨基酸序列存在差异,但与基因组来源无关.花生野生近缘种A.duranensis、A.rigonii、A.batizocoi和A.hoehnei accB2基因组序列分析表明,栽培花生和野生近缘种的accB2的基因结构相同. A基因组的A.duranensis与B 基因组的A.batizocoi和A.hoehnei的accB2 基因组DNA核苷酸序列一致性分别为98.9%,98.8%,而A 基因组的A.rigonii与A.duranensis、A.batizocoi和A.hoehnei 的序列一致性分别为93.5%,93.6%,93.4%.研究表明,生物素羧基载体蛋白基因在栽培花生及野生近缘种中非常保守.  相似文献   

The combining abilities for physical-quality traits in peanut were examined to understand the type of gene action governing these traits, and to identify peanut genotypes suitable for use as parents in breeding for quality improvement. The F1 hybrids including reciprocals from a six-parent diallel cross along with the parents were evaluated in a randomised complete block design. Data were recorded on five quality traits in peanut viz., shelling outturn, 100-pod weight, 100-seed weight, Count and proportion of sound mature seeds. Substantial genetic variability was observed among the hybrids for the traits studied. Diallel analysis indicated that expression of majority of the quality traits is regulated predominantly by additive gene action suggesting possibility of early-generation selection, while non-additive gene action also plays an equally important role in the control of seed size. Significant reciprocal effect for all the traits denoted role of maternal parent in the expression of quality traits and importance of parental selection in quality breeding. Genotypes ICGV 86564 and TPG 41 were good combiners for seed size, while J 11 was a good combiner for improvement of shelling outturn and proportion of mature seeds. Association between general combining ability (GCA) effects and mean performance suggested that the performance per se of the genotype should be a good indicator of its ability to transmit the desirable quality attributes to its progenies. Though performance of crosses was found to be independent of parental GCA status, it is evident that at least one of the parents used in hybridisation should have large pods and seeds for obtaining better segregants.  相似文献   

Studies were carried out to understand the effect of mepiquat chloride (1,1–dimethyl piperidinium chloride) on some important physiological and yield characteristics of groundnut (Arachis hypogaea L.). Mepiquat chloride was sprayed at the concentration of 100, 125 and 150 ppm on 25 DAS (days after sowing), 35 DAS and 45 DAS respectively and compared with CCC (2–Chloro ethyl trimethyl ammonium chloride) which was sprayed at 100 ppm on 45 DAS. Response of the crop for both chemicals was almost similar but varying in magnitude. Among the treatments application of mepiquat chloride at 125 ppm on 35 DAS was found to be the best which reduced the shoot length and Leaf Area Index (LAI) and enhanced the root length and Crop Growth Rate (CGR). Yield characteristics such as Total Dry Matter Production (TDMP), number of flowers, and pod yield were also increased by the application of mepiquat chloride at 125 ppm on 35 DAS. This treatment recorded the maximum pod yield of 2611 Kg per hectare accounting for 24 % increase over CCC which is currently recommended to improve the yield of groundnut. The results of the present investigation indicated that foliar spray of mepiquat chloride at 125 ppm concentration on 35 DAS was optimum and improved the physiological efficiency of groundnut leading to higher yield.  相似文献   

本研究利用NCBI的GenBank数据库中公布的花生86 132条EST序列以及利用高油酸品种E12所创建的cDNA文库中的12 501条EST序列,对这些序列进行前期处理,总共获得非冗余且拼接较长的singleton 11 260条,contig 9 972条.通过MISA软件分析发现两个EST库中共包含有3 104个SSR位点,占到总共非冗余序列的11.08%.这些SSR位点被分成二核苷酸重复、三核苷酸重复、四核苷酸重复、五核苷酸重复、六核苷酸重复以及混合核苷酸重复等,其中三核苷酸重复占的比例最多,分别占到NCBI和cDNA文库的43.0%和56.8%,二核苷酸和五核苷酸重复占到所有重复位点的第二位和第三位,六核苷酸重复的比例最少.在所有重复基序中,AG/TC重复的数量最多,分别占到NCBI和cDNA文库的8.65%和13.42%.在三核苷酸重复中,CTT/GAA出现的频率最大,分别占到6.7%和13.42%.所有这些SSR基序的长度在4~51个之间.  相似文献   

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