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近年来,随着技术的进步和网络的普及,人们的阅读工具、阅读内容和阅读习惯都发生了深刻的变化,以网络、数字为主的阅读方式正在取代传统阅读方式.  相似文献   

王玉娥 《网友世界》2012,(24):9-12,15
网络道德失范行为是青少年学生在网络社会下失去网络道德的约束或自身内部的自律而产生的一种非常态行为,是道德失范行为的一种新类型。青少年学生的网络道德失范行为可以归为五类,即不良信息获取、不当的信息制作与传播、制造和传播病毒、充当网络黑客攻击他人、网络社会交往中的失范行为。  相似文献   

网络进入学生的生活必然对其产生正、负两方面的影响,教育工作者要正确认识这一问题,悉心研究学生心理,用巧妙的办法扬网络之长,避网络之短。  相似文献   

随着互联网的普及,青少年网络犯罪问题日益引起社会关注。本文以教育、监管与法律责任为切入点,分析了预防青少年网络犯罪的策略与挑战。首先,本文探讨了青少年网络犯罪的类型、特点及发展趋势,进而分析了影响青少年网络犯罪的各种因素。接着,文章分别阐述了家庭、学校与社会教育在预防青少年网络犯罪中的作用。在监管方面,本文重点讨论了网络空间管理和企业监管责任的重要性,以及青少年保护机制的建立。在法律责任与法律制度完善方面,文章系统地总结了网络犯罪相关法律法规,明确了青少年网络犯罪的法律责任,并提出了完善法律制度的建议。最后,本文总结了预防青少年网络犯罪的多元化策略,并指出未来研究的方向与挑战,包括新技术应用、跨国合作、青少年网络行为与心理特点研究以及政策制定与实施等。本文旨在为预防青少年网络犯罪提供理论支持和实践指导。  相似文献   

从计算机网络发展的特点、青少年网络活动的主要特征、网络发展对青少年的危害以及为青少年创建一个绿色的网络空间的对策和建议,4个方面进行阐述。  相似文献   

文章以预防青少年网络犯罪为目的,运用计算机取证技术,开发一款能够监控青少年网络行为的软件,有助于尽早发现其异常的网络行为,预防网络犯罪,维护网络安全。  相似文献   

网络成瘾影响了青少年正常的生活、学习和工作,从元认知的角度对这一现象进行了分析,本文分别从元认知知识、元认知体验和元认知技能的角度分析网络成瘾,探究网络成瘾的形成原因。  相似文献   

近年来青少年网络犯罪案件呈上升趋势。青少年网络犯罪主要表现为非法入侵计算机系统、制造和传播网络病毒、制作和传播色情信息、网络诈骗、侮辱诽谤、网络勒索、网络暴力等形式。具有犯罪主体法制观念淡薄、犯罪过程隐蔽性高、取证困难、社会危害较为严重等特征。预防和治理青少年犯罪需要发挥政府主导作用,加强网络法治建设与规范管理,学校、家庭积极参与,强化青少年的思想道德教育与法律意识教育,关注青少年的健康成长和全面发展,统筹兼顾,标本兼治,才能有效遏制青少年网络犯罪。  相似文献   

当前,信息技术迅猛发展,互联网络作为传播新媒介,正悄然改变着我们的工作、学习和生活,它对青少年学生思想品德的形成也将产生越来越大的影响。应该说网络对于未成年人的思想道德影响是一柄双刃剑,如何利用,这是摆在学校德育工作面前的挑战。  相似文献   

近年来,在许多举世震惊的青少年暴力犯罪背后,都能看到网络暴力文化的影子。如何让青少年远离网络暴力,是一个值得教育工作者深思的问题。  相似文献   

为了解高职生网络成瘾程度、网络行为特点及其影响因素,为预防和控制高职生网络成瘾提供理论依据,笔者采用分层随机整群抽样的方法,在南昌市五所高等职业技术院校在校学生中进行了现场匿名问卷调查.结果网络成瘾检出率为10.76%,每周上网时间多、在网吧上网、男生、高年级、理科为网络成瘾的危险因素,网络成瘾与多种因素有关,应从多方面进行针对性防治.  相似文献   

为了解高职生网络成瘾程度、网络行为特点及其影响因素,为预防和控制高职生网络成瘾提供理论依据,笔者采用分层随机整群抽样的方法,在南昌市五所高等职业技术院校在校学生中进行了现场匿名问卷调查。结果网络成瘾检出率为10.76%,每周上网时间多、在网吧上网、男生、高年级、理科为网络成瘾的危险因素,网络成瘾与多种因素有关,应从多方面进行针对性防治。  相似文献   

Young’s (1998a) Internet Addiction Test (IAT) is one of the most commonly used measures of problematic Internet use. Although the instrument is being increasingly applied in research with adolescents, its measurement structure has not been systematically evaluated with pre-adult respondents. Because the results of previous factor-analytic studies with adults have been highly inconsistent, the present study applied both the traditional (simple-structure) and novel (bifactor) modeling approaches to derive the most optimal measurement structure of the IAT for adolescents. The results of exploratory and confirmatory analyses in a large Canadian sample of high-school students (N = 1948) converged on a bifactor model with a dominant global IA factor and two distinct sub-dimensions, each associated with a unique gender and problem behaviour profile. The discussion focuses on the implications of this bifactor structure for scale scoring and substantive theory on the nature and sources of individual differences in Internet addiction.  相似文献   

A key element of research on Internet addiction is a valid and reliable assessment of problems individuals experience in their daily life due to an excessive or pathological use of the Internet. One of the most frequently used questionnaires is Young’s Internet Addiction Test (IAT). However, the factorial structure of the IAT is still discussed controversially. In four studies with different samples we (a) addressed the factorial structure of the IAT with exploratory factor analysis and reduced the items to those with sufficient factor loadings and good item characteristics, (b) checked the factorial structure using confirmatory factor analysis, and (c) analyzed convergent, divergent and incremental validities. We revealed a short version of the IAT, which consists of 12 items and a two-factorial solution with good reliability (study 1). The two factors were named “loss of control/time management” and “craving/social problems”. This two-factorial solution was confirmed by the confirmatory factor analysis (study 2) and we have found good indices for convergent, divergent and incremental validity (studies 3 and 4). In conclusion, the short version of the IAT has good psychometric properties and represents the Internet addiction’s key elements based on the proposed diagnostic criteria.  相似文献   

A number of diagnostic scales have been developed in recent years to assess Internet addiction. To better understand the structure, validity, and reliability of such assessment instruments, Young’s Internet Addiction Test (IAT) was evaluated using a confirmatory approach.Data collected through a survey of 410 Hong Kong university undergraduates was subjected to exploratory factor analysis and data from a hold-out sample was analyzed using confirmatory factor analysis in order to assess the psychometric properties and factor structure of the IAT scale. Three dimensions, namely, “Withdrawal and Social Problems”, “Time Management and Performance”, and “Reality Substitute” were extracted.These dimensions were then correlated with a number of criterion variables, including academic performance, online activities, gender, and Internet usage. The results show that academic performance was negatively correlated with the Internet addiction scores. The degree of Internet addiction was also found to vary across different types of online activity, with people engaged in cyberrelationships and online gambling having higher Internet addiction scores.  相似文献   

Internet function and Internet addictive behavior   总被引:7,自引:1,他引:7  
Ju [Research on personal characteristics, the behavior of using Internet and Internet addiction for Taiwanese college study. Master thesis. Taiwan, 2000] found the Internet function was related to the severity of Internet addiction, and this study explored the relationship between the Internet function and the Internet addictive behavior. Seventy-six college students were included in this study and had completed the Internet use function questionnaire (social function, informational function, leisure function and the virtual emotional function) and the Chinese Internet Addiction Scale (compulsive use, withdrawal, tolerance, time management problem and interpersonal and health problems). The study revealed not only the relationship between the social function and the index of the Internet dependence (compulsive use, withdrawal, tolerance and the problems in the interpersonal relationship and health), but also the correlation between the information function and the index of the Internet abuse (the problems in the interpersonal relationship and health). We found the social function played the core role in the Internet addictive behavior and the mechanism needs further discussion.  相似文献   

高校作为知识的集散地和传播主阵地.高校的思想教育工作者必须深刻分析和研究新环境下高校学生思想政治教育工作的特点.认清互联网对高校学生思想政治教育工作的影响,理性探讨高校学生思想政治教育的思路与方法.切实增强工作的整体效力。  相似文献   

Although not designated as an official diagnostic entity, problematic Internet use (or “Internet addiction”, IA) has received increasing attention in professional literature, both within psychology and in other fields. Given the Internet’s popularity and growing recognition of its misuse, it seems legitimate to question whether IA is being given similar attention in relevant academic courses. To address this question, the author surveyed current college-level introductory and abnormal psychology textbooks for references to the IA phenomenon. Of the 44 texts examined, only three specific references to IA (or similar terminology) were found. Recommendations are made regarding the coverage of this contemporary concern in updated text editions.  相似文献   

防火墙技术是一种和互联网用户的安全息息相关的一种网络安全技术,本文主要是通过分析防火墙日志文件,建立了相应的分析模型,然后通过分析互联网防火墙的工作原理以及和传统防火墙的优劣对比,在充分结合并分析现有计算机领域最新技术的基础上,提出了新的防火墙技术。  相似文献   

物联网是在互联网基础上将用户端延伸到任何物体之上,是下一代互联网的发展核心,有着广阔的发展前景,同时其又处在起步阶段,有许多技术等问题亟待解决.该文主要介绍了物联网的概念及其运行模式、主要技术、与互联网传感网的区别、发展现状及人才需求情况.  相似文献   

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