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提出了基于复合材料层合箱梁改进解析模型的等效刚度计算方法。在考虑三维应变效应的同时用复合材料单层的二维折算模量分量来表示三维折算模量分量,简化了复合材料层合箱梁等效刚度系数的计算,得到了由梁横截面几何尺寸和层合板刚度系数表达的等效抗弯刚度和等效抗扭刚度的解析式。该解析式适用于环向刚度一致的复合材料层合箱梁,并充分考虑了弯曲-剪切耦合和扭转-拉伸耦合效应对等效刚度的影响。通过三点弯试验和扭转试验,验证了解析式的正确性;通过与分层等效叠加法、有限元法进行对比,分析了解析式的计算精度。结合经典层合板理论,研究了铺层方式对等效刚度产生的影响及原因,预测了不同铺层复合材料层合箱梁等效刚度的变化规律。   相似文献   

复合材料层合梁理论   总被引:10,自引:2,他引:8  
层合梁理论是分析复合材料层合梁和加筋层合结构力学响应的基础.本文基于Mindlin假定导出了横向层合梁、纵向层合梁和组合层合梁一阶剪切变形理论.给出的理论既能够精确计算各层合梁的刚度值,又能考虑各刚度之间的耦合效应.为不失一般性,三种层合梁的本构方程均考虑了热效应.  相似文献   

基于经典层合板理论(CLT),并考虑面内波纹引起的拉伸-弯曲耦合作用,提出了含面内波纹缺陷的复合材料层合板刚度预测模型,定量研究了波纹比、纤维偏转角和波纹位置等面内波纹参数对其三维刚度性能的影响。结果表明:理论模型预测值与文献中的结果吻合较好;面内波纹对纵向弹性模量、横向弹性模量、面内剪切模量、主泊松比和面内弯曲刚度均产生了显著影响。该建模方法为研究波纹缺陷对复合材料力学性能影响提供了参考。  相似文献   

基于三阶折线位移模型,利用虚功原理导出了含初始平面应力的层合复合材料板的弯曲理论.算例表明所得结果精度很高.   相似文献   

加筋板总体失稳分析的等效层合板模型   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:2  
基于等效刚度的思想,通过设定层合板的属性参数模拟了加筋板结构的力学特性,提出了一种适用于不同截面形状以及布局形式的加筋板总体失稳分析的等效层合板建模方法。利用PATRAN/NASTRAN 软件比较了反映实际壁板形状的高精度有限元模型与对应的赋有层合板属性的等效刚度简化模型。对于工程中常见形状的加强筋以及不同布局形式的壁板,2种模型的一阶线性失稳因子基本一致,从而验证了将等效层合板模型用于加筋壁板结构的稳定性分析可以满足工程精度要求,并显著提高了计算效率。  相似文献   

基于一阶剪切变形理论的新型复合材料层合板单元   总被引:3,自引:2,他引:1  
基于一阶剪切变形理论(FSDT),本文构造一种新型的20自由度(每结点5个自由度),四边形复合材料层合板单元,适合于任意铺设情形的层合板的计算。它是按如下方式构造的:(1) 单元每边的转角和剪应变由Timoshenko层合厚梁理论来确定;(2) 对单元域内的转角场和剪应变场进行合理的插值;(3) 引入平面内双线性位移场来体现层合板面内与弯曲的耦合作用。本文单元,记为TMQ20,不存在剪切闭锁现象,在计算单层的各向同性板时可以退化为文[1]中优质的中厚板单元TMQ。在文[2]中将给出本文单元对于层合板问题的详细数值算例。  相似文献   

本文根据显微结构图,建立了纤维-基体界面脱胶的力学模型,采用有限元法,计算了玻璃/环氧 及硼/环氧两种单向纤维增强的复合材料的刚度降。计算结果表明,界面脱胶对刚度降有相当大的影响,并且纤维断裂对脱胶产生一定的影响,这是前人估算由于脱胶而产生的刚度降所没有计及的。  相似文献   

复合材料/混凝土复合梁的力学分析   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
本文通过对复合材料/混凝土复合梁的材料与构造特点进行了分析,探讨一种适合于复合材料/混凝土复合梁力学分析的等效非经典理论方法,给出了基本方程和一般静力解以及非经典理论效应系数,从而为这类新型复合梁提供一种工程实用而简便的计算方法。  相似文献   

Theoretical formulations are provided for the determination of stiffness of composite tubes. A three-dimensional laminate theory is used to determine the equivalent flexural stiffness 〈EI〉 for composite tubes. The same theory is also used to determine the load versus axial strain of the tubes. An approximate (more simplified) formulation is also presented. Values of the equivalent bending stiffness 〈EI〉 are compared between the two formulations. Experimental work was carried out on four composite tubes made of different lay-ups. The stiffness represented by the slope of the force-axial strains compares well between theoretical formulation and experimental results.  相似文献   

In this paper, a new anisotropic constitutive relation based on a modified couple-stress theory is defined for composite laminated Reddy beam. The theory contains only one material length-scale parameter in each ply of the composite laminated beam. The example of a cross-ply simply supported beam subjected to transverse load q0sin(πx/L) is presented. Numerical results show that the proposed beam model can capture the scale effect of the microstructure. The proposed model can be reduced to several models of the modified couple-stress theory by adopting the assumptions in Timoshenko beam, Bernoulli–Euler beam and material isotropy. It can be seen that the deflections and stresses obtained by the proposed beam model are smaller than those based on Timoshenko and Bernoulli–Euler beam assumptions.  相似文献   

In order to simulate the mechanical behavior of large structures assembled from thin composite panels, we propose a coupling technique, which substitutes local 3D models for the global plate model in the critical zones where plate modeling is inadequate. The transition from 3D to 2D is based on stress and displacement distributions associated with Saint‐Venant problems, which are precalculated automatically for a simple 3D cell. The hybrid plate/3D model is obtained after convergence of a series of iterations between a global plate model of the structure and localized 3D models of the critical zones. This technique is nonintrusive because the global calculations can be carried out using commercial software. Evaluation tests show that convergence is fast and that the resulting hybrid model is very close to a full 3D model. Copyright © 2014 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

In this article, based on the global-local theory, a model for a composite laminated Reddy plate of new modified couple-stress theory is developed for the first time. This model satisfies free surface conditions and the geometric and stresses continuity conditions at interfaces. Differing from existing modified couple-stress theory, an anisotropic constitutive relation is suggested. There is only one micro material characteristic length constant in each layer of the composite laminated plate. Principle of virtual work is employed to derive the equilibrium equations and the corresponding boundary conditions. With the example of a cross-ply simple-supported Reddy plate subjected to the bending load q0 = sin?(πx/L)sin?(πy/L), the transverse shear stresses at interfaces are addressed. Additionally, the numerical results show that the present plate model can capture the scale effect, especially the scale effect of the transverse shear stresses at interfaces of the composite laminated plate.  相似文献   

A. Houmat 《工程优选》2018,50(2):205-217
The optimal lay-up design for the maximum fundamental frequency of variable stiffness laminated composite plates is investigated using a layer-wise optimization technique. The design variables are two fibre orientation angles per ply. Thin plate theory is used in conjunction with a p-element to calculate the fundamental frequencies of symmetrically and antisymmetrically laminated composite plates. Comparisons with existing optimal solutions for constant stiffness symmetrically laminated composite plates show excellent agreement. It is observed that the maximum fundamental frequency can be increased considerably using variable stiffness design as compared to constant stiffness design. In addition, optimal lay-ups for the maximum fundamental frequency of variable stiffness symmetrically and antisymmetrically laminated composite plates with different aspect ratios and various combinations of free, simply supported and clamped edge conditions are presented. These should prove a useful benchmark for optimal lay-ups of variable stiffness laminated composite plates.  相似文献   

轮胎是一种帘线增强橡胶复合材料结构,Gough刚度是表征轮胎侧向变形与磨耗的一个重要参数,但缺乏理论推导。本文基于高阶剪切复合材料梁理论,研究子午线轮胎带束层角度对轮胎侧向变形的影响及Gough刚度的理论基础。在Fiala横梁模型的基础上,将轮胎简化为弹性基础上的复合材料梁。胎侧及胎面胶简化为弹性基础,带束和胎体简化为复合材料梁。考虑高阶剪切位移场及帘线-橡胶材料的各向异性,利用虚功原理建立模型方程,得到了复合材料梁在侧向载荷作用下的小挠度理论解,与有限元结果和已有文献结果对比验证了其合理性。算例分析表明,当胎体等效梁结构的高宽比固定时,对应Gough刚度极大值带束角度是固定的;不同的帘线模量和橡胶模量也会对Gough刚度极大值所对应的带束角度产生不同的影响;带束层厚度对Gough刚度极大值对应的带束角度影响较小。根据Gough刚度极大值准则得到了不同高宽比下的轮胎最佳带束角度,利用实际轮胎解剖结构进行了验证。本文提出的模型为子午线轮胎带束角度优选和磨耗设计提供了理论指导。   相似文献   

Based on a modified couple stress theory, a model for composite laminated beam with first order shear deformation is developed. The characteristics of the theory are the use of rotation–displacement as dependent variable and the use of only one constant to describe the material’s micro-structural characteristics. The present model of beam can be viewed as a simplified couple stress theory in engineering mechanics. An example as a cross-ply simply supported beam subjected to cylindrical bending loads of fw = q0 sin (πx/L) is adopted and explicit expression of analysis solution is obtained. Numerical results show that the present beam model can capture the scale effects of microstructure, and the deflections and stresses of the present model of couple stress beam are smaller than that by the classical beam mode. Additionally, the present model can be reduced to the classical composite laminated Timoshenko beam model, Isotropic Timoshenko beam model of couple stress theory, classical isotropic Timoshenko beam, composite laminated Bernoulli–Euler beam model of couple stress theory and isotropic Bernoulli–Euler beam of couple stress theory.  相似文献   

This paper presents results of a theoretical and experimental analysis of the random bending strength of laminated composites. Multi-layered composites with a periodic structure of sublaminates are considered in a combined loading (bending action and plane stress) state. The random strength response of the composites is analyzed on the basis of a multi-step failure probabilistic model. Here, the multi-step failure is considered as a process in which the failure of some single structural elements (sublaminates, laminae) leads to load redistribution onto other intact elements. A numerical algorithm based on the Monte Carlo technique and respective computer code are offered. The effect of scatter of structure parameters and number of sublaminates on the bending strength distribution is analyzed in detail. Experimental confirmation is considered on an example of uniaxial bending of laminated carbon-fiber-reinforced plastics. A method for evaluation of reliability in a random combined loading is also suggested.  相似文献   

通过二维编织-树脂传递模塑(RTM)成型方法制备得到了复合材料管,并设计制造特殊夹具,参考GB/T 5350—2005及SY/T 7318.3—2017标准对复合材料管的弯曲及轴向压缩性能进行了研究,并参照实验结果与典型6061铝合金的力学性能进行了对比。结果表明:复合材料管的轴向压缩破坏形式均表现为脆性剪切破坏模式,平均压缩强度为187.6MPa。复合材料管的弯曲破坏形式为脆性破坏,其平均弯曲强度为262.2MPa,弯曲模量为14.0GPa,与6061铝合金管性能相当,而密度仅为其58%,表现出较好的减重潜力。  相似文献   

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