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ABSTRACT: Cultured sturgeons were fed commercially available diets formulated for hybrid bass, catfish, and trout. The impact of these diets in the quality of the edible muscle was investigated through determination of processing yields, proximate compositions, fatty acid profiles, muscle color, and sensory characteristics. Sturgeon fed the catfish diet were significantly smaller but dressed fillets (percent live weight) were similar for all feeds. Consumer visual acceptability scores were highest for fillets from fish fed the catfish diet, and color differences were determined. Sturgeon fillets from fish fed the trout diet presented a yellowish orange coloration instead of a pale pink coloration. Results show that the diets tested had no detrimental impact in the composition of sturgeon fillets.  相似文献   

以西伯利亚鲟鱼卵为原料,比较不同提取方法对鲟鱼卵脂质提取率、脂肪酸及脂质组成的影响。采用索氏提取、酶辅助有机溶剂和超临界CO2三种不同的方法提取鲟鱼卵中的脂质,并分析鲟鱼卵脂肪酸组成及脂质组成。结果显示,不同提取方法对所得到的鲟鱼卵脂质的提取率和脂肪酸的相对含量有显著的影响(P<0.05),对鲟鱼卵脂质的脂肪酸种类和脂质组成没有显著影响(P>0.05)。索氏提取法的提取率为(23.71±1.82)%,中性蛋白酶酶解辅助有机溶剂法的提取率为(15.47±1.21)%,超临界CO2萃取法的提取率为(10.43±2.16)%。鲟鱼卵脂质中含有17 种脂肪酸,包括6 种饱和脂肪酸,4 种单不饱和脂肪酸,7 种多不饱和脂肪酸,其中总不饱和脂肪酸含量达到70%以上,多不饱和脂肪酸含量达到17%以上。不同提取方法提取鲟鱼卵脂质中均含有甘油三酯、胆固醇、极性脂质,其中甘油三酯相对含量达到89%以上。  相似文献   

通过Folch法提取俄罗斯鲟鱼不同部位总脂,采用GC/MS法对其脂肪酸组成进行分析。通过质谱数据库检索和标准品对照鉴定脂肪酸组成。研究表明,鱼肉、鱼卵、鱼皮、鱼腹中脂肪酸种类及含量类似,多不饱和脂肪酸含量均大于40%,其次为单不饱和脂肪酸(30%左右)和饱和脂肪酸(17%左右),多不饱和脂肪酸以9,12-十八碳二烯酸和DHA为主。鱼肉中总脂含量12.83%,其中,多不饱和脂肪酸为42.37%,EPA+DHA为17.25%;鱼卵总脂含量为14.46%,其中n-3脂肪酸为22.10%;鱼皮含有较高含量的n-6脂肪酸(19.43%);鱼腹总脂含量14.45%,含有较高含量的多不饱和脂肪酸(42.66%)和单不饱和脂肪酸(34.07%),EPA+DHA为17.38%;鱼鳔中未检测到n-3和n-6脂肪酸;鱼肝总脂含量为55.92%,单不饱和脂肪酸含量尤为突出,高达55.81%,以9-十八碳烯酸(49.82%)为主,饱和脂肪酸含量仅为17.24%;椎骨中总脂仅为0.09%。  相似文献   

对杂交鲟鱼(Acipenser baerii×A. schrenckii)进行了清蒸、油煎、微波、微波烤、烤箱烤和压力锅煎6 种家庭烹调处理,测定其脂肪和胆固醇含量、脂肪氧化指标和各脂肪酸含量的变化。结果表明,所有烹调方法均降低了n-3/n-6多不饱和脂肪酸含量的比值,其中压力烹调比值最高(0.85),清蒸次之(0.83),而烤箱烤最低(0.73)。胆固醇保存率以清蒸和压力锅煎最高,两种处理间无显著差异。烹调后样品酸价和硫代巴比妥酸值上升而过氧化值下降,并与样品的胆固醇含量相关。清蒸和压力烹调中脂肪酸和胆固醇变化相对较少,可能与其密闭烹调条件造成氧化程度较低有关。  相似文献   

ABSTRACT: A subjective method was used to evaluate rigor mortis in 50 Gulf sturgeons distributed into 5 weight categories. Duration of rigor increased with fish weight. Onset of rigor ranged from 12 to 24 h. A new method to determine onset and resolution of rigor in cultured Gulf sturgeon was studied using analysis of video images. Insight on the progress of rigor through the fish body is provided. In 10 different time intervals from 0 to 67 h after death, fish were temporarily secured to the edge of a table by the head, with the body free to droop, and video images were taken. Rulers in the background allowed quantification of body position. The extent of deflection of various points along the body length was analyzed. New parameters based on maximum deflection and integral deflections were developed. Rigor in Gulf sturgeon took an average of 24 h to onset and 67 h to resolve and was not a uniform process: the tail reached maximum rigor later than the middle of the fish.  相似文献   

为了探究烹饪方式对鲟鱼肉的蛋白质营养价值和风味物质含量的影响,该研究以人工养殖的鲟鱼肉为原料,比较了清蒸和煎炸烹饪方式,对鲟鱼肉的基本营养物质、氨基酸、蛋白质、风味化合物含量,以及氨基酸指数(AAS、EAAI)、蛋白质效价的影响,结果表明,以生鱼肉为对照,清蒸和煎炸使鲟鱼肉的水分含量分别降低了56.41%和43.73%...  相似文献   

Cultured white sturgeon, 10–43 months old, were processed into dressed fish, fillets, and steaks. Edible portions from four age classes were analyzed for proximate composition. Round weight yields were: eviscerated, 85–96%; dressed, 53–65%; steaked, 61–74%; skin-on fillets, 54–61%; and skinless fillets, 32–50%. The proximate composition of the sturgeon averaged 77.3% moisture, 18.2% protein, 3.4% lipid, and 1.2% ash. Protein levels in 10–13-month-old fish were significantly lower than in 32–34- and 43-month-old sturgeon. Lipid levels in 10–13-month-old fish, and ash levels in 32–34-month-old sturgeon, were significantly higher than in other age classes.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT:  Caviar was prepared from white sturgeon ( Acipenser transmontanus ) roe by adjusting the water phase salt (WPS) to 4.0% to 6.3% by adding food grade NaCl. Fish were obtained from 2 different farms from the Inland Northwest ( N  = 5). Salt was absorbed at a different rate and to a different extent by roe from different fish. The lipid content in the fish roe varied from 10.2% to 14.4% (w/w), with palmitic acid and oleic acid being the most abundant saturated and monounsaturated fatty acids present, respectively. The caviar contained high levels of polyunsaturated fatty acids (PUFA) (35% to 37%) with docosahexanoic acid being the most abundant ω-3 long chain fatty acid. There were no significant differences in microbial storage stability for caviars from different fish stored at 3 °C. However, for caviar stored at 7 °C, there was less growth of  Listeria monocytogenes  (using a cocktail of ATCC 19114, 7644, 19113 strains) in 2 samples (2B46 and 0F05) until day 20. In 2 other samples (453F and 2519), which had lower initial microbial loads, less overall microbial growth was observed, indicating that culture and harvest practices result in compositional differences between fish, which may impact both product composition and storage stability.  相似文献   

A typical channel catfish diet was supplemented with 0, 1.5, and 3% menhaden oil. Fillets were subjected to lipid, fatty acid, and TBA analyses. After 6 mo storage at ?18°C, fillets were again analyzed for TBA value and flavor panel profile. Fillets from catfish fed diets with 1.5 and 3% supplemental fish oil had elevated levels of n-3 fatty acids (P<0.05). TBA number and off-flavor attributes were not affected by treatments. Menhaden oil supplementation up to 3% enhanced the content of n-3 fatty acids in channel catfish fillets without adversely affecting flavor attributes or storage quality.  相似文献   

鲟鱼肉营养成分分析及其应用技术   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
本实验研究鲟鱼肉营养成分及应用技术,着重分析鲟鱼肉的氨基酸组成、鱼肉去腥方案,并用碎鱼肉加工制成调味鲟鱼松。结果表明,鲟鱼肉氨基酸组成中以谷氨酸的含量最高,胱氨基酸含量最低。必需氨基酸评分均超过WHO推荐的成人氨基酸需要量模式。因鲟鱼肉中脂肪含量较高,使鱼肉制品存在浓重的鱼腥味,研究确定采用萃取法脱去鱼肉中的脂肪,去脂率高达90%。通过正交试验研究筛选出鲟鱼松的最佳配方为:盐1.5%、糖2.5%、姜汁5%、黄酒2.5%、生抽0.5%、味精1%、油3%。  相似文献   

Cultured Siberian sturgeon (Acipenser baeri), Adriatic sturgeon (Acipenser naccarii) and white sturgeon (Acipenser transmontanus) of market size were examined for condition factor, eviscerated and dressed yields, white flesh yield, viscera-, hepato-somatic- and gonado-somatic indices. Muscle pH, chemical composition, cholesterol content and fatty acid profile of flesh were also determined. Significant differences were noted between species in eviscerated yield and white flesh yield (lowest in A naccarii, highest in A transmontanus), viscera index and gonado-somatic index (lowest in A transmontanus), but not in dressed yield. Muscle lipid content was 77·6, 106·4 and 44·9 g kg-1 wet weight in A baeri, A naccarii and A transmontanus, respectively. Acipenser baeri had the lowest saturated and the highest polyunsaturated fatty acid content, especially of the ω-3 series (as % total fatty acid methyl esters). Given the differences that emerged under uniform feeding regimen and environmental conditions, it would be reasonable to market the three species under their proper names, rather than under the generic term of ‘sturgeon’ as is presently done in Italy. © 1997 SCI.  相似文献   

谢超  林琳  裘晓华 《肉类研究》2010,(11):65-68
通过对鱿鱼肝脏中鱼油的研究,为鱿鱼及其下脚料的高效利用奠定了理论基础。采用高压蒸煮法和气相色谱/质谱法等技术对鱼油及其脂肪酸成分进行研究。实验得出:加入鱿鱼肝脏1.5倍体积的水,鱼油提取率最高。鱼油精制的条件为:添加体积分数80%磷酸脱胶;采用氢氧化钠脱酸,添加量为粗鱼油的实际酸价来确定;添加量为20%的活性炭脱色;旋转蒸发仪真空处理30min脱腥。经过上述条件处理后的鱼油,色泽为浅黄色、澄清,具有清淡的鱼香味,各项指标均达到了SC/T3502-2000鱼油的一级标准,其中主要物质EPA(16.9%)和DHA(21.2%)。  相似文献   

The present paper describes the effect of habitat on the fatty acid composition of the lipid of bonito (Euthynnus pelamis), which was caught at three different localities, Philippine Sea (the tropical zone; seawater temperature at the fishing ground was 27·8°C), East China Sea (the subtropical zone; seawater temperature was 29·7°C), and the Pacific coast of Japan (the temperate zone; sea-water temperature was 20·3°C). The total lipids of various organs and stomach contents were extracted and their fatty acid composition analysed by gas chromatography (GC). Docosahexaenoic acid (DHA; 22: 6n-3) was the major unsaturated fatty acid in the lipid of all specimens examined from all localities. The mean DHA content accounted for more than 25% (mean±standard error: 26·0±0·6%) of the total fatty acids (TFA) in the lipids of all organs, a lipid profile markedly different from that of other fish species whose fatty acid composition is generally variable. Particularly, the mean DHA content of lipids in bonito caught in the northern sea-area sample (the temperate zone) was always high (28·4±0·7% TFA) in the lipid of every organ. Because the DHA contents of lipids of the stomach contents fluctuated between 9·9 and 31·9% TFA, bonito did not simply incorporate the fatty acid profile of the lipids of its prey fishes, but selectively accumulated the DHA. Though the mean DHA content in the lipid of all bonito from the tropical to the temperate zone was markedly higher than other marine fish species such as sardines and herrings, there was a small difference between those in the northern (28·4±0·7% TFA) and southern samples (the subtropical and tropical samples, 24·7±0·8% TFA) (P<0·05). It is suggested that the difference between them may be due to environmental effects, for example, the temperature of the seawater and the fatty acid composition of the lipids of prey organisms. © 1997 SCI.  相似文献   

为比较淡水鱼肌肉脂肪酸在鱼类科、目以及种属间的差异,本文采用氯仿-甲醇(体积比=2:1)法提取15种淡水鱼背部肌肉的粗脂肪,运用气相色谱-质谱联用方法,分析了15种淡水鱼脂肪酸的组成。结果表明,15种淡水鱼肌肉粗脂肪含量在3.76%~14.74%,15种淡水鱼共检出24种脂肪酸,其中8种饱和脂肪酸(SFA),5种单不饱和脂肪酸(MUFA)和11种多不饱和脂肪酸(PUFA)。不同淡水鱼脂肪酸除个别有差异外,其他组成基本相同,但其含量因淡水鱼所在目、科和种属不同存在显著性差异,多不饱和脂肪酸含量最高,均在35%以上。不同鱼种的粗脂肪中EPA和DHA总含量有所差异,鲈鱼粗脂肪中DHA和EPA最高,总含量达到30%,而泥鳅粗脂肪中的EPA和DHA总含量仅为8.51%。部分鱼种可以作为EPA和DHA的良好膳食来源,具有较高的利用和开发价值。  相似文献   

鲟鱼软骨成分分析及营养评价   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
对养殖西伯利亚鲟鱼头骨与脊骨软骨中营养成分组成情况进行比较分析。结果表明:鲟鱼头骨中糖分及蛋白质的含量略高于脊骨,脂肪含量则低于脊骨。头骨和脊骨蛋白质的氨基酸组成基本一致的,均有18种氨基酸,其中甘氨酸、谷氨酸和脯氨酸的含量较高,色氨酸为第一限制性氨基酸,必需氨基酸含量均接近或超过WHO推荐的成人氨基酸需要量模式。鲟鱼软骨中还含有丰富的对人体有益微量元素。  相似文献   

Seeds of Guizotia abyssinica and wild Guizotia were analysed for oil content and fatty acid composition by multisequential and gas chromatographic methods, respectively. The oil content of G abyssinica ranged from 416 to 436 g kg-1 (weight per kg dry matter of seeds) and that of the wild Guizotia taxa from 214 to 328 g kg-1. Two unsaturated fatty acids (linoleic (54·3–72·8, weight percent of total oil) and oleic (5·4–26·8% of oil by wt) and two saturated fatty acids (palmitic (7·8–10%) and stearic (5·5–8·1%)) were about 91–97% of the fatty acids present. Palmitoleic, linolenic, arachidic, eicosenoic, behenic, erucic and lignoceric acids constituted about 2–3%. An unidentified fatty acid, probably an epoxy form of C: 20 or C: 22, has been found in all the materials and it was 1·1–6·6%. Total saturated and unsaturated fatty acids were about 74–84% and 15–20%, respectively. Differentiation in fatty acid composition between the taxa is too small to be of taxonomic use. It is inferred that when gene transfer is desired hybridisation between the wild and cultivated taxa may not affect the oil quality of the latter and the oils of the wild taxa are possibly safe for human consumption. © 1997 SCI.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT: Eight almond (Prunus dulcis L.) cultivars from 12 different California counties, collected during crop years 2004 to 2005 and 2005 to 2006, were extracted with petroleum ether. The extracts were subjected to GC‐MS analyses to determine fatty acid composition of soluble lipids. Results indicated palmitic (C16:0), oleic (C18:1), linoleic (C18:2), and α‐linolenic (C18:3) acid, respectively, accounted for 5.07% to 6.78%, 57.54% to 73.94%, 19.32% to 35.18%, and 0.04% to 0.10%; of the total lipids. Oleic and linoleic acid were inversely correlated (r=–0.99, P= 0.05) and together accounted for 91.16% to 94.29% of the total soluble lipids. Statistically, fatty acid composition was significantly affected by cultivar and county.  相似文献   

梁攀  李书倩  张博  刘长江  辛广 《食品科学》2011,32(2):237-239
采用索氏提取法提取辽南地区的野生软枣猕猴桃全果及其籽中脂肪酸。甲酯化处理后,采用气相色谱- 质谱联用(GC-MS)方法分离和鉴定。结果表明:在野生软枣猕猴桃全果中分离鉴定出7 种脂肪酸,分别是棕榈酸(6.66%)、亚油酸(10.57%)、亚麻酸(77.78%)、硬脂酸(3.09%)、10,13- 十八碳二烯酸(0.2%)、11- 二十碳烯酸 (0.8%)、花生酸(0.14%);在野生软枣猕猴桃籽中分离鉴定出4 种脂肪酸,分别是棕榈酸(3.24%)、亚油酸(5.40%)、亚麻酸(42.49%)、硬脂酸(2.39%)。其中亚麻酸的含量最高,分别占77.78% 和42.49%。  相似文献   

羊肉的脂肪酸组成分析及脱膻技术研究   总被引:1,自引:2,他引:1  
介绍了形成羊肉膻味的化学成分,羊肉膻味与羊肉体脂肪酸的组成的关系,最后综述了目前常用的羊肉脱膻技术。  相似文献   

酶法提取罗非鱼内脏鱼油及脂肪酸组成分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
对酶法提取罗非鱼内脏鱼油的工艺条件进行研究,并对提取鱼油的基本理化性质和脂肪酸组成进行分析。考察了酶种类、酶解温度、p H、液料比、加酶量和酶解时间对罗非鱼内脏鱼油提取率的影响,通过单因素试验和响应面法优化得到酶法提取罗非鱼内脏鱼油的最佳工艺条件为:酶解温度50℃、p H 7.5、液料比5∶1、加酶量3 400 U/g、酶解时间1 h。在此条件下,鱼油提取率达到88.95%,酸价达到SC/T 3502—2000的粗鱼油一级标准。罗非鱼内脏鱼油中饱和脂肪酸相对质量分数为36.66%,单不饱和脂肪酸和多不饱和脂肪酸分别占总脂肪酸质量的38.13%和25.18%,表明罗非鱼内脏鱼油是一种营养品质较高的油脂。  相似文献   

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