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As the general and working populations age in most developed nations, the study of website usability for older adults is becoming increasingly relevant. Website usability is concerned with both utilitarian (i.e. functional) and hedonic (i.e. pleasure-related) aspects. A new website usability model is proposed that considers the effects of age on website usability through cognitive antecedents that are most relevant to age-related effects. Specifically, spatial ability is the declining cognitive skill of particular interest in this research. A laboratory experiment was conducted where younger and older participants interacted with an experimental website. The results suggest that age has a pronounced impact on performance as a mediated effect through declining levels spatial ability and mental model accuracy as well as through a direct effect suggesting the presence of other objective and subjective changes associated with aging that could impact performance. Perceived disorientation was also examined within the proposed website usability model, revealing both expected and surprising findings.  相似文献   

While most research on website has focused on functional tasks, the Internet offers many opportunities for leisure as well as experiential activities. Because of the evolution of developed society toward an experience economy, analyzing the role of technologies in the presence of prior user experiences makes sense. This research identifies variables that play a role and influence online behaviors in a specific experiential environment, namely the high culture museum website. Relying on the literature on experience, we propose a research model tested with two different websites. The results of the free simulation experiment indicates that (1) esthetics is the most important design criteria for experiential interfaces and (2) that website design influences intentions to visit a physical place.  相似文献   

It is generally recognized that online shopping has both utilitarian as well as hedonic components. The primary focus of this investigation is to examine task framing (either utilitarian or hedonic) and length of viewing time (unlimited or 5 s) as conditions that influence user website perceptions and viewing behavior. Whether a task is framed as either hedonic or utilitarian received limited support. However, viewing time does make a difference and unconstrained viewing versus 5 s of viewing time results in higher levels of perceived involvement, enjoyment, trust, and effectiveness. In addition, eye-tracking results indicate that users tend to focus more on hedonic zones versus utilitarian zones (i.e. exhibit higher number of fixations and longer viewing times). Interview data provide additional support and insights. In sum, these findings contribute to understanding the complex and dynamic perceptions of online shoppers.  相似文献   

Previous research on Internet recruitment has made the implicit assumption that recruitment websites influence viewers’ opinions of recruiting organizations. This study tested this assumption using a pretest/posttest design. Findings revealed that participants’ organizational favorability, image as employer, and organizational attractiveness perceptions were affected by their viewing of organizational recruitment websites. Greater increases in favorable organizational evaluations from the pretest measures to the posttest measures occurred with organizations maintaining websites that were easy to navigate and/or that were appealing. Contrary to predictions made by signaling theory, recruitment websites had similar effects on the organizational impressions of all individuals, regardless of their familiarity with the organizations maintaining the recruitment websites that they viewed.  相似文献   

This article investigates what determines e-consumer productivity, in the specific case of product retrieval, on a commercial website. With a 2 × 2 × 2 factorial design on 292 participants, an online experiment reveals that productivity in product retrieval (measured in terms of effectiveness, efficiency, and time) relates to website design (e.g., abstraction level of labels, animation), user characteristics (e.g., Internet experience, product category familiarity, cognitive absorption), and situational characteristics (e.g., task nature). The results also confirm interactive effects among the type of strategy used, the nature of the task, and the website design. These findings have notable implications for both research and practice.  相似文献   

Previous research on the perception of websites has shown that users' impressions of websites generated in ultra-rapid display durations (50 ms) correlate with their assessment after longer display durations. Based on the importance of color saturation in the design of websites, we present a 2 ✕ 3 ✕10 study design in which participants either assessed highly saturated or desaturated versions (between-subjects) of 50 websites coming from 10 content domains. All websites were presented three times to each participant in varying durations (50 ms, 500 ms, and 10 s), and each site was rated regarding its trustworthiness, visual appeal, and perceived usability. In contrast to a large body of research describing positive effects of higher saturated colors, our results show that these findings cannot be generalized to website perception, as we found negative effects of saturation depending on the content domain. Furthermore, we propose a temporal model of website perception based on the results in which users first evaluate the visual appeal of a website, followed by a continuous re-assessment of apparent usability, and lastly its trustworthiness. The results have broad implications for the design and presentation of information using digital media.  相似文献   

A simulated online shopping environment with a recommender system based on collaborative filtering data has been developed to empirically test the impact of recommendation agents in an online retail environment. The report provides some background for the most widely used types of recommender system based on collaborative filtering. The Movie Magic system developed for this study is described, as well as the experiment assessing the impact of such an agent on product promotion effectiveness, customer satisfaction with the website, and customer loyalty to the website. Finally, the report discusses the implications of the results for system developers and managers interested in using Intelligent Agent technology for enhancing e-commerce. By corroborating the proposed relationships between the use of the recommender agent and improved product promotion, customer satisfaction and loyalty, the results should aid online businesses in further understanding the benefits and limitations of using a recommender agent to support e-commerce.  相似文献   

The objective of this paper is to examine the impact of online real-time interactivity on the desire of users to visit and to purchase products/services from the company in the future. Online real-time interactivity has been increased by the use of avatars. We also investigated the antecedents of online real-time interactivity by focusing on trust, emotional appeal, and social presence. As far as the methodology is concerned, we designated companies using avatars on their websites. We asked respondents to visit these websites and then fill in our questionnaire. We received 945 questionnaires back. As we had several latent variables, we used partial least squares (PLS), a variance-based structural equation modeling method. The results show that online real-time interactivity significantly increases the patronage intention. The results also illustrate the impact of the degree of trust and the emotional appeal on user's perception about the online real-time interactivity. Nevertheless, the impact of the emotional appeal is less relevant compared to the degree of trust. Moreover, the degree of trust in the information found on the website explains user's emotional appeal during the conversation. Finally, avatar's social presence has a significant impact on trust and emotional appeal. Our results have immediate and direct implications for avatars' developers and companies who want to invest in improving the real-time interactivity of their website.  相似文献   

Deindividuation theory informs us that anonymity is likely to beget unethical or violent behavior. Since 2002, Tor has implemented hidden services that allow users to host platforms anonymously and these have behaved accordingly with deindividuation theory: the services are used mostly for unethical content. This article realizes the first systematic analysis of users behavior on Tor hidden services. After classifying 1171 services into 23 categories, and carrying out a content analysis of 2165 posts, the article concludes that unethical content is quantitatively and qualitatively more preponderant than ethical content. The advantages of anonymity to store and access this ethical content do not balance the negative impacts caused by the unethical content. Freedom of expression and the lack of censorship, if theoretically praiseworthy, are overshadowed by what users have done with it: using Tor hidden services in unethical ways. Unethical content is undesirable by its very nature of affecting people negatively, which should lead us to reconsider the development of the Tor hidden services. For users simply wishing to stay anonymous and to act ethically, the use of Tor and of web services located in countries with a morally balanced legal system are sufficient. The support for the further development of Tor hidden services should hence stop, which would not hinder the functioning of Tor as an anonymity provider to those needing it.  相似文献   

Abstract This study discusses the evolution of an instructional systems design (ISD) model that is based on an expanded view of Shulman's concept of pedagogical content knowledge (PCK). An initial model was evaluated in the first iteration of a design experiment, and then it was changed and assessed in two other iterations that followed. The proposed ISD model can be used in educational technology courses, elementary teacher education method courses, and teacher professional development courses to develop information and communication technology (ICT)-related PCK. ICT-related PCK comprises a body of knowledge that educators need to be able to teach with ICT. Evidence from the present study, with preservice elementary teachers, indicates that the evolved model was effective in developing some aspects of ICT-related PCK. Based on the results of the study, more systematic efforts are needed to engage preservice teachers in technology-rich design activities, so that they can adequately develop all aspects of ICT-related PCK. Finally, this study provides baseline data that can be used for comparison purposes in future studies that may be conducted to further validate or modify the suggested ISD model.  相似文献   

This study introduces a user interface, referred to as the flow interface, which provides a graphical representation of the movement of content among and inside audio/video devices. The proposed interface provides a different frame of reference with content-oriented visualization of the generation, manipulation, storage, and display of content as well as input and output. The flow interface was applied to a VCR/DVD recorder combo, one of the most complicated consumer products. A between-group experiment was performed to determine whether the flow interface helps users to perform various tasks and to examine the learning effect of the flow interface, particularly in regard to hooking up and recording tasks. The results showed that participants with access to the flow interface performed better in terms of success rate and elapsed time. In addition, the participants indicated that they could easily understand the flow interface. The potential of the flow interface for application to other audio video devices, and design issues requiring further consideration, are discussed.  相似文献   

Given that banner ad investment is huge and keeps increasing, the effectiveness of banners is important for advertising practitioners and is worth attention from academics. Banner properties (e.g. format and animation) may influence the overall effectiveness of banners. However, research on how banner formats (e.g. location and orientation) affect banner effectiveness is still in its early stage and studies on how animation influences banner effectiveness have also found controversial results. By conducting an experiment using eye-tracking technology, this study investigated the impacts of banner properties, especially animation speed and format, on users' attention, recall, and attitudes towards banners. In terms of attention, both the main effects and the interaction effect were significant and the patterns varied across time. However, no significant effects were found on recall and attitudes.  相似文献   

Internet users decide within seconds, whether to elaborate on a website, or to go on to a new page. This calls for investigation of the factors influencing this decision. In two studies, we presented websites for 3 s and analysed the effect implementation of Gestalt principles (GPs) and visualisation of an interaction partner has on acceptance, recommendation of the site by the user, and social presence. Study 1 implemented a 3 (Gestalt principle of proximity: no, medium and strong implementation) × 3 (Gestalt principle of a common region: no, medium and strong implementation) – design and found more acceptance and recommendation with more GPs used. Study 2, using a 2 (GPs: implemented and not implemented) × 3 (visualisation: no, drawing and photograph) – design, showed more social presence with more realistic visualisation and more recommendation with higher social presence. Thus, GPs and realistic visualisation should be implemented in web design to intensify interaction with the user.  相似文献   

The purposes of this study are to examine whether perceived playfulness and perceived flow would mediate the relationships among website quality, customer satisfaction, and purchase intention, as well as to assess the degree of reciprocity between perceived playfulness and perceived flow in an online travel agency context. This study suggested a research framework for testing the relationships among the constructs based on the stimulus-organism-response framework. In addition, this study developed a non-recursive model. After validating the measurement scales, empirical analyses were conducted using structural equation modelling. The findings confirm that website quality affects customers’ perceived playfulness and perceived flow, and in turn, would influence their satisfaction and purchase intention. Notably, this study finds that the service quality is more important than information and system quality in influencing customer satisfaction and purchase intention. Furthermore, the study reveals that the relationship between perceived playfulness and perceived flow is reciprocal. Based on the findings, the implications are discussed in the paper and directions for future research are also highlighted.  相似文献   

Display and search ads are the most popular Internet ad formats. Instead of being placed on search engine result pages, display ads are placed on webpages that include more actual content. In order to improve online contextual advertising, the effects of webpage content on embedded display ads must be understood. This study investigates how viewers’ attitudes toward content and the applicability of that content to the adjacent display ads impact the effectiveness of those ads. The moderating effects of viewers’ attention and need for cognition are also examined. The experimental results show that webpage content automatically activates ad evaluations, and that this effect increases when viewers pay less attention to the ad or have a high need for cognition. If the webpage content is highly applicable to the ad, improvements are seen in the attitude toward the ad and the attitude toward the brand.  相似文献   

The present study examines the added value of structuring the peer assessment process, by providing students with a peer feedback template with a varying structuring degree, for the peer feedback content quality in a wiki environment in higher education. The present study took place in the 1st year of a university course in Instructional Sciences (N = 176) and more specifically compared three conditions: no structure peer feedback (control), basic structure peer feedback, and elaborate structure peer feedback condition. Quantitative content analysis of students’ (n = 41) peer feedback messages was performed, and an analysis of (co)variance revealed some discrepancies between the conditions regarding the proportion of peer feedback content categories: (1) peer feedback style, (2) verification type, (3) verification focus, (4) elaboration type, and (5) elaboration focus. This study demonstrated that a higher structuring degree in a peer feedback template during the peer assessment process might have an impact on peer feedback content with respect to the above-mentioned categories; the peer feedback content. Results revealed significant differences between the three conditions regarding the peer feedback content categories. This study illustrated how a practical instructional intervention in the feedback process can increase the potential impact of peer assessment and boost students’ learning in higher education.  相似文献   

Users’ desire to view additional content while watching TV has increased significantly in recent years. This study investigates the optimal way to show supplementary content and evaluates the types of additional information that should be provided. We conduct two 2 (single screen vs. second screen) × 2 (providing additional content with congruent goals vs. incongruent goals) between-subjects design experiments, one with news information (utilitarian content) and the other with soft drama programming (hedonic content). The results showed that viewing supplemental content with related information on a different screen strengthens user perceptions of both news and drama. However, the interaction effect of second-screen viewing and the goals of additional content differed across the main types of TV content. The results of this study are relevant to both scholars and practitioners who seek ways to enhance the effectiveness of second-screen usage.  相似文献   

Web technology is changing rapidly every day and the internet has become a lifestyle for people all over the world. The power of the web has changed the way people communicate and do business. With the advance of the internet era, a successful website becomes a critical factor for the success of most businesses. Website design is not only about the look of the website. There are many other factors to consider. A well-designed site can induce users to engage in the website, help them find what they are looking for, and understand where exactly they are on the website. This study investigates the user’s perception disorientation, engagement, and intent to use a website in the future by manipulating these three basic factors into eight different experimental conditions. With 2 × 2 × 2 experimental design with content familiarity, site breadth, and media richness in website systems, this study suggests that both the main effects and the interaction effects of the experiment factors are significant. This implies that one or more factors can compensate for the weakness of other factors. Furthermore different people have preferences for different factors; therefore website design should not solely focus on a single factor, but should address all of these factors in accordance with the objective of the business.  相似文献   

Firms can achieve a competitive advantage by leveraging real-time Digital Data Streams (DDSs). The ability to profit from DDSs is emerging as a critical competency for firms and a novel area for Information Technology (IT) investments. We examine the relationship between DDS readiness and competitive advantage by studying the mediation effect of product effectiveness and process efficiency. The research model is tested with data obtained from 302 companies, and the results confirm the existence of the mediation effects. Interestingly, we confirm that competitive advantage is more significantly impacted by IT investments affecting product effectiveness than those affecting process efficiency.  相似文献   

Learning teams in higher education executing a collaborative assignment are not always effective. To remedy this, there is a need to determine and understand the variables that influence team effectiveness. This study aimed at developing a conceptual framework, based on research in various contexts on team effectiveness and specifically team and task awareness. Core aspects of the framework were tested to establish its value for future experiments on influencing team effectiveness. Results confirmed the importance of shared mental models, and to some extent mutual performance monitoring for learning teams to become effective, but also of interpersonal trust as being conditional for building adequate shared mental models. Apart from the importance of team and task awareness for team effectiveness it showed that learning teams in higher education tend to be pragmatic by focusing primarily on task aspects of performance and not team aspects. Further steps have to be taken to validate this conceptual framework on team effectiveness.  相似文献   

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