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现有的时空数据库能够支持对大规模移动对象数据的时空聚集查询。但移动对象数据量巨大,且目前多采用单线程进行查询计算,其查询速度无法满足应用需求。由于时空聚集查询具有良好的可并行性,提出了一种基于区域划分的多线程并行时空聚集查询方法。该方法在服务器端对时空域进行格网划分,形成多个时空立方体,采用多线程并行的技术方法在每个时空立方体上进行时空聚集查询,最后将查询结果整合。通过对真实数据集进行的实验分析,该方法在查询速度上有明显提升。  相似文献   

根据贵州省近8年的雷电灾害统计资料和30年的雷暴日观测统计资料,从灾害易损性的角度出发,以雷暴日数、雷电灾害频度、经济易损模数、生命易损模数作为评价指标。对贵州省各设区市的雷灾易损性进行了综合分析,初步形成贵州省雷灾易损性区划。结果表明,某一地区雷击灾害的发生及其造成的损失情况既与该地所处的雷电环境特征有关,也与该地人口密度、经济发展状况有关。  相似文献   

根据贵州省近8年的雷电灾害统计资料和30年的雷暴日观测统计资料,从灾害易损性的角度出发,以雷暴日数、雷电灾害频度、经济易损模数、生命易损模数作为评价指标。对贵州省各设区市的雷灾易损性进行了综合分析,初步形成贵州省雷灾易损性区划。结果表明,某一地区雷击灾害的发生及其造成的损失情况既与该地所处的雷电环境特征有关,也与该地人口密度、经济发展状况有关。  相似文献   

基于密度的轨迹时空聚类分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
通过轨迹聚类分析挖掘物体移动模式的空间分布和时间特征,对于认识运动的形成机制,预测运动的未来发展具有重要的意义。目前,轨迹聚类研究主要关注物体的空间位置变化,时空聚类中时间约束一般只是作为辅助信息,并不真正参与聚类。本文提出基于密度的轨迹时空聚类方法,在聚类过程中同时考虑轨迹包含的时空信息,在空间聚类的基础上提出了轨迹线段时间距离的度量方法和阈值确定原则,对时空邻域密度进行聚类分析,挖掘物体的时空移动模式。实验对南海涡旋轨迹进行时空聚类分析,得到了涡旋典型移动模式的空间分布和时间特征,验证了基于密度的轨迹时空聚类方法的有效性。加入时间约束后,移动通道主要发生缩短、分裂和消失的变化。和空间聚类相比,轨迹时空聚类可有效地划分发生在同一位置不同时间的轨迹,得到的聚类结果更加细化,移动模式更加准确,有利于物体的移动模式做更深入的分析。  相似文献   

东亚海区域是中国周边海域之一,区域内的海洋环境状况关系到中国海洋利益的实现。基于区域内复杂的政治利益和经济利益格局,区域海洋环境保护在法律上的进展几近停滞。在对区域内海洋环境状况、政治利益格局和经济利益格局分析之后,提出区域内的海洋环境保护虽然面临重重障碍,但海洋环境保护法律制度的构建不可或缺。在构建该法律制度时,本区域可向具有类似特点的地中海汲取经验;中国也应该积极参与并推进海洋环境保护法律制度的构建,以保障本国在此区域内利益的最佳实现。  相似文献   

客观世界存在时空场,大部分地理实体或现象在时空域具有动态变化特性,其空间、时间和属性是过程的统一体,传统的GIS时空数据模型在描述、表达、组织与分析这类数据时面临许多挑战。然而,基于特征的数据模型和以过程为对象的时空数据组织在动态数据的描述与表达的方面具有独特的优势。本文探讨了基于特征的线过程时空数据模型组织的六元组框架体系,实现空间、时间和属性的一体化存储和地理实体的动态分析。在分析线时空过程特性的基础上,归纳总结出3大类12个类别的线过程,进一步提出了基于特征的线过程时空数据模型(Feature-based Line Process Spatio-temporal Data Model)的概念;利用文件层次分块结构对时空线过程数据进行了组织与存储。最后以海洋锋为实例,探讨了该模型在时空数据组织、时空查询、时空过程提取和时空过程可视化等方面的应用。结果表明,该模型能够很好地应用于具有时空过程特性的线数据中,也为时空数据模型的总体设计提供借鉴。  相似文献   

在发展海洋区域经济的大潮中 ,要高度重视海洋区域文化的建设。建设海洋区域文化 ,要突出海洋区域文化的特色 ;同时 ,要处理好人类整体文化与海洋区域文化之间的关系、中国传统文化与海洋区域文化之间的关系、各种海洋区域文化之间的关系  相似文献   

根据弹性理论的叠加原理,研究了有限元分析中的单元划分问题。通过有限元结点位移反演边界力系数与理论边界力系数进行比较来判别断裂区单元划分是否合理,应用模拟数据定量分析了二维和三维有限元法的单元划分,为有限元法在地学研究中的实际应用提供参考依据。  相似文献   

基于海表面温度数据和海面高度异常数据,采用矢量几何法提取南海的中尺度涡旋并进行统计分析。结果显示,从海表面温度和海面高度异常数据都可以提取涡旋,两者的提取能力差异很小。由海表面温度数据可以提取较小尺度的涡旋,但跟踪涡旋时存在不稳定性;由海面高度异常数据虽然不能检测到较小尺度的涡旋,但跟踪涡旋相对稳定。两种数据所提取涡旋的时间和空间分布规律具有一致性。  相似文献   

系统聚类分析法在统筹区域土地利用分区研究中的应用   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
借鉴系统聚类分析法,以广东省汕尾市为例,通过选取相关特征指标作为土地利用分区基础,利用社会经济统计软件SPSS的分层聚类((Cluster)功能,进行了Q型分类,并最终确定了汕尾市土地利用分区结果以及土地利用调控目标和管制规则。  相似文献   

Based on an analysis of drifter data from the World Ocean Circulation Experiment during 1979-1998, the sizes of the eddies in the North subtropical Pacific are determined from the radii of curvature of the drifter paths calculated by using a non-linear curve fitting method. To support the drifter data results, Sea Surface Height from the TOPEX/POSEIDON and ERS2 satellite data are analyzed in connection with the drifter paths. It is found that the eddies in the North Pacific (18^*- 23^*N and 125^*-150^*E) move westward at an average speed of approximately 0.098 ms^-1 and their average radius is 176 km, with radii ranging from 98 km to 298 km. During the nineteen-year period, only 4 out of approximately 200 drifters (2%) actually entered the South China Sea from the area adjacent to the Luzon Strait (18^*-22^*N and 121^*-125^*E) in the winter. It is also found that eddies from the interior of the North Pacific are unlikely to enter the South China Sea through the Luzon Strait.  相似文献   

The relationship between the upper ocean thermal structure and the genesis locations of tropical cyclones (TCs) in the South China Sea (SCS) is investigated by using the Joint Typhoon Warning Center (JTWC) best-track archives and high resolution (1/4 degree) temperature analyses of the world's oceans in this paper In the monthly mean genesis positions of TCs from 1945 to 2005 in the SCS, the mean sea surface temperature (SST) was 28.8℃ and the mean depth of 26℃ water was 53.1 m. From the monthly distribution maps of genesis positions of TCs, SST and the depth of 26℃ water in the SCS, we discovered that there existed regions with SST exceeding 26℃ and 26℃ water depth exceeding 50m where no tropical cyclones formed from 1945 to 2005 in the SCS, which suggests that there were other factors unfavorable for TC formation in these regions.  相似文献   

南海我国可管辖的海域面积近 2 0 0万km2 ,具有丰富的生物、油气、矿产等资源 ,是我国经济与社会可持续发展的强大支持和保障因素 ,具有海域面积大、资源丰富、区位优势明显、未来开发潜力大等特点。应从强化“寸海寸金”的海洋国土意识出发 ,通过创新管理体制和运行机制 ,建立强有力的海上统一执法队伍 ,按照统一规划、相对集中、由远及近的原则实施重点区域开发战略 ,全面提升南海国土资源开发利用的水平和效益  相似文献   

在综合考虑气候、植被、地貌等凶素的基础上,提出一种基于多层次格网模型的最近邻指数-模糊聚类生态区域划分算法(Nearest Neighbor Index Fuzzy clustering,NNI-FIC).该算法采用"自下而上"的方式,首先,利用离散格网单元之间的严格相似性形成区划的核心分区;然后,通过最近邻指数统计分...  相似文献   

This paper describes a new species of Nassarius from the South China Sea,which was recognized when re-sorting the collection of Nassariidae in the Marine Biological Museum,Chinese Academy of Sciences,Qingdao,China.The shells were collected during several investigations,including the National Comprehensive Oceanic Survey in 1958-1959,and the China-Vietnam Co-Investigation on Marine Resource of the Beibu Gulf during 1959-1962.The morphology of the shell and the radula places the new species of Nassarius within the subgenus Zeuxis.It is named Nassarius(Zeuxis) nanhaiensis sp.nov.  相似文献   

研究南海海域盛产的四种褐藻(海带、裙带菜、昆布和亨氏马尾藻)、三种红藻(紫菜、沙菜和江蓠)及来自南海三个不同海区(南沙、惠来和南澳)亨氏马尾藻的总脂质及脂肪酸含量干重,并重点比较其多不饱和脂肪酸的含量.结果表明,供试褐藻类海藻总脂质含量ω在1.81%~6.11%之间,红藻类海藻的总脂质含量ω在1.44%~3.96%之间;紫菜中含有7.548mg/g(干重,下同)的亚油酸(C182);海带含丰富C181,达5.592mg/g;花生四烯酸(C204)在裙带菜中含量为1.606mg/g;在供试藻种中,昆布的EPA(C20.5)和DHA(C226)含量最高,测定值为608μg/g和689μg/g.  相似文献   

To investigate the annual and interannual variability of ocean surface wind over the South China Sea (SCS), the vector empirical orthogonal function (VEOF) method and the Hilbert-Huang transform (HHT) method were employed to analyze a set of combined satellite scatterometer wind data during the period from December 1992 to October 2009. The merged wind data were generated from European Remote Sensing Satellite (ERS)-1/2 Scatterometer, NASA Scatterometer (NSCAT) and NASA’s Quick Scatterometer (QuikSCAT) wind products. The first VEOF mode corresponds to a winter-summer mode which accounts for 87.3% of the total variance and represents the East Asian monsoon features. The second mode of VEOF corresponds to a spring-autumn oscillation which accounts for 8.3% of the total variance. To analyze the interannual variability, the annual signal was removed from the wind data set and the VEOFs of the residuals were calculated. The temporal mode of the first interannual VEOF is correlated with the Southern Oscillation Index (SOI) with a four-month lag. The second temporal interannual VEOF mode is correlated with the SOI with no time lag. The time series of the two interannual VEOFs were decomposed using the HHT method and the results also show a correlation between the interannual variability and El Niño-Southern Oscillation (ENSO) events.  相似文献   

A three-dimensional baroclinic shelf sea model‘ s numerical simulation of the South China Sea (SCS) middle and deep layer circulation structure showed that: 1. In the SCS middle and deep layer, a seulhward boundary current exists along the east shore of the Indo-China Peninsula all year long.A cyclonic eddy (gyre) is formed by the current in the above sea areas except in the middle layer in spring, when an anticyclonic eddy exists on the eastern side of the current. In the deep layer, a larges-cale anticyclonic eddy often exists in the sea areas between the Zhongsha Islands and west shore of southern Luzon Island. 2. In the middle layer in snmmer and autumn, and in the deep layer in autumn and winter, there is an anticyclonic eddy (gyre) in the northeastern SCS, while in the middle layer in winter and spring, and in the deep layer in spring and snmmer, there is a cyclonic one. 3. In the middle layer,there is a weak northeastward current in the Nansha Trough in spring and snmmer, while in autumn and winter it evolves inl~ an anticyclonic eddy ( gyre), which then spreads westward l~ the whole western Nansha Islands sea areas.  相似文献   

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