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1 PresentSituationofResearchforGlobalClimateRecently ,theresearchfortheglobalclimatechangescausedbytidehasachievedremarkableresul  相似文献   

The Effect of Tide on the Global Climate Change   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The differential rotation between the solid and fluid spheres caused by tidal force could explain the 1500 to 1800 - year cycle of the worlds temperature. Strong tide increases the vertical and horizontal mixing of water in the oceans,dra-wing the cold Pacific water from the depths to the surface and the warm water from the west to the east, where it cools or warms the atmosphere above, absorbs or releases CO2 to decrease or increase greenhouse effect and to make La Nina or El Nino occur in the global. The moons declination and obliquity of the ecliptic affect the tidal intensity. The exchange of tidal energy and tide -generating force caused by the sun, moon and major planets makes the earths layers rotate in different speeds. The differenti-al rotation between solid and fluid of the earth is the basic reason for El Nino and global climate change.  相似文献   

Cold water in the deep Pacific can be drawn up to the surface (or west warm water drifts eastwards ) because strong tide increases the mixing of seawater both in vertical and horizontal. In this way greenhouse effect is decreased or increased by means of absorbing (or releasing) CO2. Therefore, La Nina cold event (or El Nino warm event) may occur,which is caused by wanning - up or cooling - down air above the ocean. Volcanic action at sea bottom is also controlled by strong tide.  相似文献   

Cold water in the deep Pacific can be drawn up to the surface (or west warm water drifts eastwards) because strong tide increases the mixing of seawater both in vertical and horizontal. In this way greenhouse effect is decreased or in-creased by means of absorbing (or releasing) CO2. Therefore, La Nina cold event (or El Nino warm event) may occur, which is caused by wanning - up or cooling - down air above the ocean. Volcanic action at sea bottom is also controlled by strong tide.  相似文献   

1 MathematicModelofTidalVibrationSupposethat 3semi -axesofaellipsoidarea ,bandc (a >b >c) ,latitudeisθ ,longitudeisψ(changingfrom 0°to 90°) ,  相似文献   

Glaciation between northern hemisphere and southern hemisphere were synchronous, the ice age occurred not in high but in low value of the eccentricity of the earth's orbit. Such facts went against the precession principle of the astronomical theory of ice age. The inhomogeneous distribution of climate consisted with the inhomogeneous distribution of ocean and continent. The north/south antisymmetry may be attributed to southward deviation of the thermal center and northward deviation of the mass center within the mantle demonstrated by seismic tomography. The core - mantle angular momentum makes rotational energy into thermal energy and mantle plumes erupt in the ocean bottom. The earth's deformation by tidal force makes the eruption of mantle plumes strong. They are the reason that glaciation between the Northern Hemisphere and Southern Hemisphere are synchronous and the ice age occurred in low value of the eccentricity of the earth' s orbit. The tectonic movement is playing a most important part in global climate change.  相似文献   

l Some problems on the astronomical theory of ice ageThe astronomical theory of ice age, as the up todate solution for the global climatic changes in theQuaternary period, has been accepted by the most ofthe scientists in the world. However, there are stillsome arguable problems to need further research.Zhou Shangzhe (t994) pllt forward three questionslike as follows:The astronomical theory of ice age suggestedthat the ice age occurred when the eccentricity of theorbit of the earth was at its…  相似文献   

The existence of the lunar has its advantages as well as disadvantages. Many dynamic phenomena are related to the lunar due to the rate of masses of the earth and the lunar is maximum. That is probably the reason for the life existence on the earth. The tide resulted from the moon gravitational force is the root of some disasters. However, it can also reduce the green house effect and regulate the temperature. It is proved that the moon is the thermostat of the earth. The greenhouse effect would be out of control without the moon, and the tendency for the global warming up would be critical. It is a risk to smash the moon without understanding clearly the advantage and disadvantage.  相似文献   

1SeesawphenomenonofoceaniccrustSince 1996, Yoshino etal.(2002) have been us-ing the space geodetic techniques to observe crustal deformation at four sites in Tokyo metropolitan area. It is called Keystone project (KSP). At the end of June in 2000, volcanic and seismic events star-ted at Izu islands, south of Tokyo. Following the ev-ent, extraordinary crustal deformation was observed not only around the Izu islands, but also at the Key-stone network, where the closest site is over 100…  相似文献   

Climate and tectonics are two interactive factors in the earth's system. They are controlled by astronomical cycles. It has been unheeded for a long time that large-scale material motion caused by global climatic change is one of the powers for tectonic movement. Tectonic movement makes the distributional pattern of continent and ocean change and makes global climate type change strongly in large scale. It is a good example that the change of the sea-ice around Antarctic Continent and in the Drake Passage has the switch process for global climatic changes. Tide makes the oceanic crust of the East Pacific Ocean and the West Pacific Ocean rise or fall 60 cm oppositely. Before and after El Nino events,the oceanic level of the East Pacific Ocean and the West Pacific Ocean may rise or fall 40 cm oppositely. Because of isostasy, oceanic crust may fall or rise 13 or 20 cm. They are the reasons why El Nino events are interrelated with the earthquakes and volcanoes. This is so called seesaw phenomenon of oceanic crust.  相似文献   

洋中脊是大洋的胚胎,从洋中脊为地堑式中央裂谷的形态特征来看,大洋是拉张应力的产物,因此必须依据大陆漂移造成海底被动扩张这一结论来分析研究板块运动的动力源问题.大陆漂移的方向是有规律的,根据世界大洋年龄图等资料进行逆推,还原不同阶段的洋陆展布状态,可以看出,白垩纪以来南半球大陆分解向北运动、北半球大陆分解向南运动,大陆在...  相似文献   

1 IntroductionManymeteorologistsandoceanographerspaidmuchattentiontothestudyofthemechanismofENSOformanyyears,suchasBjerknes(1 966) ,Wyrtki(1 975) ,McCreary(1 983 ) ,Philander(1 984) ,ZhangandChao(1 993 )andMcCPhaden(1 998)havemadegreatdevelopmentinthestudyofENSO .Especiallyinthe 1 990’s,withtheincreasingofthedatainthedeepocean ,thesomeonearguedthattheENSOepisodehadcloserelation shipwiththeeasterntransportationoftheanomalousseasurfacetemperatureinthewestPacific(LiandMu 1 999;Huang 2…  相似文献   

基于古登堡平均地球模型和积分格林函数方法,利用中国近海海潮模型Chinasea 2010、Naoregional 1999和全球海潮模型EOT11a,计算中国沿海GNSS连续运行站上的海潮位移负荷影响,并对其均方根RMS及和方根RSS进行综合分析。结果表明,2种近海模型分潮波位移负荷差异水平分量大部分为亚mm级,垂直分量普遍为mm级,最大达5.8 mm;Chinasea 2010模型比Naoregional 1999模型在中国海域覆盖面积大,2种模型在黄海和东海海域差异较大,在渤海和南海海域差异较小;模型差异与测站位置及潮波频率均有关系,应比较观测资料的负荷改正效果,择优采用适宜本区域的模型。  相似文献   

利用1959—2008年成都东部地区金堂县、双流县、新都县的气温、降水资料,用距平、累积距平、线性趋势分析了成都东部地区气温、降水的时空变化特征,并用滑动-t检验与MK检验分析了成都东部地区气温与降水的突变特征。结果显示:近50年来,成都东部地区气温明显升高,降水总体呈减少趋势,成都东部气候呈现暖干趋势。同时对成都市5个温度区进行温度湿度和绿化率关联分析,结果证明,无论是平均温度还是最高温度均随相应区域内绿地率、绿地覆盖率的增大而随之降低;而相对湿度随之升高。可见,增大绿化面积的旷达对环境降温增湿的作用十分显著。因此,在成都东部地区植树造林不仅能改善环境气候,更能创造巨大的生态经济效益。  相似文献   

基于中国全国小震目录,采用固体潮调制比时空扫描方法,对首都圈地区1987年以来的中强地震前固体潮调制比的时空变化特征进行分析。结果表明,对于9次MS≥5.0地震,有7次在震前1 a、震中100 km范围内出现调制比高值异常,地震对应率为78%;高值异常持续时间通常为3~5个月,并多在震前数月内消失。固体潮调制比分析在首都圈地区表现出较好的映震能力,能为该区域中强地震预测提供一定的参考依据。  相似文献   

通过对全球化语境下英语教学范式正由"正统"到"非正统"、由"一元"到"多元"的发展变化的探讨,提出在全球英语教学多元化格局下我国高校英语教学应选择适合中国本土特征的英语教学模式、将本土文化的内容融入英语教材的编写中,实施双向互动的交流方式,以培养学生本土文化意识。  相似文献   

使用宁夏测网2010~2012年流动重力观测数据,利用重力差方法重新计算得到CG-5重力仪的一次项格值系数,对比分析2012年银川ML5.0地震前,修正前后一次项格值系数对不同时间尺度重力场所产生的影响。结果表明:1)CG-5重力仪一次项格值系数随时间逐渐减小,呈持续下降的变化趋势;2)一次项格值系数修正前后不同时间尺度重力场变化量均明显减弱,凸显了“0”等值线现象。  相似文献   

青藏高原脆弱的高寒植被对外界干扰十分敏感,使其成为研究植被对气候变化响应的理想区域之一。青藏高原气候变化剧烈,在较短的合成时间研究气候变化对植被的影响十分必要。因此,本文利用GIMMS NDVI时间序列数据集,研究了1982-2012年青藏高原生长季月尺度植被生长的时空动态变化,探讨了其与气温、降水量和日照时数等气候因子的响应关系。结果表明:在区域尺度上,除8月外,其他各月份植被均呈增加趋势,显著增加多发生在4-7月和9月;大部分月份的NDVI增加速率随着时段的延长显著减小,表明NDVI增加趋势放缓;在像元尺度上,月NDVI显著变化的区域多呈增加趋势,但显著减少范围的扩张多快于显著增加。4月和7月植被生长主要是受气温和日照时数共同作用,6月和9月受气温的控制,而8月则主要受降水量的影响。长时间序列NDVI数据集的出现为采用嵌套时段研究植被生长变化趋势奠定了前提,而植被活动变化趋势的持续性则有助于形象表征植被活动变化过程、深入理解植被对气候变化的响应和预测植被未来生长变化趋势。由此推测,青藏高原月NDVI未来增加趋势总体上趋于缓和,但在像元尺度显著变化的区域趋于增加。  相似文献   

重力仪一次项系数对重力场动态变化的影响研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
利用2011~2013喜马拉雅项目在南北地震带北段获得的10余个绝对重力值作为基准,运用甘肃、宁夏和河西3个重力网的数据对各重力仪一次项系数进行重新解算,获得重力场动态变化。结果显示:1)2011-05~2013-06的重力场反映出,青藏高原深部物质向北东运移过程中出现自西南向东北、由负向正的大空间尺度趋势性显著重力变化;2)LCR-G型及Burris型金属弹簧重力仪的一次项较稳定,基本不变,而CG-5型石英弹簧重力仪的一次项逐年减小,应每年利用绝对基准进行实测标定;3)利用绝对基准进行实测一次项标定后,重力场总的变化趋势与利用长基线标定的一次项计算结果基本一致,只是量级有所减小。  相似文献   

全球气候变化背景下,“一带一路”沿线国家农田生态系统脆弱性直接影响着所在国家或地区的粮食安全问题。本文基于农田生态系统总初级生产力(GPP),使用定量的脆弱性评价方法,系统分析了“一带一路”沿线国家农田生态系统脆弱性的空间分布特征及其对气候变化的响应。结果表明:① “一带一路”沿线国家农田生态系统脆弱性普遍处于较高的程度,77.1%的农田生态系统表现为中度和重度脆弱,且农田生态系统脆弱性呈现出明显的空间分异格局,中亚、西亚和蒙古脆弱性较高,中国、东南亚和南亚的脆弱性处于中等水平,俄罗斯、独联体和中东欧脆弱性较低;② 1980年以来“一带一路”沿线农田生态系统暖干化趋势明显,暖干化区域面积占64.06%,暖干化是“一带一路”沿线国家农田生态系统气候变化的主要特征;③ 农田生态系统脆弱性由低到高的气候变化区依次为暖湿区、冷湿区、暖干区、冷干区。暖湿区农田生态系统脆弱性最低,而冷干区农田生态系统脆弱性最高。气温和降水的变化及其耦合关系控制着农田生态系统脆弱性程度,其中降水变化趋势是影响农田生态系统脆弱性的重要因子。本研究为“一带一路”沿线国家应对和解决粮食安全问题,促进农业可持续发展,为加强各国之间的农业国际合作提供科学依据和有益参考。  相似文献   

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