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为了对三维条件下的X射线热击波传播问题进行数值模拟,需首先解决能量沉积计算的问题。本文采用计算能通量矢量在面单元上积分的方法,给出了一种六面体单元中X射线能量沉积算法,并计算了有限长圆柱壳体构形在X射线正入射及斜入射条件下的能量沉积分布。结果表明:对于正入射,沉积能量沿方位角近似呈余弦分布,与理论解吻合,在半径方向上,能量沉积由表层向内部快速递减;对于斜入射,在壳体内外侧及柱体端面均会出现能量沉积区域,整个沉积能量分布呈现出明显的边界效应。  相似文献   

以去离子水为工质,在系统压力为0.89~1.32 MPa、入口质量流速为500~750 kg/(m2·s)、入口温度为58.5℃~132.3℃的条件下,研究了2、3、5根圆管通道(1400 mm×Φ8 mm×2 mm)内工质向上流动时并联通道发生流动不稳定时的特征,并对比了其流动不稳定边界。结果表明,加热并联多通道进入两相后首先发生流量漂移,当通道出口含气率达到一定程度后,最热通道与其他通道之间发生周期性流量脉动;在对称加热条件下,加热通道数目对并联多通道流动不稳定边界无明显影响。  相似文献   

以最佳估算程序RELAP5为基本分析工具,对自然循环系统进行数值分析,得出了不同条件下系统的不稳定性边界。研究发现自然循环对过冷沸腾有一定的承受能力,不稳定性一般发生在低欠热沸腾区,气泡脱离壁面和凝结时的扰动可能是自然循环系统不稳定性的诱因,系统驱动力、阻力和流量之间的相位差使振荡得以维持和发展。  相似文献   


A solution of the multi-group multi-regional diffusion equation in two-dimensional cylindrical (p-z) geometry is obtained in the form of a regionwise double series composed of Bessel and trigonometrical functions.

The diffusion equation is multiplied by weighting functions, which satisfy the homogeneous part of the diffusion equation, and the products are integrated over the region for obtaining the equations to determine the fluxes and their normal derivatives at the region boundaries. Multiplying the diffusion equation by each function of the set used for the flux expansion, then integrating the products, the coefficients of the double series of the flux inside each region are calculated using the boundary values obtained above.

Since the convergence of the series thus obtained is slow especially near the region boundaries, a method for improving the convergence has been developed. The double series of the flux is separated into two parts. The normal derivative at the region boundary of the first part is zero, and that of the second part takes the value which is obtained in the first stage of this method. The second part is replaced by a continuous function, and the flux is represented by the sum of the continuous function and the double series.

A sample critical problem of a two-group two-region system is numerically studied. The results show that the present method yields very accurately the flux integrals in each region with only a small number of expansion terms.  相似文献   

Observation has clearly shown that natural space plasmas generally possess a pronounced non-Maxwellian high-energy tail distribution that can be well modeled by a kappa distribution. In this study we investigate the proton cyclotron wave instability driven by the temperature anisotropy (T⊥/TH 〉1) of suprathermal protons modeled with a typical kappa distribution in the magnetosheath. It is found that as in the case for a regular bi-Maxwellian, the supratherreal proton temperature anisotropy is subject to the threshold condition of this proton cyclotron instability and the instability threshold condition satisfies a general form T⊥/T|| - 1 = S/β||^α, with a very narrow range of the fitting parameters: 0.40 ≤ α ≤ 0.45, and a relatively sensitive variation 0.27 ≤ S ≤ 0.65, over 0.01 ≤β|| 〈 10. Furthermore, the difference in threshold conditions between the kappa distribution and the bi-Maxwellian distribution is found to be small for a relatively strong growth but becomes relatively obvious for a weak wave growth. The results may provide a deeper insight into the physics of this instability threshold for the proton cyclotron waves.  相似文献   

旁支管流致声共振是由特定结构下流场和声场相互作用的结果。本文针对圆形封闭旁支管结构的声共振特征展开实验,研究了旁支管高度和主管道流速对旁支管声共振现象的影响,获得了压力脉动特征和声共振发生区域。实验研究的5种旁支管高度(H/d)为6、8、10、12和14,实验雷诺数Re=3.24×104~2.89×105,马赫数Ma=0.029~0.26。研究结果表明:随着流速的增加,声共振频率会出现频率锁定现象;随着旁支管高度的增加,同阶声模态对应的主控频率降低,共振工况声压幅值降低,声模态转变点对应的流速减小,实验流速范围内声模态数增加。在本实验结构中,声共振主要发生在斯特鲁哈尔数St=0.2~0.55区域内。  相似文献   

对一种用于冷中子源系统的自然循环进行了轴向传热特性研究,建立了以氟里昂为工质的同轴型热虹吸管传热实验系统。研究表明:同轴型热虹吸系统可强化轴向热传输能力,其传热工况有过冷沸腾流动振荡工况、稳定工况和烧干工况3类。在低功率区,过冷沸腾和携带机制造成启动过程的两相流振荡;进入稳定工况区后,系统具有自调适能力,能够维持恒定的循环质量流率;在高功率区,蒸发器烧干产生传热极限。本研究显示出同轴型热虹吸系统的动力特性与普通自然循环系统有明显区别,其循环机制与普通热虹吸系统有本质区别。  相似文献   

本文针对支承板支撑4跨传热管直管束开展流致振动基础试验。试验件由49根旋转正三角形布置的模拟传热管组成,传热管两端固定,中间3处采用支承板支撑。试验测量获得了单向横流冲刷和双向横流冲刷下不同进口流速传热管束的振动特性,获得振幅、频率、临界雷诺数等关键信息。结果表明,双向横流冲刷下的传热管较单向横流冲刷下的在更低雷诺数下发生失稳,两种流动方式下传热管发生失稳时加速度峰值频率均为104Hz,该值与单跨两端固支模型的理论计算固有频率非常接近。研究结果可为传热管束流致振动数值模拟分析提供验证。  相似文献   

随着船用核动力装置的广泛应用,运动条件引起的热工水力现象逐渐受到重视。反应堆堆芯内存在大量并联通道,通过在RELAP5程序的动量方程源项中添加运动条件引起的附加力,开展了倾斜、起伏及摇摆等典型单一运动条件及其耦合运动条件下的并联双通道在强迫循环下的流动不稳定性研究。对比了静止条件及不同运动条件下的不稳定性边界曲线,结果表明,强迫循环下运动条件对并联通道流动不稳定性的影响较小。相同过冷度数下,运动条件与静止条件的相变数差别在2%以下。  相似文献   

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