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2001年2月23日在四川省境内发生了6.0级地震,其宏观震中位于雅江县与康定县之间的高山峡谷地带.极震区烈度达Ⅷ度,Ⅷ度区、Ⅶ度区和Ⅵ度区面积分别为180、1472和3998km2,等震线分布总体形态呈椭圆形,长轴近南北向.震区建筑物普遍受损,山地灾害较为严重.据初步分析认为,此次地震的发生与理塘断裂和玉龙西断裂的长期活动有关,主干断裂活动造成地壳应力调整和集中,最终在块体内部的次级断裂上释放而发生地震.  相似文献   

2001年2月23日在四川省境内发生了6.0级地城, 宏震中位于雅江县与康定县之间的高山峡谷地带。极震区烈度达Ⅷ度,Ⅷ度区,Ⅶ度区和Ⅵ度区面积分别为180,1472和3998km^2,等震线分布总体形态呈椭圆形,长轴近南北向。震区建筑物普遍受损,山地灾害较为严重。据初步分析认为,此次地震的发生与理塘断裂和玉龙西断裂的长期活动有关,主干断裂活动造成地壳应力调整和集中,最终在块体内部的次级断裂上释放而发生地震。  相似文献   

赵瑞斌  张勇 《内陆地震》1994,8(3):262-266
根据焊接接头经焊接热循环后的应变形成机理,研究了金属结构焊接变形的形成规律;建立了预测焊接变形的数学模型,运用数值方法、微机技术、编制了相应的微机预测程序。该程序综合考虑了焊接工艺参数、装配、接顺序、结构中的原始应力状态、散热、板厚、塑性区重叠等对焊接变形的影响。同时对工程实例的焊接变形进行了预测,计算结果与实测结果基本一致,精度满足工程实际要求。  相似文献   

2001年四川雅江6.0级地震序列的破裂特征及发震构造   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
龙思胜 《中国地震》2004,20(1):1-11
2001年雅江地震序列(主要地震是2月14日的Ms5.1和2月23日的Ms6.0地震)是四川地区近13年来的重要地震。选择2001年1月1日~6月30日期间,四川地震台网至少5个清晰的初动到时所记录的雅江地震序列中88次地震,并对其作了重新定位,对其中较大的13次地震用四川地区地震台网P波初动资料作了震源机制解。88次地震震源深度分布在2~16km,优势深度为9~llkm。前震、5.1级地震及其余震、6.0级地震及余震都紧邻孜河断裂分布,且按时段划分的震中优势分布方位与孜河断裂走向都是北西向。根据雅江地区近期大地形变场物质运移方向,选定了震源机制解的破裂面。13次较大地震震源机制解的主压应力P轴具有较大的垂向分量,水平投影方向为南东;地震类型都是左旋、走滑一正断型或正断一走滑型;大部分地震破裂面走向为北西一南东,倾向南西。根据前震、5.1级地震及其余震、6.0级地震及其余震震中优势分布方位,以及大多数较大地震破裂面走向和倾向,认为穿过震区的走向北西、倾向南西的孜河断裂是这次雅江地震序列的发震断裂。  相似文献   

尹克坚 《华南地震》1994,14(1):60-63
对1993年广西贡川4.5级地震的烈度分布及发震构造进行了讨论.这次地震的震中烈度为Ⅵ度,等震线长轴方向呈NNW向。发震构造为NW向的贡川断层,错动方式为左旋走滑.  相似文献   

杜方 《四川地震》2001,(4):40-46
对2001年2月14日和23日在四川省雅江-康定相继发生的5.0和6.0级地城的发震背景进行了初步分析,对雅江地震引发的值得研究的问题作了一些探讨,这些分析和探讨对雅江地震发震构造,块体内部中强地震孕育,块体内部中强地震跟踪预测有一定的启示。  相似文献   

2005年8月5日在云南省会泽与四川省会东两县交界处,发生了Ms5.3级地震。极震区四川震区位于会东县松坪—野牛坪—甘海子—岩坝—淌塘一带,极震区烈度为Ⅵ度,Ⅵ度区和Ⅴ度区面积分别为353和1208km2。等震线分布形态总体呈长椭圆形,长轴为北东向。四川震区涉及会东县松坪、嘎吉、鲁吉、淌塘、大桥、野租等6个区共28个乡,大多数建筑物受损,在松坪区、淌塘区的部分地区出现山地灾害。综合分析认为,此次地震的发生与震区北东向淌塘—岩坝断裂的活动有关。  相似文献   

永胜6.0级地震的地质构造背景及发震构造   总被引:4,自引:4,他引:4  
阐述了永胜Ms6.0级地震震区的地震地质构造背景与构造应力场,结合本次地震的裂度分布几何形态、震源机制解、主余震震中分布和地表破坏等资料,讨论了地震的发震构造,认为程海断裂宾川-金沙江段是该地震的发震断理解。程海断裂宾川-金沙江段以左旋走滑活动为主,兼具正断层性质。  相似文献   

2003年9月2日在阿克陶发生了5.9级地震,震中烈度为Ⅶ度。地震形成的雪崩、滚石,压死了大牲畜数百头,并造成Ⅵ度区的部分房屋裂缝。地震发生在新构造活动强烈的帕米尔高原东部北北西构造带上,该构造带的断裂性质多为右旋走滑的全新世活动深断裂。该次地震微观震中和宏观震中之间有一定距离,依据宏观震中位置判定,发震构造为布伦口断裂。  相似文献   

Introduction According to the determination of the state seismic station network, a strong earthquake with magnitude of 6.0 occurred at 08h09min, February 23, 2001 (Beijing Time) in the mountainous area of Garze, Sichuan Province in southwest China. The epicenter is at 101?6E, 29?4N. The seismic region is just located on combining part among six counties. After the occurrence of the earthquake, an investigating team from the Seismological Bureau of Sichuan Province started off to the sei…  相似文献   

An M=6.0 earthquake occurred on February 23, 2001 in the western Sichuan Province, China. The macro seismic epicenter situated in the high mountain-narrow valley region between Yajiang and Kangding counties. According to field investigation in the region, the intensity of epicentral area reached VIII and the areas with intensity VIII, VII and VI are 180 km2, 1 472 km2 and 3 998 km2, respectively. The isoseismals are generally in elliptic shape with major axis trending near N-S direction. The earthquake destroyed many buildings and produced some phenomena of ground failure and mountainous disasters in the area with intensity VIII. This event may be resulted from long-term activities of the Litang fault and Yunongxi fault, two main faults in the western Sichuan. The movements between the main faults made the crust stress adjusted and concentrated, and finally the earthquake on a secondary fault in the block released a quite large energy.  相似文献   

丽江7.0级地震的烈度分布   总被引:7,自引:1,他引:7  
本综合丽江地震宏观考察资料、系统介绍了整个震区和丽江县城(大研镇)的烈度分布及各烈度区的震害特征,并对一些主要烈度异常点(区)产生的原因进行了初步分析。  相似文献   

1626年灵丘地震烈度分布特征与阻震构造初步讨论   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
对1626年灵丘地震的破坏情况进行了重新考证,着重指出了灵丘地震烈度沿唐河大断裂的高值异常和向西的快速衰减特征。在此基础上,提出了阻震构造的概念并进行了相应的理论分析。文章最后指出:唐河大断裂是1626年灵丘地震的阻震构造。  相似文献   

张北-尚义地震序列的重新定位和发震构造/   总被引:33,自引:3,他引:33       下载免费PDF全文
1998年1月10日在北京西北约180 km的河北省张北县和尚义县交界地区发生的ML=6.2地震是华北地区近年的重要地震事件.历史上这一地区的地震活动水平不高,迄今在地表未发现有明显活动的断裂.张北-尚义地震发生后,不同机构给出的主震定位结果不尽相同,他们所给出的余震分布也没有显示出优势的展布方向.因此,张北-尚义地震的发震构造亟待研究.本文应用相对定位方法,对张北-尚义地震序列的主震和ML3.0余震重新精确定位.得出:张北-尚义地震序列的主震震中位置为41.145N、114.462E,位于宏观震中的北东方向约4 km处,震源深度15 km;余震震源分布在与震源机制解给出的走向为180~200的节面一致的、接近于竖直的平面内及其附近.张北-尚义地震序列的重新精确定位的结果清楚地表明了张北-尚义地震的发震构造是一近南-北向~北北东向的断层.这次地震是在与华北地区构造应力场方向一致的﹑近水平的、北东东向主压应力作用下发生的右旋-逆断层错动.  相似文献   

On January 21, 2016, a M6.4 earthquake occurred in Menyuan county, Qinghai Province. Its epicenter is located in the Qilian-Hexi Zoulang tectonic zone, which records several moderate-large historical earthquakes. Previous studies on this event are based on geology, remote sensing data and focal mechanism solutions, lacking analysis on its seismogenic structure. In order to study seismogenic fault plane and seismoteconic style of the earthquake, this work uses data of seismic intensity, aftershocks, and geology to address this issue. Furthermore, we calculate Coulomb stress changes imposed by the 1927 Gulang M8 and 1986 Menyuan M6.4 earthquake on the fault plane of the 2016 Menyuan M6.4 earthquake. The results indicate the early two events have posed distinct impacts on two nodal planes:loading or triggering on nodal plane Ⅰ, and unloading or delay on Ⅱ. In some cases such triggering stress is approaching or up to the threshold value of 0.01 MPa. Combining isoseismals, aftershock distribution, geological structure and different Coulomb stress changes aforementioned, the nodal plane Ⅱ of the source model is considered the seismogenic feature. In conjunction with geophysical data, we establish the seismogenic model of the Menyuan earthquake, which is a positive flower structure in a profile, gentle in the upper and steep in the lower, characterized by thrusting in a strike slipping fault system. This is a possible model for thrusting earthquakes generated by strike-slip faults in a compressional tectonic regime.  相似文献   

1936年灵山63/4级地震极震区烈度分布及发震构造   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
李伟琦 《华南地震》1992,12(3):46-51
根据现场调查材料,对1936年4月1日广西灵山6 3/4级地震震中区烈度进行评定并绘制了等震线图。图中烈度Ⅸ、Ⅷ度区呈“T”形,两长轴方向与区内NEE及NNW方向断裂吻合。据此认为该震的发震构造为NEE和NNW两组断裂,6 3/4级地震系两组断裂共轭破裂的结果。又据低烈值沿NEE方向衰减较慢,认为NEE组断裂同时起控震构造作用。  相似文献   

The Oct.1,2014 M5.0 Yuexi earthquake occurred on the Daliang Shan fault zone where only several historical moderate earthquakes were recorded.Based on the waveform data from Sichuan regional seismic network,we calculated the focal mechanism solution and centroid depth of the M5.0 Yuexi earthquake by CAP (Cut and Paste) waveform inversion method,and preliminarily analyzed the seismogenic structure.We also calculated the apparent stress values of the M5.0 earthquake and other 14 ML≥4.0 events along the Shimian-Qiaojia fault segment of the eastern boundary of the Sichuan-Yunnan block.The result indicates that the parameters of the focal mechanism solution are with a strike of 256°,dip of 62°,and slip of 167° for the nodal plane Ⅰ,and strike of 352°,dip of 79°,and slip of 29° for the nodal plane Ⅱ.The azimuth of the P axis is 121° with dip angle of 11°,the azimuth of T axis is 217° with dip angle of 28°,and the centroid depth is about 11km,and moment magnitude is MW5.1.According to the focal mechanism solution and the fault geometry near the epicenter,we infer that the seismogenic fault is a branch fault,i.e.,the Puxiong Fault,along the central segment of the Daliang Shan fault zone.Thus,the nodal plane Ⅱ was interpreted as the coseismic rupture plane.The M5.0 Yuexi earthquake is a strike-slip faulting event with an oblique component.The above findings reveal the M5.0 Yuexi earthquake resulted from the left-lateral strike-slip faulting of the NNW Dalang Shan fault zone under the nearly horizontal principal compressive stress regime in an NWW-SEE direction.The apparent stress value of the Yuexi earthquake is 0.99MPa,higher than those of the ML ≥ 4.0 earthquakes along the eastern boundary of the Sichuan-Yunnan block since 2008 Wenchuan M8.0 earthquake,implying a relatively high stress level on the seismogenic area and greater potential for the moderate and strong earthquake occurrence.It may also reflect the current increasing stress level of the entire area along the eastern boundary,and therefore,posing the risk of strong earthquakes there.  相似文献   

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