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The g factors g||,g⊥ and hyperfine structure constants A||,A⊥ for two trigonal Co^2 centers (i.e.,Co^2 in Cd^2 (I) and Cd^2 (Ⅱ) sites) in CsCdCl3:Co^2 crystals are calculated from the high-order perturbation formulas based on the cluster approach.In the calculation,the contributions from covalency effect and configuration interaction effect are considered and the parameters related to both effects are obtained from the optical spectrum and the structure data of the studied system.The results are in good agreement with the observed values.  相似文献   

In order to make a further confirmation of the assignments of the excited bottom and bottom-strange mesons B1(5721),B2^*(5747),Bs1(5830)and Bs2^*(5840)and identify possible assignments of BJ(5840)and BJ(5970),we study the strong decay of these states with the 3P0 decay model.Our analysis supports the assignments of B1(5721)and B2*(5747)as the 1P'1 and 1^3P2 states,and Bs1(5830)and Bs2^*(5840)as the strange partners of B1(5721)and B2^*(5747).Besides,we tentatively identify the recently observed BJ(5840)and BJ(5970)as the 2^3S1 and 13D3 states.It is noted that these conclusions need further confirmation by measurements of the decay channels BJ(5840)→Bπand BJ(5970)→Bπ.  相似文献   

利用微波放电C12/He等离子体作为Cl源,对反应NCl(a^1△) I(^2P3/2)→NCl(X^3∑) I(^2P3/2)进行了实验研究,得到了较大的I(^2P3/2)自发辐射荧光信号,检测到NCl(a^1△,b^1∑)自发辐射荧光光谱在存在少量I(^2P3/2)下发生的显著变化,其中NCl(a^1△)自发辐射荧光信号降低,同时由于I(^2P3/2)的作用,NCl(b^1∑)自发辐射荧光信号大幅度增加。在考察各反应气体流量对I(^2P3/2)自发辐射荧光信号的影响时发现,在本次实验条件下,各种气体的最佳流量:He为1—4mmol/s,I2为0.01—0.03mmol/s,Cl2为1.0mmol/s左右,而HN3流量略大于Cl2流量时信号升高幅度开始变缓,约为Cl2流量的两倍时信号不再有显著的变化。  相似文献   

The absorption spectrum of the D2Se molecule in the region of 21, 1 + 3, and 23 absorption bands is registered with a high-resolution Fourier spectrometer and is studied theoretically for a Hamiltonian model with allowance for resonant interactions among (200), (101), and (002) vibrational states.  相似文献   

Starting from the extended mapping approach and a linear variable separation method, we find new families of variable separation solutions with some arbitrary functions for the (3+1)-dimensionM Burgers system. Then based on the derived exact solutions, some novel and interesting localized coherent excitations such as embedded-solitons, taper-like soliton, complex wave excitations in the periodic wave background are revealed by introducing appropriate boundary conditions and/or initial qualifications. The evolutional properties of the complex wave excitations are briefly investigated.  相似文献   

We study the symmetries of a (2+1)-dimensional generalized Broer-Kaup system by means of the classical Lie group theory. The corresponding group algebra is constructed. Based on the symmetries, severaJ types of similarity solutions are obtained.  相似文献   

Cross sections of electron-loss in H(1s)+ H(1s) collisions and total collisional destruction of H(2s) in H(1s) 4- H(2s) collisions are calculatted by four-body classical-trajectory Monte Caylo (CTMC) method and compared with previous theoretical and experimental data over the energy range of 4-100 keV. For the former a good agreement is obtained within different four-body CTMC calculations, and for the incident energy Ep 〉 10 keV, comparison with the experimental data shows a better agreement than the results calculated by the impact parameter approx- imation. For the latter, our theory predicts the correct experimental behaviour, and the discrepancies between our results and experimental ones are less than 30%. Based on the successive comparison with experiments, the cross sections for excitation to H(2p), single- and double-ionization and H- formation in H(2s)+H(2s) collisions are calculated in the energy range of 4-100 keV for the first time, and compared with those in H(1s)+H(1s) and H(1s)+U(2s) collisions.  相似文献   

We investigate the giant magnetoresistance of composites (La1-xAgzMnO3)1-υ(MnO2/Mn2O3)υ. The magnetoresistive property of the composites shows the characteristics of intergranular tunnelling. A conductivity leap has been observed around y = 0.7. The composite (La0.926Ag0.074MnO3)0.698(MnO2/Mn2O3)0.302 has been found to show the greatest magnetoresistance in the samples. Its room-temperature MR ratio reaches 24% under a field of 1.8T. These phenomena suggest a percolation transformation and a kind of field-induced fluctuation in percolation in the samples investigated.  相似文献   

Based on the universal properties of a critical point in different systems and that the QCD phase transitions fall into the same universality classes as the 3-dimensional Ising, O(2) or O(4) spin models, the critical behavior of cumulants and higher cumulant ratios of the order parameter from the three kinds of spin models is studied. We found that all higher cumulant ratios change dramatically the sign near the critical temperature. The qualitative critical behavior of the same order cumulant ratio is consistent in these three models.  相似文献   

The analysis of the ground state rotational spectrum of SO2F2 [K. Sarka, J. Demaison, L. Margulès, I. Merke, N. Heineking, H. Bürger, H. Ruland, J. Mol. Spectrosc. 200 (2000) 55] has been performed with the Watson’s Hamiltonian up to sextic terms but shows some limits due to the A and S reductions. Since SO2F2 is a quasi-spherical top, it can also be regarded as derived from an hypothetical XY4 molecule. Thus we have developed a new tensorial formalism in the O(3)⊃TdC2v group chain (M. Rotger, V. Boudon, M. Loëte, J. Mol. Spectrosc. 216 (2002) 297]. We test it on the ground state of this molecule using the same experimental data (10 GHz-1 THz region, J up to 99). Both fits are comparable even if the formalisms are slightly different. This paper intends to establish a link between the classical approach and the tensorial formalism. In particular, our tensorial parameters at a given order of the development are related to the usual ones. Programs for spectrum simulation and fit using these methods are named C2vTDS. They are freely available at the URL:http://www.u-bourgogne.fr/LPUB/c2vTDS.html.  相似文献   

The hyperfine structure splittings of the P(10)14-1, R(15)14-1, and R(99)15-1 transitions at 585 nm, P(62)17-1 at 576 nm, and P(80)21-1 at 565 nm in 127I2 are measured by heterodyne spectroscopy using two dye lasers. In addition, the absolute frequencies of the hyperfine components P(10)14-1 a15 and P(80)21-1 a10 are determined using a self-referenced frequency comb. These frequencies are used in an experiment testing relativistic time dilation by laser spectroscopy on a fast ion beam.  相似文献   

Polarization labeling spectroscopy is applied to study the excited E(4)1Σ+ state of NaLi in the energy range 25 850-27 750 cm−1 above the bottom of the ground state. The potential curve of the E state is constructed using the Inverted Perturbation Approach method.  相似文献   

-1 in a single scan. The potential of the OPO system for linear and nonlinear-optical spectroscopy is demonstrated by recording high-resolution photoacoustic absorption and coherent anti-Stokes Raman spectra of methane, as a gas and in a pulsed supersonic free jet. This narrowband tunable infrared source is shown to scan reliably with an optical bandwidth as small as 0.007 cm-1 (210 MHz) full width half maximum (fwhm), close to the fourier-transform limit. Received: 5 February 1998/Revised version: 6 March 1998  相似文献   

Spectroscopic sensing of gases can be performed with high sensitivity and photometric precision by cavity ringdown (CRD) absorption spectroscopy. Our cavity ringdown spectrometer incorporates continuous-wave (cw) tunable diode lasers, fibre-optic coupling and standard photonics and optical telecommunications components. It comprises a rapidly swept optical cavity in a single-ended optical heterodyne transmitter–receiver configuration, enabling optical absorption of gases to be recorded either as single-frequency scanned spectra or as simultaneous, multi-wavelength tailored spectra. By measuring weak near-infrared rovibrational spectra of carbon dioxide gas (CO2), with high resolution in the vicinity of 1.53 μm, we have realised a noise-limited absorption sensitivity of 2.5×10-9 cm-1 Hz-1/2. Analytical sensitivity limits (both actual and projected) and prospective gas-diagnostic applications are discussed. Our approach to cw-CRD spectroscopy offers high performance in a relatively simple, low-cost, compact instrument that is amenable to chemical analysis of trace gases in medical, agricultural, industrial and environmental situations. Received: 16 May 2002 / Revised version: 3 June 2002 / Published online: 21 August 2002 RID="*" ID="*"Corresponding author. Fax: +61-2/9850-8313, E-mail: brian.orr@mq.edu.au  相似文献   

Following previous investigations on H216O and H218O by cavity ring-down spectroscopy, this method has now been applied to investigate the energy region of the 5ν polyad in the absorption spectrum of H217O. In the range 16 570-17 125 cm−1, the highest energy range investigated for the H217O isotopologue so far, 516 lines are attributed to H217O and assigned from a newly generated line list.  相似文献   

This paper presents spectroscopic measurements of iodine at 778 nm and 518 nm performed by second and third harmonics of a 1.5-μm diode laser, generated by quasi-phase matching in a periodically poled lithium niobate waveguide. Sub-Doppler spectroscopy by a 780-nm source was also demonstrated, and shows the potential of the system to reach high levels of frequency stability by locking the laser to the iodine transitions. The suggested method significantly improves the number of frequency references available for stabilizing 1550-nm lasers. Received: 4 February 2002 / Revised version: 14 May 2002 / Published online: 8 August 2002  相似文献   

A pair of 1.5 μm semiconductor laser frequency standards have been developed for optical telecommunications use, stabilised to Doppler-free transitions of the ν1 + ν3 and ν1 + ν2 + ν4 + ν5 combination bands of 13C2H2. The Allan deviation σ/f for a laser locked to line P(10) of the former band follows a slope of 1.6 × 10−12τ−1/2, reaching a minimum of 5.7 × 10−14 at τ = 4000 s. The absolute frequencies of 61 lines of the ν1 + ν3 band and 43 lines of the ν1 + ν2 + ν4 + ν5 band, covering the spectral region 1520 nm to 1552 nm, have been measured by use of a combined frequency chain and femtosecond comb, together with a passive optical frequency comb generator. The mean uncertainties for the line frequencies within each band are 1.4 kHz for the ν1 + ν3 band and 1.9 kHz for the ν1 + ν2 + ν4 + ν5 band, representing improvements on the precision of previously published data by factors of 100 and 104, respectively. Improved values of the rotational constant B″ and centrifugal distortion coefficients D″, H″ and L″ of the vibrational ground state are presented.This article is published with the permission of the Controller of HMSO and the Queen’s Printer of Scotland  相似文献   

We review a theory for coupled many-nonlinear oscillator systems that describes quantum ergodicity and energy flow in molecules. The theory exploits the isomorphism between quantum energy flow in Fock space, that is, vibrational state space, and single-particle quantum transport in disordered solid-state systems. The quantum ergodicity transition in molecules is thereby analogous to the Anderson transition in disordered solids. The theory reviewed here, local random matrix theory (LRMT), describes the nature of the quantum ergodicity transition, statistical properties of vibrational eigenstates, and quantum energy flow through the vibrational states of molecules. Predictions of LRMT have been observed in computational studies of coupled nonlinear oscillator systems, which are summarized here. We also review applications of LRMT to molecular spectroscopy and chemical reaction rate theory, including adoption of LRMT in theories that predict rates of conformational change of molecules taking place at energies corresponding to those below and above the quantum ergodicity transition. A number of specific examples are reviewed, including the application of LRMT to predict (1) dilution factors of IR spectra of organic molecules, (2) rates of conformational change in chemical and photochemical reactions, (3) conformational dynamics of biological molecules in molecular beams, (4) rates of hydrogen bond breaking and rearrangement in clusters of biological molecules and water, and (5) excited state proton transfer reactions in proteins.  相似文献   

A phase-sensitive technique was used to measure the sensitivity to operating conditions of the output frequency of a highly stable carbon dioxide laser, which operated on the 10-μmm R(0) transition (28.8 THz) and was locked to the saturated absorption of the Q(15) transition of OsO4. Periodic changes in the operating conditions were imposed on the laser and the resulting changes in the output frequency were measured through phase-sensitive demodulation of the heterodyne beat with a second CO2 laser of much lower stability. Shifts as small as 50Hz could be detected by this technique. The results are in good agreement with previous measurements which employed an infrared frequency chain.  相似文献   

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