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Optimal T cell responsiveness requires signaling through the T cell receptor (TCR) and CD28 costimulatory receptors. Previously, we showed that T cells from autoimmune nonobese diabetic (NOD) mice display proliferative hyporesponsiveness to TCR stimulation, which may be causal to the development of insulin-dependent diabetes mellitus (IDDM). Here, we demonstrate that anti-CD28 mAb stimulation restores complete NOD T cell proliferative responsiveness by augmentation of IL-4 production. Whereas neonatal treatment of NOD mice with anti-CD28 beginning at 2 wk of age inhibits destructive insulitis and protects against IDDM by enhancement of IL-4 production by islet-infiltrating T cells, administration of anti-CD28 beginning at 5-6 wk of age does not prevent IDDM. Simultaneous anti-IL-4 treatment abrogates the preventative effect of anti-CD28 treatment. Thus, neonatal CD28 costimulation during 2-4 wk of age is required to prevent IDDM, and is mediated by the generation of a Th2 cell-enriched nondestructive environment in the pancreatic islets of treated NOD mice. Our data support the hypothesis that a CD28 signal is requisite for activation of IL-4-producing cells and protection from IDDM.  相似文献   

The polymerase chain reaction using oligonucleotides based on consensus sequences from other species allowed us to amplify minke whale (Balaenoptera acutorostrata) T cell receptor (TcR) gamma and delta constant genes. Two types of Cgamma clones were obtained which only differ by one mismatch. These minke whale Cgamma clones showed 83% nucleotide and 70% amino acid sequence similarity to the corresponding region of the human TRGC genes. The minke whale Cdelta sequences were all identical, and showed 86% nucleotide and 77.8% amino acid sequence similarity to the human TRDC gene. The whale Cgamma and Cdelta clones were used as probes for Southern blot analysis. The data confirmed that there is a unique Cdelta gene in minke whale. Two different Cgamma genes were detected, one of them also cross-hybridizing with a human Cgamma probe, suggesting that the Cgamma locus in minke whale consists of at least two different constant genes.  相似文献   

Partial lesions of the mammalian spinal cord result in an immediate motor impairment that recovers gradually over time; however, the cellular mechanisms responsible for the transient nature of this paralysis have not been defined. A unique opportunity to identify those injury-induced cellular responses that mediate the recovery of function has arisen from the discovery of a unique mutant strain of mice in which the onset of Wallerian degeneration is dramatically delayed. In this strain of mice (designated WldS for Wallerian degeneration, slow), many of the cellular responses to spinal cord injury are also delayed. We have used this experimental animal model to evaluate possible causal relationships between these delayed cellular responses and the onset of functional recovery. For this purpose, we have compared the time course of locomotor recovery in C57BL/6 (control) mice and in WldS (mutant) mice by hemisecting the spinal cord at T8 and evaluating locomotor function at daily postoperative intervals. The time course of locomotor recovery (as determined by the Tarlov open-field walking procedure) was substantially delayed in mice carrying the WldS mutation: C57BL/6 control mice began to stand and walk within 6 days (mean Tarlov score of 4), whereas mutant mice did not exhibit comparable locomotor function until 16 days postoperatively. Interpretation and conclusion: (a) The rapid return of locomotor function in the C57BL/6 mice suggests that the recovery resulted from processes of functional plasticity rather than from regeneration or collateral sprouting of nerve fibers. (b) The marked delay in the return of locomotor function in WldS mice indicates that the processes of neuroplasticity are induced by degenerative changes in the damaged neurons. (c) These strains of mice can be effectively used in future studies to elucidate the specific biochemical and physiological alterations responsible for inducing functional plasticity and restoring locomotor function after spinal cord injury.  相似文献   

The common cytokine receptor gamma chain (gammac), which is a functional subunit of the receptors for interleukins (IL)-2, -4, -7, -9, and -15, plays an important role in lymphoid development. Inactivation of this molecule in mice leads to abnormal T cell lymphopoiesis characterized by thymic hypoplasia and reduced numbers of peripheral T cells. To determine whether T cell development in the absence of gammac is associated with alterations of intrathymic and peripheral T cell selection, we have analyzed gammac-deficient mice made transgenic for the male-specific T cell receptor (TCR) HY (HY/gammac- mice). In HY/gammac- male mice, negative selection of autoreactive thymocytes was not diminished; however, peripheral T cells expressing transgenic TCR-alpha and -beta chains (TCR-alphaT/betaT) were absent, and extrathymic T cell development was completely abrogated. In HY/gammac- female mice, the expression of the transgenic TCR partially reversed the profound thymic hypoplasia observed in nontransgenic gammac- mice, generating increased numbers of thymocytes in all subsets, particularly the TCR-alphaT/betaT CD8+ single-positive thymocytes. Despite efficient positive selection, however, naive CD8+ TCR-alphaT/betaT T cells were severely reduced in the peripheral lymphoid organs of HY/gammac- female mice. These results not only underscore the indispensible role of gammac in thymocyte development, but also demonstrate the critical role of gammac in the maintenance and/or expansion of peripheral T cell pools.  相似文献   

Interleukin (IL)-13 and IL-4 are cytokine products of TH2 cells which exert similar effects in a variety of cell types. We recently described IL-13R expression on human renal cell and colon carcinoma cells and demonstrated that gammac is not a component of IL-13R or IL-4R systems in these cells. In lymphoid cells such as B cells and monocytes, which respond to IL-13, gammac is a component of IL-4R but does not appear to be a component of IL-13R. Furthermore, while significant IL-13 binding is observed on carcinoma cells, IL-13 barely binds these lymphoid cells and the binding characteristics are different. To better understand the role of gammac in IL-13 binding and signaling, we have transfected a renal cell carcinoma cell line with gammac and examined IL-13 and IL-4 binding and signaling. IL-13 binding as well as IL-13 and IL-4 signaling through the JAK-STAT signaling pathway were severely inhibited. This inhibition was paralleled by a loss of expression of one of the IL-13R chains and intercellular cell adhesion molecule-1. Thus, although gammac has been shown to enhance IL-4 binding and function in some cell types, its influence on IL-13R function in tumor cells appear to be largely negative.  相似文献   

We have investigated the role of common gamma chain (gamma c)-signaling pathways for the development of T cell receptor for antigen (TCR)-gamma/delta T cells. TCR-gamma/delta-bearing cells were absent from the adult thymus, spleen, and skin of gamma c-deficient (gamma c-) mice, whereas small numbers of thymocytes expressing low levels of TCR-gamma/delta were detected during fetal life. Recent reports have suggested that signaling via interleukin (IL)-7 plays a major role in facilitating TCR-gamma/delta development through induction of V-J (variable-joining) rearrangements at the TCR-gamma locus. In contrast, we detected clearly TCR-gamma rearrangements in fetal thymi from gamma c- mice (which fail to signal in response to IL-7) and reduced TCR-gamma rearrangements in adult gamma c thymi. No gross defects in TCR-delta or TCR-beta rearrangements were observed in gamma c- mice of any age. Introduction of productively rearranged TCR V gamma 1 or TCR V gamma 1/V delta 6 transgenes onto mice bearing the gamma c mutation did not restore TCR-gamma/delta development to normal levels suggesting that gamma c-dependent pathways provide additional signals to developing gamma/delta T cells other than for the recombination process. Bcl-2 levels in transgenic thymocytes from gamma c- mice were dramatically reduced compared to gamma c+ transgenic littermates. We favor the concept that gamma c-dependent receptors are required for the maintenance of TCR-gamma/delta cells and contribute to the completion of TCR-gamma rearrangements primarily by promoting survival of cells committed to the TCR-gamma/delta lineage.  相似文献   

Previous studies have shown that injection of galanin (GAL: 6.2 nmol/kg) causes prolonged inhibition of cardiac vagal action in anaesthetised cats. Stimulation of the cardiac sympathetic nerve (16 Hz for 5 min) also produces inhibition of cardiac vagal action, an effect which has been proposed to be due to the release of endogenous GAL from sympathetic nerves. In a previous study we tested galantide (M15) and in this study we compared galantide with two other GAL antagonists for their GAL antagonist activity in our experimental model. Each of these incorporate the N-terminal fragment GAL 1-13 and a C-terminal portion of another bioactive peptide and all are C-terminally amidated. GAL 1-13 Substance P 5-11 amide (galantide: M15: 62 nmol/kg and 156 nmol/kg), GAL 1-13 Spantide amide (C7: 156 nmol/kg) and GAL 1-13 NPY 24-36 amide (M32a: 62 nmol/kg) all significantly reduced the cardiac vagal inhibitory effect of exogenous GAL and also reduced the effect of sympathetic stimulation on subsequent cardiac vagal slowing, giving strong support to our hypothesis that GAL is involved in this phenomenon. No antagonist reduced the depressor effect of GAL. This study demonstrates the GAL antagonist properties of these agents on autonomic neuroeffector functions making them useful tools in elucidating further functions of endogenous GAL.  相似文献   

The mechanism of self-tolerance in the CD4(+) T cell compartment was examined in a double transgenic (Tg) model in which T cell receptor (TCR)-alpha/beta Tg mice with specificity for the COOH-terminal peptide of moth cytochrome c in association with I-Ek were crossed with antigen Tg mice. Partial deletion of cytochrome-reactive T cells in the thymus allowed some self-specific CD4(+) T cells to be selected into the peripheral T cell pool. Upon restimulation with peptide in vitro, these cells upregulated interleukin (IL)-2 receptor but showed substantially lower cytokine production and proliferation than cells from TCR Tg controls. Proliferation and cytokine production were restored to control levels by addition of saturating concentrations of IL-2, consistent with the original in vitro definition of T cell anergy. However, the response of double Tg cells to superantigen stimulation in the absence of exogenous IL-2 was indistinguishable from that of TCR Tg controls, indicating that these self-reactive cells were not intrinsically hyporesponsive. Measurement of surface expression of Tg-encoded TCR alpha and beta chains revealed that cells from double Tg mice expressed the same amount of TCR-beta as cells from TCR Tg controls, but only 50% of TCR-alpha, implying expression of more than one alpha chain. Naive CD4(+) T cells expressing both Tg-encoded and endogenous alpha chains also manifested an anergic phenotype upon primary stimulation with cytochrome c in vitro, suggesting that low avidity for antigen can produce an anergic phenotype in naive cells. The carboxyfluorescein diacetate succinimidyl ester cell division profiles in response to titered peptide +/- IL-2 indicated that expression of IL-2 receptor correlated with peptide concentration but not TCR level, whereas IL-2 production was profoundly affected by the twofold decrease in specific TCR expression. Addition of exogenous IL-2 recruited double Tg cells into division, resulting in a pattern of cell division indistinguishable from that of controls. Thus, in this experimental model, cells expressing more than one alpha chain escaped negative selection to a soluble self-protein in the thymus and had an anergic phenotype indistinguishable from that of low avidity naive cells. The data are consistent with the notion that avidity-mediated selection for self-reactivity in the thymus may lead to the appearance of anergy within the peripheral, self-reactive T cell repertoire, without invoking the induction of hyporesponsiveness to TCR-mediated signals.  相似文献   

Shb is a recently described Src homology 2 (SH2) domain-containing adaptor protein. Here we show that Shb is expressed in lymphoid tissues, and is recruited into signaling complexes upon activation of Jurkat T cells. Grb2 binds proline-rich motifs in Shb via its SH3 domains. As a result, a number of proteins detected in anti-Shb and anti-Grb2 immunoprecipitates are shared, including phosphoproteins of 22, 36/38, 55/57 and 70 kDa. Shb-association with p22, which represents the T cell receptor associated zeta chain, occurs through the Shb SH2 domain. The central region of Shb binds p36/38. Since this interaction was inhibited by phosphotyrosine, this region of Shb is likely to contain a non-SH2 PTB (phosphotyrosine binding) domain. The Shb PTB domain was found to preferentially bind the sequence Asp-Asp-X-pTyr when incubated with a phosphopeptide library. A peptide corresponding to a phosphorylation site in 34 kDa Lnk inhibited association between Shb and p36/38. Overexpression of Shb in Jurkat cells led to increased basal phosphorylation of Shb-associated p36/38 and p70 proteins. Inactivation of the Shb SH2 domain by an R522K mutation resulted in a reduced stimulation of tyrosine phosphorylation of several proteins in response to CD3 crosslinking when expressed in Jurkat cells. Together, our results show three distinct domains of Shb all participate in the formulation of multimeric signaling complexes in activated T cells. These results indicate that the Shb protein functions in T cell receptor signaling.  相似文献   

The interleukin (IL)-2 receptor gamma chain has recently been shown to be a component of the IL-7 and IL-4 receptors. Using a transient transfection assay and the trans-activation of reporter gene constructs which are under the control of cytokine-responsive promoter elements, we have studied signal transduction through the IL-7 receptor (IL-7R). The reporter gene expression was not stimulated by receptors that contained the cytoplasmic domain of the IL-7R, either as intact IL-7R or as part of a chimeric receptor. However, co-expression of the IL-7R with the IL-2 receptor gamma chain was able to stimulate gene activation. For maximal stimulation the intact cytoplasmic domains of each chain was required.  相似文献   

The functional receptor for the inflammatory cytokine IL-6 is composed of the ligand binding IL-6 receptor alpha chain (IL-6R alpha) and the signal transducing chain gp130, which is a shared component of multiple cytokine receptors. We analyzed the surface expression of gp130 and IL-6R alpha in thymocytes and peripheral T cells. While all thymocytes expressed gp130 throughout thymic maturation, they gained expression of IL-6R alpha at the CD4 or CD8 single-positive stage. Approximately 10-30% of the CD4-CD8+ and 40-50% of the CD4+CD8- thymocytes expressed IL-6R alpha. Within the CD4+CD8- population, the IL-6R alpha- subpopulation was cortisone sensitive, appeared immature according to the cell surface markers expressed and failed to proliferate after TCR cross-linking. Peripheral T cells were predominantly gp130+ and IL-6R alpha+, but down-regulated gp130 and IL-6R alpha expression upon TCR engagement in vitro and in vivo. Peripheral gp130low/-IL-6R alphalow/- T cells expressed surface markers characteristic of memory T cells. We show that gp130 and IL-6R alpha are expressed in a regulated manner in T cells, depending on the developmental and functional stage.  相似文献   

The T cell receptor (TCR) alphabeta heterodimer interacts with its ligands with high specificity, but surprisingly low affinity. The role of the zeta component of the murine TCR in contributing to the fidelity of antigen recognition was examined. With sequence-specific phosphotyrosine antibodies, it was found that zeta undergoes a series of ordered phosphorylation events upon TCR engagement. Completion of phosphorylation steps is dependent on the nature of the TCR ligand. Thus, the phosphorylation steps establish thresholds for T cell activation. This study documents the sophisticated molecular events that follow the engagement of a low-affinity receptor.  相似文献   

Vacuolar apical compartment (VAC) is a transient organelle originally observed in Madin-Darby canine kidney (MDCK) epithelial cells impaired from forming cell-cell contacts. VACs are large vacuoles which contain microvilli and apical plasma membrane markers (among others, a 184-kDa plasma membrane protein, AP2), but exclude basolateral membrane markers. Upon reestablishment of cell-cell contacts, VACs are rapidly (within 1 h) exocytosed toward intercellular spaces, after which the apical plasma membrane drifts toward its final destination (Vega-Salas, Salas, and Rodriguez-Boulan. 1988. J. Cell Biol. 107, 1717-1728). In this work, we studied the role of cAMP as a mediator for the exocytosis of VACs. We shifted confluent cells from low to normal calcium medium (thus reestablishing cell-cell contacts and causing VAC exocytosis), a shift which resulted in a significant rise of cellular levels of both total intracellular and protein-bound cAMP. The 8-Br analog of cAMP (8-Br-cAMP) (5-50 microM) caused externalization of the intracellular compartment of AP2 as measured by radioimmunoassay. A similar effect was observed with 3-isobutyl-1-methylxanthine. 8-Br-cAMP also caused the appearance of AP2-positive VAC images in nonpermeabilized cells, namely, VACs that become accessible to extracellular antibodies upon fusion with the plasma membrane. Lanthanum, which abolishes the peak of intracellular free calcium during a calcium switch, failed to block the exocytosis. On the other hand, 12-O-tetradecanoylphorbol-13-acetate induced only a modest exocytic response. Finally, 8-Br-cAMP induced VAC exocytosis in sparse MDCK cells grown in normal calcium medium. These data indicate that cAMP is a mediator between the extracellular signal provided by cell-cell contacts and VAC exocytosis.  相似文献   

Early in ontogeny, Ig, TCR-alpha beta, and TCR-gamma delta lack N regions. In addition, Ig and TCR-gamma delta junctions preferentially occur at regions of short sequence homology, thus limiting junctional diversity for these neonatal lymphocyte populations. Here, we analyze the extent of heterogeneity in TCR-beta chain junctions made early in ontogeny. DNA and cDNA from fetal/neonatal thymocytes were amplified by polymerase chain reaction, and the V-D and D-J junctions from these randomly generated sequences were analyzed. The D-J junctions were very heterogeneous, and displayed little evidence of homology-directed recombination. The V beta 8-D and V beta 5-D junctions that we analyzed each had a particular junctional sequence that was created at the site of a two-nucleotide homology, but in each case that sequence only comprised 10 to 17% of the total sequences. This junctional heterogeneity of N region lacking TCR-beta chains can be partially explained by a relative paucity of homologies at the appropriate locations near the coding ends, particularly at the D-J junction, but other factors such as the sequence surrounding the homology may also contribute. Thus, TCR-beta chains have extensive junctional heterogeneity early in ontogeny before N regions begin to be added. Since TCR-alpha beta CDR3 plays a major role in binding antigenic peptides, this junctional heterogeneity is likely to be advantageous for establishing a diverse TCR repertoire. We suggest that the sequences of the coding ends of the TCR-alpha beta have been selected through evolution to avoid the restricted junctional diversity resulting from homology-directed recombination.  相似文献   

The IL receptor common gamma (gamma c) chain is required for the formation of high affinity cytokine receptor complexes for IL-2, IL-4, IL-7, IL-9, and IL-15, and for signals regulating cell survival, growth, and differentiation. Our current understanding of how gamma c chain associates with multiple ligands and receptor subunits is drawn largely from its structural homology to the human growth hormone (hGH) receptor and known structure of the hGH/hGH receptor complex. These receptors share distinct features in their extracellular portions and are believed to function by a mechanism of ligand-induced association of receptor subunits. Here, we report the first directed mutational analysis of the human gamma c chain by alanine scanning conducted across seven regions likely to contain residues required for intermolecular contact. Functionally distinct, neutralizing anti-gamma c mAbs were employed to define critical residues. One particular mAb, CP.B8, unique in its ability to inhibit IL-2-, IL-4-, IL-7-, and IL-15-induced proliferation and high affinity cytokine binding of normal T cells as an intact mAb and as a Fab fragment, localized critical residues to four noncontinuous stretches, namely residues in loops AB and EF of domain 1, in the interdomain segment, and in loop FG of domain 2. Notably, these residues form a contiguous patch on the gamma c chain surface in a three-dimensional structural model. These results provide functional evidence for the location of contact points on gamma c chain required for its association with multiple ligands.  相似文献   

We previously reported that patients with mild to moderate airflow limitation have a lower exercise capacity than age-matched controls with normal lung function, but the mechanism of this reduction remains unclear (1). Although the reduced exercise capacity appeared consistent with deconditioning, the patients had altered breathing mechanics during exercise, which raised the possibility that the reduced exercise capacity and the altered breathing mechanics may have been causally related. Reversal of reduced exercise capacity by an adequate exercise training program is generally accepted as evidence of deconditioning as the cause of the reduced exercise capacity. We studied 11 asymptomatic volunteer subjects (58 +/- 8 yr of age [mean +/- SD]) selected to have a range of lung function (FEV1 from 61 to 114% predicted, with a mean of 90 +/- 18% predicted). Only one subject had an FEV1 of less than 70% predicted. Gas exchange and lung mechanics were measured during both steady-state and maximal exercise before and after training for 30 min/d on 3 d/wk for 10 wk, beginning at the steady-state workload previously determined to be the maximum steady-state exercise level that subjects could sustain for 30 min without exceeding 90% of their observed maximal heart rate (HR). The training workload was increased if the subject's HR decreased during the training period. After 10 wk, subjects performed another steady-state exercise test at the initial pretraining level, and another maximal exercise test. HR decreased significantly between the first and second steady-state exercise tests (p < 0.05), and maximal oxygen uptake (VO2max) and ventilation increased significantly (p < 0.05) during the incremental test, indicating a training effect. However, the training effect did not occur in all subjects. Relationships between exercise parameters and lung function were examined by regression against FEV1 expressed as percent predicted. There was a significant positive correlation between VO2max percent predicted and FEV1 percent predicted (p < 0.02), and a negative correlation between FEV1 and end-expiratory lung volume (EELV) at maximal exercise (p < 0.03). There was no significant correlation between FEV1 and maximal HR achieved during exercise; moreover, all subjects achieved a maximal HR in excess of 80% predicted, suggesting a cardiovascular limitation to exercise. These data do not support the hypothesis that the lower initial VO2max in the subjects with a reduced FEV1 was due to deconditioning. Although increased EELV at maximal exercise, reduced VO2max and a reduced VO2max response with training are all statistically associated with a reduced FEV1, there is no direct evidence of causality.  相似文献   

When a T cell's encounter with specific antigen results in good signaling through the T cell antigen receptor yet does not lead to a proliferative response, the T cell enters a state of nonresponsiveness, or anergy. Anergy induction can result from a number of different situations, including antigen presentation by costimulation-deficient or "non-professional" antigen presenting cells, pharmacological blocking of T cell proliferation, or chronic stimulation of the T cell receptor by antigen. Anergy is a long-lived but temporary state characterized by a profound inability of the T cell to produce IL-2. Other effector functions may be affected to variable degrees. Anergy has been characterized most carefully under in vitro conditions, but several experimental models have demonstrated that T cells can also become anergic in vivo. This mechanism for tolerance induction may help to ensure that any mature autoreactive T cells which escape thymic deletion are unable to respond to host tissues. Furthermore, an understanding of the mechanism of anergy induction will most certainly lead to beneficial clinical applications, including improving graft acceptance and avoiding such deleterious immune responses as autoimmunity and allergy.  相似文献   

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