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利用新疆呼图壁地下储气库地表盖层由13个点位组成的形变监测网的前5期GPS观测资料,研究地下储气库注采过程中地表盖层的变形响应。通过获取地下储气库运行过程中地表盖层形变的三维时间序列,并结合井口压力数据,区分地下储气库在不同过程中的变形信号。研究结果表明,地表盖层在储气库注采过程中水平方向上存在明显的“呼吸效应”,储气库每MPa气井压力变化在注、采周期内对地表变形造成的影响在水平方向上分别达到1.02、1.24mm,垂直方向分别达到-1.11、0.86mm。  相似文献   

呼图壁地下储气库部分区域地表垂直形变机理研究   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:3  
利用在呼图壁地下储气库开展的2013~2015年7期二等水准测量获得的高差数据,对受地表气井压力变化影响而发生的地下储气库地表垂直变形进行了分析。研究表明,呼图壁地下储气库区的地表变形除了构造成因引起的盆地下沉以外,其他成因有2个方面:一个是呼图壁地区的地下水超采影响着该地区的地表垂直变化;另一个是储气库集采气期间受井口压力变化影响的地表沉降,根据计算,储气库每MPa气井压力变化影响到的地表变化为0.625~1.125mm。  相似文献   

呼图壁地下储气库部分区域地表垂直形变机理研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
利用在呼图壁地下储气库开展的2013~2015年7期二等水准测量获得的高差数据,对由于地表气井压力变化影响而发生的地下储气库地表垂直变形进行了分析。研究表明,呼图壁地下储气库区的地表变形除了构造成因引起的盆地下沉以外,其他主要形变成因来源有2个方面:一个是呼图壁地区的地下水超采影响着该地区的地表垂直变化;另一个是储气库集采气期间井口压力变化影响下的地表沉降,根据计算,储气库每MPa气井压力变化影响到的地表变化约为0.625~1.125mm。  相似文献   

Rn、CO2、Hg、H2等断层气体被广泛应用于断层活动性以及断层结构特征的研究.当前,研究介质中压力变化与断层气间的关系是断层气映震研究的主要技术方法之一.新疆呼图壁地下储气库自建成以来,每年以周期性循环"注入/采出"模式运行,该运行模式带来的储气库气压变化会影响周围地区的地震活动.同时,这一定期加压存储与减压释放气体...  相似文献   


近年来,背景噪声成像方法在恢复高频面波信号及获取近地表速度结构方面得到了广泛的应用,本文将该方法应用于准噶尔盆地南缘的呼图壁背斜地区的呼图壁储气库.采用储气库及其周边区域22个台站记录的连续背景噪声数据的垂直分量,通过噪声互相关方法获得了台站对之间的瑞利面波经验格林函数,并进一步提取了0.5~1.5 s的基阶瑞利面波群速度频散曲线.首先根据区域平均频散曲线得到了该地区地下数百米的平均一维横波速度结构,然后利用基于面波射线路径追踪的面波频散直接成像方法得到该地区深度为500 m以上的三维横波速度结构.反演结果显示该地区沉积层较厚,整体横波速度值较小(0.4~0.9 km·s-1).储气库在地表投影区域的横波速度值较小,这可能是由于抽注水、气引起的沉积岩石裂隙所导致.储气库东北和东南方向均有明显的相对高速区,推测是区域地下水位和地形起伏综合作用的结果.本研究获得的近地表三维速度结构为呼图壁储气库地区的上覆地层物性研究、区域微震精定位、场地效应的评估和去除浅层影响的深部介质成像等研究提供了重要基础.



呼图壁储气库是中国目前存储量最大的天然气储气库,位于新疆准噶尔盆地南缘,北天山山前坳陷带内的呼图壁背斜上.储气库靠近百万人口大城市乌鲁木齐,气库的注放气活动对其周缘地震活动的长期影响是事关生产和生活的重要安全问题.本文以呼图壁储气库为中心,在86.5°E—87.5°E,43.5°N—44.5°N的范围内,基于新疆维吾尔自治区地震局在该区域建立的密集流动台阵数据,应用模板匹配滤波技术对2016年全年的波形数据进行搜索识别,检测到遗漏地震事件151个,完善扩充了原有地震目录,使得该区域完备震级由1.1降到约0.7.通过分析新目录中404个地震的时空分布规律,我们发现2016年,即气库建成第三年以后,储气库的气压变化依然会影响周缘地区的地震活动.当储气库的气压增大到超过约22 MPa的阈值后,较小的气压波动也会导致该区域地震活动性明显增强;气压变化对距储气库中心最远约40 km范围内区域的地震活动存在较为明显的影响.


推导了利用位移场计算主应变、面膨胀、最大剪应变的公式,通过1998—2000年间的两次重复GPS观测结果,计算了新疆伽师强震活动区在1998~2000年间的水平主应变、面膨胀、最大剪应变等水平变形特征量的分布,分析了2003年发生在该地区的Ms6.8级地震与GPS观测计算的变形场特征量之间的分布关系。并从力学理论的角度对该地区的地质构造运动、局部形变特征与地震活动的关系进行了讨论,得出了一些有意义的结论和认识。  相似文献   

呼图壁储气库是中国目前存储量最大的天然气储气库,位于新疆准噶尔盆地南缘,北天山山前坳陷带内的呼图壁背斜上.储气库靠近百万人口大城市乌鲁木齐,气库的注放气活动对其周缘地震活动的长期影响是事关生产和生活的重要安全问题.本文以呼图壁储气库为中心,在86.5°E—87.5°E,43.5°N—44.5°N的范围内,基于新疆维吾尔自治区地震局在该区域建立的密集流动台阵数据,应用模板匹配滤波技术对2016年全年的波形数据进行搜索识别,检测到遗漏地震事件151个,完善扩充了原有地震目录,使得该区域完备震级由1.1降到约0.7.通过分析新目录中404个地震的时空分布规律,我们发现2016年,即气库建成第三年以后,储气库的气压变化依然会影响周缘地区的地震活动.当储气库的气压增大到超过约22 MPa的阈值后,较小的气压波动也会导致该区域地震活动性明显增强;气压变化对距储气库中心最远约40 km范围内区域的地震活动存在较为明显的影响.  相似文献   

In this paper,we analyze the time series of site coordinates of 27 continuously monitoring GPS sites covered bythe Crustal Movement Observation Network of China over the whole country.The data are obtained in the periodfrom the beginning of the observation to the November of 2005.On the basis of data processing,we analyze thepower spectrum density of coordinate component noise at each site and calculate the spectral indexes manifestingthe noise property of each component.The spectral indexes indicate that for most sites,the noise of time series ofeach coordinate component can be addressed by the model of white noise flicker noise;and for a small amountof sites,it can be described by the model of white noise flicker noise random walk noise.We also quantita-tively estimate each noise component in the model by using the criterion of maximum likelihood estimation.Theresult shows that the white noise in the time series of GPS site coordinates does not constitute the main part ofnoise.Therefore,the error estimation of site movement parameters is usually too small,or too optimistic if weconsider the white noise only.Correspondingly,if this factor is not fully considered in explaining these movementparameters,it might mislead the readers.  相似文献   

地震与构造活动能够引起地下气体释放.地球内部的物理化学场变化、板块间的相互作用均会使得地下深部气体逸出.在地下应力的作用下,地壳会产生大量裂缝,为地下气体的释放提供通道,尤其是在地壳薄弱带,如断裂带、板块边界、火山等处,集中释放地下气体.因此,土壤中气体的浓度可能会因为地下应力的变化而改变.已有大量断裂带土壤气测量结果...  相似文献   

针对地下流体汞观测仪的主动采样、脱气方式,设计了满足主动脱气条件的储气装置.以储气装置气囊内气压稳定性为指标,开展储气装置匹配ATG-6138M型痕量汞在线分析仪和自然吸气鼓泡脱气装置的气汞观测实验.结果 表明,储气装置能保证被测气体及时置换,维持整套气汞观测系统动态稳定,具有较好的兼容性.  相似文献   

An understanding of groundwater flow and chemistry is important to operate underground storage caverns. Groundwater flow is mainly affected by cavern operating conditions. Groundwater chemistry is modified by disinfection activities for removing possible biological clogging and by mixing with cement pore water. It is important to discern these two effects, because wells affected by the disinfection activities may have hydrological connections with water curtains used to inject the disinfectant. However, it is difficult to separate these two effects using graphical methods because of their similar chemical characteristics. Instead, multivariate statistical analysis, such as principal component analysis (PCA) and factor analysis (FA), can be used. Groundwater samples for chemical analysis were obtained from four surveys in 1999–2000. Based on the results from PCA and FA, it appears that there were temporal variations of seepage water into the propane area when the cavern operation fluctuated, but we could not observe such variation in the butane area. These changes may occur mainly at depth, where water flow is slow and water renewal in the cavern surrounding is limited. Copyright © 2008 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Two successive transient electromagnetic surveys were carried out over an underground gas storage site in France. The idea was to monitor changes in the gas bubble from the differences in the data. If successful, the new methodology could help to reduce the number of monitoring wells and finally reduce costs. Preliminary 3D modelling indicated that the resistivity changes caused by movements of the gas/water contact should be detectable in the electric field transients provided that the signal-to-noise ratio is at least 100:1. The surveys were performed with the TEAMEX multichannel acquisition system, adapted from a seismics system. The highly redundant data were analysed by calculating the relative differences in the electric field transients. The differences were common-midpoint-sorted and spatially stacked. Another approach was the calculation of electric field time derivatives in a log–log domain, to eliminate static shift effects which are present in the data. Even though the data quality is excellent from a classical point of view, neither of the two approaches reveals changes in the data which might be caused by changes in the gas reservoir. In future applications to monitoring, transmitters and receivers should be installed permanently, and the transmitter input waveform should be monitored continuously, to avoid some of the problems encountered here. Moreover, the signal-to-noise ratio will have to be further increased by at least one order of magnitude.  相似文献   

郑懿  曹俊兴  何晓燕 《地球物理学报》2018,61(10):4126-4135



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