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The magnetization, the electrical resistivity, the magnetoresistance, and the Hall resistivity of Ni50Mn35In15 ? x Si x (x = 1.0, 3.0, 4.0) Heusler alloys are studied at T = 80-320 K. The martensitic transformation in these alloys occurs at T = 220?C280 K from the high-temperature ferromagnetic austenite phase into the low-temperature martensite phase having a substantially lower magnetization. A method is proposed to determine the normal and anomalous Hall effect coefficients in the presence of magnetoresistance and a possible magnetization dependence of these coefficients. The resistivity of the alloys increases jumpwise during the martensitic transformation, reaches 150?C200 ??? cm, and is almost temperature-independent. The normal Hall effect coefficient is negative, is higher than that of nickel by an order of magnitude at T = 80 K, decreases monotonically with increasing temperature, approaches zero in austenite, and does not undergo sharp changes in the vicinity of the martensitic transformation. At x = 3, a normal Hall effect nonlinear in magnetization is detected in the immediate vicinity of the martensitic transformation. The temperature dependences of the anomalous Hall effect coefficient in both martensite and austenite and, especially, in the vicinity of the martensitic transformation cannot be described in terms of the skew scattering, the side jump, and the Karplus-Lutinger mechanisms from the anomalous Hall effect theory. The possible causes of this behavior of the magnetotransport properties in Heusler alloys are discussed.  相似文献   

A first order structural transformation occurs in the Ni50Mn34In14Fe2 polycrystalline, associated with magnetic entropy changes of 26.5 and 53.6 J/kg K in an applied magnetic field up to 5 and 8 T, respectively. Moreover, the magnetic entropy change with different applied fields maintains its maximum value within a temperature of 3 K. A phase transformation change of 2 K was obtained under 5000 Oe magnetic field, indicating that it is large enough for inducing a reverse martensitic transformation under large magnetic field. All the results mentioned above are favorable for the application of this intelligent intermetallic material.  相似文献   

Fe50Mn15-xCoxNi35(x=0,1,3,5,7)alloys were prepared by arc melting under purified argon atmosphere.The ingots were homogenized at 930°C for 90h followed by water quenching.The crystal structure,magnetic properties and magnetocaloric effects of the alloys were studied by X-ray diffraction(XRD)and MPMS-7-type SQUID.The results show that all samples still maintained a single-(Fe,Ni)-type phase structure.With the increase of the content of Co,the Curie temperatures of these alloys increased and exhibited a second-order magnetic transition from ferromagnetic(FM)to paramagnetic(PM)state near Curie temperature.The maximum magnetic entropy change and the relative cooling power of Fe50Mn10Co5Ni35alloy was 2.55 J/kg·K and 181 J/kg,respectively,for an external field change of 5T.Compared with rare earth metal Gd,Fe50Mn15-xCoxNi35 series of alloys have obvious advantage in resource price;their Curie temperatures can be tuned to near room temperature,maintain a relatively large magnetic entropy change at the same time and they are a type of potential magnetic refrigeration materials near room temperature.  相似文献   

X-ray Diffraction (XRD), X-ray Photoelectron Spectroscopy (XPS), Transmission Electron Microscopy (TEM) and magnetic measurements as a function of applied magnetic field and temperature for In1?x Mn x Sb (0.05≤x≤0.2) system are reported. Magnetic measurements performed at high and small magnetic field in ZFC and FC indicate the coexistence of ferromagnetic In1?x Mn x Sb solid solution and two types of magnetic cluster: ferromagnetic MnSb and ferrimagnetic Mn2Sb. XPS valence band and Mn 2p core level spectra have confirmed the presence of MnSb and Mn2Sb phases. TEM images show some manganese antimonide phase microinclusions with dimension between (30–40) nm.  相似文献   

We have revealed a substantial difference in the pressure behavior of magnetization of the ordered Ni3Mn and the disordered Ni75Mn25 and Ni80Mn20 alloys in the pressure range up to 1.2 GPa. To explain in detail the peculiarities of magnetic properties of the Ni-rich NiMn alloys, the reference electronic structure of the alloys was calculated using the tight-binding linear muffin-tin orbital approach. The effect of disorder was described by the coherent potential approximation. The theoretical ab initio calculations (with changes of the lattice parameters up to 1%) elucidated the pressure stability of the magnetic Mn moments and revealed that the very pronounced decrease in the magnetization of the disordered alloys under pressure is caused by the relatively small change in portion of the Mn moments with parallel and anti-parallel orientation with respect to the total moment. The quantitative agreement with experiment has been reached for the pressure parameters dln M/dP.  相似文献   

The results of an experimental investigation of the temperature dependences of the magnetic susceptibility and resistivity in the shape-memory ferromagnetic alloys Ni2+x Mn1−x Ga (x=0–0.20) are reported. A T−x phase diagram is constructed on the basis of these data. It is shown that partial substitution of Ni for Mn causes the temperatures of the structural (martensitic) T M and magnetic T C (Curie point) phase transitions to converge. In the region where T C =T M the transition temperature increases linearly with magnetic field in the range from 0 to 10 kOe. The kinetics of a magnetic-field-induced martensitic phase transition is investigated, and the velocities of the martensite-austenite interphase boundary during direct and reverse transitions are measured. A theoretical model is proposed and the T−x phase diagram is calculated. It is shown that there exist concentration ranges where the magnetic and martensitic transitions merge into a first-order phase transition. The theoretical results are in qualitative agreement with experiment. Zh. éksp. Teor. Fiz. 115, 1740–1755 (May 1999)  相似文献   

In this work the Mössbauer spectroscopy has been used to study the magnetic properties of Fe2?+?x Mn1???x Al alloys with small deviations of composition from the stoichiometric 2:1:1. The Mössbauer parameters obtained for the L21 phase indicate H hf fields of about 25 T and 30 T at 80 K for Fe atoms at X sites in the ordered X2YZ structure of the L21 full Heusler alloys.  相似文献   

A study of magnetic and thermal properties has been carried out on the alloys from the Gd4(BixSb1−x)3 series with x=0, 0.25, 0.5, 0.75, and 1. All of the alloys are ferromagnetic below their respective Curie temperatures which vary from 266 K for x=0 to 332 K for x=1.0. The magnetocaloric effect calculated from the temperature and magnetic field dependencies of the magnetization and heat capacity is moderate when compared to that of other materials, which order in the same temperature range. Both the magnetic ordering and the magnetocaloric effect peak temperatures increase nearly linearly with the increasing Bi content. Experimental magnetocaloric effect data obtained from two different measurement techniques are in excellent agreement.  相似文献   

The phase diagram of ferromagnetic alloys Ni2+x Mn1?x Ga is reconstructed on the basis of temperature dependences of the resistance. It is seen from this diagram that for small x, structural transitions from the cubic to the tetragonal phase are preceded by structural transformations in the cubic phase. In the framework of the phenomenological Landau theory of phase transitions, phase diagrams of the structural and magnetic phase transitions in these alloys are analyzed with regard for the modulation order parameter. It is shown that premartensitic and postmartensitic phase transitions related to the appearance of the modulated structure can occur along with martensitic transformations. The strain and modulation order parameters substantially affect the magnetic phase transitions via the interaction with the magnetic order parameter.  相似文献   

The phase composition, crystal structure, and physical properties (magnetization, electrical resistivity, thermoelectric power, relative elongation, and thermal expansion coefficient) of the stoichiometric alloy Ni50Mn25Ga25 and nonstoichiometric alloys Ni50 ? x Cu x Mn29Ga21 (x = 0, 1, 2) with the thermoelastic martensitic transformation have been investigated. The influence of the chemical composition on the transformations and physical properties of the alloys has been determined.  相似文献   

The specific electrical resistivityp(T) was measured for the reentrant spin glass system (Fe0.65Ni0.35)1–x Mn x (0x0.102) in the temperature range 4 KT280 K. We used our own phenomenological ansatz to explain the results obtained in order to provide the fitted parameters with physical meaning. The cause of the observed minimum in the measured curves can be given by a model of local magnetism.  相似文献   

Magnetic and structural transitions of non-stoichiometric Ni50+xMn25−x/2Ga25−x/2 (x=2–5) alloys are systematically investigated. Differential scanning calorimetry and modified thermogravimetry (TG) are used to measure magnetic and structural transitions simultaneously. The structural transition temperatures increase monotonically with increasing Ni substitution for Mn and Ga. Different magnetic transition sequences on heating were observed from ferromagnetic martensite to ferromagnetic autensite, then to paramagnetic autensite, from ferromagnetic martensite to paramagnetic austensite or from ferromagnetic martensite to paramagnetic martensite, respectively. Three kinds of NiMnGa alloys were obtained according to the sequence of the structural and magnetic transition, whose structural transition temperatures are lower, equal to or higher than the magnetic transition temperatures.  相似文献   

Ni–Mn-based metamagnetic shape memory alloys have been proposed as potential elastocaloric refrigerants. The intrinsic brittleness of the alloys has limited their cooling application. Introducing a soft second phase is an effective way to reduce the brittleness. From the viewpoint of application, the effect of second phase on elastocaloric effect should be illustrated. In this paper, we have investigated the microstructure, martensitic transformation and elastocaloric effect of Ni45Mn37-xIn13Co5Crx (x=0,1 and 2) polycrystalline alloys. Single-phase and precipitates-containing microstructures are obtained for the undoped and doped alloys, respectively. The precipitates in Cr-doped alloys enhances the fracture strength but significantly hinders the martensitic transformation. Balancing the fracture strength and martensitic transformation, the Ni45Mn36In13Co5Cr alloy with small amount of precipitates along grain boundaries exhibits large cooling effects of 4–6 K in the temperature range of 317–353 K.  相似文献   

The magnetic and thermoelastic martensitic transformations and physical properties (magnetization, electrical resistivity, thermoelectric power, relative elongation, and thermal expansion coefficient) of multicomponent magnetic shape memory alloys Ni50 ? x Co x Mn29Ga21 (x = 0, 1, 2, 3, 10 at %) have been investigated. The critical temperatures of thermoelastic martensitic transformation and magnetic transitions have been determined. It has been found that the alloy with 10 at % Co undergoes a martensitic transformation in the temperature range of 6–10 K.  相似文献   

Diffuse scatterings appearing in electron diffraction patterns of Ti–(50???x)Ni–xFe (x?=?6, 7, 8, 10, in at.%) alloys were investigated. In the alloys, martensitic (R-phase) transformation is suppressed down to 4.2 K, but the electrical resistivity exhibits a local minimum at T min (210 K, 195 K, 180 K and 140 K for x?=?6, 7, 8, 10, respectively). The following results were obtained for all the alloys. Diffuse scattering appears below T min and its intensity maximum is located at an incommensurate position of g?+??ζζ0?*, where g is a reciprocal lattice vector of the B2-phase. The value?ζ?at T min is significantly smaller than 1/3 and increases with decreasing temperature; it decreases with increasing Fe content. The value of?ζ?at T min agrees with the length of nesting vector obtained by a band calculation, suggesting that the diffuse scattering is caused by the nesting effect of the Fermi surface in the B2-type structure.  相似文献   

The structural measurement indicates that the system possesses A2 to B2 phase transformation at the extent of A2 phase at room temperature. The present system shows first order magneto-structural transformation (FOMST). The substitution of Cr by Fe causes a vital role for an increase in magnetocaloric properties. The change in magnetic entropy (ΔSM) and relative cooling power (RCP) are evaluated under an applied field of 20 KOe that shows drastic changes near the blocking temperature under the specific temperature regime. In the vicinity of these observed properties, critical exponent parameters such as, β, ? and δ were also observed using field dependence magnetic entropy change.  相似文献   

Conventional transmission and scanning electron microscopy were employed to investigate the structural state and phase transformations of the β(CsCl)-solid solution in rapidly quenched alloys of Al50Cu50? x Fe x with respect to the Cu/Fe ratio. We studied the alloys from the central (x?=?17 and 13) and border areas (x?=?6) of the β-solid solution homogeneity region. The structural state of the β-solid solution was characterized by premartensitic structural instability of the bcc lattice for x?=?17 and 13, and the presence of combined short-range order accompanied by the intense diffuse scattering for x?=?6. This short-range order can be described by the ordering of atoms and vacancies in the planes (111)β and ω-like atomic displacements (longitudinally polarized waves of displacement in the direction of the [111]β). The structural state of the β-solid solution with the combined short-range order was regarded as a pretransition state for the revealed transformation with homogeneous precipitation of the nanodispersed phase. The precipitation phase was attributed to an orthorhombic Al(Cu, Fe) η1-phase, belonging to the family of ordered β-based phases with orientation relationships of [100]η1 ||[110]β, [010]η1 ||[110]β, [001]η1 ||[001]β. We concluded that the atomic structure of the η1-phase is characterized by ordering, accompanied by ω-like atomic displacements of the adjacent layers in 3d metals (Cu, Fe) and aluminum.  相似文献   

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