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利用连续准瞬时形核模型和CA模型,结合凝固过程中传热、枝晶尖端生长动力学等因素作用,建立了一个二维元胞自动机模型,并根据这个模型模拟了纯铜铸件在凝固过程中形核、生长的微观过程.将模拟结果与实际组织进行比较表明,该模型可以近似地描述纯铜的凝固组织。  相似文献   

基于溶质扩散和界面能的作用,考虑成分过冷、曲率过冷和界面能各向异性和界面扰动,并改进了溶质再分配的算法以及界面液相浓度偏导数的离散格式,建立了凝固过程中晶体的生长模型。利用此模型并采用元胞自动机方法对铝合金定向凝固过程中的平界面、胞状和枝晶状三种典型界面形貌演化进行了模拟,并把模拟参数和模拟结果与经典凝固理论进行了比较,发现在G/V值略小于成分过冷判据给出的临界值时就已经获得平界面。并验证了平均一次枝晶间距与温度梯度和抽拉速度的变化关系,与理论结果吻合较好。  相似文献   

通过硬度测试及SEM观察,分析X80管线钢焊接接头处硬度和显微组织变化规律.受焊接热循环的影响,热影响区粗晶区组织主要为粗大的粒状贝氏体和板条贝氏体,硬度较高.靠近热影响区的基体,由于M/A岛分解,硬度值减小.外焊焊缝的显微组织主要是晶内形核铁素体、粒状贝氏体和多边形铁素体.靠近外焊焊缝的内焊焊缝组织受二次热循环的影响较大,组织为粒状贝氏体和块状的铁素体.远离外焊焊缝的内焊焊缝组织受二次热循环影响较小,组织和外焊焊缝组织相差不大.内焊组织中析出物的数量远大于外焊焊缝组织,析出强化效果显著,使内焊的硬度大于外焊的硬度.  相似文献   

在焊接凝固过程中微观组织演变会影响焊接接头最终的微观组织形貌,进而影响焊接接头的力学性能.对焊接凝固过程中微观组织演变研究方法进行全面探讨,首先讨论基于实验的微观组织演变研究方法包括Gleeble热模拟实验法、焊接接头不同区域微观组织比对的微观组织演变分析方法、基于化学成分改变的微观组织演变分析方法以及同步辐射原位观察...  相似文献   

系统地研究了铸态铁素体球铁的模拟焊接热影响区组织与力学性能,揭示了铸态铁素体球铁的高硅低锰特性对组织与力学性能的影响。指出热影响区的高碳马氏体使其塑性与韧性严重下降,预热400℃可消除马氏体,并使热影响区的力学性能显著改善。  相似文献   

利用微观扩散方程,结合微观弹性力学理论的方法,以25%(溶质原子百分数)的二元模型合金为例,研究了共格畸变对合金沉淀相微观组织形貌的影响.计算机模拟表明:当忽略弹性应变能时,沉淀为随机分布的等轴颗粒,呈各向同性特征;当考虑弹性应变能时,沉淀相趋于沿弹性“软”方向排列,呈各向异性特征.沉淀相沿最优方向长大和粗化.  相似文献   

10Ni5CrMoV钢焊接热模拟热影响区组织与性能   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
采用模拟焊接热循环的方法,研究了3种焊接线能量状态下的10Ni5CrMoV钢热影响区(HAZ)的组织和性能,试验结果表明,焊接线能量为E=10kJ/cm状态下的显微组织为马氏体加上贝氏体加粒状组织(M B上 G),其冲击韧性AKV-60℃明显比焊接线能量为E=24kJ/cm和E=30kJ/cm状态下的AKV-60℃低;焊接线能量为E=24kJ/cm状态下的显微组织为马氏体加上贝氏体加粒状贝氏体(M B上 B粒),其冲击韧性AKV-60℃为196J、AKV-60℃为183J,文章推荐在实际生产中采用焊接丝能量E=24kJ/cm焊接工艺。  相似文献   

结合晶粒长大过程中的物理基础,采用热激活、曲率驱动和能量耗散机制,引入能量降幅最大判据,建立了描述316LN不锈钢晶粒正常长大的元胞自动机模型,对316LN不锈钢晶粒长大过程进行模拟,模拟结果较准确地反映了晶粒正常长大规律。通过将模拟和试验的晶粒生长指数进行对比,表明在试验温度范围内,该模型可用于预测316LN不锈钢的晶粒尺寸。  相似文献   

基于自组织理论的观点,认为城市空间的生长及变化是一典型的空间自组织过程.在CA模型的基础上,引入能够反映自组织特性的适应性机制及宏观控制机制,构建了一个城市空间演化仿真的适应性CA模型.应用该模型对西安1992年至1995年的城市空间演化过程进行重建,并对西安1995年后的城市空间发展状况进行预测.结果表明,模型能够反映城市发展的客观规律,同时对传统CA模型很少涉及的城市空心化现象实现了较好模拟.  相似文献   

In order to precisely describe the dendritic morphology and micro-segregation during solidification process, a novel continuous model concerning the different physical properties in the solid phase, liquid phase and interface is developed. Coupling the heat and solute diffusion with the transition rules, the dendrite evolution is simulated by cellular automaton method. Then, the solidification microstructure evolution of a small ingot is simulated by using this method. The simulated results indicate that this model can simulate the dendrite growth, show the second dendrite arm and tertiary dendrite arm, and reveal the micro-segregation in the inter-dendritic zones. Furthermore, the columnar-to-equiaxed transition (CET) is predicted.  相似文献   

提出了一种自行车元胞自动机模型.该模型是在机动车Nagle-schreckenberg(NS)模型的基础上,考虑自行车的换道行为,在NS模型规则前加入路径选择规则,从而建立符合自行车行驶行为的模型.根据模型的规则,在不同最大速度、不同随机慢化概率、不同车道宽度等条件下进行了仿真分析,其通行能力及速度-密度仿真曲线均符合...  相似文献   

针对复杂系统进行研究,提出并论证了脆性是复杂系统的一个基本特性.定义了脆性、子系统间的脆性联系熵等概念,并将非合作博弈理论和方法引入到复杂系统脆性的研究中.同时,利用元胞自动机模拟整个复杂系统的脆性,在一个脆性基元内,指出由于基元内子系统的熵值在外界干扰过程中不断增加,而且又无法从周围环境得到负熵流的补充时,达到临界熵值会导致崩溃.  相似文献   

基于一维元胞自动机的可变时距跟车模型   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
依据不间断车流的车头时距分布规律和一维元胞自动机建模理论,提出了一种可变时距跟车模型.该模型假定行驶车辆都趋向于保持一个期望的车头时距,通过对前车速度和车头间距的估计,并考虑随机减速的影响对车速进行同步更新.基于该模型建立的仿真系统,凭借两个简单的参数来调节不同车速的期望车头间距,使车头时距分布规律符合交通未饱和时车头时距的具体分布情况,从而能够描述多车道公路上比较复杂的交通状况,表示不同道路等级的通行能力  相似文献   

The macro-mechanical properties of metal and alloy are largely depended on their chemical composition and microstructures resulting from the complicated processing and heat treatment history in industrial production. During these thermoplastic processes, dynamic recovery, dynamic recrystallization, static recovery and static recrystallization are the key microstructural evolution mechanisms. Accurate prediction and precise control of the microstructural evolution are of great importance for designers to achieve excellent mechanical properties for metals and alloys through hot working. Up to date, dynamic recrystallization has been recognized as a powerful mechanism for grain refinement. In-depth understanding of the microstructural evolution of dynamic recrystallization and furthermore to accurately predict and control the microstructure evolution during dynamic recrystallization process has become a research focus in the field of plastic processing. Cellular automaton(CA) method has been commonly employed to simulate the microstructure evolution of dynamic recrystallization due to its unique advantages,for example, it is easier to represent topological features and more realistically reflect the grain boundary migration process. In this paper, the basic ideas and characteristics of the CA method are briefly introduced. The physical mechanisms of dynamic recrystallization are summarized. Meanwhile, the state-of-the-art overview of the CA method of simulating the DRX process is introduced. Furthermore, this paper points out several problems that need to be solved urgently and prospects the development trend of the CA method for simulating the microstructure evolution in dynamic recrystallization.  相似文献   

根据混凝土的结构与破坏特征,建立了一种细胞自动机———二维物理细胞自动机(PCA)的基本模型.该模型考虑了混凝土材料的非均质性、非连续性和各向异性等特征,可以更有效地模拟混凝土的破坏过程.该模型对进一步研究混凝土的非线性特征具有重要的应用价值.  相似文献   

The prediction of microstructure evolution plays an important role in the design of forging process. In the present work, the cellular automaton (CA) program was developed to simulate the process of dynamic recrystallization (DRX) for aluminium alloy 7050. The material constants in CA models, including dislocation density, nucleation rate and grain growth, were determined by the isothermal compress tests on Gleeble 1500 machine. The model of dislocation density was obtained by linear regression method based on the experimental results. The influences of the deformation parameters on the percentage of DRX and the mean grain size for aluminium alloy 7050 were investigated in details by means of CA simulation. The simulation results show that, as temperature increases from 350 to 450 °C at a strain rate of 0.01 s−1, the percentage of DRX also increases greatly and the mean grain size decreases from 50 to 39.3 μm. The mean size of the recrystallied grains (R-grains) mainly depends on the Zener-Hollomon parameter. To obtain fine grain, the desired deformation temperature is determined from 400 to 450 °C. Foundation item: Project(2005CB724105) supported by the Major State Basic Research Program of China; Project(IRT0549) supported by Program for Changjiang Scholars and Innovative Research Team in University  相似文献   

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