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A climatic series (1941 to 1994) from a Mediterranean locality of NE Spain was used to calculate two wildfire hazard indices based on daily meteorological data. Both fire hazard indices increased over this period, as a consequence of increasing mean daily maximum temperature and decreasing minimum daily relative humidity. These trends were observed in both mean values of the indices and in the number of very high risk days. Annual data on the number of wildfires and burned area also show an increase from 1968 to 1994, and are significantly correlated with both fire hazard indices. Although other non-meteorological causes (e.g., human activities, fuel accumulation) have likely contributed to the observed increase of wildfires, an effect of climatic warming on wildfire occurrence is supported by this relationship.  相似文献   

Variations and Trends in Turkish Seasonal Heating and Cooling Degree-Days   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
The potential effect of climate change on energy demand is important especially for the developing and non-oil-producing countries. Cooling and heating degree-day (CDD and HDD) concepts are among the most significant meteorological variables related to residential energy consumption. This paper presents the spatial and temporal characteristics of Turkish seasonal CDD and HDD in the context of climate change. CDD and HDD are defined objectively by truncation of the temperature series at any constant base temperature level. This leads to surpluses and deficits as deviations. The surpluses are instances for cooling and the deficits for heating. Depending on temperature fluctuations, the degree-day statistics at any location show local and seasonal variations. In this study, regional variations of seasonal HDD and CDD are mapped for Turkey and their relations to local topography and climatic features are examined with conclusive interpretations. The sequential version of Mann–Kendall rank statisticis applied to demonstrate any existence of possible non-linear trends in accumulated HDD and CDD over the seasons. Spatially coherent and statistically significant trends of HDD and CDD appear in some regions of Turkey. In general, the sign of the trends is inconsistent with General Circulation Models (GCM) predictions.  相似文献   

1999年夏季江淮地区热源和水汽汇时空变化特征   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:3  
利用1999年的NCAR再分析网格点风场、温度场、湿度场及含HUBEX试验加密观测的降水资料等,诊断分析了夏季长江流域梅雨暴雨集中期及其前后江淮地区的大气热源、水汽汇的时空分布及多时间尺度特征.  相似文献   

南沙海区波浪的季节变化特征   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
李文波  赵军 《广东气象》2010,32(2):24-26
统计分析永暑礁水文气象观测站1999~2008年波浪的定时观测资料,结果表明,南沙海区的波浪可分为4个浪期,即东北浪期、西南浪期和2个过渡期。东北浪期为11月至次年3月中旬,西南浪期为5月下旬至9月,3月下旬至5月中旬为东北浪向西南浪过渡期,10月为西南浪向东北浪过渡期。东北浪期的浪高全年最大,峰值出现在12月,西南浪期的浪高全年次大,峰值在7、8月,2个过渡期的浪高最小,谷值在4月和10月。  相似文献   

The seasonal cycle of snow cover in Eastern Siberia is characterized, and synoptic preconditions of snow accumulation in winter and snow ablation in spring are determined using daily datasets. It was ascertained that cyclone activity has a strong impact on the occurrence of abundant snowfalls in Eastern Siberia. Negative anomalies of sea level pressure (SLP) usually spread westward or southwestward from the place of recorded substantial snowfalls, and they are associated with positive anomalies of air temperature located to the east or northeast of SLP depressions. Cyclonic circulation causes inflow of relatively warm and humid southern air masses originating from the Pacific Ocean, to the eastern parts of cyclones. During the days with snow ablation in spring much lower SLP anomalies occur than during snow accumulation in winter. This may suggest smaller influence of air circulation on snow cover reduction in spring and higher impact of insolation; both result in strong positive anomalies of air temperature which extend over entire Asia. These findings imply that the position, intensity, and dimension of pressure patterns are crucial for determining the location and intensity of rapid changes in snow cover depth during the snow cover season in Eastern Siberia.  相似文献   

Ozone mixing ratios observed by the Bordeaux microwave radiometer between 1995 and 2002 in an altitude range 25–75 km show diurnal variations in the mesosphere and seasonal variations in terms of annual and semi-annual oscillations (SAO) in the stratosphere and in the mesosphere. The observations with 10–15 km altitude resolution are presented and compared to photochemical and transport model results.Diurnal ozone variations are analyzed by averaging the years 1995–1997 for four representative months and six altitude levels. The photochemical models show a good agreement with the observations for altitudes higher than 50 km. Seasonal ozone variations mainly appear as an annual cycle in the middle and upper stratosphere and a semi-annual cycle in the mesosphere with amplitude and phase depending on altitude. Higher resolution (2 km) HALOE (halogen occultation experiment) ozone observations show a phase reversal of the SAO between 44 and 64 km. In HALOE data, a tendancy for an opposite water vapour cycle can be identified in the altitude range 40–60 km.Generally, the relative variations at all altitudes are well explained by the transport model (up to 54 km) and the photochemical models. Only a newly developed photochemical model (1-D) with improved time-dependent treatment of water vapour profiles and solar flux manages to reproduce fairly well the absolute values.  相似文献   

根据潍坊酸雨监测站2003~2006年的酸雨监测资料,分析了酸雨的季节变化特征,同时研究了酸性降水与气象条件的关系.统计得出,在186个降水样本中.pH值小于5.6的酸性样本39个,占21.0%,pH值大于等于5.6的样本147个,占79.0%;酸雨在秋季出现频率最高.春季较少;酸雨多出现在夜间,菲酸性降水多出现在白天,酸性物质多集中在大气边界层中上部,而碱性物质多漂浮在大气边界层的中下部.分析得出,酸雨的形成与大气的污染物浓度、混合层的高度、风向风速,以及降水量和雾有密切关系.  相似文献   

基于1979~2014年ERA-Interim逐日再分析温度资料,依据温度递减率插值法,计算出北半球两类对流层顶(热带对流层顶和极地对流层顶)频率数据。对比分析了青藏高原与同纬度地区两类对流层顶频率在季节变化上的差异,并讨论了青藏高原两类对流层顶频率分布与高空温度的关系。结果表明:1)依据温度递减率插值法计算出的再分析两类对流层顶频率可以反映青藏高原两类对流层顶频率季节变化特征:热带对流层顶全年频率高,冷、暖季节差异不明显;极地对流层顶盛夏频率极低,冷、暖季节差异明显。与极地对流层顶频率相比,青藏高原热带对流层顶频率的可信度更高。2)青藏高原和同纬度地区热带(极地)对流层顶频率在暖季增加(减少),在冷季减少(增加)。相比同纬度地区,青藏高原热带(极地)对流层顶频率在冬季偏少(多),其他季节偏多(少)。青藏高原两类对流层顶频率等值线的梯度更大,表明青藏高原对流层顶更易断裂。3)青藏高原两类对流层顶频率与高空温度关系密切。青藏高原对流层中上层(平流层下部)温度升高(降低),有利于青藏高原热带对流层顶频率增加,极地对流层顶频率减少,反之亦然。  相似文献   

热带太平洋环流季节变化的数值模拟   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
张荣华 《大气科学》1994,18(6):674-682
在观测到的海表风应力和热量及淡水通量驱动下,用大气物理研究所发展的高分辨率自由表面热带太平洋环流模式对热带太平洋环流季节变化进行了数值模拟。对模拟得到的热带太平洋海面起伏、温度场和流场等季节变化分析、比较表明,模式成功地模拟了观测到的环流季节变化基本特征。其中,海面起伏中西北太平洋副热带反气旋环流在冬季最强,赤道槽在冬季和早春季强,而赤道脊和北赤道逆流槽则在秋季强;北赤道逆流在秋季强而春季弱,150°W附近区域赤道表层洋流流向在4至7月逆转;赤道东太平洋地区海表温度场春季增暖和秋冷却;以及次表层赤道斜温层  相似文献   

Seasonal variations of rainfall microphysics in East China are investigated using data from the observations of a twodimensional video disdrometer and a vertically pointing micro rain radar. The precipitation and rain drop size distribution(DSD) characteristics are revealed for different rain types and seasons. Summer rainfall is dominated by convective rain,while during the other seasons the contribution of stratiform rain to rainfall amount is equal to or even larger than that of convective rain. The mean mass-weighted diameter versus the generalized intercept parameter pairs of convective rain are plotted roughly around the "maritime" cluster, indicating a maritime nature of convective precipitation throughout the year in East China. The localized rainfall estimators, i.e., rainfall kinetic energy–rain rate, shape–slope, and radar reflectivity–rain rate relations are further derived. DSD variability is believed to be a major source of diversity of the aforementioned derived estimators. These newly derived relations would certainly improve the accuracy of rainfall kinetic energy estimation, DSD retrieval, and quantitative precipitation estimation in this specific region.  相似文献   

基于洞庭湖生态经济区25个地面气象观测站1961-2013年的逐日平均气温、最高气温和最低气温观测资料,组合成100项热量特征指标,利用统计方法系统性分析该区域的热量资源变化特征,并采用贡献率探讨了最高、最低气温在年平均气温变化中的作用。结果表明:洞庭湖生态经济区不同气温要素的空间分布形态不同,日平均气温≥0℃、≥5℃、≥10℃、≥15℃、≥20℃的积温空间分布形态一致,均呈西低东高分布;稳定通过0℃、5℃、10℃、15℃、20℃的初、终日期在区域内相对集中。年平均气温、年平均最高气温、年平均最低气温均呈显著或极显著上升趋势,但存在升温的不均匀性,气候变暖以最低气温升高为主要特征,最高气温在春季起到升温加速作用,导致洞庭湖区春季气温上升速率较其他季节大。气候变暖带动日平均气温≥0℃、≥5℃、≥10℃、≥15℃、≥20℃的积温呈极显著上升趋势,但升温的不均匀性直接关联到稳定通过一定界限日平均温度初、终日期的变化及积温突变时间的变化,5℃、15℃初日呈显著提前趋势,≥0℃、≥5℃、≥10℃积温增加突变时间与最低气温相近,≥15℃、≥20℃积温增加突变时间与最高气温相近。  相似文献   

平流层臭氧纬向分布季节变化和行星波的关系   总被引:2,自引:7,他引:2  
郑彬  陈月娟  施春华 《高原气象》2006,25(3):366-374
通过分析1992—2001年的HALOE卫星资料,给出了各纬度带平流层的臭氧混合比的纬向分布结构,并分析了其季节变化的特征,同时,利用NCEP/NCAR再分析资料,分析了平流层行星波的结构及其与臭氧纬向分布的关系。结果表明:平流层臭氧混合比的纬向分布季节差异较大,在两半球的夏季平流层臭氧混合比的纬向分布较均匀,其它季节在中高纬的臭氧混合比高值区有一些扰动,并且随着纬度的增大其扰动加强,其中冬季它的扰动最强,这些都与平流层的行星波有相同的特点。对这两种资料进行波谱分析发现,在冬半球臭氧混合比在中高纬的纬向扰动有明显的1波信号,并且与位势高度的1波扰动有相同的位相,因此认为臭氧纬向扰动主要是由行星波引起的,并且在中高纬主要是1波的影响;而低纬地区由于不满足行星波上传的条件,所以臭氧纬向分布不受行星波的影响。分析行星波扰动对臭氧的输送作用也表明,行星波的扰动确实引起臭氧在经向上的输送,从而造成臭氧纬向分布的不对称,并且由于基本气流的输送作用,使得臭氧纬向扰动与行星波造成的原始扰动有一个位相差。  相似文献   

华南夏季大气水汽汇时空变化特征   总被引:3,自引:19,他引:3  
用1958~2004年NCEP/NCAR再分析资料,分析华南夏季大尺度大气水汽汇的时空变化特征。结果表明:西南地区东部至华南北部地区、华南沿海地区是我国南方夏季水汽汇的2个主要的变异中心区。西南地区东部至华南北部地区夏季水汽汇具有明显的年代际变化特征。华南南部沿岸地区夏季水汽汇则以年际变化为主。西南地区东部至华南北部附近地区以及华南南部沿岸地区水汽汇的强弱异常变化,与东亚上空水汽输送异常而导致上述地区的垂直积分的水汽通量辐合的异常是密切相关:如果向华北或者长江流域的水汽输送增强(减弱),则华南地区得到的水汽减少(增加),导致上述地区上空的水汽汇偏弱(偏强)。  相似文献   

Stability Effects on Heat and Moisture Fluxes at Sea   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
During the 1996 ASGAMAGE experiment we measured windspeed, air temperature Ta, watertemperature Ts, humidity and the momentum,heat and moisture fluxes at a research platform offthe Dutch coast. For each quantity we used several(sets of) instruments simultaneously. This allowed usto make an extensive assessment of the quality of themeasurements and to find optimal values for thevarious quantities for each run. From these values wecalculated CH and CE, theStanton and Dalton numbers, and reduced them to 10-mheight and neutral conditions. For this reductionwe made a separate analysis for the effect ofinclusion or non-inclusion of the assumption that theroughness length for heat or moisture is the same forthe neutral and non-neutral cases. Differences inthe reduced data due to this assumption turned out tobe well within the measurement error.For CH we distinguished three separategroups of data: stable (A), unstable witha s (B) and unstablewith thetas;a > s (C), with indicating the potential temperature.The stable data separate into two groups, depending onwater temperature and/or the wave field. The data ofgroup B showed a relation with wave age. The data ofgroup C consistently gave negative values forCH, a result that might indicate conversion oflatent heat into sensible heat through condensation ofwater vapour just above the water surface. An attemptto re-analyse the data in terms of density fluxes,combining the effects of heat and moisture, still gavenegative transfer coefficients for group C.For the moisture flux we found the more conventionalresult of a separation in stable and unstable values;these categories showed a clear difference, but notrends with, for example, wind speed.We conclude that standard Monin-Obukhov similaritytheory cannot explain our data.  相似文献   

中国平流层CH4的分布特征和季节变化   总被引:8,自引:5,他引:3  
郑彬  施春华  陈月娟 《高原气象》2006,25(4):609-615
利用UARS卫星上HALOE试验的1992—2003年CH4资料,分析了中国平流层的CH4混合比分布特征,并对CH4混合比在不同纬度上的季节变化作了详细分析。结果表明,中国平流层CH4混合比随着高度逐渐减小,在经向上有较大差异,总是南边大于北边,而各个纬度带上的分布则较均匀。分析结果还表明,中国平流层CH4混合比在DJF的季节距平与MAM有相反的符号,而且中心位置基本吻合。此外,季节变率最大的是MAM—DJF,而不是JJA—DJF。并且在平流层低层的夏半年有明显的高值带,这可能与上升运动和辐散辐合作用有关。  相似文献   

An analysis of long-term records ofcorn yields and seasonal weather conditions inIllinois found major temporal shifts and importantspatial variations in the types of seasonal weatherconditions, expressed as the normality of temperatureand rainfall conditions, that create positive andnegative impacts on yields. Nineteen different typesof corn-weather seasons (May–August) occurred during1901–1997, and 9 of these seasons accounted for mostof the high corn yields (top 20 of the 97) and 8seasonal types produced most low yields (lowest 20values). Assessment of the years with either high orlow yields revealed (1) some corn-weather seasonaltypes were uniformly distributed throughout thecentury; (2) others were unevenly time distributed,some occurring only in early decades and others onlyin the last few decades; and (3) certain weather typesvaried regionally. The yield responses to certainseasonal types varied over time, being good early andnot so later, or vice versa. The findings indicatethat time changes in farming practices, cornvarieties, and agricultural technology have alteredhow certain types of growing season weather affectcorn yields. Regional differences in yield outcomesfrom a given set of weather conditions reflect varyingsoil and climate differences across Illinois. Thespatial and temporal differences reveal the importanceof using weather-impact results to define seasonalweather extremes. The kinds of seasons creating highyields predominated during 1901–1910 and 1961–1997,and most seasons creating low yields were concentratedbetween 1911 and 1960. Comparison of the 1901–1997temporal distributions of yield extremes (high andlow) with the temporal distributions of cyclonepassages and the incidence of ENSO conditions thataffect growing season weather conditions revealed agenerally good relationship. The shifting temporalresponses to various kinds of seasonal weatherconditions during the 20th century reveal some ofthe difficulties facing efforts to project realisticand detailed impacts in agriculture from alteredfuture seasonal weather conditions.  相似文献   

用1958-2004年NCEP/NCAR再分析资料分析了中国南方春季大尺度大气水汽汇的时空变化特征。结果表明:华南中东部、广西北部-湖南西部-贵州东部地区是中国南方春季水汽汇的两个主要变异中心区。华南中东部春季水汽汇具有明显的年际和年代际变化特征,并以年代际方差占优;广西北部-湖南西部-贵州东部地区春季水汽汇以年际变化为主。华南中东部以及广西北部-湖南西部-贵州东部地区水汽汇的强度异常与东亚上空水汽输送异常导致上述地区垂直积分的水汽通量辐合的异常密切相关,当中国南方上空有西南(东北)风水汽通量距平,即西南风水汽输送增强(减弱)时,则上述地区上空的水汽汇偏强(偏弱)。  相似文献   

麦莎台风登陆后能量过程与水汽供应的诊断研究   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:3  
对0509号台风"麦莎(Matsa)"登陆后长时间维持并轻度加强的过程进行了诊断研究,此过程涉及到多种因素.位涡分析表明,当中纬度西风槽东移,该槽底部分裂出的一个较小的正位涡中心与"麦莎"合并使"麦莎"的涡旋动能增强,而在9日之后"麦莎"与槽主体合并的阶段,槽区主要的正位涡中心与"麦莎"融合.动能收支分析发现,"麦莎"登陆北移过程中,高层的无辐散风穿越等高线将位能转换为动能这一过程较"麦莎"的整体加强为早,而辐散风是低层动能的主要来源.中低层天气尺度系统为积云对流的发展提供动能,而积云对流释放潜热又为高层动能的维持提供了帮助.将"麦莎"与北美"Agnes"飓风比较后发现,"麦莎"加强程度比"Agnes"较弱的原因之一,是高层的无辐散风把台风环流内的动能向环境输出,而"Agnes"飓风则是环境区有大量动能向台风环流区输送.分析水汽来源可知,在"麦莎"登陆期间及其后副热带和热带的两条水汽通道同时或分别为"麦莎"的积云对流提供了足够的水汽供应.  相似文献   

The surface of windy Antarctic snowfields is subject to drifting snow, which leads to the formation of sastrugi. In turn, sastrugi contribute to the drag exerted by the snow surface on the atmosphere and hence influence drifting snow. Although the surface drag over rough sastrugi fields has been estimated for individual locations in Antarctica, its variation over time and with respect to drifting snow has received little attention. Using year-round data from a meteorological mast, seasonal variations in the neutral drag coefficient at a height of 10 m \((C_{{ DN}10})\) in coastal Adelie Land are presented and discussed in light of the formation and behaviour of sastrugi based on observed aeolian erosion patterns. The measurements revealed high \(C_{{ DN}10} \) values \((\ge \) 2 \(\times \) 10\(^{-3})\) and limited drifting snow (35% of the time) in summer (December–February) versus lower \(C_{{ DN}10} \) values \((\approx \) 1.5 \(\times \) \(10^{-3})\) associated with more frequent drifting snow (70% of the time) in winter (March–November). Without the seasonal distinction, there was no clear dependence of \(C_{{ DN}10} \) on friction velocity or wind direction, but observations revealed a general increase in \(C_{{ DN}10} \) with rising air temperature. The main hypothesis defended here is that higher temperatures increase snow cohesion and the development of sastrugi just after snow deposition while inhibiting the sastrugi streamlining process by raising the erosion threshold. This increases the contribution of the sastrugi form drag to the total surface drag in summer when winds are lighter and more variable. The analysis also showed that, in the absence of erosion, single snowfall events can reduce \(C_{{ DN}10} \) to \(1\,\times \,10^{-3}\) due to the burying of pre-existing microrelief under newly deposited snow. The results suggest that polar atmospheric models should account for spatial and temporal variations in snow surface roughness through a dynamic representation of the sastrugi form drag.  相似文献   

以江西早稻为例,利用1981—2016年气象资料、早稻高温热害灾情史料和生育期资料,构建历史早稻高温热害样本集合,在Kolmogorov-Smirnov(K-S)分布拟合检验的基础上,采用信息扩散方法计算得到早稻高温热害总样本和不同持续日数(3~5 d,6~8 d和8 d以上)不同等级(轻度、中度、重度)热害在早稻抽穗期前后的发生概率。结果表明:早稻高温热害起始于抽穗前6 d至抽穗后20 d,抽穗扬花期发生概率最高,随着早稻进入乳熟期高温热害发生概率逐渐降低。早稻抽穗扬花期持续3~5 d早稻高温热害以轻度、中度为主,5 d以上中度、重度高温热害发生概率为98.77%;随着早稻进入乳熟期,高温热害以中度和轻度为主,重度高温热害概率显著降低。早稻轻度高温热害的主要致灾时段为抽穗至灌浆中期,中度高温热害的主要致灾时段为抽穗至灌浆中前期,而重度高温热害的主要致灾时段为孕穗期至灌浆初期。  相似文献   

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