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利用综合地球物理方法研究前新生代残留盆地结构是当前深层油气勘探亟待解决的问题之一.本文基于高精度重力、航磁、地震等综合地球物理资料,通过位场正演剥离和正则化滤波技术对黄骅坳陷前新生代残留盆地结构展开研究,构建黄骅坳陷宏观的盆地立体格架,分析前新生代残留地层的展布及残留厚度特征,探讨盆地基底的三分性问题.研究表明,黄骅坳陷宏观上呈现垂向分层、东西分带、南北分区的盆地结构特征;前新生代残留盆地总体为NNE-NE向展布,但沉积中心与残留地层厚度明显不同于新生代沉积特点,在歧口新生界巨厚区残留厚度较小;盆地基底表现出三分性特征,区内"T"型交叉的两组隐伏深断裂可能为燕辽基底、鲁西基底和太行基底的拼接线;前新生代盆地结构、残留厚度与基底三分性特征均表现出受深部断裂构造的影响和控制.  相似文献   

辽河盆地东部坳陷储集层由火山多期喷发形成,岩相岩性复杂,岩性以中、基性火山岩为主.本文将火山岩的岩心及岩矿鉴定资料与测井数据进行整合,应用测井数据建立支持向量机(SVM)两分类和多分类岩性识别模式.首先,深入研究支持向量机二分类及"一对一"、"一对多"和有向无环图三种经典多分类算法的基本原理及结构;然后,总结研究区域火山岩岩石特征,分析测井数据的测井响应组合特征,选择40口井中岩心分析和薄片鉴定资料完整、常规五种测井曲线(RLLD,CNL,DEN,AC,GR)齐全的1200个测井数据作为训练样本,构造三种支持向量机岩性识别模式;最后,对4测试井中800个测井数据进行岩性识别,识别结果与取心段岩心描述和岩心/岩屑薄片鉴定资料对比,实验结果表明有向无环图更适合辽河盆地火山岩的识别,识别正确率达到82.3%.  相似文献   

南海北部盆地基底岩性地震-重磁响应特征与识别   总被引:6,自引:2,他引:6       下载免费PDF全文
针对性选取东南沿海露头剖面18条,采集245件南海盆地基底可能出现的岩性样品,测定其密度和磁化率,建立各种岩性的密度-磁化率交会图版,以此约束过井地震剖面和重磁异常的地质解释,总结出南海北部盆地基底火山岩、侵入岩、变质岩和沉积岩4大类11亚类岩性的地震-重磁响应特征.应用重磁震-岩性解释模型逐一对南海盆地北部主干剖面进行地质-地球物理综合解释,从而实现了盆地基底岩性的平面填图.这种从盆缘剖面到盆地内部、从岩石物性测量到地质-地球物理综合解释的方法,在资料获取难度大、地质条件复杂的南海盆地基底地质研究中,业已证明是行之有效的,相信在其他盆地研究中也会有借鉴意义.  相似文献   




二连盆地由众多小凹陷组成,伊和凹陷是其中之一.重力资料在盆地"探边摸底"、"定凹选带"等方面发挥着重要作用.本文基于布格重力异常资料,利用2.5D建模反演技术对其中横跨主洼槽的两条测线进行可视化建模及正演拟合.其中,初始模型的几何参数取自二维地震解释结果;物性参数中的纵向密度取自测井声波波速与密度的相关公式.正演拟合为建模反演技术的关键环节,密度横向变化,是在拟合过程中通过人机交互试错调整实现.通过正演拟合,揭示了主洼槽沉积层横向和纵向均存在较大的密度不均匀性,主洼槽有利于油气生成.与地震解释结果对比,二者在赛汉组-第四纪、腾格尔组深度相差不大,但凹陷底部拟合结果与地震解释结果有明显差异.通过钻井结果验证,正演拟合各沉积层深度与钻井揭示的各层深度结果一致,二维地震解释结果偏浅,其可能原因是时深转换选取的速度值偏小造成.  相似文献   

沉积相研究是盆地隐蔽油气藏勘探中重要的研究内容之一,综合利用地球物理方法有效识别构造、岩性或沉积相差异是盆地隐蔽油气藏勘探的前提.本文基于重力、航磁、地震等综合地球物理资料,通过重磁异常正演剥离和剖面正反演拟合技术研究了华南桂中地区海相地层的密度分布特征,预测了岩相、沉积相的变化规律.研究发现,本区中、下泥盆统海相地层存在横向的岩性、岩相变化,研究区西北、东南部的台地相区重力异常高、岩石拟合密度值高;中部“X”型台地边缘相区重力异常杂乱、岩石拟合密度变化范围大;东部台沟相区重力异常低、岩石拟合密度值低.利用综合地球物理方法预测沉积相为盆地岩性圈闭油气藏和生物礁油气藏勘探提供了新的研究思路,研究成果已得到初步检验,但还有待进一步完善与实践.  相似文献   

Current models for unconformity‐associated uranium deposits predict fluid flow and ore deposition along reactivated faults in >1.76 Ga basement beneath Mesoproterozoic siliciclastic basins. In frontier regions such as the Thelon Basin in the Kivalliq region of Nunavut, little is known about the sub‐basin distribution of units and structures, making exploration targeting very tenuous. We constructed a geological map of the basement beneath the unconformity by extrapolating exposed features into the subsurface. The new map is constrained by detailed geological, geophysical, and rock property observations of outcrops adjacent to the basin and by aeromagnetic and gravity data over the geophysically transparent sedimentary basin. From rock property measurements, it is clear that the diverse magnetic and density characteristics of major rock packages provide quantitative three‐dimensional constraints. Gravity profiles forward modelled in four cross sections define broad synforms of the Amer Belt and Archean volcanic rocks that are consistent with the structural style outside the basin. Major lithotectonic entities beneath the unconformity include: supracrustal rocks of the Archean Woodburn Lake group and Marjorie Hills meta sedimentary gneiss and associated mixed granitoid and amphibolitic gneiss; the Amer Mylonite Zone and inferred mafic intrusions oriented parallel and sub‐parallel; other igneous intrusions of 2.6 Ga, 1.83 Ga, and 1.75 Ga vintage; and the <2.3 Ga to >1.84 Ga Amer Group. Four main brittle regional fault arrays (040°–060°, 075°–90°, 120°, and 150°) controlled development and preservation of the basin. The reactivated intersections of such faults along fertile basement units such as the Rumble assemblage, Marjorie Hills assemblage, Nueltin igneous rocks, and Pitz formation are the best targets for uranium exploration.  相似文献   

伊犁盆地中部区域地处多个构造单元的交汇区,构造复杂,缺乏高精度地质资料,制约了对盆地构造演化的进一步认识.本文联合使用多种先验信息作为约束条件,利用高精度重磁数据反演获得了研究区地下海拔-10 km以浅的三维密度和磁性结构,增强了反演结果的可靠性.结果揭示以白石墩次凸为中心发育了一个"北断南超"的南西-北东向不对称型凹陷,北部沉积厚度大于南部;区内主要断裂具有高角度特征,生烃中心受断裂控制,阿吾拉勒山前凹陷浅部可能发育逆掩断裂;火成岩以侵入的基性火成岩为主,伴有部分喷出火成岩和中酸性火成岩.  相似文献   

Assessment of deep buried basin/basement relationships using geophysical data is a challenge for the energy and mining industries as well as for geothermal or CO2 storage purposes. In deep environments, few methods can provide geological information; magnetic and gravity data remain among the most informative and cost‐effective methods. Here, in order to derive fast first‐order information on the basement/basin interface, we propose a combination of existing and original approaches devoted to potential field data analysis. Namely, we investigate the geometry (i.e., depth and structure) and the nature of a deep buried basement through a case study SW of the Paris Basin. Joint processing of new high‐resolution magnetic data and up‐to‐date gravity data provides an updated overview of the deep basin. First, the main structures of the magnetic basement are highlighted using Euler deconvolution and are interpreted in a structural sketch map. The new high‐resolution aeromagnetic map actually offers a continuous view of regional basement structures and reveals poorly known and complex deformation at the junction between major domains of the Variscan collision belt. Second, Werner deconvolution and an ad hoc post‐processing analysis allow the extraction of a set of magnetic sources at (or close to) the basin/basement interface. Interpolation of these sources together with the magnetic structural sketch provides a Werner magnetic basement map displaying realistic 3D patterns and basement depths consistent with data available in deep petroleum boreholes. The last step of processing was designed as a way to quickly combine gravity and magnetic information and to simply visualize first‐order petrophysical patterns of the basement lithology. This is achieved through unsupervised classification of suitably selected gravity and magnetic maps and, as compared to previous work, provides a realistic and updated overview of the cartographic distribution of density/magnetization of basement rocks. Altogether, the three steps of processing proposed in this paper quickly provide relevant information on a deep buried basement in terms of structure, geometry and nature (through petrophysics). Notwithstanding, limitations of the proposed procedure are raised: in the case of the Paris Basin for instance, this study does not provide proper information on Pre‐Mesozoic basins, some of which have been sampled in deep boreholes.  相似文献   

In this study, we used the multi-resolution graph-based clustering (MRGC) method for determining the electrofacies (EF) and lithofacies (LF) from well log data obtained from the intraplatform bank gas fields located in the Amu Darya Basin. The MRGC could automatically determine the optimal number of clusters without prior knowledge about the structure or cluster numbers of the analyzed data set and allowed the users to control the level of detail actually needed to define the EF. Based on the LF identification and successful EF calibration using core data, an MRGC EF partition model including five clusters and a quantitative LF interpretation chart were constructed. The EF clusters 1 to 5 were interpreted as lagoon, anhydrite flat, interbank, low-energy bank, and high-energy bank, and the coincidence rate in the cored interval could reach 85%. We concluded that the MRGC could be accurately applied to predict the LF in non-cored but logged wells. Therefore, continuous EF clusters were partitioned and corresponding LF were interpreted, and the distribution and petrophysical characteristics of different LF were analyzed in the framework of sequence stratigraphy.  相似文献   

对于羌塘盆地是否存在横贯东西的中央隆起带,目前学术界仍有分歧.本文提供的最新高精度航空重、磁资料证实存在呈东西向贯通羌塘盆地的中央隆起带,并对该带的构造特征进行了精细刻画.隆起带受南北两侧深大断裂控制,其空间跨度(宽度)由西向东逐渐收敛,并被一组近南北向的隐伏断裂系切割、左滑错动.重、磁场资料还显示中央隆起带在双湖东、西两侧存在明显差异:西段基底大规模隆起,基岩深度一般在3~5 km以内,明显浅于南北羌塘坳陷7~15 km的基底埋深;东段基底隆起幅度明显降低,主要表现为潜伏的低隆起,其中双湖—雅曲段基底埋深5~7 km,雅曲—岗尼段基底埋深7~9 km;即中央隆起带基底自西向东"台阶状"降低,隆起的幅度和分布范围受到近南北向断裂控制.构造分层表明,与南羌塘地块相比,北羌塘地块的基底隆起幅度小、稳定性更好.南北羌塘基底地球物理属性的显著差异说明羌塘盆地并不存在统一的前寒武系变质基底,中央隆起带的形成应该与古特提斯洋关闭时形成的混杂岩带有关.  相似文献   

对于羌塘盆地是否存在横贯东西的中央隆起带,目前学术界仍有分歧.本文提供的最新高精度航空重、磁资料证实存在呈东西向贯通羌塘盆地的中央隆起带,并对该带的构造特征进行了精细刻画.隆起带受南北两侧深大断裂控制,其空间跨度(宽度)由西向东逐渐收敛,并被一组近南北向的隐伏断裂系切割、左滑错动.重、磁场资料还显示中央隆起带在双湖东、西两侧存在明显差异:西段基底大规模隆起,基岩深度一般在3~5 km以内,明显浅于南北羌塘坳陷7~15 km的基底埋深;东段基底隆起幅度明显降低,主要表现为潜伏的低隆起,其中双湖—雅曲段基底埋深5~7 km,雅曲—岗尼段基底埋深7~9 km;即中央隆起带基底自西向东"台阶状"降低,隆起的幅度和分布范围受到近南北向断裂控制.构造分层表明,与南羌塘地块相比,北羌塘地块的基底隆起幅度小、稳定性更好.南北羌塘基底地球物理属性的显著差异说明羌塘盆地并不存在统一的前寒武系变质基底,中央隆起带的形成应该与古特提斯洋关闭时形成的混杂岩带有关.  相似文献   




提升小波:可用于重磁资料处理的新方法   总被引:10,自引:5,他引:5  
小波变换在重磁资料处理中得到了广泛应用.通过提升结构构造的二代小波继承了一代小波的优良属性,并且具有灵活性、适应性、易于快速实现等优点.二代小波比一代小波有很多优点和好的属性,其应用范围更为广泛.本文介绍了提升结构构造二代小波的思想,并讨论了其在重磁资料处理中的应用前景.  相似文献   

Available gravity and magnetic data of the Phlegraean Fields geothermal area, Naples, Italy, have been interpreted and the obtained structural models discussed in the light of the other available geological, volcanological and geophysical data.On the basis of the results of a previous seismic reflection survey in the Gulf of Naples and in the Pozzuoli Bay, which delineated a basement characterized by a seismic velocity of 4–6 km/s, it has been possible to evaluate the gravity anomaly connected with the morphology of this horizon ( = 2.7 g/cm3).The residual anomaly map, obtained after subtraction of the regional long-wavelength components relative to mantle and deep crustal structures and the computed components relative to the above-mentioned seismic basement, shows up as a circular low with an amplitude of 10 mgal centred in the Pozzuoli Bay. This gravity low has been interpreted as due to the occurrence, in the centre of Pozzuoli Bay, of light (Δ = −0.2 g/cm3) material with a maximum thickness of about 2 km. However, a contribution to the anomaly due to a narrow magmatic body intruded in the basement, as suggested by volcanological and ground deformation data, cannot be excluded.The aeromagnetic map of the Phlegraean Fields is characterized by three main anomalies which have been fitted by superficial tridimensional parallelepipedic bodies, schematically representing lava flows and domes. Their anomalies have been subsequently subtracted from the observed field, obtaining as a residual a large anomaly centred in the southwestern area of the Pozzuoli Bay. It has been interpreted as being due to a lowmagnetized body which, taking into account the thermal state of the area, should represent that part of the pyroclastic sequence which has lost part of its magnetization by thermo-chemical alteration.  相似文献   

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