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企业地震预警系统应用研究   总被引:8,自引:1,他引:8  
在充分调研国外地震预警系统现状的基础上,进行了地震预警系统的研究,研制了相应的数据分析软件。采用数字化观测技术、GIS技术等高新技术,在中国石油天然气股份有限公司大连分公司建立了地震预警试验系统,并将该地震预警系统与地震应急系统相连,为今后开展类似工作积累了经验。  相似文献   

地震预警(报)系统及减灾效益研究   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4       下载免费PDF全文
简要阐述了地震预警(报)系统(利用震灾区某点相对震中区地震波的走时差来进行预警)的设计时,并从理论上分析了其在减少人员伤亡方面的功效,8级左右大震其减少人员伤亡率P^-可达到70%以上。进一步的分析计算还发现,震害损失和地震预警(报)系统减少人员伤亡率P^-i的极大值均不在高烈度区和低烈度区,而是在中等烈度区。  相似文献   

正近年来,随着经济的发展和社会的进步,人们的防震减灾意识逐渐增强,地震预警技术得到了越来越多的关注。日本、墨西哥、美国南加州地区、希腊和土耳其等国家和地区先后发展了地震预警系统。我国也已开始大力发展地震预警技术,目前正稳步推进地震预警系统的研制和建设。作为一项大有前途的防震减灾技术,地震预警技术在几个国家和地区的实践中,不乏成功案例。例如20世纪90年代以来,墨西哥的地震预警系统SAS在几次大地震中取得了实际的减  相似文献   

利用地震预警系统对中国台湾地区地震进行速报,与传统地震告警软件对比后发现,预警系统能够在较短时间内得出地震三要素并告警,可为地震速报人员争取较长速报用时.总结了地震速报过程中需要注意的若干细节问题.  相似文献   

利用地震预警系统对中国台湾地区地震进行速报,与传统地震告警软件对比后发现,预警系统能够在较短时间内得出地震三要素并告警,可为地震速报人员争取较长速报用时。总结了地震速报过程中需要注意的若干细节问题。  相似文献   

行星地球地震预警系统(测试版)的初步应用   总被引:4,自引:2,他引:2       下载免费PDF全文
李勇 《地球物理学进展》2007,22(4):1066-1069
2006年3月,采用国家天文台自主研发的行星地球的地震预警系统(测试版),曾向中国地球物理学会天灾预测专业委员会提交了一份“天灾年度预测报告简表”.该表给出了2008年8月奥运会期间,在北纬20°~70°、东经70°~140°区域内,计算得到的27个模拟地震指数最大的地点,表明发生6级以上地震的概率较高.本文介绍了该项工作,同时指明其可能的应用前景——发布全球的模拟地震指数.  相似文献   

地震预警系统作为一种减轻地震灾害的有效手段,其必须具有两个性能:可靠性和时效性.可靠性要求有低的误报率、漏报率;而时效性要求系统的计算时间短、反应速度快.系统的可靠性和时效性需要反复测试.在特定区域,地震是小概率事件,对于5级以上的破坏性地震更是极其罕见,因此只有通过模拟地震的方式才能对地震预警系统进行有效的测试.目前还没有文献系统地介绍地震预警系统的模拟测试方法.本文提出了振动台模拟、信号发生板卡模拟和软件模拟三种测试方法,并对每种方法的优缺点进行了对比研究.研究表明,软件模拟的优点最多,唯一的缺点是不能测试系统的抗震能力.通过分析,本文建议首先在振动台上做少量几次大幅度地震波输入测试;之后使用软件模拟测试方法,将所有收集到的地震波序列和干扰波形输入地震预警系统,对其进行功能测试,以得到全面且经济的测试效果.  相似文献   

In this paper we outline the science, engineering, and societal considerations of the prototype Earthquake Early Warning System (EEWS) in California and detail the development and testing of methodologies in the last 10 years in America. Also, we give a brief introduction of Earthquake Early Warning (EEW) in China, and based on the summary of EEW in California we make an analysis of the perspectives, misconceptions, and challenges that China may have.  相似文献   

罗马尼亚国家地球物理所2006年4月下旬在Vrancea县的Plostina和Vrancioaia两个地震观测站演示了一种新的地震即时预警系统,该系统是地球物理所研究员Adrian grigorie和Alexandru Marmureanu的研究成果,也是他们与德国Karlsruhe大学合作的产物。  相似文献   

通过预警在地震事件中的地位和我国地震预警的发展现状,探索在我国如何建立地震预警系统和预警应急管理体系,并提出我国构建地震预警的发展策略。  相似文献   

It is clear that the basic countermeasure against earthquake strong motion is to reinforce buildings and other structures. Realtime earthquake disaster prevention is a countermeasure during the earthquake itself and is different from realtime seismology. An EEW, earthquake early warning system, is required to trigger realtime earthquake disaster prevention. It is important to avoid too much trust in EEW for the disaster prevention. This paper describes the concept of an EEW and gives a brief history, which eventually led to the development of the UrEDAS, the urgent earthquake detection and alarm system, the first operational P-wave early warning system. A real-world example of disaster prevention by this system is described. Finally, the role of national or public organizations in earthquake disaster prevention will be discussed, with special emphasis on the situation in Japan.  相似文献   

In this article, we systematically introduce the latest progress of the earthquake early warning (EEW) system in Fujian, China. We focus on the following key technologies and methods: continuous earthquake location and its error evaluation; magnitude estimation; reliability judgment of EEW system information; use of double-parameter principle in EEW system information release threshold; real-time estimation of seismic intensity and available time for target areas; seismic-monitoring network and data sharing platform; EEW system information release and receiving platform; software test platform; and test results statistical analysis. Based on strong ground motion data received in the mainshock of the Wenchuan earthquake, the EEW system developed by the above algorithm is simulated online, and the results show that the system can reduce earthquake hazards effectively. In addition, we analyzed four earthquake cases with magnitude greater than 5.5 processed by our EEW system since the online-testing that was started one year ago, and results indicate that our system can effectively reduce earthquake hazards and have high practical significance.  相似文献   

地震预警信息可靠度研究   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
张红才  金星 《地震学报》2014,36(4):615-631
提出了一种地震预警信息可靠度检验方法. 针对地震预警系统对信息的高度时效性及准确性要求, 并结合其应用特点, 从地震动记录信噪比、 特征参数相容性、 特征参数协调性及地震预警定位结果可靠性等4个方面对地震预警信息的综合可靠度进行探讨, 并分别提出了相应的可靠度定量计算方法. 利用日本KiK-net台网记录的444个地震事件共4737条三分向加速度记录对上述4个指标参数及综合可靠度指标参数的验证结果表明, 采用本方法有助于提高地震预警信息发布的准确性和可靠性, 减少“漏报”及“误报”事件的发生.  相似文献   

本文介绍了意大利地震实时预警软件PRESTo的主要功能和参数配置。基于2016年云南云龙M5.0地震波形数据对PRESTo进行了测试,对软件相关特点加以总结归纳。  相似文献   

Significant investments are undergoing internationally to develop earthquake early warning (EEW) systems. So far, reasonably, the most of the research in this field was lead by seismologists as the issues to determine essential feasibility of EEW were mainly related to the earthquake source. Many of them have been brilliantly solved, and the principles of this discipline are collected in the so-called real-time seismology. On the other hand, operating EEW systems rely on general-purpose intensity measures as proxies for the impending ground motion potential and are suitable for population alert. In fact, to date, comparatively little attention was given to EEW by earthquake engineering, and design approaches for structure-specific EEW are mostly lacking. Applications to site-specific systems have not been extensively investigated and EEW convenience is not yet proven except a few pioneering cases, although the topic is certainly worthwhile. For example, in structure-specific EEW the determination of appropriate alarm thresholds is important when the false alarm may induce significant losses; similarly, economic appeal with respect to other risk mitigation strategies as seismic upgrade should be assessed. In the paper the least issues to be faced in the design of engineering applications of EEW are reviewed and some work done in this direction is discussed. The review presented intends to summarize the work of the author and co-workers in this field illustrating a possible performance-based approach for the design of structure-specific applications of EEW.  相似文献   

地震预警系统与智能应急控制系统研究   总被引:19,自引:4,他引:19  
基于实时地震(强震动)观测台网的地震预警和地震应急控制系统是近年来国际上日益引起人们重视的防震减灾手段,它不仅可以减轻地震造成的人员伤亡和降低重大工程次生灾害的发生,而且还可为震后紧急救援和抢修提供依据。对地震预警的基本思想以及地震预警和应急控制系统的国内外建设现状进行综述。  相似文献   

江西省地震烈度速报与预警工程是对江西省现有地震监测台网进行加密和升级后,形成的地震烈度速报与预警观测网络和紧急地震信息服务网络,向社会公众和政府部门及时提供紧急地震信息服务。本文介绍了江西省地震烈度速报与预警工程基本情况,重新对江西省地震监测能力进行了计算,并对地震预警能力进行了评估。  相似文献   

日本新干线地震监测与预警系统   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
地震是一种对高速铁路行车安全危害极大的自然灾害,为了减轻地震对高速铁路造成的灾害,建设高速铁路地震监测与预警系统是一项行之有效的手段。详细介绍了较为成熟的日本新干线地震监测与预警系统的发展历史、系统组成、紧急处置流程、报警方式、震源参数与紧急处置范围的确定方法,以及该系统在2011年3月11日东日本大地震中的紧急处置过程,旨在为中国高速铁路地震监测与预警系统的研究与建设提供参考和借鉴。  相似文献   

The Vrancea seismogenic zone in Romania represents a peculiar source of seismic hazard, which is a major concern in Europe, especially to neighboring regions of Bulgaria, Serbia and Republic of Moldavia. Earthquakes in the Carpathian–Pannonian region are confined to the crust, except the Vrancea zone, where earthquakes with focal depth down to 200 km occur. One of the cities most affected by earthquakes in Europe is Bucharest. Situated at 140–170 km distance from Vrancea epicenter zone, Bucharest encountered many damages due to high energy Vrancea intermediate-depth earthquakes; the March 4, 1977 event (Mw=7.2) produced the collapse of 36 buildings with 8–12 levels, while more than 150 old buildings were seriously damaged. A dedicated set of applications and a method to rapidly estimate magnitude in 4–5 s from detection of P wave in the epicenter were developed. They were tested on all recorded data. The magnitude error for 77.9% of total considered events is in the interval [−0.3, +0.3] magnitude units. This is acceptable taking into account that the magnitude is computed from only 3 stations in a 5 s time interval (1 s delay is caused by data packing). The ability to rapidly estimate the earthquake magnitude combined with powerful real-time software, as parts of an early warning system, allows us to send earthquake warning to Bucharest in real time, in about 5 s after detection in the epicenter. This allows 20–27 s warning time to automatically issue preventive actions at the warned facility.  相似文献   

Recently strong seismic waves or long period seismic waves have been observed in various earthquakes that occurred in Japan. As a result improvements of existing seismic isolation systems are deemed necessary. The present study proposed an intelligent seismic isolation system encompassing air bearings and earthquake early warning (EEW) system. Such system exhibits adequate isolation performance. The air bearings are isolation device that may render infinite the superstructure natural period by floating them, and the EEW is applied for a trigger of isolation. This paper illustrates the proposed system and discusses the experimental results of a test carried out with the system. Laboratory tests carried out in the present research demonstrate the effectiveness of the proposed base isolated systems and prove its efficacy in mitigating the effects of three-dimensional seismic waves. For example, the system suppressed the horizontal response acceleration of an isolation target to 38% of input acceleration.  相似文献   

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