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Sesuvium portulacastrum (L.) L., a facultative halophyte, is considered a suitable candidate for the phytoremediation of metals. An investigation of As accumulation and tolerance was conducted in Sesuvium plants upon exposure to As(V) (100-1000 μM) for 30 d. Plants demonstrated a good growth even after prolonged exposure (30 d) to high As(V) concentrations (1000 μM) and a significant As accumulation (155 μg g−1 dry weight) with a bioaccumulation factor of more than ten at each concentration. The results of shoot and root dry weight, malondialdehyde accumulation, photosynthetic pigments, and total soluble proteins demonstrated that plants did not experience significant toxicity even at 1000 μM As(V) after 30 d. However, metabolites (total non-protein thiols and cysteine) and enzymes (serine acetyltransferase, cysteine synthase and γ-glutamylcysteine synthetase) of thiol metabolism, in general, remained either unaffected or showed slight decline. Hence, plants tolerated high As(V) concentrations without an involvement of thiol metabolism as a major component. Taken together, the results indicate that plants are potential As accumulator and may find application in the re-vegetation of As contaminated sites.  相似文献   

The implication of organic acids in Pb translocation was studied in two species varying in shoot lead accumulation, Sesuvium portulacastrum and Brassica juncea. Citric, fumaric, malic and α-cetoglutaric acids were separated and determined by HPLC technique in shoots, roots and xylem saps of the both species grown in nutrient solutions added with 200 and 400 μM of Pb(II). The lead content of the xylem saps was determined by ICP–MS. Results showed that S. portulacastrum is more tolerant to Pb than B. juncea. Lead concentration in xylem sap of the S. portulacastrum was significantly greater than in that of B. juncea. For both species, a positive correlation was established between lead and citrate concentrations in xylem sap. However minor relationship was observed for fumaric, malic and α-cetoglutaric acids. In the shoots lead treatment also induced a significant increase in citric acid concentration. Both observations suggest the implication of citric acid in lead translocation and shoot accumulation in S. portulacastrum and B. juncea. The relatively high accumulation of citric acid in xylem sap and shoot of S. portulacastrum could explain its high potential to translocate and accumulate this metal in shoot suggesting their possible use to remediate Pb polluted soils.  相似文献   

EDTA强化电动力学修复重金属复合污染土壤   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
在自制的电动力学装置中,研究多种重金属复合污染土壤的电动力学修复,通过在阴极添加络合剂EDTA来提高修复效率。实验结果表明,EDTA的引入提高了修复过程中的电流值,且EDTA与重金属的络合提高了污染物向电极液的迁移效率,从而强化了电动力学修复效果。在设定的浓度(0、0.01、0.02、0.05和0.1 mol/L)中,0.1 mol/L的EDTA具有最佳的修复效率。在此实验条件下,污染土壤中的总铜、总铅和总镉的去除率分别为90.2%、68.1%和95.1%。电动力学修复后,对土壤重金属进行化学形态分析,发现电动力学修复显著改变了土壤重金属存在形态,修复后土壤中的铜、铅、镉主要以较稳定的有机态和残余态形式存在,显著降低了对周边生物和环境的毒害。  相似文献   

The effect of ethylenediaminetetraacetic acid (EDTA) in extracting heavy metal contaminants, namely Pb, Cd, Zn, and Mn, from soils with organometallic complexes, was explored using the coupled electric-hydraulic gradient assisted by ion exchange medium (CEHIXM) decontamination process. The experiments were conducted with a constant electric voltage of 50 DC V and a constant hydraulic flow rate of 4 cm3/min. The results obtained from the experiments demonstrated that EDTA was effective in extracting Pb, Cd, Zn, and Mn from soils in which acidic pH did not produce significant dissolution. Metal removal as high as 99% was achieved with 0.05 M EDTA solution within 200 hr.  相似文献   

Optimizing process parameters that affect the remediation time and power consumption can improve the treatment efficiency of the electrokinetic remediation as well as determine the cost of a remediation action. Lab-scale electrokinetic remediation of Pb-contaminated soils was investigated for the effect of complexant ethylenediaminetetraacetic acid (EDTA) and acetic acid and approaching anode on the removal efficiency of Pb. When EDTA was added to the catholyte, EDTA dissolved insoluble Pb in soils to form soluble Pb–EDTA complexes, increasing Pb mobility and accordingly removal efficiency. The removal efficiency was enhanced from 47.8 to 61.5 % when the EDTA concentration was increased from 0.1 to 0.2 M, showing that EDTA played an important role in remediation. And the migration rate of Pb was increased to 72.3 % when both EDTA and acetic acid were used in the catholyte. The “approaching anode electrokinetic remediation” process in the presence of both EDTA and acetic acid had a higher Pb-removal efficiency with an average efficiency of 83.8 %. The efficiency of electrokinetic remediation was closely related to Pb speciation. Exchangeable and carbonate-bounded Pb were likely the forms which could be removed. All results indicate that the approaching anode method in the presence of EDTA and acetic acid is an advisable choice for electrokinetic remediation of Pb-contaminated soil.  相似文献   

铅不是生物体必需的元素,具有很强的生物毒性,低剂量铅就会对人体健康产生严重威胁.铅的生物有效性与其生物毒性密切相关,降低土壤铅生物有效性是铅污染土壤修复的重要手段之一.含磷材料可作为铅的稳定修复剂的特性被广泛地接受.含磷材料通过吸附、沉淀、离子交换等作用与铅离子形成稳定的磷氯铅矿类物质[Pb5(PO4)3X;X=F,Cl,Br or OH].通过概述国内外关于含磷材料原位钝化修复铅污染土壤的分子机理,列举了几种应用较为广泛的含磷材料(如磷酸、磷酸盐、羟基磷灰石、磷矿石等)的最新研究进展,总结了温度、pH值、磷铅摩尔分子比等影响因子及其修复效果方面的研究进展,并讨论含磷材料原位修复铅污染土壤的工程适用性及其长期稳定性.  相似文献   

DDT污染土壤的植物修复技术   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
本文报道用植草方法研究为DDT及其主要降解产物污染土壤的植物修复技术。在污染物的浓度为 0 .2 15mg/kg的土壤中 ,种植 10种草 3个月后DDT及其主要降解产物的总含量分别降低 19.6 %— 73.0 %。种植不同品种的草对土壤中污染物有不同的去除能力 ,其中以种植丹麦产的Taya草 (Per .ryegrass)与美国产的Titan草 (Tallfescue)为最强。用种植草的方法修复受DDT及其主要降解产物污染的土壤是一项可行的技术。在去除土壤中DDT的作用上 ,草的吸收是轻微的 ,只占原施药量的 0 .13%— 1.0 8% ,土壤中污染物消失的主要因素是土壤中生物降解作用的结果。  相似文献   

立体式植物修复受重金属污染农田土壤的探讨   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
农田土壤遭受重金属污染是江西省乐平市乐安河沿岸的重要环境问题。采用实验小区的方法,研究了乔、灌、草多层次植物对重金属污染地区土壤的修复作用。结果表明,利用木本植物和对重金属吸收较好的草本植物组成立体模式来净化污染面积较大的土壤,效果明显,简便易行,经济效益大,是治理重金属Cu、Cd复合污染的一条新途径。  相似文献   

The effect of two different chelating agents [EDTA and EDDS (S,S-ethylenediaminedissucinic acid)] on Zn tissue accumulation in Solanum nigrum L. grown in a naturally contaminated soil was assessed. Under those conditions, the response of the plant to the inoculation with two different isolates of arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi (AMF)--Glomus claroideum and Glomus intraradices--was also studied. Plants grown in the local contaminated soil (Zn levels of 433mg kg(-1)) accumulated up to 1191mg kg(-1) of Zn in the roots, 3747mg kg(-1) in the stems and 3409mg kg(-1) in the leaves. S. nigrum plants grown in the same soil spiked with extra Zn (Zn levels of 964mg kg(-1)) accumulated up to 4735, 8267 and 7948mg Zn kg(-1) in the leaves, stems and roots, respectively. The addition of EDTA promoted an increase in the concentration of Zn accumulated by S. nigrum of up to 231% in the leaves, 93% in the stems and 81% in the roots, while EDDS application enhanced the accumulation in leaves, stems and roots up to 140, 124 and 104%, respectively. In the stems, the presence of Zn was predominantly detected in the cortex collenchyma cells, the starch sheath and the internal phloem and xylem parenchyma, and the addition of chelating agents did not seem to have an effect on the localisation of accumulation sites. The devise of a chelate-enhanced phytoextraction strategy, using chelating agents and AMF, is discussed.  相似文献   

Environmental Science and Pollution Research - Nowadays, public concerns regarding deleterious effect of lead (Pb) is on rise due to its abundance and toxic effect on plants and other living...  相似文献   

Phytoremediation is a promising and cost-effective strategy to manage heavy metal polluted sites. In this experiment, we compared simultaneously phytoextraction and phytostabilisation techniques on a Cd and Zn contaminated soil, through monitoring of plant accumulation and leaching. Lolium perenne plants were cultivated for 2 months under controlled environmental conditions in a 27.6 dm3-pot experiment allowing the collect of leachates. The heavy metal phytoextraction was promoted by adding Na-EDTA (0.5 g kg−1 of soil) in watering solution. Phytostabilisation was assessed by mixing soil with steel shots (1%) before L. perenne sowing. Presence of plants exacerbated heavy metal leaching, by improving soil hydraulic conductivity. Use of EDTA for phytoextraction led to higher concentration of heavy metal in shoots. However, this higher heavy metal extraction was insufficient to satisfactory reduce the heavy metal content in soil, and led to important heavy metal leaching induced by EDTA. On the other hand, addition of steel shots efficiently decreased both Cd and Zn mobility, according to 0.01 M CaCl2 extraction, and leaching. However, improvement of growth conditions by steel shots led to higher heavy metal mass in shoot tissues. Therefore, soil heavy metal mobility and plant metal uptake are not systematically positively correlated.  相似文献   


Echinacea purpurea (L.) Moench was selected as a remediation plant in this study, and different concentrations of graphene oxide (GO) were added to Cd-contaminated soil. Through pot experiments, the effect of E. purpurea on Cd-contaminated soil was determined at 60 days, 120 days, and 150 days. A preliminary study on the remediation mechanism of GO was explored through changes in the forms of Cd in the rhizosphere soil, soil pH, and soil functional groups. Results showed that the optimal concentration of GO was 0.4 g/kg, and under the condition, the accumulation of Cd in the roots of E. purpurea was as high as 113.69 ± 23.86 mg/kg, and the maximum EF reached 5.87 ± 1.34. Compared with those of the control group, accumulated Cd concentration and EF in the roots increased by 60.34% and 2.32, respectively. Correlation analysis showed that the absorption and accumulation of Cd was negatively correlated with the exchangeable Cd content at 120 days, and the exchangeable Cd was negatively correlated with the relative content of functional groups in the soil with 0.4 g/kg GO (E2). The artificial application of GO to the soil can be used as an effective way to improve the effect of E. purpurea in the remediation of Cd soil pollution, and it has great application potential in the stabilization of plants and vegetations and restoration of high-concentration Cd-contaminated soil.

Graphical abstract

Environmental Science and Pollution Research - Nowadays, the remediation of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs)-contaminated soil has received wide attention. In this work, Ochrobactrum sp....  相似文献   

不同处理条件对石油污染土壤植物修复的影响   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
针对石油烃植物修复过程中的主要影响因素,研究了不同植物种类、不同土壤调理剂和菌剂使用等不同条件对土壤中石油烃植物修复效果的影响.结果表明,不同种类的植物修复可使总石油烃的年降解率达到37.8% ~ 73.98%,其中大豆和碱蓬具有较好的修复效果;3种不同土壤调理剂对石油烃污染土壤修复的效果为商业添加剂>牛粪>蛭石;先微生物修复后种植植物的处理要优于单独的微生物修复及微生物、植物修复同步进行的处理.  相似文献   

The potential of 18 different plants to be used in the chemically enhanced phytoextraction of Cu, Pb, Zn and Cd was assessed using pot experiments. Chrysanthemum coronarium L. was the species most sensitive to the application of EDTA, and had the highest enhancement of Cu and Pb concentrations in its shoots. Compared with EDTA, EDDS was more effective in enhancing the concentration of Cu in the shoots of Chrysanthemum coronarium L. and Zea mays L. grown on multi-metal contaminated soils. The EDTA-treated soil still had a significant ability to enhance the concentrations of Cu and Pb in the shoots of Zea mays L. six months after the chelant treatment. However, the EDDS-treated soil did not have any effect in enhancing the concentrations of metals in the shoots of Zea mays L. in the second crop test. The results may indicate that EDDS biodegrades more rapidly than EDTA in soil and is better in limiting potential metal leaching.  相似文献   

Chemical methods and phytoremediation of soil contaminated with heavy metals   总被引:43,自引:0,他引:43  
Chen HM  Zheng CR  Tu C  Shen ZG 《Chemosphere》2000,41(1-2):229-234
The effects of chemical amendments (calcium carbonate (CC), steel sludge (SS) and furnace slag (FS)) on the growth and uptake of cadmium (Cd) by wetland rice, Chinese cabbage and wheat grown in a red soil contaminated with Cd were investigated using a pot experiment. The phytoremediation of heavy metal contaminated soil with vetiver grass was also studied in a field plot experiment. Results showed that treatments with CC, SS and FS decreased Cd uptake by wetland rice, Chinese cabbage and wheat by 23-95% compared with the unamended control. Among the three amendments, FS was the most efficient at suppressing Cd uptake by the plants, probably due to its higher content of available silicon (Si). The concentrations of zinc (Zn), lead (Pb) and Cd in the shoots of vetiver grass were 42-67%, 500-1200% and 120-260% higher in contaminated plots than in control, respectively. Cadmium accumulation by vetiver shoots was 218 g Cd/ha at a soil Cd concentration of 0.33 mg Cd/kg. It is suggested that heavy metal-contaminated soil could be remediated with a combination of chemical treatments and plants.  相似文献   

植物修复有许多优点,但当用于重金属含量较高的土壤时,通常修复效率较低。研究了添加外源柠檬酸、草酸、苹果酸对镉超积累植物小飞扬草(Euphorbia thymifolia L.)富集Cd的影响,以及3种外源有机酸对土壤pH、Cd形态及小飞扬草根系生理生化特性的影响,探讨利用有机酸强化小飞扬草修复镉污染土壤的可能性及其作用机制。结果表明,土壤Cd含量为247 mg/kg时,种植15 d后,3种有机酸均提高了小飞扬草根和地上部Cd含量,强化效果:草酸>柠檬酸>苹果酸,10 mmol/kg草酸的加入使小飞扬草地上部分Cd含量达最大值77.21 mg/kg,比对照组提高87.72%。加入有机酸使土壤pH从7.65下降至6.01~7.45,BCR三步提取法分析土壤Cd形态结果表明,酸溶态Cd含量增加,残渣态Cd含量减小。加入20 mmol/kg苹果酸降低了根系的活力和ATP酶活性,根细胞膜透性与对照组无显著性差异,而加入5、10和20 mmol/kg的柠檬酸、草酸和5、10 mmol/kg的苹果酸均显著增加了小飞扬草根系的活力和ATP酶活性,减小了根细胞膜透性。说明添加3种外源有机酸能强化小飞扬草修复Cd污染土壤,利用外源有机酸很有可能成为提高重金属污染土壤植物修复效率的有效途径。  相似文献   

One of the limits of Cd2+-phytoextraction is the high toxicity of this metal to plants. Growth restriction, chlorosis and necrosis are usually accompanied with a large disturbance of the uptake of essential elements. This work aims to study the effects of cadmium (Cd2+) on potassium (K+), calcium (Ca2+) and nitrogen (N) acquisition, and their consequences on growth in two halophytes species: Sesuvium portulacastrum and Mesembryanthemum crystallinum. Seedlings were grown for 30 days in split-root conditions. One half of the root system was immersed in complete nutrient solution (Basal medium (B)) supplemented with 100 microM Cd2+, and the other half was immersed in a Cd2+-free medium, containing all nutrients (B/Cd plants) or deprived of potassium ((B-K)/Cd) or calcium ((B-Ca)/Cd) or nitrogen ((B-N)/Cd). Using this approach, we demonstrated that K+ and Ca2+ uptake was impaired in roots exposed to Cd2+. Concerning N, we noticed no indication of uptake inhibition by Cd2+. However, restriction of K+ uptake by roots was compensated by an increase in the K+-use efficiency, so that growth was not inhibited. Calcium uptake was strongly limited by Cd2. This inhibition was accompanied by a reduction in growth of ((B-Ca)/Cd) plants. Thus, we conclude that Cd2+ limits growth of both halophytes through restriction imposed on Ca2+ uptake. We suggest that the increase of Ca2+ availability in soils could improve the growth of both species in the presence of Cd2+. This would be essential for improving their utility for extraction of this metal by from salty contaminated soils.  相似文献   

Chen YX  Lin Q  Luo YM  He YF  Zhen SJ  Yu YL  Tian GM  Wong MH 《Chemosphere》2003,50(6):807-811
Adsorption and hydroponics experiments were conducted to study the role of citric acid on the phytoremediation of heavy metal contaminated soil. The results show that addition of citric acid decreased the adsorption of both lead and cadmium, such an effect was bigger for cadmium than for lead. The decrease in the adsorption of Pb and Cd was mainly due to a decrease of pH in the presence of citric acid. The presence of citric acid could alleviate the toxicity of Pb and Cd to radish, and stimulate their transportation from root to shoot. The studies of heavy metal forms using sequential extraction demonstrated that lead was mainly existed as FHAC (a lower bioavailable form) in the root, while F(HCl) was the dominant form in the leaf. The addition of citric acid to the soil changed the concentration and relative abundance of all the forms. The detoxifying effect of citric acid to Pb in shoots might result from the transformation of higher toxic forms into lower toxic forms. Cadmium was mainly present as F(NaCl), therefore, it had higher toxicity than lead. The addition of citric acid increased the abundance of F(H2O) + F(NaCl), indicating that citric acid treatment could transform cadmium into more transportable forms.  相似文献   

多环芳烃污染土壤的植物与微生物修复研究进展   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
概括介绍了多环芳烃污染土壤的植物修复、微生物修复和植物 微生物联合修复的原理、优缺点、影响因素及国内外研究进展 ,并对生物修复的未来发展进行了展望  相似文献   

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