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Numerical simulations of powder spectra produced by a two-pulse sequence applied to a quadrupolar nuclei system of half-integer spin number make it possible to propose simple experimental instructions to record static echo spectra with minimum lineshape distortion. Calculations take into account quadrupolar (first and second orders), shielding, scalar and inhomogeneous dipolar interactions as well as the radiofrequency pulse specifications (strength, duration, phase). The suggested instructions have been checked experimentally in different cases: for a large spin number system with Li93NbO3, when two interactions are present with a 63/65Cu complex, and in the two-site system of 87Rb2SO4.  相似文献   

Recent progress in the development and application of signal enhancement methods for NMR of quadrupolar nuclei in solids is presented. First, various pulse schemes for manipulating the populations of the satellite transitions in order to increase the signal of the central transition (CT) in stationary and rotating solids are evaluated (e.g., double-frequency sweeps, hyperbolic secant pulses). Second, the utility of the quadrupolar Carr–Purcell–Meiboom–Gill (QCPMG) and WURST-QCPMG pulse sequences for the rapid and efficient acquisition of particularly broad CT powder patterns is discussed. Third, less frequently used experiments involving polarization transfer from abundant nuclear spins (cross-polarization) or from unpaired electrons (dynamic nuclear polarization) are assessed in the context of recent examples. Advantages and disadvantages of particular enhancement schemes are highlighted and an outlook on possible future directions for the signal enhancement of quadrupolar nuclei in solids is offered.  相似文献   

While simulations are essential for interpretation of solid-state NMR experiments, large spin systems involved in e.g. spin-diffusion experiments and/or dynamic effects like chemical exchange pose great challenges for the numerical simulations, where we typically want to include effects of finite pulses and other external manipulations in the simulation. In this paper, these topics are reviewed and addressed by simple numerical simulations. The numerical simulations comprise a 2-spin simulation of (2)H two-site jumps and a 332-spin simulation of a CHHC experiment for a small protein.  相似文献   

The question of the homogeneous broadening that occurs in 2D solid-state NMR experiments is examined. This homogeneous broadening is mathematically introduced in a simple way, versus the irreversible decay rates related to the coherences that are involved during t1 and t2. We give the pulse sequences and coherence transfer pathways that are used to measure these decay rates. On AlPO4 berlinite, we have measured the 27Al echo-type relaxation times of the central and satellite transitions on 1Q levels, so that of coherences that are situated on 2Q, 3Q, and 5Q levels. We compare the broadenings that can be deduced from these relaxation times to those directly observed on the isotropic projection of berlinite with multiple-quantum magic-angle spinning (MAS), or satellite-transition MAS. We show that the choice of the high-resolution method, should be done according to the spin value and the corresponding homogeneous broadening.  相似文献   

Rotor-assisted population transfer (RAPT) was developed as a method for enhancing MAS NMR sensitivity of quadrupolar nuclei by transferring polarization associated with satellite transitions to the central m=12-->-12 transition. After a single RAPT transfer, there still remains polarization in the satellite transitions that can be transferred to the central transition. This polarization is available without having to wait for the spin system to return to thermal equilibrium. We describe a new RAPT scheme that uses the remaining polarization of the satellites to obtain a further enhancement of the central transition by performing RAPT-enhanced experiments multiple times before waiting for re-equilibration of the spin system. For 27Al (I=5/2) in albite we obtain a multiple RAPT enhancement of 3.02, a 48% increase over single RAPT. For 93Nb (I=9/2) in NaNbO(3) we obtain a multiple RAPT enhancement of 5.76, an 89% increase over single RAPT. We also describe a data processing procedure for obtaining the maximum possible signal-to-noise ratio.  相似文献   

Several different amplitude-modulated two-dimensional high-resolution methods, based on MQMAS and STMAS, are compared. They include 3QMAS, 5QMAS, DQ-STMAS, and DQF-STMAS experiments. A new method, called t1-split-STMAS, is also proposed for spin-3/2 nuclei. The comparison is performed in terms of isotropic resolution and spectral-width, efficiency, and sensitivity to magic-angle offset and spinning speed fluctuations.  相似文献   

Using average Hamiltonian (AH) theory, we analyze recently introduced homonuclear dipolar recoupling pulse sequences for exciting central-transition double-quantum coherences (2QC) between half-integer spin quadrupolar nuclei undergoing magic-angle-spinning. Several previously observed differences among the recoupling schemes concerning their compensation to resonance offsets and radio-frequency (rf) inhomogeneity may qualitatively be rationalized by an AH analysis up to third perturbation order, despite its omission of first-order quadrupolar interactions. General aspects of the engineering of 2Q-recoupling pulse sequences applicable to half-integer spins are discussed, emphasizing the improvements offered from a diversity of supercycles providing enhanced suppression of undesirable AH cross-terms between resonance offsets and rf amplitude errors.  相似文献   

A sensitivity enhancement method based on selective adiabatic inversion of a satellite transition has been employed in a (pi/2)CT-(pi)ST1-(pi/2)CT spectral editing sequence to both enhance and resolve multisite NMR spectra of quadrupolar nuclei. In addition to a total enhancement of 2.5 times for spin 3/2 nuclei, enhancements up to 2.0 times is reported for the edited sites in a mixture of rubidium salts.  相似文献   

Sensitivity enhancement of solid-state NMR spectrum of half-integer spin quadrupolar nuclei under both magic-angle spinning (MAS) and static cases has been demonstrated by transferring polarisation associated with satellite transitions to the central m=-1/2-->1/2 transition with suitably modulated radio-frequency pulse schemes. It has been shown that after the application of such enhancement schemes, there still remains polarisation in the satellite transitions that can be transferred to the central transition. This polarisation is available without having to wait for the spin system to return to thermal equilibrium. We demonstrate here the additional sensitivity enhancement obtained by making use of this remaining polarisation with fast amplitude-modulated (FAM) pulse schemes under both MAS and static conditions on a spin-3/2 and a spin-5/2 system. Considerable signal enhancement is obtained with the application of the multiple FAM sequence, denoted as m-FAM. We also report here some of the salient features of these multiple FAM sequences with respect to the nutation frequency of the pulses and the spinning frequency.  相似文献   

Magnetic susceptibility anisotropies are reported for acenaphthene, fluorene, biphenyl, and porphin. They have been derived from the quadrupolar line splittings in the 2H NMR spectra of the compounds in a field of 9.3 T. The magnetic field dependence of these splittings has been studied by additional experiments at 11.6 T for the molecules naphthalene, triphenylene, pyrene, acenaphthene, anthracene, and fluorene. A strong solvent dependence of the magnetic field effect on the 2H spectrum of nitrobenzene at 11.6 T has been detected.  相似文献   

In solid-state NMR studies of minerals and ion conductors, quadrupolar nuclei like 7Li, 23Na or 133Cs are frequently situated in close proximity to fluorine, so that application of 19F decoupling is beneficial for spectral resolution. Here, we compare the decoupling efficiency of various multi-pulse decoupling sequences by acquiring 19F-decoupled 23Na-NMR spectra of cryolite (Na3AlF6). Whereas the MAS spectrum is only marginally affected by application of 19F decoupling, the 3Q-filtered 23Na signal is very sensitive to it, as the de-phasing caused by the dipolar interaction between sodium and fluorine is three-fold magnified. Experimentally, we find that at moderate MAS speeds, the decoupling efficiencies of the frequency-swept decoupling schemes SWf-TPPM and SWf-SPINAL are significantly better than the conventional TPPM and SPINAL sequences. The frequency-swept sequences are therefore the methods of choice for efficient decoupling of quadrupolar nuclei with half-integer spin from fluorine.  相似文献   

A fast and accurate fit program is presented for deconvolution of one-dimensional solid-state quadrupolar NMR spectra of powdered materials. Computational costs of the synthesis of theoretical spectra are reduced by the use of libraries containing simulated time/frequency domain data. These libraries are calculated once and with the use of second-party simulation software readily available in the NMR community, to ensure a maximum flexibility and accuracy with respect to experimental conditions. EASY-GOING deconvolution (EGdeconv) is equipped with evolutionary algorithms that provide robust many-parameter fitting and offers efficient parallellised computing. The program supports quantification of relative chemical site abundances and (dis)order in the solid-state by incorporation of (extended) Czjzek and order parameter models. To illustrate EGdeconv's current capabilities, we provide three case studies. Given the program's simple concept it allows a straightforward extension to include other NMR interactions. The program is available as is for 64-bit Linux operating systems.  相似文献   

A simple 13C MAS spin-echo experiment is applied to a partially 13C-labelled cellulose sample extracted from wood. 13C-13C J couplings are determined even though considerable chemical disorder leads to observed linewidths in the normal 1D 13C CP MAS spectrum which far exceed the J couplings. The fitting of the experimental data also allows the quantification of the degree of isotopic enrichment.  相似文献   

In solid-state NMR of quadrupolar nuclei with half-integer spin I, fast amplitude-modulated (FAM) pulse trains have been utilised to enhance the intensity of the central-transition signal, by transferring spin population from the satellite transitions. In this paper, the signal-enhancement performance of the recently introduced SW-FAM pulse train with swept modulation frequency [T. Br?uniger, K. Ramaswamy, P.K. Madhu, Enhancement of the central-transition signal in static and magic-angle-spinning NMR of quadrupolar nuclei by frequency-swept fast amplitude-modulated pulses, Chem. Phys. Lett. 383 (2004) 403-410] is explored in more detail for static spectra. It is shown that by sweeping the modulation frequencies linearly over the pulse pairs (SW1/tau-FAM), the shape of the frequency distribution is improved in comparison to the original pulse scheme (SWtau-FAM). For static spectra of 27Al (I=5/2), better signal-enhancement performance is found for the SW1/tau-FAM sequence, as demonstrated both by experiments and numerical simulations.  相似文献   

Models are presented for both laminar and plug flow that predict the signal from spins flowing during the application of slice-selective spin echo pulse sequences. The models permit calculation of the total signal from a cylindrical vessel lying perpendicular to the slice and incorporate the effect of the physical displacement of the spins between successive excitations. This time-of-flight effect gives a signal which is composed of contributions from a finite number of spin populations, with each population signal weighted by the fractional volume of that spin population within the cylindrical vessel segment. The signal and fractional volume from each spin population are derived analytically for ten different spin echo pulse sequences. The models for plug and laminar flow have important application for predicting and interpreting flow effects observed in clinical images. They are shown to be useful for selecting pairs of pulse sequences that can be used to obtain digitally subtracted MR images which provide optimum contrast for flowing blood with essentially complete suppression of stationary anatomy. These models provide a means for quantitatively comparing the expected signal from flowing spins for the many techniques presently being investigated for MR angiography.  相似文献   

Floquet–Magnus expansion is used to study the effect of chemical shift anisotropy in solid-state NMR of rotating solids. The chemical shift interaction is irradiated with two types of radiofrequency pulse sequences: BABA and C7. The criteria for the chemical shift anisotropy to be averaged out in each rotor period are obtained.  相似文献   

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