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一种应用于电网参数检测的小波消噪交流采样新算法   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
根据电网参数检测对于交流采样算法的要求,提出了一种新的高精度交流采样算法,对半波傅立叶算法引入小波消噪方法进行信号预处理、运用样条插值法消除非同步采样产生的泄漏误差.仿真结果证明,这种方法与现有交流采样算法相比,具有响应速度快、精确度高的明显优点.  相似文献   

运用交流电磁场检测技术检测工件表面缺陷时,由枪测线圈提取的反映缺陷信息的磁场扰动信号很小.通常只有微伏/毫伏级,与含有的噪声干扰属于同一数量级;小波分析能同时利用信号与噪声在时频域内的差别.实现有效地信嗓分离;借助于数据采集卡及信号调理电路.完成了对交流电磁场信号的检测和预处理.以Labview为软件开发平台,结合使用Matlab软件,对交流电磁场检测信号进行小波消嗓处理,检出有用信号,为后期的缺陷定量分析打下基础.应用结果表明小波分析具有良好的降嗓效果.  相似文献   

RFID射频信号的小波消噪方法   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
为了改善RFID系统的性能,提出使用小波变换去噪的方法降低射频信号的噪声影响.为了提高对物体自动识别的准确率,采用了小波去噪与傅里叶变换去噪方法.根据标准ISO18000-3在LabVIEW 环境下使用调制工具包仿真产生了13.56MHz的RFID射频信号,并用小波分析方法和傅里叶分析方法对仿真产生的RFID射频含噪信号进行去噪.仿真结果表明,与传统傅立叶分析消噪相比,小波消噪具有较高的精度及较好的消噪效果.研究小波分析在射频信号消噪中的应用具有现实意义并切实可行,同时小波分析应用到虚拟仪器测试领域,能够为人们提供更为精确和方便的测试,在工程应用中具有较好的应用前景.  相似文献   

以80C196KB单片机为核心,介绍了一种实现电力参数交流采样技术的基本算法,并对其硬件测量电路进行了详细的阐述。采用该交流采样算法和具体硬件电路设计了高低压配电间监测系统,现场运行结果表明,系统运行情况良好,各项参数的测量精度均达到了预期的设计要求。  相似文献   

阐述了反后坐装置在整个火炮系统中的重要性,重点比较了针对振动信号的三种小波消噪方法的优劣,并结合反后坐装置振动信号的特点选择多小波去噪方法进行去噪处理,得到了较理想的处理结果,为反后坐装置进一步故障诊断奠定基础.  相似文献   

小波消噪在微弱信号检测中的应用   总被引:6,自引:12,他引:6  
从信号去噪的角度对小波变换作了分析,并且对用非线性小波从噪声中提取有用信号的算法作了对比研究,给出了几种方法的综合方法——变阈值消噪方法,以得到更好的消噪效果。应用对微弱检测信号的仿真试验验证了变阈值消噪算法的优越性。  相似文献   

动态触觉传感器检出信号的小波消噪新方法   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
基于平稳离散小波变换(SDWT)研究了一种改进阈值消噪方法:给出了一种新的跨尺度阈值计算方法;使用将软、硬阈值估计的细节系数进行加权平均的细节系数估计方法;通过补充大尺度细节系数降低消噪误差的方法。与经典的软、硬阈值方法比较,大量的仿真试验说明本文的方法在信号畸变、误差、光滑度等性能指标之间取得了合适的折衷。将此方法应用于动态触觉传感器检出信号的消噪,提高了检出信号的信噪比,显著减小了误差和信号畸变,取得了显著的性能改进。  相似文献   

王静  范毅方 《计算机仿真》2010,27(2):325-327,347
在表面肌电(sEMG)信号采集过程中,不可避免的会出现噪声,特别是人体运动时,肌肉动态收缩,采集的结果含噪就会更多。针对含噪情况,提出基于小波阈值的sEMG信号消噪方法。通过选择肌电信号的采集位置,在采用高精度的肌电采集系统的基础上,采集正常行走过程中胫骨前肌的sEMG信号,利用matlab小波工具箱,用dbN小波函数进行分解后,用detcoef函数提取不同尺度的细节系数,将与噪声相关的细节系数进行强制阈值消噪,对信号相关的细节系数用minimaxi阈值规则进行软阈值消噪,并与分层阚值得到的降噪信号进行比较,分层阈值得到的降噪信号过于光滑,降噪后的信号能量保留成份仅为46.48%,失去了原信号本身的一些信息。而采用软闯值消噪,不仅较好的去除了噪声,而且与原信号保持了很好的相似性,能量保留成份达到86.38%,说明比分层阈值具有更好的消噪效果。  相似文献   

为了消除语音信号分离中仍存在的部分混叠声音,提出一种基于小波消噪和独立分量分析(ICA)结合的信号分离方法。该方法将小波变换和独立分量分析结合,利用小波变换的去噪作用,滤除原始语音信号中的噪声后作为ICA的输入信号,采用FastICA算法在小波域进行独立分量分析,对输入信号实施分离。实验结果表明,该方法大大调高了传统独立分量分析对语音信号的分离效果。  相似文献   

基于卷积型小波包变换的信号消噪算法   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
提出了卷积型小波包变换,与传统小波包变换相比。在这种小波包变换中不管信号被分解多少层,每层分解得到的各频道序列长度始终与原始信号一致,利用这一性质本文进一步提出并实现了对小波包分解结果利用模极大值法进行消噪的算法。这一算法的思想来自于基于小波变换的模极大值消噪算法,但是由于小波包分解是对小波分解的结果作进一步细分,在小波分解中难于分离的高频噪声将被小波包充分分离与集中到后面的频道,因此基于小波包变换的模极大值消噪算法将会取得比小波消噪更好的效果。文中给出了信号的小波包消噪实例,并与小波消噪的效果进行了对比,结果表明小波包有更优良的消噪效果。  相似文献   

为改善电能质量信号的去噪效果,提出一种基于双密度小波变换的自适应电能质量信号去噪算法。双密度小波变换具有近似的平移不变性,能更准确地描述信号的真实特征。而双变量收缩函数充分考虑小波系数的层内层间关系,对小波系数采用结合局部方差估计的双变量收缩函数进行去噪处理,并用收缩后的小波系数重构信号。实验结果表明:该算法在有效滤除噪声的同时,能够更好地保留电能质量信号的特征信息,使去噪信号的视觉信息有较大改善。  相似文献   

小波分析是一种信号的时间——尺度分析方法,特别适合于非平稳信号的分析,具有多分辨率分析的特性,而且在时频两域都具有表征信号局部特征的能力。通过分析语音信号的特性,利用小波变换的多分辨率分析特性,提出了首先对信号进行清浊音判断,其次运用多尺度多闽值方法来抑制包含有噪声的语音信号在不同尺度上的噪声小波系数,从而实现在重构语音信号中消噪的目的,并通过计算机仿真结果验证了该方法的有效性。  相似文献   

Power-system stabilizers (PSSs) are added to excitation systems to enhance the damping during low-frequency oscillations. In this paper, the design of robust decentralized PSS for four machines with a 10-bus system using fast-output sampling feedback is proposed. The nonlinear model of a multimachine system is linearized at different operating points, and 16 linear state space models are obtained. For all of these plants, a common stabilizing state feedback gain, F, is obtained. A robust decentralized fast-output sampling feedback gain which realizes this state feedback gain is obtained using LMI approach. This method does not require all the states of the system for feedback and is easily implementable. This robust decentralized fast-output sampling control is applied to a nonlinear plant model of several machines at different operating (equilibrium) points. This method yields encouraging results for the design of power-system stabilizers.  相似文献   

Time series forecasting, as an important tool in many decision support systems, has been extensively studied and applied for sales forecasting over the past few decades. There are many well-established and widely-adopted forecasting methods such as linear extrapolation and SARIMA. However, their performance is far from perfect and it is especially true when the sales pattern is highly volatile. In this paper, we propose a hybrid forecasting scheme which combines the classic SARIMA method and wavelet transform (SW). We compare the performance of SW with (i) pure SARIMA, (ii) a forecasting scheme based on linear extrapolation with seasonal adjustment (CSD + LESA), and (iii) evolutionary neural networks (ENN). We illustrate the significance of SW and establish the conditions that SW outperforms pure SARIMA and CSD + LESA. We further study the time series features which influence the forecasting accuracy, and we propose a method for conducting sales forecasting based on the features of the given sales time series. Experiments are conducted by using real sales data, hypothetical data, and publicly available data sets. We believe that the proposed hybrid method is highly applicable for forecasting sales in the industry.  相似文献   

小电流接地是中压电网中性点的典型接地方式。小电流接地电网的单相接地故障特征表明,故障暂态电流幅值比稳态对地电容电流大得多,而且几乎不受消弧线岗影响。冈此,利用暂态电流进行选线具有一定的优越性。为了精确提取故障时的暂态信号用于选线,利用小波变换工具对发生接地故障时各线路的暂念零序电流进行小波变换,提取线路故障信息。本文建立仿真模型对小电流接地电网的多种单相接地故障型式进行了仿真验证,证实了该方法的有效性。  相似文献   

因水下信道的特殊性以及成像的复杂性,使得水下图像中的不确定因素给图像处理带来严重的影响。本文主要介绍了一种利用小波变换进行水下图像增强的方法。为降低对水下图像噪声增强程度,方法对不同尺度上的系数进行不同尺度的对比度增强。通过真实水下图像实验证明了该方法的有效性。  相似文献   

将小波网络用于电力系统负荷频率辨识和控制中,建立了非线性的电力系统负荷频率控制LFC模型,用递归NARMA模型的小波网络辩识器对LFC模型进行了辩识,利用Akaike’s的最终预测误差准则FPE和信息准则AIC,进行了隐层节点数目和反馈阶次的计算,用辩识结果建立了NARMA模型的小波网络的控制器,对LFC模型进行控制,理论和仿真表明辩识和控制模型可取得较好效果。  相似文献   

Although various license plate location methods have been proposed in the past decades, their accuracy and ability to deal with different types of license plates still need to be improved. A robust license plate location method can raise the accuracy of the whole license plate recognition procedure. This paper proposes a robust method based on wavelet transform and empirical mode decomposition (EMD) analysis to search for the location of a license plate in an image to deal with some challenging problems in practice such as illumination changes, complex background and perspective change. By applying wavelet transform on a vehicle image and projecting the acquired details of the image, a wave crest that indicates the license plate will be generated. In order to locate the desired wave crest in the nonlinear and non-stationary projection dataset, EMD analysis is applied. Using the reconstructed projection data and the Hilbert transform of intrinsic mode function components, the position of the license plate is detected. Comprehensive experiments show that this method can locate the positions of various types of license plates with a high accuracy of 97.91% and a relatively short running time.  相似文献   

Fault detection plays an important role in both conventional AC and upcoming DC power systems. This paper aims to study the application of discrete wavelet transform (WT) for detecting the DC fault in the high voltage DC (HVDC) system. The methods of choosing the mother wavelet suited for DC fault is presented, based on degree of correlation to the fault pattern and the time delay. The wavelet analysis is performed on a multi-terminal HVDC system, built in PSCAD/EMTDC software. Its performance is judged for critical parameter like the fault location, resistance and distance. The analysis is further extended to validation using results from experiment, which is obtained from a lab-scale DC hardware setup. Load change, one of the transient disturbances in power system, is carried out to understand the effectiveness of the wavelet transform to differentiate it from the DC fault. The noise in the experimental result gives rise to non-zero wavelet coefficient during the steady-state. This can be improved by removing the unwanted noise using right filter while still retaining the fault-induced transient. The wavelet transform is compared with short-time Fourier transform to highlight the issue with window size and noise.  相似文献   

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