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新疆某含铜赤铁矿为一含铜0.60%、铁47.88%的高泥化的氧化铜镜铁矿矿石.试验通过研究探索,确定了优先硫化选铜,后脱泥-脱硫,在弱酸介质条件下选铁的工艺流程,达到了综合回收利用该矿石中的有用矿物Cu、Fe的目的.经试验研究表明,可获得铜精矿中铜品位16.78%,铁品位28.18%,铜回收率49.45%,铁精矿中铜品位0.20%,铁品位61.52%,铁回收率66.50%的指标。  相似文献   

高铬型钒钛磁铁精矿的煤基直接还原过程中·V2O3和FeO·Cr2O3的还原行为对其高效综合利用产生决定性的影响。采用XRD、SEM及EDS等手段对直接还原产物进行分析,分别考察碳铁摩尔比和温度对煤基直接还原-磁选分离过程中钒和铬行为的影响。结果表明:当碳铁摩尔比(n(C)/n(Fe))从0.8增大到1.4时,V和Cr的回收率分别从10.0%和9.6%增大到45.3%和74.3%。当n(C)/n(Fe)为0.8时,在1100~1250°C的温度范围内,V和Cr的回收率始终低于10.0%;而当n(C)/n(Fe)为1.2时,随着温度从1100°C升高到1250°C,V和Cr的回收率分别从17.8%和33.8%增大到42.4%和76.0%。当n(C)/n(Fe)低于0.8时,由于含碳还原剂的量不足,绝大多数FeO·V2O3和FeO·Cr2O3不能被还原成碳化物,且温度(1100~1250°C)对其还原行为的影响甚微。在更高的n(C)/n(Fe)下,由于含碳还原剂的量充足,FeO·V2O3和FeO·Cr2O3的还原率大幅提高,且更高的温度能有效地促进碳化物的生成。新生成的碳化物溶解在γ(FCC)相中,并在磁选过程中与金属铁同时回收。  相似文献   

西峡红柱石矿石的浮选分离   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
研究应用不同捕收剂时红柱石的浮选行为。采用西峡红柱石纯矿物进行微型浮选试验,利用红柱石矿石进行小型浮选试验,测定纯红柱石表面的电荷。结果表明,红柱石的等电点为pH5.2。在pH值高于等电点时,矿物表面带负电荷,可用胺类捕收剂浮选红柱石。相反,红柱石表面带正电荷,用烷基磺酸盐捕收剂(十二烷基苯磺酸钠)浮选红柱石比较有效。在中性和弱碱性pH范围时用油酸盐可以浮选红柱石。用烷基磺酸盐捕收剂时可以获得含55.3%Al2O3,红柱石回收率为75.6%的红柱石精矿。在用烷基磺酸盐捕收剂时,淀粉是脉石矿物的有效抑制剂。此外,试验发现矿泥对红柱石浮选有不利影响。因此,浮选前必须脱碳和脱泥。  相似文献   

A new extraction process of carbonaceous refractory gold concentrate   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
A new hydrometallurgical process for a carbonaceous refractory gold concentrate at ambient temperature and pressure was presented, including grinding-leaching, intensified alkaline leaching(IAL), thiosulfate leaching and cementation by zinc powder. The experimental results show that the grinding-leaching and intensified alkaline leaching process result in the selective oxidation of arsenopyrite and pyrite. The oxidation ratio of As is 96.6%, and 46.7 % for S. The total consumption of NaOH in alkaline leaching is only 28 % of that theoretically calculated under the conditions of full oxidization for the same amount of arsenopyrite and pyrite transforming into arsenates and sulfates, and 83.6% of gold is synchro-dissoluted by thiosulfate self-generated during pretreatment. Since the carbonaceous matter in concentrate possesses a strong capability of preg robbing, the cyanidation process is not suitable for the extraction of gold after pretreatment. However, the gold leaching rate by thiosulfate leaching for 24 h is increased to 91.7% from 0 - 3.2% by ultra-fine grinding without the pretreatment. The recovery of gold by zinc cementation gets to 99.6%. Due to the thiosulfate self-generated during alkaline leaching, the reagent addition in thiosulfate leaching afterwards is lower than the normal one.  相似文献   

研究添加不同含量的Na2CO3对钛精矿强化还原机理和动力学的影响,以不同的升温速率进行还原过程,并采用Starink方法研究其动力学.结果表明:Na2CO3的加入强化还原效果,并通过以反应物的形式增加其活性来降低还原反应的初始温度和表观活化能;然而,Na2CO3的加入会形成熔融相恶化还原后期的动力学条件,从而降低还原后...  相似文献   

十二烷基胍对铝硅矿物的浮选分离   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
采用含有胍基的长碳链季铵盐作捕收剂,研究-水硬铝石、高岭石、叶腊石和伊利石单矿物的浮选行为、铝硅人工混合矿样的浮选分离以及河南铝土矿的精选.结果表明:在捕收剂用量为2×10-4mol/L条件下,在广泛的pH范围内,十二烷基胍对硅酸盐矿物具有较好的捕收能力,平均浮选回收率可达80%;强碱性条件下,一水硬铝石的浮选回收率从80%急剧下降至20%,与高岭石、叶腊石和伊利石之间形成较大差异:以十二烷基胍为捕收剂可望实现铝硅矿物反浮选分离:实际铝土矿(原矿铝硅比为5.70)经过反浮选脱硅,精矿铝硅比达11.08,铝浮选回收率为75%;与传统的阳离子捕收剂十二胺相比,胍类阳离子捕收剂对硅酸盐矿物浮选能力强、受pH的影响小,是一种新型高效的铝硅矿物浮选分离捕收剂.  相似文献   

A defined mesophilic consortium including an iron oxidizing bacterium and a sulfur oxidizing bacterium was constructed to evaluate its ability for bioleaching a flotation concentrate from Andacollo mine in Neuquén, Argentina. Experiments were performed in shake flasks with a pulp density of 10% (w/v), using a basal salt medium containing ferrous iron at pH 1.8. The leaching solutions were analyzed for pH, redox potential (using specifics electrodes), ferrous iron (by UV-Vis spectrophotometry) and metal concentrations (by atomic absorption spectroscopy). The results showed that the consortium was able to reduce the refractory behavior of the concentrate, allowing 91.6% of gold recovery; at the same time, high dissolution of copper and zinc was reached. These dissolutions followed a shrinking core kinetic model. According to this model, the copper solubilization was controlled by diffusion through a product layer (mainly jarosite), while zinc dissolution did not show a defined control step. This designed consortium, composed of bacterial strains with specific physiological abilities, could be useful not only to optimize gold recovery but also to decrease the leachates metallic charge, which would be an environmental advantage.  相似文献   

Flotation separation of marmatite from pyrrhotite using DMPS as depressant   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
1 Introduction Pyrrhotite and marmatite are found in most sulfide ore bodies together. Their separation becomes an important issue. In the flotation of complex sulfide ores, high pH value is generally used to separate valuable sulfide minerals from pyrrh…  相似文献   

A novel fluidized-bed reactor was designed and installed for bloleaching in a semi-continuous way, by which a process for biuleaching-cyanidation of Jinya refractory gold arsenical concentrate was studied. The arsenic extraction rate reaches 82.5 % after 4-day batch biooxidation of the concentrate under the optimized condition of pH 2.0, ferric ion concentration 6.Sg/L and pulp concentration 10%. And leached rate of gold in the following cyanida.tion is over 90%. The parameters of three series fluidized-bed reactors exhibit stability during the semi-continuous bioleaching of the concentrate.Armmic in the concentrate can be got rid of 91% after 6-day leaching. Even after 4 days, 82% of arsenic extraction rate was still obtained. The recovery rates of gold are 92 % and 87.5 % respectively in cyaniding the above bioleached residues.The results will provide a base for further commercial production of gold development.  相似文献   

研究了天青石精矿复分解法制备碳酸锶的工艺及溶液化学作用机理。当以Na2CO3为转化剂,SrSO4转化率最高可达97.77%;而用(NH4)2CO3作转化剂时,SrSO4转化率最大仅为78.66%。溶液化学研究结果表明:在复分解反应体系内,反应的实际转化剂为CO3^2-离子;当溶液pH值大于10.3时,溶液中CO3^2-离子占主要部分,有利于SrSO4的转化;当溶液pH值低于8.5时,溶液中CO3^2-的摩尔分数接近于零,SrSO4的转化反应趋于停止。pH值测定结果表明:当温度低于25℃时,(NH4)2CO3溶液的pH值在8.63~8.79之间,而Na2CO3溶液的pH值保持在11.0以上。反应体系内pH值的差异是导致以Na2CO3作转化剂时SrSO4转化率显著高于以(NH4)2CO3作转化剂的根本原因。  相似文献   

高砷难处理金精矿细菌氧化-氰化提金   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
通过在高砷金精矿中配入不同比例的低砷碳酸盐型金精矿,使其所含硫、砷及铁等主要矿物成分含量发生变化,研究给矿中铁砷摩尔比对难处理高砷金精矿细菌氧化一氰化浸出效果的影响.结果表明:含砷金精矿中铁砷摩尔比直接影响细菌预氧化的效果,同时也影响细菌的活性和溶液中铁砷摩尔比的变化,给矿中铁砷摩尔比越高,溶液中的铁砷摩尔比也越高,且随着给矿中铁砷摩尔比的增加,溶液中铁砷摩尔比的变化幅度加大,给矿中铁砷摩尔比介于4.6~2之间,有利于细菌预氧化和氰化浸出,铁、砷氧化率分别由6.14%和7.38%提高到89.90%和93.60%,金、银浸出率分别由64.18%和35.93%提高到97.78%和88.83%,较好地改善细菌氧化效果,稳定和优化细菌预氧化过程.  相似文献   

Carboxymethyl cellulose (CMC) was introduced as a depressant in reverse flotation separation of quartz from magnesite. The flotation behavior and surface properties of magnesite and quartz exposed to CMC were studied by zeta potential tests, atomic force microscopy imaging and contact angle measurements. The addition of CMC as the depressant in reverse flotation using dodecylamine (DDA) as the collector exhibited a selectively depressive performance towards magnesite and achieved an improved recovery of magnesite. The study of surface properties demonstrated that CMC and DDA exhibited different adsorption strengths on the surface of magnesite and quartz. It was found that the adsorption of CMC on magnesite surface was stronger than that of DDA, which hindered the subsequent adsorption of DDA on magnesite surface. On the contrary, the quartz surface was strongly adsorbed by DDA instead of CMC, which proved that the addition of CMC did not influence the flotation of quartz.  相似文献   

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